International Conference on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences: “CITES-2007” Tomsk, Russia, 20-25 July, 2007 First Announcement and Call for Papers Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training (SCERT) along with the Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS (INM) and Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS (IMCES) with the support of EC INCO Programme and anticipated support of the Asia Pacific Network holds the International Conference on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences as a part of scientific-educational event CITES-2007 comprising also 7 days of Young Scientists School. The Conference will be opened on July, 20 by one-day Practical Session “Pollution transport in Tom river” combined with boat trip and then run as a sequence of interrelated Workshops devoted to different aspects of the theme. Among those is Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality, Workshop on Climate Change Assessment and Modeling, Workshop on Siberia Integrated Regional Study as well as Workshop on Man-made Environmental Risks in Siberia. The Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality chaired by Profs. Akimoto (Japan) and Gordov (Russia) and scheduled for July 21-22, will comprise the following Sessions: Atmospheric and Environmental Data Resources (organizers Evgeny Gordov and Alexander Fazliev); Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Measurements (organizer Hajime Akimoto); Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Modeling (organizer Alexander Baklanov, Denmark); and Information Systems for Air Quality Management (organizers Edige Zakarin (Kazakhstan) and Galina Tolkacheva (Uzbekistan). The Workshop on Climate Change Assessment and Modeling chaired by Profs. Kabanov and Lykosov (Russia) scheduled for July 23, will include Sessions on Physics of Climate (organizer Vasily Lykosov) and on Northern Climate Change Assessment (organizer Michael Kabanov). The Workshop on Siberia Integrated Regional Study (SIRS) chaired by Dr. Gerard Begni (France), Evgeny Gordov, Martin Heimann (Germany), Michael Kabanov, Vasily Lykosov, Anatoly Shvidenko (Austria), and Evgeny Vaganov (Russia) scheduled for July, 24 will comprise Sessions on Development of SIRS information-computational infrastructure (organizers Evgeny Gordov and Anatoly Fedotov, Russia), and Siberia Environment Dynamics in context of global and Northern Eurasia changes (organizers Michael Kabanov and Alexander Onuchin, Russia). The Workshop on Man-made Environmental Risks in Siberia chaired by Profs. Baklanov and Gordov scheduled for July, 25 will be based on focus group studies performed within the EnviroRISKS FP6 Project. Also special Session will be devoted to elaboration of common Russia-EU environment research platform as a basis for cooperative activity within FP7. The Program Committee will invite key specialists in the area to present invited papers covering the state of the art and their recent results obtained in the chosen directions. Also limited number of papers will be selected for oral presentation. Those who’d like to present an invited/oral paper, please, contact relevant Workshop and Session Chairs/Organizers. After the Conference the program Committee will select papers for publication in the Special Issue of the peer reviewed Journal of Computational technologies. The Conference will be preceded by the International Young Scientists School devoted to the following major topics: Transport and Transformation of Pollutions in Geophysical Media and Design and Development of Web-based Information-Computational Systems for Environmental Sciences. The school attendees will take part in the Conference thus enlarging its audience by number of perspective young scientists from NIS. There they will be able to present their results at the relevant Poster Sessions and get new knowledge in the spheres of their interest. To enhance the educational component of the Conference several additional invited one-hour lectures of leading Russian and foreign specialists on modern problems of environmental computational information technologies development and hot topics of environmental sciences are planned . Working language of the Conference is English. The chosen School format tested during previous CITES events presents a unique opportunity for young scientists to obtain not only firsthand knowledge and research skills from experienced tutors but also skills of presentation of their studies at the Conference. Many fruitful contacts between researchers and students will be established at the conference. The CITES-2007 Program Committee is headed by academician V. Dymnikov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russia). It includes Prof. H. Akimoto (Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Japan), Dr. Begni G. (MEDIAS, France), Prof. Baklanov A. (DMI, Denmark), Prof. Efimov V.V. (Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Ukraine), Prof. Elanskii N. F. (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Dr. Fazliev A.Z. (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Russia), RAS corresponding member Fedotov A.M. (Institute of Computational Technologies, Russia), Prof. Ginzburg A.S (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Prof. E. Gordov (SCERT, Russia), Prof. Heimann M. (MPI for Biogeochemistry, Germany), RAS corresponding member Kabanov M.V. (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Russia), Prof. Krupchatnikov V.N. (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russia), Dr. Sci. Krutikov V.A. (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Russia), RAS corresponding member Lykosov V.N. (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russia), RAS corresponding member Mokhov I.I. (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russia), Prof. Onuchin A.A. (Institute of Forest, Russia), Prof. Penenko V.V. (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Russia), Dr. Pippi I. (Institute of Applied Physics “Carrara”, Italy), Prof. Schmullius Ch. (Friedrich - Schiller-University, Germany), academician Shokin Yu.I. (Institute of Computational Technologies, Russia), Dr. Tolkacheva G.A. (Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute, Uzbekistan), Prof. Shvidenko A.Z. (International Institute for Applied System analysis, Austria), academician Vaganov E.A. (Institute of Forest, Russia), Prof. Zakarin E.A. (Space Research Institute, Kazakhstan), Prof. Zilitinkevich S. (Helsinki University, Finland). The event is organized under auspices of the Russian National Committee for IGBP and its Siberian Branch, SB RAS Joint Scientific Councils on Earth Sciences and on Mathematics and Informatics. The scientific educational action CITES-2007 will be also partially supported by the EC grants ENVIROMIS-2 (№ 031303) and Enviro-RISKS (№ 013427). This support as well as anticipated support of the Asia Pacific Network should allow us to cover participation expanses of the selected young scientists - School attendees. Registration Potential Conference participants, please, send your 1 page abstract and satellite information to: Mrs. Yulia Gordova, Secretary of the Conference, Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, 10/3 Akademicheskii Ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia E-mail: or Tel.7 (3822) 492187, fax 7 (3822) 492537. Your Abstract should include: 1. Title 2.Authors (Principal author, which would present the paper, first) 3.Affiliation and Address for Each Author (Mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail, Internet site) 4.Workshop and Session chosen, paper status suggested 5.Abstract body Russian authors are kindly asked to submit both Russian and English versions! ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 02 April 2007