Here - Dragon Flies Natural Medicine

Secrets of the
Seven Star Hammer
Seven Star Hammer: A simple tool anyone – adults,
children, and teens – can use for releasing uncomfortable
What Is a Seven Star Hammer (SSH)?
A small, simple tapping device.
What Is Its Secret?
With very little effort and little or NO danger from side effects, the SSH can help your
body/mind/spirit release what stands in the way of your healing. You can heal
naturally from your own potential to do so.
Can Something Small and Simple Make Such A Difference?
Our society is full of small, simple things that make our lives work better. Think of
screwdrivers – where would we be without them? Or your toothbrush, cleaning and
protecting your teeth and gums. Think of paper clips or flashlights or spoons…
Now stop reading. Look around for one minute only. There are probably five things
within your range of vision that are small, uncomplicated, and vital to your life’s carrying
Small is beautiful.
What do the Tapping and Prickling do?
Here’s a way to think about it: Your body wants to get rid of heat - or inflammation,
redness, itchiness, internal pressure, and all manner of discomforts - generated by the
reaction it has to something it thinks is poison or dangerous. Your body wants to move
heat out. Hives, for instance, are just built-up heat under the skin, generated often by an
allergy your body attacks. The attack can create heat. Your skin, though, won’t let the
heat go, and it builds up. It shows up on the surface as red and itchy – or swelling, pain,
or other uncomfortable symptoms. The tapping and prickling help your skin to release
and clear the symptoms, allowing real healing to go forward.
All-consuming emotions that drain you – such as bitterness, anger, worry, self-pity,
and/or grief - can often be cleared or reduced, as well. Your natural powerful ability to
heal can then function, and you’ll feel calmer, clearer, and more present.
Insect bites, allergy rashes, hives, poison ivy, inflammation around a scratch – any itchy
or inflamed area, no matter what the cause - can usually be relieved. Redness and
itchiness usually fade in one to three tapping sessions.
Congested, broken blood vessels often become paler.
Skin conditions commonly clear up after a few tapping sessions.
Using it, you may be able to detox from the unwanted effects of radiation…or cat dander.
Non-physical symptoms frequently respond as well, leaving you feeling more peaceful,
clear, and relaxed in mind and spirit. Then you can make clearer decisions about your
life in the future. You can begin to spiral upwards.
Is It Safe?
The SSH is completely safe when used correctly. It costs nothing, and you can keep it at
home for your convenience.
Use it. Take good care of yourself, and maybe even family, friends, and neighbors.
When would one use a SSH?
I have seen the following symptoms and imbalances improve, no matter what the
underlying cause was:
Arthritis/Joint pain
Itchiness from insect bites, hives, allergies, rashes
Congestion of sinuses
Congestion and redness of capillaries
Muscle spasms and tightness
Redness from insect bites, hives, and rashes
Skin eruptions
Varicose veins
Mental and Emotional:
Overwhelming grief
Resistance to change
Feeling isolated
Being scattered – not finishing things
Not able to prioritize
Poor memory
Mental restlessness
Mental flabbiness/Fogginess
Constantly feeling sorry for oneself
Inability to ask for help
Feeling like a powerless victim
I am sure there are other symptoms responsive to SSH tappings. When in doubt, give it a
Please Note: The use of a SSH does not take the place of a physician. If
a symptom you tap for does not go away or becomes more aggravated,
consult your health care practitioner.
The Seven Star Hammer is for your personal use, a little like your toothbrush. If you
share it, make sure you know the person or people with whom you share well enough to
be safe. My husband and I feel completely at ease with the same one.
Using the following cautions and guidelines, you will have little or no danger of any
infections from the SSH tapping:
1) Do not tap any area that creates severe pain when you tap. Remember that the
immediate desired effect is a small prickly sensation.
2) Do not tap hard. If someone is very young, very old, or very frail, tap lightly, which
usually is enough to allow a release. If tapping feels painful - not just pricky - then tap
more gently and/or tap another nearby area.
3) Do not use the Seven Star Hammer to tap on top of: open wounds, burns, or skin
disorders that produce pus and/or blisters. In these situations, tap around and around the
area that is disturbed, making as big a swathe as you find sensitive.
4) Do not tap on sensitive mucus membranes – genitalia and anus, too close to an eye, or
inside mouth, ears or nose. The other 95% of your body is safe for this light tapping
unless there is some reason not to (see this list).
5) Do not tap anyone who has a bleeding problem.
6) Do not tap the abdomen of pregnant women. Safe areas are: legs and feet, arms and
hands, head and neck, and over hipbones.
Caring for Your Seven Star Hammer
It is easy. Wash your SSH in warm soapy water after you use it. Care for it by soaking it
in alcohol for at least 30 minutes once a week. With this care, there is little or no chance
of infection.
How to Use Your SSH
In General
If you are right-handed, begin working on the left side of your body. If you are lefthanded, begin on the right side.
Hold the handle comfortably and tap yourself – gently - so that you feel a small prickly
sensation. After you have tapped one spot for a minute or two, tap a small circle around
that area. Notice where tapping feels especially sensitive or especially good. Move
farther out in that sensitive direction a couple of inches and tap another spot. You can
keep tapping and moving, using circles to guide you, as long as you like.
If you find an unexpected tender spot anywhere on your body when pressing with your
finger, tap there gently. Stay around the area for 3 or so minutes. The chances are the
tenderness will lessen, and you will feel calmer and more relaxed.
As you know, there is no one-size-fits-all. We are different from each other, and we each
change every day. The place that felt good to tap last night might not be the same place
that feels good this morning. Be aware. Trust yourself. Trust your responses.
Tapping is commonly accompanied by a feeling of relaxation, proving the old adage “It
feels good to feel good.”
Sometimes it takes several sessions of tapping to clear an area. I usually give it five days,
tapping once or twice per day and varying the area I tap. If nothing has changed after
five days, then I rethink where I tap, or I look for other solutions.
Occasionally after tapping an area, the skin looks pink – even red - which will gradually
fade within a few days. This is the result of an inflammatory release; it’s considered
positive. Although not necessary, it feels nice to use a mild, soothing cream or lotion on
the pink area – something with calendula or aloe, for instance. I use Weleda’s
“Calendula Baby Cream,” often found in the children’s section of health food or grocery
Usually there is no blood released from the use of the SSH.
However, there are exceptions. If it is used on bodily areas that are swollen, creating
internal pressure – for instance, with edema, rheumatoid arthritis, or varicose veins small drops of clear lymph or blood may appear. Don’t be alarmed; it is considered a
positive release
. As the droplets appear, internal pressure is reduced, and swelling and pain are often
improved. The next day you may find small red spots on the skin where you tapped,
which are usually gone in 3-6 days.
Here is an example: My client Bob has rheumatoid arthritis. He uses the SSH on sore.
swollen joints – wrists, hands, knees, ankles – when they show up. His tapping often
does produce small drops of blood in the swollen areas. After tapping and releasing,
including blood droplets, he feels more relaxed, and his wrists, fingers and knees become
more flexible. By using the SSH often, Bob’s back to playing the mandolin. His doctor
Treatment - Basic Areas to Begin Tapping
Physical Symptoms
Red and/or itchy spots and areas:
Tap around and around the spot or spots at least 10 times, then move to another spot and
tap around it 10 times. Going from spot to spot, cover the whole area. Don’t tap on top
of blisters, pus, or broken skin. Move farther out and tap places nearby, as sometimes a
larger area needs to be released for a spot to respond fully.
Swollen or sore areas:
Tap gently on the swollen or sore area. Stay in one spot for a short while, then move to
another spot a few inches away, until you have tapped throughout the whole area. If an
area is swollen and blood droplets appear, keep tapping and moving to nearby spots until
the drops stop appearing. You will often feel markedly better.
Skin eruptions:
Tap on and around the area. If blood droplets appear, keep tapping all over the area until
you come to an area in which they do not show up.
Tap at least 15 spots in the area that is inflamed. If the inflammation is internal, tap the
skin over the area. If the area inflamed is a joint, tap all over the area of the joint.
Emotional Symptoms
There are general areas of the body which, when tapped, bring specific emotional
unblocking to almost everyone. Begin tapping on the left side and add the right if you
have time and it seems useful. If you’ve tapped these places for several days and there is
no release, explore tapping other areas – use your intuition and pay attention to all of
your body. Tap tender spots on your torso. If a particular spot anywhere draws your
attention, tap on and around that area for 10 minutes or so. You may find the release you
are looking for, and you are likely to feel more present and lighter.
What To Look For
There are five main healthy emotional abilities we all have as human beings. Specific
symptoms show up for each blocked emotional ability. Here is a list of the abilities and
what they let us do, as well as the symptoms that show up when they are blocked. You
do not need to exhibit all the symptoms in a category to find tapping useful.
You probably will recognize these abilities in yourself. Everyone has them.
1. The ability to be curious, optimistic, patient, and to think ahead.
This ability shows up as being flexible, creative, imaginative, optimistic, kind,
open to new ideas, and emotionally smooth.
Symptoms when this ability is blocked
1) Irritation, annoyance
2) tightness,
3) anger/ rage/ fury
4) loud voice/shouting when speaking
5) judgmental thinking – right-or-wrong, black-or-white - no inbetween,
6) depression,
7) frustration/impatience
8) hopelessness, despair
9) shortsightedness
10) resentment
Tap the left side of the lower belly, just inside the hip. Then moving a few inches away
each time, tap one spot after another, up and down the left side from the bottom of the rib
cage to the top the leg, and even down onto the top part of the leg.
If it feels good, you can also add places on your side at the top of your hip bone plus a
little to the back.
The ability to be spontaneous and relate warmly to others from your heart.
This shows up as being open-hearted, compassionate, blooming, able to laugh
freely, and able to enjoy and maintain relationships
Symptoms when this ability is blocked
1) scattered,
2) lessened ability to prioritize,
3) bitterness
4) poor memory
5) hurt feelings over and over
6) restless
7) chaotic
8) untrusting
9) not knowing yourself
10) hatred
Tap the whole palm of the left hand, paying special attention to the center of the plm, the
heel of the thumb, the base of the middle finger and all the way up it, and the base of the
little finger and all the way up it.
Tap the fingertips.
Then tap up and down the outer, little-finger edge of your hand, down to the wrist, across
the wrist to the tendons in the middle of the wrist, and up to the center of the hand again.
The ability to feel wonder and awe, and to be grateful and appreciative.
This shows up as being able to be present in the moment; to be truthful, to
simplify yet keep what matters; to appreciate; to reap and incorporate the
gifts of the past.
Symptoms when this ability is blocked
1) unremitting grief or an overriding sense of loss
2) feeling unworthy, inferior – or feeling superior and aloof
3) strong resistance to change
4) feeling isolated, separate
5) feeling brittle or rigid
6) morally judgmental and self-righteous
7) lying, even in small ways
Start at the bottom edge of the collarbone about halfway between the shoulder and
midline of the chest. Press back and forth with a finger to find a tender spot in that area,
and begin tapping there.
Move up onto the neck to a point on the edge of the chin, about halfway between the
midline of the chin and the ear. Tap up and down that whole area, moving across the
neck as you feel urged. Tap out onto the top of the shoulder and across it to the top of the
arm, then down onto the upper arm.
4. The ability to accept fully what you can’t change, to have faith in the future,
and to rest peacefully– body, mind, emotions, and spirit
This shows up as being calm and peaceful; speaking firmly and powerfully
without being angry; building up reserves of energy; listening with no
judgment or expectation; and acting from deep inner wisdom.
Symptoms when this ability is blocked
1) Anxiety, dread
2) Strong feelings of scarcity (not enough time, money, energy, and so on to deal
with whatever may be next)
3) Powerlessness,
4) worry,
5) fear, terror,
6) paranoia,
7) paralyzing fatigue
8) unable to listen well
Start tapping just under the arch of the foot and move up to the pad under the big toe.
Tap around the pad to the inner edge of the foot. Then come up the inner edge of the
foot, circle around the inner ankle and back in again to where you began. Tap gently
over the whole area.
Then, still on the sole, go up to the ball of your foot to the indentation just below the
second and third toes, and tap there for a minute or two. Next tap the outside edge below
your little toe all the way to the heel, back and forth for a bit.
