
Word Document Copy of Primary Sources
Media Analysis Guides from the Learning Page
Analysis Worksheets from the National Archive
History Toolkit from Do History
Making Sense of Evidence from History Matters
Teaching with Primary Sources from Library of Congress
Do History Site – Learning to analyze documents, etc.
Eyewitness to History (by century) :History through the eyes of those who lived it.
American Memory Collection (as always, a crowd-pleaser)
US History at Our Documents
Primary Source Literature (etexts) of Historical Importance from UVA
EuroDocs: Western European Primary Historical Documents
Historical Text Archive
Women and Social Movements in the US
From Revolution to Reconstruction
Making of America: 19th c. books and magazines
Electronic Text Archive UVA (witch trials, slave narratives, etc.)
Vincent Voice Library of American Presidents (Audio Collections)
Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
Institute of American History Primary Source Site (modules by decade)
America in the 1930's - Radio Programs & Print Items (Audio)
Radio Days (Audio)
Digital History
National Archives Digital Classroom
Picture History
eHistory: Timelines, Biographies, Maps, Images
Fortunoff Holocaust Testimonies (Audio)
Sounds of Vietnam (Audio)
Library of Congress Main Page
Bartleby - Great Books Online (thousands of original texts)
WWII Primary Source Documents
The Smithsonian (MANY Primary Source Lessons with Documents/Images - type "primary sources" in general search field)
Newspaper Archive online
Historical Newspapers Online
Harper's Weekly Magazine Archives (1860-1912)
Freedom's Journal - Archive of First African American Newspaper
Newspapers Online
More papers online...
History Buff Archive Newspapers 1700-1965
History in the Raw - NARA
History at the BBC
NYPL/NY public Library Digital Archives/Primary Sources
Medieval Sourcebook from Fordham
First Hand Accounts - 1920-30
Jump Back in Time at America's Story
History Channel Speeches
History Out Loud
Authentic History Center - Primary Sources for Pop Culture
Ancient History Sourcebook
Modern History Sourcebook
Documenting the American South
History Central American Source Documents
The Valley of the Shadow: Living the Civil War in Pennsylvania and Virginia
Census Bureau
National Geographic - History
Justice Learning (NPR & NYT Collaborative)
Civil War Home
The Victorian Web
Women's History Sourcebook
PBS History
The American Civil War Portal
Online Archive of California
Legendary Interviews at the BBC
Core Documents of US Democracy from Gov't Printing Office
Famous Trials (original transcripts)
Supreme Court Cases & Supreme Court Database (OYEZ)
Repositories of Primary Sources Portal Site (complicated)
British Pathe News Footage and Video Collection (video clips)
USC Online Newsfilm Library (video clips)
Fed Stats
Geostat: Historical Census Browser
Statistics at the State and Local Levels
Statistics from Digital Librarian
US Historical Census Browser at UV
Gallup Organization
Harris Interactive
Portal for Maps at 42 Explore
PCL Historical Maps U Texas
Topographic Maps
SCORE Map Resources for Teaching
Maps Portal
Rare Map Collection
Historical Maps
Historical Maps
Historic Atlas Resource Library
Periodical Atlas of Europe
Historical Atlas of Europe
Xpeditions Atlas from National Geographic
Historical Political Cartoons Sites
Dr. Seuss and the War
Five Decades of Political Cartoons from the Washington Post
Historical Cartoons for the Classroom
America in Caricature
Political Cartoons of Noah Bee from the Museum of Jewish History
Teddy Roosevelt Cartoons
1896 Political Cartoons
Thomas Nast Political Cartoons
Picture History
1920's Exhibits and Primary Source Sites
1925 Year in Review - Art of the twenties artwork of the time
Anti-Saloon League Archives
Temperance and Prohibition Images/Documents
Center of Alcohol Studies
18th and 21st Amendments
The Twenties - Biography of America some primary source images
Authentic History - The Twenties Music Speeches Images
The Twenties - Fads, Dress and Trends - Images from Library of Congress
Flapper Station - Many Images of Actresses, Clothing, Automobiles
Technology in the Twenties
Modern Marvels Site at History Channel - vacuum, auto, radio, tv
Television History Pre - 1935
History of Television Images
Radio History
Red Scare Image Database and Red Scare Cartoons
The Red Scare in Images images of the times
The Scopes Trial transcripts
Lawless Decade: A Pictorial images of the times and crime
Woodrow Wilson's Inaugural Address
Reporter's Memos from the Scopes Monkey Trial with Overview
1920's Music Singers of the Twenties
Clash of Culture - Images and Documents of the Twenties Documents and Images
Temperance and Prohibition Cartoons & Documents
Coolidge Era Prosperity and Thrift at Library of Congress
Harlem Renaissance Primary Documents - The Arts Music/Art/Poetry
Harlem Primary Sources at Library of Congress
Drop Me Off in Harlem Exhibit
Slave Narratives 1930's
1920's Music Files
Listen to music by Duke Ellington.
Listen to music from Bessie Smith.
Listen to music by Louis Armstrong.
Flapper Art: Looking at Life Through the Art of John Held Jr.
Marcus Garvey Sound Recordings
Lindbergh at PBS
Anti-Saloon League Documents and Images
Al Capone - Artifacts and Overview
Sacco and Vanzetti- Greatest Trials of All Time
Boulder Canyon Project
Online texts of the Survey Graphic Harlem Publications
Pacifism vs. Patriotism and Women's History
American Source Documents - The Twenties documents
Evolution Controversy 1920s documents
Institute of American History 1920's Audio, Images
Volstead Act
Women's Suffrage Collection at Library of Congress
19th Amendment - Women's Vote
Are We People - Book of Rhymes for Women's Suffrage
Women's Suffrage Collection Images/Audio
Women's History Sourcebook
Women's Travel Writings to 1930
The 19th Amendment
1920 Article - I am Not Strong... suffrage hunger strike
First Hand Account of Stock Market Crash 1929
First Hand Accounts: 1920's - Letters and Essays - Titles Include:
• "No Help Wanted"
• "The Dust Bowl"
• "If A White Woman Accused A Black Man"
• "What If Our Check Does Not Come?"
• "Dear Mrs. Roosevelt"
Breadline: Eyewitness Interviews About the great Depression AUDIO
Images of the Great Depression
New York Times Articles of 1929 - Collection
The Great Depression Image Gallery
New Deal Archive Exhibit - Images, Documents
Interviews and Images of the Great Depression
1920's Eyewitness Accounts of the Following:
Making Movies, 1920
Entering King Tut's Tomb, 1922
Calvin Coolidge is sworn in as President, 1923
Adolph Hitler Attempts a Coup, 1923
Lindbergh Flies the Atlantic, 1927
The Bonus Army Invades Washington, D.C., 1932
American Memory Collection for the Twenties
The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920
The Evolution of the Conservation Movement: 1850-1920
From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1824-1909
The Emergence of Advertising in America
The Chinese in California, 1850-1925
Inside an American Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904
Traveling Culture: Chatauqua in the 19th Century