Global Water and Energy Budget Study NEWS PI: John O. Roads UCSD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0224 ph: 858 534 2099 fax: 858 534 8561 1. Background The goal of our NEWS effort is to develop a Water and Energy Budget Study (WEBS) over land regions in general with a focus on the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental Experiments (CSEs) in particular. WEBS will involve a comparison of a number of observationally based (mostly GEWEX) water and energy budget processes and variables with corresponding processes and variables from global reanalyses and Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS). Such a comparison will provide an assessment of the accuracy to which we can quantitatively characterize bulk water and energy cycle processes, including understanding their potential error and the potential error of the overall water and energy budget “closure”. These “closure” errors will depend on time and space scales. We are focused here on a 2 deg. grid, aggregated to CSE basin and global land regions, and monthly to 10-year time scales. The time period, 1986-1995, chosen for the initial WEBS, takes advantage of the global data sets available from the GEWEX International Satellite Land-Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP) Initiative I and II data sets. As an example of the WEBS comparisons being developed (e.g. Roads 2006), Fig. 1 demonstrates our current uncertainty in estimating the annual latent heat flux (evaporation) over large continental-scale regions. There are currently no well-established global land latent heat flux data sets, although ocean data sets are slowly becoming available. Land evaporation is complicated by soil and vegetation heterogeneity and currently only model estimates are the “best available.” Since atmospheric reanalyses must use soil and vegetation properties influenced by model precipitation and radiation, it might be assumed that currently available off-line GLDAS products using a single observationally based forcing could provide the most reliable estimates. However, an intrinsic advantage of atmospheric reanalyses is that they are a coupled land-atmosphere solution, whereas current GLDAS models use uncoupled atmospheric forcings (e.g., uncoupled surface winds, temperatures, humidities), which likely produce some unknown error. Future coupled atmospheric reanalyses, which assimilate precipitation and radiation are expected to provide better estimates, as are promising experimental remote sensing techniques. 2. References Roads, J., 2006: GHP Water and Energy Budget Study. GEWEX Newsletter, Vol. 16, 6-8 3. Presentations 2005/09 NEWS kickoff meeting, New York, New York 2006/01 GEWEX SSG, Dakar Senegal 2006/09 NEWS annual meeting, Washington D.C. 2006/10 Pan GEWEX meeting, Frascati, Italy 2007/01 AMS annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas Fig. 2 1986-1995 annual latent heat flux (W/m2) means from R1, R2, ERA40, JRA, Noah, CLM, Mosaic and the atmospheric and land reanalyses ensemble means for GHP CSE regions as well as for the Global Land (-60 to + 60), Ocean (-90 to 90), and entire Globe. The areas are ordered from left to right by their annual mean surface air temperatures in the R1. Note the dry MDB and AMMA areas bracketing the wetter tropical areas.