5. The ability to hold your center and boundaries, with stability and integrity
How does it show up? Being stable, empathetic, reflective, generous and
nourishing with yourself and others, taking in and digesting whatever Life
brings you.
Symptoms when this ability is blocked
1) Little or no empathy with others
2) Not able to pamper yourself
3) Mental flabbiness and fogginess,
4) Feeling like a victim; blaming
5) Feeling overly sorry for yourself,
6) Being overly sympathetic
7) Overthinking/too intellectual
8) Not able to ask for help
9) Not able to take in, understand, and integrate new ideas or situations
Tap along the inner edge of the side of the foot, beginning just at the edge of the pad
below the big toe.
Tap up to in front of the inside ankle and up the front of the leg, staying just at the
inside edge of the shin.
Tap all the way up the lower leg, around the kneecap a few times. Still staying on the
inside of the bone, tap up the upper leg to the torso, then up the torso in a line a few
inches from the midline, to just under the breast. Sometimes there is a small tender
spot there. If you find it, tap it gently.
A Note About Symptoms
As humans, we all have them now and then, physically and emotionally. They can be
thought of as strong messages your body, mind, and spirit send you. They tell you that
you are out of whack, either a little or a lot, and need to make changes.
Out of whack does not mean bad or evil, even though when someone is in such a state, it
can cause trouble. It happens now and then to every human being. Please don’t blame
yourself or anyone else for being human; don’t demonize people who are out of whack.
Somewhere inside they also have those five abilities. Instead, relate to any healthy parts
you find and ask how you could help yourself or another person, in body, mind, or spirit,
to begin to heal. What can you do - or stop doing? The SSH may be able to play a big
Will symptoms go away permanently?
Sometimes symptoms disappear for good after using the SSH a few times. Many others,
though, can often be managed for a long time – even the rest of your life - by using the
SSH whenever they show up. Each time, relief is real, and there are usually no negative
side effects. Your body has, at least for the moment, taken care of the situation itself.
You could continue to use the SSH to release the same symptoms over and over each
time they show up. No harm is done, and you feel better each time. It’s a help, AND
YET it’s not permanent.
However, if you want to understand and address the message you are being sent, you
have to look for the root cause. Otherwise, the symptom will show up again if you run
into the situation that caused it in the first place. You are getting the same message over
and over again. If you keep on doing what you always did, you keep on getting what
you always got.
For permanence, you have to figure out what keeps you well. It requires looking deeper.
Looking Deeper
Pay attention to your life style choices - body, mind, and spirit – looking at four areas:
1) Simplicity (not only your space)
2) Rest (not only sleeping)
3) Nourishment (not only food)
4) Movement (not only exercise)
There are three levels in which to pay attention –
Physically (your body in all four areas)
Mentally (your thinking, ideas, and beliefs in all four areas);
Spirit (your connection to larger Wholeness in all four areas).
Being truthful with yourself, consider your lifestyle. Chances are you will become aware
of what helps you and what weakens you. Pay attention;
When you notice your own simplicity, rest, nourishment, and movement, you understand
yourself more clearly. For instance, do you need to calm your mind? Do you need to
nourish your spirit? Are you letting yourself feel true emotions instead of stuffing them
Then… act. Use the SSH and lifestyle changes. When you do, you free yourself to heal
Whether you heal a symptom permanently or not:
Most likely, you’ll become stronger and healthier in every way. You’ll be more able to
resist colds, viruses, and bacterial infections.
Most likely, you’ll heal faster from accidents, operations, dental work, or bad news.
Most likely, your health care costs will drop dramatically.
Most likely, your spirits will lift.
And - you’ll feel like yourself again - optimistic, vital, and alive.
Need more help?
To become more familiar with the SSH and how to use it to your best advantage, you are
welcome to set up an appointment at my office in Lewisburg, WV. From time to time I
teach classes about using the SSH. If you are interested, please call or email, giving me
your name, address, email, and phone number.
Anne Adams, L.Ac., M.Ac.
Dragon Flies Natural Medicine
304-645-3275 – h
703-300-1605 – c
You have nothing to lose and a lot to look forward to.