Noise at work Policy

Name of responsible (ratifying) committee
Health & Safety Committee
Date ratified
Document Manager (job title)
Health & Safety Adviser
Date issued
4th October 2013
Review date
Sept 2017 or change of regulations
Electronic location
Corporate Policies
Related Procedural Documents
Key Words (to aid with searching)
Noise Sound Decibel Pressure Noise measurement;
Noise pollution; Acoustic hazards; Health service staff;
Noise at work Policy. Issue 3. 04.10.13
Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE....................................................................................................... 3
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 4
2. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 4
3. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4. DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 4
5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................. 5
6. PROCESS ................................................................................................................................... 5
7. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 6
8. REFERENCES AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION ............................................................ 6
DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 6
Appendix 1: Noise Assessment Record……………………………………………………………………....7
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Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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This policy must be followed in full when developing or reviewing and amending Trust procedural
For quick reference the guide below is a summary of actions required. This does not negate the need
for the document author and others involved in the process to be aware of and follow the detail of this
1. Exposure to excessive noise can cause hearing damage and even hearing loss.
2. To meet compliance with the Noise at Work regulations and the protection of all staff working
therein from noise that is harmful to health.
3. This policy affects all staff who may work in noisy environments.
4. db(a) Decibel level for human ear
5. Sets out the role and responsibility of persons within the organisation and what they should be
doing to protect staff and others from harmful noise at work. This extends to purchasing
contracts ensuring that equipment introduced is safe or protocols are drawn up after a risk
assessment has been undertaken
6. Introduces risk assessment that should be undertaken by a competent person to assess the
risk and advise on what appropriate actions need to be taken.
7. No training requirements as this will be undertaken by the safety department.
8. Health and safety at work act is the primary driver for protecting staff at work.
9. Monitoring will be through assessment, ill health or health surveillance via The health and
safety operational group and the health and safety steering group reporting to Governance and
Quality and trust board.
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Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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Exposure to excessive noise can cause hearing damage and even hearing loss. Noise also interferes with
communication and may therefore compromise safety at work. The effects of noise may be cumulative and
ultimately irreversible. This policy is produced to effectively manage noise at work so as to ensure safety.
Noise at work legislation prohibits working in noisy environments and requires the employer to identify these
areas or working practices, which may give, rise to noise problems and make an assessment of the risk. The
employer has a general duty under Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974, to ensure
so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare at work of employees. The risk assessment
needs to consider options to eliminate or control a hazard in order to decrease the degree of risk to as low
as is reasonably practicable.
This policy includes all workers, whether they are working or acting directly or indirectly for or on behalf of
the Trust. For convenience this policy will refer to all these groups as staff.
Because individuals are affected by noise differently, it is difficult to specify what level of noise is absolutely
safe. What we can say is that damage to hearing has been recorded at noise levels above 75-80 db(a), with
varying proportions of the population are potentially affected at different noise levels there is no clear
boundary between 'safe' and 'unsafe'.
‘In the event of an infection outbreak, flu pandemic or major incident, the Trust recognises that
it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of this document. In such circumstances, staff
should take advice from their manager and all possible action must be taken to maintain
ongoing patient and staff safety’
“Exposure Limit Values” (daily/weekly personal noise exposure)
 Lower exposure action values are, 80db(a) or Peak Sound Pressure of 135 db(c)
 Upper exposure action values are, 85db(a) or Peak Sound Pressure of 137 db(c)
 Daily/Weekly exposure limit values are, 87db(a) or Peak Sound Pressure of 140 db(c)
“Peak Sound Pressure” means the maximum sound pressure an employee is exposed, ascertained in
accordance with schedule 2 to the regulations.
“Weekly personal noise exposure” means the level of weekly personal noise exposure as ascertained in
accordance with Schedule 1 part 1 of the regulations. Where exposure may change on a daily basis the
employer may use the weekly personal noise exposure in place of the daily personal noise exposure for
the purpose of compliance with these regulations.
“Working Day” means a daily working period, irrespective of the time of day when it begins or ends, and
of whether it begins or ends on the same calendar day.
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Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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Chief Executive/ Director with Health and Safety Responsibility
The Chief executive is the accountable officer for the Trust with ultimate responsibility and delegates this to
the Director with Health and Safety Responsibility for the implementing and monitoring of Health and Safety
Senior Managers Department Heads and Line Managers are responsible for the health and safety of staff
within their area of responsibility. They are required to ensure that risk assessments have been undertaken
and that if noise levels are of a concern, adequate control measures must be introduced should the values
exceed the action levels (Noise at Work 2005). These control measures should eliminate or reduce the noise
levels to within the required legal limit.
Occupational Health and Safety Department
The Occupational Health and Safety department will be responsible for undertaking the health surveillance
required by the Noise at Work Regulations 2005. This may require that staff members who are likely to be
affected by harmful noise in their work areas will undergo a baseline assessment on starting work as part of
the health screening process, this should also consider the affects of Ototoxic drugs and substances at work
e.g. antibiotics (e.g., streptomycin), salicylates, such as aspirin, taken in large quantities, loop diuretics (e.g.,
lasix, ethacrynic acid), drugs used in chemotherapy treatment (e.g., cisplatin, carboplatin) and quinine.
Workplace ototoxic chemical agents include: solvents (e.g. benzene, toluene, butanol and trichloroethylene)
and certain metals, including lead, cobalt, mercury, arsenic, and lithium, and whether noise will have any
adverse effect on the member of staff.
In addition it will provide advice on risk assessments and, where required, conduct the assessment using the
proforma at appendix 1using a suitable noise meter in compliance with this policy.
