Growth Inhibition of Escherichia coli. by Essential Oils of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia) Scott Lilly and Jordan Meek Department of Biological Sciences Saddleback College Mission Viejo, CA 92692 This study was undertaken to ascertain whether a statistical difference existed in growth inhibition of Escherichia coli, E coli. between Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia) essential oils (Could be clearer, are you testing for a statistical difference or for inhibition of growth?). We expected statistical significance to be observed regarding growth inhibition between both Rosemary and Lavender in addition to both groups showing significantly more inhibition then observed in control. (Scientific documents are not suppose to be written in first person, I would recommend you change “We” to “researchers” or something like that, also I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to tell me, please make this more clear) Two sample groups and one control group containing 10 agar dishes each were plated with E coli. and three equidistantly plated chads immersed in Lavender oil, Rosemary oil, and DI water respectively. Plates were allowed to incubate for forty eight hours and growth inhibition was measured across the chads in millimeters with a ruler. Average inhibition (mm) in the control group was observed to be 0.14 ± 0.07 (± S.E.M.). Average inhibition (mm) in the Rosemary group found to be 2.9 ± 0.41 (± S.E.M.) and in the Lavender group to be 2.5 ± 0.55 (± S.E.M.). Results demonstrated no significant difference in growth inhibition of E. coli between the Lavender and Rosemary groups (p = 0.4205, ANOVA). As expected however, significant differences in inhibition were observed in comparison of both the lavender and control group (p = 0.000032, ANOVA), and the rosemary and control group (p= 0.000302, ANOVA). Results indicate that both Rosemary and Lavender essential oils significantly inhibit E coli. growth but do not vary significantly from each other in terms of inhibition. Introduction Aromatic plants, such as Rosemary, Lavender, Oregano, and Thyme have long been valued for the medicinal and aromatic uses of their essential oil extractions. In addition, a number of studies undertaken in the last twenty five years have looked at the antibacterial properties these plants possess. The bird species, blue tit (Cyanistes caerulas) has been found to include pieces of aromatic plants amongst its normal nest building material (Blondel et al. 2009). Upon examination of the effect of these plants on the bacteria present on the blue tits, it was found that the plants significantly altered the structure of the observed bacterial communities specifically in regards to reducing the density of colonies among hatchlings (Blondel et al. 2009). Variability in antibacterial activity has also been noted in these plants due to a variance in concentration of essential oils specifically in regards to ice nucleation active bacteria (Karamanoli et al., 2004). In regards to the effects of these plants on specific bacterial strains, the aromatic plant basil (Ocimum basillicum) has been shown to be effective in inhibiting the growth of E coli. (Lopez et al., 2005). Relatively few studies have directly looked at the variance in effect that different essential oil extracts from these aromatic plants have on bacterial growth. The objective of this study was to observe the amount of growth inhibition of Escheridia coli. from the application of Lavender and Rosemary essential oils and whether the two differed significantly in their inhibition ability. It was hypothesized that both groups would significantly inhibit bacterial growth and that they would significantly vary between each other in the amount of inhibition Although the rosemary group had the largest average zone of inhibition, as seen in figure 1, it was found to have no statistical -(where is the rest of this sentence?)difference when compared to the lavender group (p= 4.2 x 10-1 , ANOVA). However, when the rosemary group was examined against the control group there was a significant statistical difference (p= 3.2 x 10-4, ANOVA). The results were also similar when the lavender group was compared to the control (p=3.0 x 10-4, ANOVA). (Why not just say that both groups demonstrated significant inhibition of growth in relation to the control group? It seems almost like you are reporting the results backwards) Materials and Methods Results Before evaluating the data, the diameter length of the Chad was subtracted from each measured zone of inhibition in order to get an accurate measurement. The average zone of inhibition on E.coli between the three groups was analyzed for comparison. The rosemary group had the greatest average growth inhibition at 2.91 mm ± .414 (± S.E.M) with the lavender group close behind at 2.45mm ± .546 (± S.E.M). As expected the control group had the smallest average, .14 mm ± .070 (± S.E.M) (Figure 1). (How did you measure each zone? Did you include the chad itself or did you subtract the diameter of the chad and just report the degree of inhibition?) 