The Alumni Fund – past students supporting current students

transforming the lives of our students
2011 - 2012
Background – the Alumni Fund
Here at Northumbria, we strongly believe that each student should have the chance to fulfil their potential. We
continually strive to provide the very best facilities, resources and opportunities.
The Northumbria University Alumni Fund was set up in 2006 to provide grants to innovative projects, initiatives and
activities across campus which will help to enhance the personal development, academic success and employability
of Northumbria students.
The Fund relies entirely on donations from Northumbria graduates (alumni), staff and other supporters of the
University. To date, more than £100,000 has been pledged to the Alumni Fund enabling over 750 students to be
supported with scholarships, extra learning resources and equipment, and to benefit from innovative new schemes.
We are extremely grateful for this support.
Funds raised from Alumni, staff and other supporters of Northumbria University are disbursed twice each year by
the Alumni Fund Disbursement Committee (the Committee). Applications will be invited from Schools, Services, and
departments across the University for grants from subsections of the Northumbria Alumni Fund, namely:
Bursaries, Scholarships & Hardship Grants: undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships and bursaries
(entrance and hardship)
Student Opportunities: support for projects/ activities which help to enhance the personal development,
academic success and employability of our students
Greatest Need: this includes strategic priorities of the University, which may fall outside of the above two
The Committee will consider applications and make grants twice annually, usually in November and May. All
administration and processing of applications will be handled by the Development and Alumni Relations Office
Applying for a Grant
Application Forms can be downloaded from the Alumni website at and then select
‘Support Northumbria’ and ‘Apply for a Grant’ or requested from the DARO office. An application can only be
considered once per cycle, so please ensure you read these notes thoroughly, as it should improve your chances of
success. If you need any advice prior to making an application, please contact Natalie Heath, Alumni Relations
Manager, on 0191 227 4839.
The Committee requires all applications to be supported by an appropriate referee. This may be the Dean, Director,
Student Sports President, SU Executive, Team Leader or other nominated staff member.
Grants will usually be under £5,000, although larger grants may be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Applications must be received on the standard application form. There is a strict deadline for applications, which
is published on our website and on each cycle of forms. Applications received after 4 pm on the closing date will
be held until the next Committee meeting (see below).
All sections of the Application Form must be completed and must include the name of the person who will be
responsible for the project and for carrying out the work. DARO will not be involved in carrying out/supervision
of any works.
Applications must specify the fund area to which they are applying.
Each application must include a Statement of Endorsement from the Dean / Service Director, SU Activities
Manager, TN Student President, Team Leader or other Nominated Person.
Applications should be submitted to DARO in the first instance. Only those applications which meet the agreed
criteria and which have followed the process outlined above will be put forward to the Committee for their
If an application does not meet the criteria, DARO will advise the applicant and allow revision of the application.
This will only apply if the application is received in good time. Any revised bid will need to received prior to the
Applications Timetable for 2011-12
Deadline for Applications
Committee Meets
Applicants Informed of Outcome
Deadline for Applications
Committee Meets
Applicants Informed of Outcome
Friday 21st October 2011 (4 pm)
Friday 28th October 2011
From Tuesday 1st November 2011
Friday 20th April 2012
Early May 2012
Mid-May 2012
The Alumni Fund invites applications for grants from any School/Service, department or individual member (staff or
student) to the any of the three Fund areas listed on page 1 (Student Opportunities; Scholarships/Bursaries and
Hardship Grants; and Greatest Need).
Applicants should pay particular attention on the form to clearly and succinctly defining the project, its aims and
objectives and how these fit into those of the School/Service/Department, SU or other area of the University.
Lack of clarity/information may result in the Committee having to obtain further project details from the
counter-signatory and in certain cases may result in the application being rejected.
The Committee looks favourably upon applications that can achieve significant effect with a relatively small
grant, especially those where the benefit endures into the longer term.
The Committee looks favourably upon applications which have secured partial funds from other sources.
The Committee does not usually support initiatives which are likely to require ongoing financial commitment
from the Alumni Fund in the longer term.
Due to the expected high demand for Alumni Fund grants, it is likely that projects may not receive 100% of the
amount requested.
Applications from external groups or charities outside the University cannot be accepted.
Projects that are deemed to be the responsibility of the University centrally, or for which other sources of
funding (eg. research councils, other university funds etc) will not be considered.
Retrospective funding will not be considered.
Grants are not available to cover course fees, accommodation, living expenses/salaries of applicants, electives,
Raleigh International, or similar schemes.
The Committee is unable to support attendance at conferences, field-trips, exhibitions (or similar), where doing
so is mandatory for a student/member of staff.
Projects should have the widest possible benefit to students and the University.
The Fund does not have the means to assist students once they have left the University.
Submitting your Application
Completed applications must be in hard copy (black ink or typed) to verify authorisation by the referee. Applicants
will therefore need to ensure their application is with the relevant referee well in advance of the deadline date.
Hard copy applications without the appropriate referee’s authorisation will not be accepted.
Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.
It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure their application arrives with DARO on, or prior to, the deadline date.
Late or incomplete applications cannot be accepted. Submission of an application is no guarantee of a successful
We will acknowledge receipt of all Alumni Fund grant applications by email (or letter, where no email is available).
Once the Alumni Fund Committee has met and made its decisions, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of
their bid.
Completed applications for Alumni Fund grants should be sent to:
Natalie Heath
Alumni Relations Manager
Northumbria University
Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO)
Room 111 Sutherland Building
Newcastle upon Tyne
0191 227 4839
Conditions of Acceptance of an Alumni Fund grant
Grants must be used for the purpose awarded. Successful applicants will be required to sign a grant contract
and adhere to the grant conditions. If the Committee’s conditions when awarding a grant are not fulfilled in a
timely fashion, the Committee reserves the right to request a proportion of the grant back. If none of the
conditions are met, the recipient may be required to return the entire grant.
Grants not collected/used within 6 months of an award being made will be deemed to have expired (except in
exceptional cases).
Any project underspend will be reclaimed by the Alumni Fund Committee. In the even of any overspend,
applicants will not be able to claim additional grant from the Alumni Fund.
On completion of the project, the applicant will be required to submit a project report, breakdown of
expenditure and any photographs (if available) to Natalie Heath, Alumni Relations Manager. Any of this
material may be used by the Alumni Association for publicity purposes.
Any equipment and/or fixed assets purchased with the grant money must be used for the specified project,
and will remain the property of Northumbria University once the project is completed.
Successful applicants are required to acknowledge the support of the Alumni Fund and will be required to
liaise with the Alumni Relations Manager regarding publicity to ensure appropriate and timely recognition of
the Alumni Fund support in University literature, on equipment and/or at events.