Purchasing and Logistics
The purchasing and logistics department (NHS Supplies) are required to follow the HSE Guidance for the
purchasing of new equipment or machinery as required by the Provision and use of work equipment
Development Directorate, PFI Partner, Estates and Contractors
The Trust lead for each individual project that they manage (not clear who these are) is responsible for
ensuring staff, patients and visitors are not exposed to excessive noise levels and must ensure appropriate
action is taken to eliminate, reduce or control the noise source.
Should employees have concerns about noise at work, they are required to report this to their line manager,
who will decide if further action is required. This may include noise emanating from work equipment,
transport devices and at any time of the day or night. Where noise has been established and hearing
protection provided then it is the duty of the employee to make full and proper use of such equipment and to
report to their line manager any defects.
Any work process, equipment or workplace, which is expected of exposing staff to excessive noise, will be
subject to a formal assessment carried out by a competent person.
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Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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Any work area in which staff report that noise distracts or represents a nuisance shall be subject to an
assessment to confirm whether there is a case and whether noise levels can be reduced.
All new equipment and machinery purchased shall require a check on noise emissions (information from the
supplier) and be considered within the procurement decision.
Should any work, which as a result of a risk assessment and noise survey indicates levels above the first
action level of 80db(a) or a peak pressure level of 135db(c). Employees shall be notified and advised of the
risk from noise and of the availability of hearing protection which will be provided free of charge by local
In any area where noise levels exceed the second action level of 85db(a) or a peak pressure level of
137db(c). These areas will be designated as noise protection zones and only authorised staff equipped with
the appropriate hearing protection may work in those areas. Employees shall be informed of the risk and
provided with appropriate hearing protection free of charge by local management.
Where it is necessary to wear hearing protection, this will reduce the audibility of fire alarms. Visual beacons
or strobes should be employed in these areas as well.
Elimination or control of exposure to noise at the workplace.
The employer shall ensure that the risk of exposure to noise at work is eliminated at source or reduced to as
low a level as is reasonably practicable. If exposure is likely to be above the upper action level, the employer
shall reduce exposure to a low a level as is reasonably practicable by establishing and implementing a
programme of organisational and technical measures, excluding the provision of hearing protection as set
out in schedule 1 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
A competent person who has been trained to assess this risk can only carry out noise Assessments.
Where staff have to use hearing protection they should receive information, instruction and training from
management on the measures and correct use of equipment provided to safeguard their hearing.
Any information or training for employees should be appropriate to the health surveillance they receive
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 revised 2004
The Noise at Work Regulations 2005
The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
The Environmental Protection Act 1990
Noise at Work – Advice to employers HSG362
Noise at Work – Advice to Employees INDG363
Sound Solutions – Reducing Noise at Work HSG138
Health Surveillance at Work HSG61
This policy will be monitored for effectiveness on an annual basis through;
 Reported hazards that are noise related on the Datix incident system,
 Any actual noise risk assessments that have been carried out in this period,
 As a result of any Occupational Health referral
 Monitoring will be undertaken by the Health and safety Department the Health and safety
Operational Group and reported via the Health and Safety Steering Group
 Health surveillance if required will be undertaken by the Occupational Health department
Noise at work Policy. Issue 3. 04.10.13
Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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Appendix 1: Noise Assessment Record
1. Assessment details:
Title of Assessment
Reference No.
Date of assessment
If this is a re-assessment enter previous details:
Reference No. of previous assessment
2. Assessment carried out by:
Date of previous assessment
3. Location of Assessment & type of noise environment:
4. Summary of Results (if yes, tick (√) box): (Complete after sections 5-14)
Post (name)
Number of
First Action
Is a specialist noise assessment required?
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Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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Measurement Details:
5.Measurement Equipment
Sound Level Meter
Serial No.
Date of Calibration
Serial No.
Date of Calibration
Calibrator Model
Serial No.
Date of Calibration
6.Sketch of Workplace
(Show locations of noise sources, normal working positions etc.)
7.Details of Operations/Remarks
(Include details of existing hearing conservation measures, e.g. enclosures, silencers, personal
hearing protection)
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Review date: Sept 2017 or change of regulations
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Measurement Results
Start Calibration Level:
End Calibration Level:
Note: All measurements to be taken at the operator’s ear.
Noise at work Policy. Issue 2. 21.09.2009
Review date: 20.09.2013 or change of regulations
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Recommendations: Actions necessary to comply with Noise at Work Regulations:
8.Reduction of noise exposure by means other than the provision of hearing protection
(Essential if employees are exposed above the Second Action Level or the Peak Action Level)
9.Instruction, Information and Training of employees
(All employees exposed at or above the First Action Level or the Peak Action Level)
10.Hearing Protection Zones
(Essential in areas where employees are exposed above the First Action Level or Peak Action
11.Provision of Personal Hearing Protection
(Include Type and Stock Number if applicable)
12. Additional Recommendations
(List any further actions which have not been previously discussed)
13. Health Surveillance
(if the average daily 80db(a) or weekly exposure 87db(a) is exceeded then health surveillance
is required)
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Review date: 20.09.2013 or change of regulations
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14. Record of reviews
Date of initial assessment
Date of
Name of reviewer
Reference No. of initial
Post held
Is a new assessment required? Yes
(tick if applicable)
If yes enter new reference no. and date: -
Reference No. of new assessment
Date of new assessment
Note: A review should be undertaken every 2 years or sooner if there is a change in work practices.
A reassessment should be undertaken every 5 years.
15. Further comments
16. Action taken by Line Manager
Noise at work Policy. Issue 2. 21.09.2009
Review date: 20.09.2013 or change of regulations
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