3.5 3 Growth Inhibition (millimeters) 1L of agar medium (Criterion Dehydrated Culture Media) was prepared and autoclaved for forty five minutes. The agar was then distributed evenly to 30 petri dishes and allowed to cool for a period of forty minutes. Three, single hole punch chads of filter paper were prepared for each Petri dish for a total of 90, these were subsequently autoclaved for forty five minutes. 20mL of Escherichia coli, E.coli. (precultured in the microbiology lab a few days prior) was distributed in 0.5mL increments to each dish in a lawn spread using a sterile spreader and standard procedure aseptic techniques, left over E. coli was disposed of properly. The 30 dishes were split into three groups: the control group, the rosemary group, and the lavender group. Three chads were placed on each dish using tweezers. Control group chads were dipped in water, whereas rosemary and lavender group chads were dipped in essential oil extracts of rosemary and lavender respectively. Oil extracts were sterilized via boiling and standard procedure Aseptic techniques were followed in transferring the chads to dish. All groups were incubated for 48 hours at a temperature of 37° Celsius. Upon removal from incubation, growth inhibition was measured as the diameter of E. coli absence across the center of the chads. 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Lavender Rosemary Control Figure 1 - Average growth inhibition (mm) of E.coli of the Lavender group was 2.45 ± .546 (± S.E.M). The rosemary group was 2.91 ± .415 (± S.E.M) and the control group was 0.14 ± .070 (± S.E.M) Discussion The results presented provide evidence that refutes one aspect of the two part hypothesis and supports the other. (This needs some cleaning, I’d jump straight to saying which part of the hypothesis was refuted and which was supported rather than having that statement) The average growth inhibition between the Rosemary group and the control group was found to be significant as was the growth inhibition between the Lavender group and control group. This data supports the hypothesis that these particular aromatic plants significantly inhibit bacterial growth and reflect similar results to the study of E coli. inhibition by basil (Lopez et al., 2005). No statistical difference was found in growth inhibition between the Lavender and Rosemary groups. This provides evidence for the validity of the null hypothesis, that there is not a significant difference in the E coli. growth inhibition ability of these two plants. These results also appear to run counter to the study conducted by Karamanoli et al., 2004 which found that variances in concentration of essential oils caused significant differences in antibacterial activity (Karamanoli et al., 2004). (Making both formal citations in the same sentence doesn’t seem necessary, it seems possible to cut the et al., 2004 from the first one since you sight that in the end of the sentence) The differing results could potentially have been caused by human error in this study. Namely, chads may not have been uniformly coated in their respective oils due to a density difference amongst the two sample groups. (If one was more dense, when the immersed chad was shaken to remove excess oil prior to plating, less might have dripped off causing the two groups not to have equal representation). (Instead of adding a parentheses, try to explain why in the sentence, it makes it seem more clear) Also, while sterilizing the essential oils, the Rosemary oil was found to come to its boiling point faster then did the Lavender oil which could have skewed the results. (How could it have skewed the results, please explain more clearly) This experiment looked at the effects of two of these aromatic plants on a single strain of bacteria’s growth. Further experiments could employ a wider range of essential oils and a larger sample size to better ascertain if/how these aromatic plants differ in their effect on E coli. growth. In addition, a single essential oil could be used and tested against a variety of bacterial strains to see if the inhibitory effect is widespread to limited to E coli.(You made no mention as to why Rosemary or Lavender have an effect on bacterial growth, What is the chemical compound(s) responsible for their antibacterial properties?) Literature Cited Blondel, J., Mennerat, A., Mirleau, P., Perret, P. “Aromatic plants in nests of the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus protect chicks from bacteria.” Ocelologia (October 2009): Vol. 161, Iss. 4; 849 Karamanoli, K., Vokou, D., Menkissoglu, U., Constantinidou, H.-I. “Bacterial Colonization of Phyllosphere of Mediterranean Aromatic Plants”. Journal of Chemical Ecology (2004): 2035-2048 Lopez, P., Sanchez, C., Battle, R., Nerin, C. “Solid- and vapor-phase antimicrobial activities of six essential oils: suscepitibility of selected foodborne bacterial and fungal strains.” J Agric Food Chem (August 2005); 53(17):6939-46 Picagglia, R., Maroti, M., Giovanelli, E., Deans, S.G., Eaglesham, E. “Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of Mediterranean Aromatic Plants”. Industrial Crops and Products (1993): Vol.2, Iss.1; 47-50 Svoboda, K., Hampson, J., “Bioactivity of essential oils of selected temperate aromatic plants : antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other related pharmacological activities” Plant biology Department, SAC Auchincruive, Ayr, Scotland, UK., KA6 5HW Literature Cited Blondel, J., Mennerat, A., Mirleau, P., Perret, P. “Aromatic plants in nests of the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus protect chicks from bacteria.” Ocelologia (October 2009): Vol. 161, Iss. 4; 849 Karamanoli, K., Vokou, D., Menkissoglu, U., Constantinidou, H.