WELCOME TO BOYLAN WARD PATIENT/CAREGIVER INFORMATION KIT Updated 28/4/14 Boylan Information Kit Page 1 Boylan Ward is a 12 bed inpatient unit located at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and provides a therapeutic environment in which young people up to the age of 18 years can work through their problems and concerns towards better mental health. This document is designed to assist you during your admission to Boylan Ward. You will also receive other brochures or leaflets on admission. BROUGHAM PLACE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ENTRANCE P QUEEN VICTORIA i SAMUEL WAY ANGAS CAFÉ 2ND FLOOR ROGERSON Starlight Room 1st Floor NO ENTRY ADOLESCENT WARD Qu LIFTVicto PLAY DECK 1ST FLOOR/ SCHOOL GROUND FLOOR LIFT SACRED SPACE 1ST FLOOR Lect TheaGOOD FRIDAY BUILDING BOYLAN WARD 1ST FLOOR Go up to 1st Floor CARPARK ENTRANCE PHARMACY GROUND FLOOR ENTRANCE KERMODE STREET P i CLARENCE REIGER SIR EDWIN SMITH AVENUE KING WILLIAM ROAD LIFT P i Parking Information Stairs L Lifts Public Transport Boylan Information Kit Page 2 ABORIGINAL SERVICES Aboriginal Liaison Officers are available to support patients and their families if required. Please see staff if you wish to access this service. ACCOMMODATION The Hospital has on-site accommodation for people needing a place to stay while a family member is receiving treatment. Preference is given to families with critically ill children and families from the country. For bookings or information please contact 8161 6291 or 8161 6289. ARTS AND CRAFTS Boylan Ward has art and craft equipment that patients can use on the tables at the end of the ward. This may need to occur under supervision of staff, or the artist, who runs art sessions several times a week. Occasionally some patients have allowed their artwork to be shown at art exhibitions that we have been involved in. Consent is always obtained prior to this occurring. BANKING An ATM is located in the foyer of the Kermode Street entrance of the hospital. BEDROOMS Bed allocations are made on patient clinical care needs and all patients have ‘public’ status and therefore have no special ‘right’ to a private room. We ask patients, parents and visitors to respect the need for individual privacy by not going into each other’s bedrooms nor having visitors in the bedrooms unless previously discussed and approved with the staff. Patients are asked to make their own bed and keep the bathroom tidy, unless mental health prevents this and then nursing staff will assist. Fresh linen is available as needed. CAFETERIA There is a Cafeteria located on the 2nd Floor and is open 7.30am – 7.30pm daily. It sells a range of foods and beverages (including free tea and coffee) for patients, families and visitors. EFTPOS facilities are available with a minimum spend of $10.00. Other eating options are the Nic Nath Café on the Playdeck Level 1 and Rainbows at Kermode Street entrance ground floor. There is a Hudson’s Coffee lounge located on the ground floor of the Memorial Hospital. CAR PARKING There are two public parking facilities available in Kermode Street and the Basement Car Park (entry from Brougham Place near the Emergency Department). Both car parks are open from 6.00 am to 11.15 pm weekdays and 6.00 am to 9.00 pm on weekends. Automatic exit operates 24 hours. For shorter periods parking meters surround the hospital. Parking Inspectors regularly monitor these. Boylan Information Kit Page 3 CHAPLAINS The hospital has a Chaplain Service which is available to patients and their families. Please ask staff if you wish to make these arrangements. There is also a ‘Sacred Space’ within the hospital where patients and their families may go and reflect. COMPLIMENTS AND COMPLAINTS Please speak to staff if you wish to make a compliment or complaint. We can supply you with forms. Constructive feedback is very important to continue to meet the needs of our patients and their families. COMPUTERS The ward has a computer that is allocated a small amount of internet hours per month. We ask that the internet be accessed for undertaking activities such as ‘mood gym’ which is a self-help program. Some patients elect to bring in their own laptops which can be accessed however these are to be placed in the storage area when not in use. Please be aware that the Ward is not responsible for any damage or theft of items brought into hospital. CONFIDENTIALITY It is the policy of this hospital that all patient information is confidential. Staff are not able to give out any information unless consent is obtained by the patient if he/she is 16 years or over, or by the parent/guardians if the patient is under the age of 16 years. However by law the staff may need to provide information to other departments or agencies. CONSENT On admission staff will obtain consent from the patient if they are over the age of 16 years or the parent/guardian for those who are aged 15 years or under. These consent forms allow an exchange of information between services and for treatment to be undertaken in Boylan Ward. Please ensure you discuss with staff any concerns you may have around these forms. COUNSELLING This is provided regularly by members of the multidisciplinary team who are experienced in helping children, adolescents and their families deal with various mental health issues. Please approach staff if you need to discuss any issues with them. Boylan Information Kit Page 4 DISCHARGE PLANNING This is a crucial part of the treatment as ongoing therapy and support is usually indicated for most patients and their families