GATESHEAD ALTERNATE WEEKLY COLLECTION CONSULTATION QUESTIONNAIRE – VIEWPOINT PANEL Please enter your View Point ID number here: ________________________________ Q1. How satisfied are you with your current household recycling services? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Q2. To what extent do you feel you support the Council in recycling in Gateshead? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Strongly support Fairly supportive Neither supportive or unsupportive Not very supportive Not supportive at all Q3. How regularly do you use the following recycling facilities in Gateshead? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ON EACH ROW Weekly Household recycling bin ‘Bring’ sites (recycling banks) Household Recycling Centres On-street recycling facilities Charity shops Fortnightly Monthly Less than once a month Never If you answered ‘Never’ to any of the above, please state why in this box. Q4. Did you know, you do not need to put your household waste bin out for collection every week if it is not full? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Yes No Q5. Currently, how often do you usually put your household waste bin out for collection? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY a. Every week b. Every fortnight c. 3 times a month d. Once a month e. Less than once a month f. Only when it’s full Q6. When you put out your household waste bin out for collection, it is usually… PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Empty or nearly empty Quarter full Half full Three quarters full Full Overflowing Q7. Do you feel you have enough space in each of the following household bins? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY ON EACH ROW Yes, enough space No, not enough space I don’t have this bin Blue Recycling bin (or communal recycling bin) Household waste bin (green bin) ‘Green-it’ bin (for garden waste) In the last Council Budget Consultation, residents suggested alternate weekly waste collections as one of the best ways to improve efficiency and reduce council spending. In over half of the councils in the UK, household waste is collected every 2 weeks. As a result, these councils are recycling much more. Gateshead is proposing to collect waste and recycling every 2 weeks in 2012. Q8. How do you feel about this the proposal to collect weekly waste every 2 weeks? I am happy with the proposal and I support it I am not happy with the proposal, but I do support it PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY I am not happy with the proposal and I do not support it I don’t feel strongly either way Q9. Gateshead Council continues to make improvements to the waste and recycling services in the borough Please rank each of the following in order of importance to you, from 1 to 6, with ‘1’ being most important and ‘6’ being least important. Rank a. Extending the number of recycling banks (bring sites) across the borough b. Reviewing the policy on additional household recycling bin requests c. Improving the household waste and recycling centres d. Introducing enforcement measures to encourage non-recyclers to start recycling e. Continuing to provide regular information and updates on recycling and waste collection f. Extending the range of materials that can be recycled in the household recycling bin Q10. Thinking about information about waste and recycling in Gateshead, what do you think about… a. the way we communicate information to you, e.g. leaflets, Council News, Council website etc? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Too much communication About right Not enough communication …and b. how easy information is to find? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Very easy Fairly easy Fairly difficult Very difficult Don’t know Information About You To help us understand how people feel right across the borough, we need to know if views are different in all areas. This is why we ask the questions in this last section. None of the information you give will be used for any other purpose. Q11. How many people live in your household (including you)? Adults (people aged 18 or older) Children (People aged under 18) Q12. What type of housing do you live in? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Detached house or bungalow Terraced house or bungalow Semi-detached house or bungalow Flat, maisonette or apartment Other (please state) Q13. Do you have communal /shared household recycling facilities OR your own household recycling bins? PLEASE ONE ANSWER ONLY Communal/shared recycling facilities Own household recycling bins Q14. To which of these age groups do you belong? 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ Please enter your postcode here: (Your postcode will only be used for our own evaluation purposes and your address will remain confidential). _________________________________ The Council is considering setting up a network of ‘recycling champions’ and voluntary workers, for example, to support composting and allotment schemes and to help shape our future services and support recycling initiatives in Gateshead. If you would be interested in participating, please provide your address details so we can contact you in future: Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email: (optional) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any further comments, please use the box below. Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. We value your feedback and it will be used to help shape the waste and recycling services we provide in Gateshead. For more information: Visit: Email: