英文選修課程簡介 Course Description of English Elective Courses 課程名稱: Course Title (中文 Chinese) (英文 English)Teaching and researching listening and speaking (Combined BA/MA course) 授課老師: Teacher: 開課時段: Class Period 開課對象: Target Students 建議先修科目: Dr. Michael Yeldham 學分數:3 上__ V _ _下_____ Credits: 3 人 數: Fall: V Spring: 教室: Student number: 40, 5 1. MA English majors (Language/Multi-media track) 2. BA English majors Introduction to Linguistics (for BA students) Prerequisite (optional) Students will: 教學目標: Teaching Objectives 1. have an understanding of current theories, issues and goals in L2 listening and speaking instruction 2. learn how to identify and address learner difficulties 3. learn to design a listening and speaking lesson 4. learn various teaching strategies and methods 5. reflect on their own learning and teaching preferences Teaching Listening and Speaking introduces the theories of L2 speaking and 課程範圍: listening instruction along with practical techniques for effective classroom Course Description teaching. Emphasis is on the teacher presenting the relevant background information to help students decide for themselves their preferred approaches to teaching, based on sound principles, and with the flexibility to adapt to different teaching settings. . 1. Lectures on various areas related to the theory and practice of teaching listening 授課方式: and speaking. Teaching Methods 2. Classroom tasks and discussions of relevant issues. 4. Project involving diagnosis of learner problems and giving remedial advice. 4. Project involving presentation of a listening/speaking class lesson plan. 課程進度及綱要: Tentative Schedule 參考書籍: Textbooks and References Week 1_ History of L2 listening and speaking instruction / Models, and types, of L2 listening and speaking / Listening and speaking processes. Common L2 listener and speaker problems. Week 2_ Current theories of L2 listening and speaking instruction; major issues; goals. Individual learner factors and impact on learning/teaching speaking and listening. Week 3_Methods to diagnose processes and to ID learner problems / Methods for researching listening and speaking / Get learner(s) for remediation project Week 4_ Issues in listening and speaking curriculum and lesson design. Week 5_Teaching beginning learners to listen and speak Week 6_Teaching listening: various activities Week 7_ Teaching listening: various activities Week 8_ Teaching language focused learning through dictation and related activities; Teaching pronunciation Week 9_Teaching listening and speaking through task-focused interaction Week 10_Selected Learner remediation project presentations Week 11_Teaching speaking through pushed output Week 12_Language focused learning: Deliberate teaching Week 13_Teaching to develop learner fluency Week 14_Monitoring and testing learner progress Week 15_Issues in teaching groups of learners. Teaching listening and speaking using technology. Week 16_More on teaching listening and speaking Week 17_ Lesson plan project presentations (Includes class involvement and discussion of lesson plans, feedback to presenters) Week 18_ Final exam Text: Nation, I. S. P., & Newton, J. (2009). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking. New York: Routledge. References: 1. Bailey, K. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching: Speaking. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2. Field, J. (2008). Listening in the language classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Folse, K. (2006). The art of teaching speaking: Research and pedagogy for the ESL/EFL classroom. University of Michigan Press. 4. Mendelsohn, D. J., & Rubin, J. (1995). A guide for the teaching of second language listening. San Diego, CA: Dominie Press. 5. Usó-Juan, E., & A. Martínez-Flor, A. (2006). Current trends in the development and teaching of the four language skills. Berlin: M. de Gruyter. 6. Thornbury, S. (2005). How to teach speaking. Longman. 評分方式: Grading 1. Attendance and lateness are observed closely in this course. Marks will be deducted unless you have legitimate reasons. 2. Class participation in tasks, discussions: 40%. Pre-reading assignments are assigned in the schedule. 3. Final Exam: 20% 4. Learner diagnosis/remediation project: 20% (Individual work) A. Recruit a learner. B. Diagnose learner’s main listening and/or speaking difficulties – record any spoken data on a CD/tape (and transcribe it if you like) C. Hand in a report outlining the learner’s main difficulty areas, how you arrived at these conclusions, and make some recommendations on how to help the learner progress. D. Some students will be asked to give a short oral presentation of their project (some good, interesting or original ones) 5. Lesson Plan project: 20% (Individual work) A. Design a listening and speaking lesson for a two hour class. B. Hand it in: explaining your plan, and what type of learners (e.g., advanced)/learning situation (e.g., academic study) it targets. Give the reasons for: 1) the types of activities in your lesson plan, and 2) your method of teaching these activities (e.g., teaching techniques, how you sequence the activities). C. Some students will be asked to give a short oral presentation of their lesson plan (some good, interesting or original ones)