-I. “Bacterial Colonization of Phyllosphere of Mediterranean Aromatic Plants”. Journal of Chemical Ecology (2004): 2035-2048 Lopez, P., Sanchez, C., Battle, R., Nerin, C. “Solidand vapor-phase antimicrobial activities of six essential oils: suscepitibility of selected foodborne bacterial and fungal strains.” J Agric Food Chem (August 2005); 53(17):6939-46 Picagglia, R., Maroti, M., Giovanelli, E., Deans, S.G., Eaglesham, E. “Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of Mediterranean Aromatic Plants”. Industrial Crops and Products (1993): Vol.2, Iss.1; 47-50 Svoboda, K., Hampson, J., “Bioactivity of essential oils of selected temperate aromatic plants : antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other related pharmacological activities” Plant biology Department, SAC Auchincruive, Ayr, Scotland, UK., KA6 5HW Review Form Department of Biological Sciences Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Author (s): Scott Lily, Jordan Meek Title: Growth Inhibition of Escherichia coli. by Essential Oils of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia) Summary Essentially, the researchers wanted to establish that aromatic plants, in this case Rosemary and Lavender, have anti-bacterial qualities. There has been research regarding Cyanistes caerulas, or the blue tit, where the use aromatic plants in their nest-building. After some research, it was discovered that nests built with aromatic plants tend to have lower bacterial counts than those built without them. The goal of these researchers was to isolate two of these aromatic plant from other building materials found in these bird’s nests to see if they are capable of inhibiting bacterial growth. The experiment consisted of thirty agar nutrient plates divided into three groups, the control which consisted of water, and two experimental groups, one containing lavender and the other containing rosemary. The E. Coli used in the experiment was pre-cultured and spread across all the agar plates. Then for each plate, the researchers placed three paper chads containing water, rosemary oil or lavender oil. From there, the researchers measured the diameter of the zone of inhibition to gauge the degree of which the groups differed in one another. The researchers found bacterial growth is inhibited by the presence of rosemary and lavender oils, however they do not statistically differ between each other. General Comments The project itself was satisfactorily designed and executed. This project was a logical next step given the observations of the blue tit’s nest-building materials, however it doesn’t explain why these aromatic plants have anti-bacterial qualities. Given the potential this discovery offers, it would be the most beneficial to analyze what chemical(s) are present in these plants that inhibit bacterial growth and also, how these birds go about selecting materials to build their nests. Given the resources available to the researchers it is understandable that such a project isn’t feasible however, providing some kind of chemical data seems like it would be a key concern during the project selection and research process. However, as previously stated the technical portions of the experiment such as the number of chads, plates and groups insure that the data they did receive from this experiment was reasonably accurate. Technical Criticism This paper was a final version This paper was a rough draft There were quite a few times where statements needed more clarity. For example, when the researchers first illustrate the goal of the project it is unclear whether they are testing for proof of inhibition or a significant difference which can be inhibitory or excitatory, later in the paper the answer becomes apparent but clarity is better achieved as early as possible. Also, when the researchers explained how they measured the diameter of the inhibitory zone, it was unclear whether or not the chad itself was included in the measurement, it seem more accurate if the diameter of the chad was excluded from the data because this would more accurately emphasize the anti-bacterial characteristics of these aromatic plants. At one point during the explanation of the results, half of a key sentence explaining the results is missing, however this seems like more of a computer error than human error. Other than occasional unclear statements, there seemed to be only minor format errors. Once, the paper drifted into first person for a sentence and also there was a small citation error where the source was cited twice in the same sentence. Recommendation This paper should be published as is This paper should be published with revision This paper should not be published