B31ESP and B31BPH reading list

B31ESP and B31BPH reading list
Remember there will be a student book sale organised by the Pharmacy Society where you will be
able to obtain many of these books second hand.
These are supplementary texts to your notes. They are not essential. The books are available in the
library, so have a look at them before purchasing. Earlier editions can be useful although not up to
Physicochemical principles of pharmacy (5th edition). Alexander T. Florence, David Attwood,
Pharmaceutical Press, 2011. UNLOC An excellent book for the whole of the MPharm
Pharmaceutical Practice (4th Edition) AJ Winfield, JA Rees, I Smith Churchill Livingstone,
Aulton's Pharmaceutics : the design and manufacture of medicines (4th Edition) Aulton ME,
Taylor MGT 4th Edition, Churchill Livingstone, 2013.
All texts any post 2000 edition is fine, the most recent is given here. In terms of purchasing, it is
suggested that you familiarise yourselves with the library copies of Rang et al and Page et al during
semester 1 and then select one to purchase to help you with you pharmacology throughout the
course (both about £50 to buy new).
1. Pharmacology references
Pharmacology. Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Flower RJ & Henderson G. Churchill Livingston,
7th edition (2012). Excellent general textbook. Chapters 1-4, 8-10, 12-14 provide detailed
coverage of the material in these lectures
Integrated Pharmacology. Page CP, Hoffman B, Curtis M & Walker M. Mosby, 3rd edition
(2006). Good on basic principles and relating to clinical problems.
Pharmacokinetics Made Easy. Birkett, DJ. McGraw-Hill Professional (2010 - paperback). Good
introduction to the principles of pharmacokinetics.
2. Revision aids – concise information as a supplement to above
FASTtrack Pharmacology. Randall MD, Kendall DA & Alexander SPH. Pharmaceutical Press,
2nd edition (2012). Concise, but still relatively advanced in the treatment of quantitative and
molecular pharmacology. Drug targets summarised by therapeutic area.
Medical Pharmacology at a Glance. Neal MJ. Wiley-Blackwell, 7th edition (2012). The basics
presented in a punchy accessible manner – useful for 1st year.
Both the above are also available as e-books from the UoN library online catalogue
3. Guides to the background physiology (suitable for non A level biologists)
Human Physiology. An integrated approach. Silverthorn DU. Pearson, 6th edition (2012).
Human Physiology: from cells to systems. Sherwood L. Cengage, 8th edition (2012).
Details of most recent editions given, but any post 2000 would probably be OK.
Catch Up Biology for the Medical Sciences. Bradley P, Calvert J (Scion; 2nd edition, 2013).
Paul M Dewick – Essentials of organic chemistry (for students of pharmacy, medicinal chemistry and
biological chemistry). Wiley and Sons, ltd.
Biology and Physiology
Elliott, William H. Biochemistry and molecular biology / William H. Elliott & Daphne C.
Elliott. 4th ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009.
Molecular cell biology / Harvey Lodish ... [et al.]. 6th ed., International ed. New York ;
Houndmills, Basingstoke : W.H. Freeman and Co., 2008.
Clinical Practice and Professionalism
1. Appelbe GE, Wingfield J (Eds). Dale and Appelbe’s Pharmacy and Medicines Law. 10th Edition.
London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2014.
A comprehensive and detailed book covering all the law and ethics undergraduate syllabus. We
recommend you buy a copy of this book as you will use it throughout the course for law and ethics
including during your law and dispensing exams. Discount is available for Royal Pharmaceutical
Society members (including students) at pharmpress.com
2. RPS. Medicines, Ethics and Practice: The professional guide for pharmacists. 38th edition. London:
Pharmaceutical Press, 2014.
The practising pharmacist’s summary of law and ethics. Essential. You can obtain a copy of this by
joining the Royal Pharmaceutical Society as a student member which is free and enables you to
obtain an electronic copy of the book free – it costs £50 otherwise
3. BMA and RPS. BNF. 66th edition. London: BMJ Group and Pharmaceutical Press, September 2014.
A guide to prescribing and much more. Essential. The School will provide you with a copy of this
which you will use for the first two years of your degree.
4. The Pharmaceutical Journal. [Available free online to Royal Pharmaceutical Society members but
you need to register on the website http://www.pharmaceutical-journal.com
An essential source of information about the profession of pharmacy. An ideal read in preparation for
vocational and pre-registration employment.
5. Hall J (Ed). Pharmacy Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Not essential and we do not
recommend you buy this book. Supplementary reading for B31BPH. Provides basic but well organised
information. Useful as a primer, especially perhaps for students not familiar with the UK health