"Approved" by Vice-rector on Educational Affair Vinnytsia National Medical University Prof. Y.I. Guminsky _______________ _______ ______, 20___ THEMATIC PLAN OF LECTURES THE SUBJECT OF "CLINICAL PHARMACY" for the Foreign Students of the pharmaceutical faculty for 5 Term specialty "Pharmacy" IX semester, 2013-2014 academic year № 1. 5. Theme of lectures Clinical Pharmacy in gastroenterology. Clinical pharmacy of drugs affecting the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Clinical Pharmacy in hepatology . Clinical Pharmacy of hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs Clinical Pharmacy in hematology . Clinical pharmacology of antianemic drugs - iron and other means. Clinical Pharmacy anticancer drugs. 6. Clinical Pharmacy in endocrinology. 7. Clinical Pharmacy of hormonal drugs. Oral contraception. Clinical pharmacy of drugs for treatment of disorders of electrolyte and acid- base status. Clinical Pharmacy psychotropic drugs. 2-3 4. 8. 9. 10. 1112. 13. 14. 15. Pharmaceutical care of digestive disorders. OTCdrugs for the symptomatic treatment of GIT diseases Pharmaceutical care of patients with nervous system diseases. Pharmaceutical care at symptomatic treatment of skin lesions. Pharmaceutical care, treatment and prevention of colds, OTC-drugs. Pharmaceutical care at the symptomatic treatment of joint and muscular pain. Pharmaceutical care of patients with headache, migraine. lector As. Pivtorak K.V. Hours 2 As. Pivtorak K.V. 4 As. Pivtorak K.V. 2 As. Pivtorak K.V. As. Pivtorak K.V. As. Pivtorak K.V. Assistant Pivtorak K.V. As. Pivtorak K.V. As. Pivtorak K.V. 2 As. Pivtorak K.V. As. Pivtorak K.V. As. Pivtorak K.V. As. Doroshkevich I.O. 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Discussed and approved at the meeting and methodical department of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology of ____ August 20__, protocol number ____ "Approved" Vice-rector for Academic Affairs VNMU them. MI Pirogov prof. Guminskyy Y.Y. ________ ____ _________ 20__ THEMATIC PLAN OF PRACTICAL CLASSES THE SUBJECT OF "CLINICAL PHARMACY" 5 COURSES FOR STUDENTS OF PHARMACEUTICAL FACULTY (2013-2014 ACADEMIC YEAR, SEMESTER IX) specialty "Pharmacy" № 1. 2. 3-4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1617. 1819. 20. 21. Theme Symptoms and syndromes of major diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas (functional dyspepsia, gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, colitis ). Approaches to medical treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical pharmacology of drugs used in hiperacidity. Clinical pharmacology of antacids and antisecretory drugs (antacids, anticholinergics, blockers of histamine H2- receptor, inhibitors of H +, K +- ATPase ). Clinical pharmacology of drugs for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Clinical pharmacology of drugs, which stimulate gastrointestinal motility (acetylcholine agonist, dopamine receptor antagonists) and antiemetics, antidiarrheal. Symptoms and syndromes of major hepatobiliary diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis ). The main groups of drugs used to treat. Clinical pharmacology hepatoprotectors, choleretics, cholekinetics , cholelitolytics . Clinical pharmacology of antiviral drugs used in modern treatment of cirrhosis Clinical pharmacology of infusion solutions. Clinical pharmacology of drugs for relief of pain (myotropic antispasmodics, M-cholinolytics). Enterosorbents and hipoazothemic medicines Symptoms and syndromes of hematologic disorders (iron deficiency anemia, B12 folic acid-deficiency anemia, acute and chronic leukemias ). Clinical pharmacology of iron containing drugs, vitamin B12 and folic acid Clinical pharmacology od drugs that stimulate erythro -and leucopoesis (erythropoietin, corticosteroids ). Clinical pharmacology of cytostatics. Symptoms and syndromes of major endocrine diseases (diabetes, hypo-and hyperthyroidism) Clinical pharmacology of insulin . Clinical pharmacology of oral hypoglycemic drugs. Hours 2 Principles of treatment of diabetes complications (micro-and macro-angiopathy) - angioprotectors, antiplatelet agents, peripheral vasodilators (alprostan, vazoprostan ). Clinical pharmacology of thyroid hormones, antithyroid drugs Symptoms and syndromes in allergic reactions and allergic diseases. 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2223. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 3940. 41. 42. 4344. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Clinical pharmacology of drugs used for the treatment of allergic diseases (corticosteroids, antihistamine drugs, bronchodilators, mast cell membrane stabilizers, antileukotrienes, β2- receptor agonists). Modern special drug forms that are used at allergic diseases. Criteria of efficacy and safety of drug therapy in allergy. The final module control Definitions and basic concepts of pharmaceutical care. OTC drugs. The concept of generic and therapeutic substitution. Summary of good pharmacy practice. Pharmaceutical care of prescription forms Pharmaceutical care of patients with symptoms of heartburn Pharmaceutical care of patients with diarrhea Pharmaceutical care of patients with symptoms of constipation Pharmaceutical care of patients with symptoms of dysbacteriosis Pharmaceutical care for flatulence, pancreatic enzyme deficiency Pharmaceutical care in rhinitis Pharmaceutical care for colds Pharmaceutical care in sore throat (upper respiratory infection) Pharmaceutical care in fever Pharmaceutical care when coughing Pharmaceutical care in obstructive syndrome Pharmaceutical care in conjunctivitis, a syndrome of "dry eye" Pharmaceutical care of cardiovascular diseases 4 Pharmaceutical care of patients with viral and fungal skin lesions Pharmaceutical care of patients with allergic skin disease. Pharmaceutical care for acne Pharmaceutical care of patients with peripheral vascular disease. Pharmaceutical care of hemorrhoids 2 2 Pharmaceutical care of patients with PMS Pharmaceutical care at hormonal contraception Pharmaceutical care in pain in joints and muscles Pharmaceutical care at osteoporosis, gout, osteoarthritis Pharmaceutical care for diseases of the central nervous system (asthenicdepressive states, neuroses) Pharmaceutical care of patients with diseases of the central nervous system (insomnia) Pharmaceutical care of patients with diseases of the CNS (memory impairment, cerebrovascular accidents) Headache, migraine Pharmaceutical care at prescriptions of vitamins, macro- and microelements Pharmaceutical care in helminthiasis Pharmaceutical care of nicotinic and alcohol abuse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 Discussed and approved at the meeting and methodical department of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology of ____ August 20___, protocol number ____