on discharge. Generally the clinician or agency that will be providing the follow-up care from hospital will be notified as early as possible and staff will endeavor to have a discharge appointment arranged with them on discharge. A ‘Keeping Well Plan” will be formulated with the patient and/or family and provide on discharge. A discharge summary will also be available or posted following discharge. Patients are to be discharged before 1100 a.m. whenever possible DVD’S The ward has a range of DVD’s that patients have access to. Please see staff to obtain a list of what is available. For the parents of those patients under the age of 15 years please note that we do have ‘M’ rated movies therefore it is important that you notify staff if you have a concern about your child watching these movies. EFM-HOSPITAL GYM Boylan Ward has bookings at the EFM -Hospital Gym every Wednesday and Friday morning between 9am and 10am. All patients are to attend unless their mental or physical health prevents this from occurring. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT All electrical equipment brought into Hospital needs to be visually checked by nursing staff to ensure that the there is no obvious damage to the cords which could pose danger during its use. FOCUS ROOM This room is located by the dining area and is to be used by patients only, with staff support, as a tool in helping patients to manage their strong emotions. Only one patient at a time can use it and this must be in negotiation with their allocated nurse. Sensory equipment, music therapy, stress relieving therapies, massage chair, relaxation therapy are some of the therapies offered. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION If you wish to obtain information from the patient’s case notes, you may apply to do so through the WCHN Freedom of Information Officer who can be contacted on 8161 6127. HAIR DRYERS AND STRAIGHTENERS Individual hair dryers and straighteners can be used however we ask that they be locked up in the storeroom when the patient has finished using them. This is to ensure that a safe ward environment is maintained. For those patients who do not have one we can lend you ours. Boylan Information Kit Page 5 INTERPRETERS An interpreting service is often used in meetings with patients and their families when English is not the first language and freely spoken. Please inform staff if you would like to access this service and if there are any cultural factors that should be considered when booking an interpreter. IPODS Boylan staff are aware that listening to music can aid individual sleep and assist in emotional regulation and de-stressing. We are also aware that several iPods may have cameras which if used inappropriately can pose concern for patient and staff confidentiality. If an individual is reported to be misusing an iPod then staff will lock the iPod in the storeroom and they will not have access to them on the ward for the remainder of the inpatient admission. KEEPING WELL PLAN On discharge you will be provided with a ‘Keeping Well Plan’ that outlines strategies to undertake on discharge, who to contact if needed, medication regime and follow-up appointment. This plan should be developed ‘together’ and should accompany you on your follow-up appointment. KITCHEN The kitchen is for the use of patients. Family members and visitors are encouraged to obtain their meals from the various facilities within the hospital. If patients wish to store food or drinks in the kitchen then please label the items to discourage other patients from taking them. Patients are to keep the kitchen and dining area tidy and placing their dishes in the dishwasher. VISITORS ARE NOT TO OFFER FOOD TO OTHER PATIENTS WITHOUT CHECKING WITH STAFF FIRST. LAUNDRY FACILITIES A washing machine and dryer are located on the ward. Patients are encouraged to attend to their own washing/drying however staff will assist as necessary. Alternatively families can take the washing home. MEDICATIONS Medications are prescribed when indicated in consultation with the patient, their family/care-giver (if appropriate) and the treating team. Boylan Ward has a pharmacist who is available to discuss any concerns you may have. Please ask staff if you wish to consult with them. There is a cost for discharge medication so please inform staff if you have an adequate supply of medication at home so only the required medication is prescribed and dispensed. On rare occasions we may need to prescribe medication urgently or seek urgent medical advice (eg for accident, injury or similar emergency). Of Boylan Information Kit Page 6 course, we will notify parents/carers if not on the ward at the time as soon as we can under these circumstances. MENUS AND SPECIAL DIETS Patients are provided with a menu that they fill in the day before. If individuals have special diets, food allergies or needs that the menu does not cater for, then please advise staff who will arrange for an alternative menu or arrange for input from a dietician. MOBILE PHONES Most adolescents have mobile phones and use them to keep in close contact with their friendship groups. Unfortunately many patients have been subjected to cyber -bullying and as mobile phones usually have cameras inbuilt, staff are conscious of ensuring that patient identity and confidentiality is protected whilst they are an inpatient. In order to reach a middle ground the following rules have been agreed upon. Patients will keep their mobile phones in the storage area whilst on the ward. If the patient is