June 21 - Berwyn Historic Preservation Commission

Berwyn Historic Preservation Commission
Minutes of the June 21, 2012 Meeting
(Approved on 8/2/12)
7:00 pm, Berwyn’s City Hall
6700 W. 26 Street, Berwyn, IL in the 2nd Floor Conference Room
BHPC Members in Attendance
Lori Thielen
Doug Walega
Jamie Franklin
Rebecca Houze
Nasri Mansour
Michael Plummer
Michael DeRouin
Approval of Minutes of May 10, 2012 meeting—Mansour motion, DeRouin second, all in favor.
Chairman’s Topics for Discussion –
FOIA Certification/Training – BHPC Commissioners have one year to complete the online training related
to the Illinois Open Meetings Act: http://foia.ilattorneygeneral.net/default.aspx. Doug, Lori, and Jamie have
been certified. Commissioners should send certificate to City Clerk upon completion.
Comprehensive Plan Open House — scheduled for Wednesday, June 27; Lori and Doug attended the
meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, and reported on the importance of Historic
Preservation being taken into account in any city development plans, citing the 1999 School of the Art
Institute Preservation Plan for Berwyn, organized by Historic Preservationist Vince Michael.
Community Outreach Banners—Lori Thielen has ordered two BHPC banners to use for Community
Outreach events, such as the upcoming National Night Out
Berwyn National Bank – tenant World of Beer (Imagine Properties) is in the process of arranging with City
of Berwyn to use the property
1226 Clinton—IHPA Review — Lori Thielen, Jamie Franklin, and Nasri Mansour conferred with IHPA
regarding the denial by the BHPC of the Landmark Nomination for 1226 Clinton; BHPC will send a followup letter to property owner outlining the basis for the denial according to the criteria of the Secretary of the
Interior Standards of Architecture and Historic Preservation, which are also summarized in the Multiple
Property Listing document, “Chicago Style Bungalows in Berwyn, IL.”
Notifications to Building Director – Demolition Ordinance:
Berwyn Park District, 32nd Wenonah, etc.
Building Permit Form — “Check Box” Follow-up —Jamie Franklin spoke with the building director to
explain the demolition review procedure according to Berwyn’s Demolition Ordinance, which states that
the BHPC must review each application for demolition submitted to the city.
Website Update—Rebecca Houze and Michael Plummer will work on ways to streamline the updating of
BHPC website with current information.
2012 LPCI/CLG Program Grant—
Design Guidelines, House History and Landmark Procedures Brochures—Nasri Mansour has hired a
printer to produce the tri-fold brochures and design guideline booklets, a joint project for City of Homes
and the BHPC; Nasri Mansour and Michael DeRouin will design tri-fold “House History” and “Landmark
Process” brochures.
Telephone Messages– Rick Toman, Community Development Department, would like to discuss possible
bungalow Landmark Nominations.
Nomination Workshop Recap—Rebecca reported that the Landmark Workshop held on May 21, 2012
was successful; she will supervise two related research projects over the summer; the BHPC plans to hold
the next Landmark Workshop during National Preservation Month, May 2013, in conjunction with City of
Homes; the BHPC would like to hold at least two such public outreach events each year, once in Spring
and Fall.
Nominations—The BHPC received and reviewed three nominations for preliminary determination of
Berwyn Western Plumbing and Heating Co. (7100 W. Cermak)—Commissioner Franklin made a motion to
accept the nomination as preliminarily eligible; Commissioner Houze seconded; the motion passed by a
vote of 7-0.
Cermak Plaza Signage (7043 W. Cermak)—Commissioner Walega made a motion that the nomination be
withdrawn as incomplete; Commissioner Mansour seconded; the motion passed by a vote of 6-1.
PCC South Family Health Center (6201 W. Roosevelt)—Commissioner Franklin made a motion to accept the
nomination as preliminarily eligible; Commissioner Mansour seconded; the motion passed by a vote of 70.
A public hearing to take testimony related to the nominations of Berwyn Western Plumbing and Heating Co. and
PCC Wellness will be scheduled for August 2. Rebecca Houze will send out the necessary notifications as per
the Berwyn Historic Preservation Ordinance. The public hearing will take place in lieu of the scheduled monthly
meetings on July 12 and August 9.
Meeting adjourned 8:35 PM
Next Meeting -Thursday, August 2, 2012 – 7:00 p.m.