Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Address: Rus’ka str., 36, Ternopil
Tel.: 0352 52-43-37
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is headed by Doctor of Biological
Sciences, Professor Fira L. S.
Department staff: 1 Professor, 12 Associate Professors, 1 senior instructor, 11
Assistant Professors, 5 senior laboratory assistants.
Teaching Process at the Department
At the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry students of Medical and
Pharmaceutical Faculties, Faculty of Dentistry and the Institute of Nursing study the
following disciplines:
 Medical Chemistry (Medical Faculty and Faculty of Dentistry)
 Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry (Medical Faculty and Faculty of
 Inorganic Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Pharmaceutical aspects of alcoholism, drug addiction and abuse of
inhalants (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Analytical Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Organic Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Physical methods of analysis (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Physical methods of analysis and metrology (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Fundamentals of Chemical Metrology (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Metrology (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Theoretical basis of synthesis and relationship between structure and
action of drugs (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Physical and Colloid Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Medical Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Standardization of pharmaceutical products (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Toxicological Chemistry (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Quality control of medicines and food supplements (Pharmaceutical
 Quick analysis of acute intoxication (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Quality Management (Pharmaceutical Faculty)
 Medical Chemistry (the Institute of Nursing)
 Chemistry (the Institute of Nursing)
The staff of the Department is constantly working at the improvement of
educational and methodical work.
The Department is equipped with all necessary educational and teaching
materials: methodical instructions, lecture materials for the practical classes and
lectures. Textbooks, manuals, and training CDs were prepared by the staff of the
Department for the students’ use.
Practical classes are organized in accordance with the methodical instructions.
The methodology of classes is oriented on the acquiring of knowledge and practical
skills which are necessary for practice.
All the necessary study materials for different faculties in different languages
students can find at the WEB-page of our university.
Tests (250 for each class) are developed for Moodle system of students’
knowledge control and for the semester test exams.
At all Faculties classes are conducted in three languages - Ukrainian, Russian
and English.
The students are trained according to the “Single day” educational technique
and practically-oriented learning. "Z-system" of teaching involves the simultaneous
study of theoretical and practical subjects to shift emphasis from theory to practice.
To ensure the high level of practical training elements of practically-oriented learning
system are included into the teaching process at the Department. Students have the
opportunity to practically carry out quantitative and qualitative characteristics of
drugs, using modern research methods.
A large number of disciplines taught at the Department, as well as specificity
of practical classes require specially trained laboratory staff, which provides
educational process and research with necessary chemical reagents.
1st and 2nd year students study inorganic, analytical and organic chemistry get
basic knowledge to study pharmaceutical chemistry (for the students of specialty
"Pharmacy"), medical chemistry (for students of specialty "Clinical Pharmacy"),
pharmaceutical and cosmetic chemistry (for the students of specialty «Technology of
perfumery and cosmetics").
Scientific work at the Department
Researchers conducted at the Department are part of the general faculty
research theme: "Finding, development, standardization, pharmacoeconomics of
drugs and dietary supplements of different pharmacological groups" and together
with the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Clinical and Laboratory
Diagnostics Department instructors conduct different researches. They work in the
following areas:
- Creation of substances of synthetic and natural drugs (synthesis, physical and
chemical properties and biological activity)
- Biochemical and pharmacological studies of new substances of medicinal
- Standardization of medicines based on herbal medicinal substance
5 doctoral and 4 candidate's theses are planned at the Department.
Actively works student scientific group. Under the guidance of instructors,
students conduct researches in scientific areas of the Department, the results are
always reported at the student conferences. Every year at least 2-3 students are
winners with their scientific reports on student scientific conferences at various
In the future we plan to create and publish teaching materials in English for
foreign students of Pharmaceutical and Medical faculties and the Faculty of Dentistry
on the subjects taught at the department. Moreover, in the direction of development
of our research we plan to expand the range of pharmacological and biochemical
methods for testing new drug substances as hepatoprotective, antioxidant and cardiac
drugs, increase research to create synthetic antioxidants and antihypoxants and
improve methods of standardization of new drug substances.