Chapter I - Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, North

Chapter I
Chapter I
The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region was formed as a
Department in September 2001 and then was upgraded to the status of a Ministry in
May, 2004.
As per the Allocation of Business Rules, 1961 this Ministry is concerned
with the following: 
Matters relating to the planning, execution and monitoring of
developmental schemes and projects of North Eastern Region including
those in the sectors of Power, Irrigation, Roads and Communications.
Hill Area Development Programme and Border Areas Development
Programme in North Eastern Region.
Non-lapsable Fund for the North Eastern Region.
North Eastern Council
North Eastern Development Finance Corporation (NEDFi)
North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Limited
The Sikkim Mining Corporation Limited (SMC).
North Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation
Road works financed in whole or in part by the Central Government in
the North Eastern Region.
Planning of Road and Inland Waterways Transport in the North Eastern
1.2 Organisational set up
1.2 1
The Ministry is headed by the Cabinet Minister, who is assisted by Secretary,
three Joint Secretaries, Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser, Economic Adviser and other
officers. Organizational chart of the Ministry is at Annex. I.
The North Eastern Council (NEC), Shillong, an organization in the purview of
the Ministry, is the Regional Planning Body for the region. It was
set up under the
NEC Act 1971 for securing the balanced development of the North East. The Minister
Chapter I
in- charge of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region is ex-officio
Chairman of NEC. Its Members include the Governors and the Chief Ministers of the
eight Member States and three Members nominated by the President of India.
Secretary, NEC is assisted by Adviser( Planning), Sectoral Advisers and other Officers.
Plan Schemes
The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DONER) would be
implementing the following Plan Schemes in 2011-12:
a) Central Plan Schemes:
Advertising & Publicity
Technical Assistance & Capacity Building
Assistance to North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd.
Asian Development Bank assisted North Eastern States Road Project
[Externally Aided Project]
North East Road Project Management Unit
North Eastern Region Livelihood Project (NERLP) with World Bank
assistance (Externally Aided Project)
b) Additional Central Assistance to the State Plans
The following Schemes funded under the Additional Central Assistance to
the State Plans:
Non-lapsable Central Pool of Resources for North Eastern Region (NLCPR)
Plan Schemes of the North Eastern Council (NEC).
Infrastructure development projects under the special package for Bodoland
Territorial Council
Schemes for creation and upgradation of
infrastructure facilities, specially in
Arunachal Pradesh and other border areas in the North Eastern Areas,
Social and Infrastructure Development Fund (SIDF).
under the
Chapter I
1.4 Goals of the Ministry
1.4.1 The goals of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region include the
* Accelerating the pace of socio-economic development in the North Eastern
* Synergizing the efforts of Central / State Governments/ Other Stakeholders
for balanced development of the Region.
* Integrated & holistic planning for the region, taking into account the
heightened consciousness of the people of the region, their aspirations, needs
and sensitivities.
* Evolving a common approach for all the agencies working for the
development of the region.
* Formulating appropriate policies for the rapid development of the region.
1.5. Policy Framework
1.5.1 The Ministry implements the work mandated in para 1.1 through the
formulation of appropriate policies, and implementation of specific Plan programmes.
The North Eastern Council, Shillong also
implements various Plan Schemes in the
1.5.2. Further, Ministry of Home Affairs implement the Border Areas Development
Programme in North Eastern Region.
Another Programme titled “ Hill Area
Commission has been added to the mandate of Ministry of DoNER through an
amendment dated the 18th August 2010 to the Government of India(Allocation of
Business) Rules, 1961. However, actual transfer of the Programme from the Planning
commission is yet to materialize.
1.5.3 All non-exempted Ministries/ Departments/ of Government of India are required
to earmark at least 10% of their Gross Budgetary Support
(GBS) towards the
Development of North Eastern States for creation of both economic and social
infrastructure such as Power, Roads and Bridges, Education, Health, Water Supply and
Sanitation etc in the Region. Since 1998-99, the annual unspent amounts out of the
earmarked outlays of all non-exempted Central Ministries/departments for NE Region
Chapter I
are being accounted as accrual to a Central Resource Pool for Development of North
Eastern Region which is maintained on proforma basis by the Ministry of Finance and
is known as the Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR). Accruals from this
Pool are utilized
for financing new infrastructure projects/schemes in the Region
under the NLCPR Plan Scheme.
1.5.4 The Ministry also supervises the work of the Public Sector Enterprises, North
Eastern Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation Ltd. (NEHHDC) and
North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Ltd. (NERAMAC).
Government provides Interest- free loan to the North Eastern Development Finance
Corporation Ltd. (NEDFi), a financial institution which, inter alia provides credit and
other facilities to industrial enterprises, infrastructure projects, agro-horticulture units
etc. in the region.
1.5.5 While the respective Ministries/Departments are responsible in respect of
subjects allocated to them, the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
coordinates with various Ministries/Departments of Government of India and the State
Governments for various development and welfare programmes/ schemes/ activities
in North Eastern Region.
Ministries/Departments is regularly reviewed in Inter Ministerial Meetings.