clinically able to, they may take the phone off the ward to use however it may also be accessed closely to the ‘front desk’ where staff can attempt to monitor its appropriate usage. This is generally 3 – 4 times a day for 5 – 10 minutes each call. OUTINGS The ward has access to a vehicle that is used for patient outings and socialization groups under the direct supervision of nursing staff. For those patients under the age of 16 years the guardians will need to provide consent for patients to attend these outings. PATIENT BELONGINGS Unfortunately, some common articles can be dangerous in a hospital environment and as the staff have a duty of care to ALL patients; staff will inspect any patient belongings on admission and when items are brought into the ward. Some articles may need to be placed in our storage room for safe keeping or may be sent home with family or friends. AT NO TIME ARE ILLICIT DRUGS AND ALCOHOL TO BE BROUGHT ONTO THE WARD. PATIENT LEAVE This will be discussed by your child/adolescent’s doctor with you. You will be asked to sign Consent to Leave Form for those patients under the age of 16 years and nominate other family members and friends who may also accompany your child/adolescent. People nominated will be asked to complete a leave form with details of the leave and a contact number when taking a young person from the ward. PHONE CALLS Patients can be contacted on 8161 6622. Outgoing calls can be made from the public phones in the foyer however if a patient is unable to leave Boylan Information Kit Page 7 the ward then we can allow up to 2 short phone calls a day from the ward phone. Parents and visitors are requested to use the public phones. PHOTOS Patients have a photograph taken of them on admission to the ward. This is used to ensure correct patient identification when administering medication and treatment. Boylan Ward patients are not required to wear ID wristbands however they are required to have their photographs taken. On discharge these photos are safely stored in the patient’s case-notes. PLAY DECK This is located on the 1st Floor and has the Nic Nath Café which is open 7.30am – 4pm Mon – Fri, closed on weekends. It also has a playground for younger children and seating is provided in a pleasant environment. Visiting may also occur here rather than the ward if the patients mental health allows, however please inform staff when leaving the ward. SACRED SPACE There is a Sacred Space located on the ground floor when individuals may go. It is a quiet and spiritual place and is always open. SAFETY and SECLUSION Staff within Boylan Ward utilizes a range of therapeutic strategies to help the young person maintain their safety and the safety of others. In the event that a patient becomes a danger to themselves or others then as a last resort, the use of seclusion may be employed. SMOKING The Women’s and Children’s Hospital is a smoke free environment and patients, their families and visitors are not permitted to smoke within 30 meters of all exits and entrances. If patients require assistance in managing their nicotine addiction or withdrawals then please approach staff that can assist by supplying nicotine patches, counseling and/or referral to QUIT. Cigarettes and lighters are to be kept in the store-room and are not to be provided to any other patient on the ward. STARLIGHT ROOM The hospital has a ‘starlight room’ located opposite the play-deck on the 1st floor which can be used by patients and their families. There is supervised activities which include games, arts and crafts and special performances. They are very welcoming – don’t forget to sign in and out. TABLE-TENNIS Boylan Ward has a table-tennis table that patients and their visitors are welcome to use. Please ask for ball and bats from staff. Boylan Information Kit Page 8 TREATMENT PLAN As every person who is admitted to Boylan Ward have their own unique circumstances and family, then each child and adolescent patient has a personalized treatment plan. This plan is the result of collaboration between the young person, the family/caregivers and multi-disciplinary team members. SCHOOLING The hospital has its own Primary and Secondary schools. All currently enrolled school children are expected to attend Monday to Friday from 9.30-11.30am and 1.30-3.30pm unless their mental health indicates otherwise. Individual treatment plans may at times encourage patients to attend their own school from Hospital. VISITING Visiting hours are flexible however times and duration of visits should be negotiated with staff on a daily basis. This is to ensure that visits do not occur when patients are undergoing activities that are part of their treatment plan and that the patient is able to cope with the increased stimulation of the visit. Visits should not commence prior to 9.30am and are to be concluded by 8pm unless otherwise negotiated with staff. We do not encourage ex-patients to visits patients on the ward and they may be asked to leave unless prior negotiation has occurred with senior medical/nursing staff on the ward. WARD ACTIVITIES There are different activities available for Inpatients, including X-Box and Wii games, board games, jigsaw puzzles, books and exercise equipment. These are available on request and are to be treated respectfully. Any suggestions for alternative games are welcome. Boylan Information Kit Page 9 GENERAL GUIDE TO THE DAILY ROUTINE AT BOYLAN WARD MONDAY – FRIDAY DURING SCHOOL TERM AM 8.00-8.30 Wake up, showers, get dressed 8.30-9.30 Breakfast in dining room 8.30 – 9.00 Dishes, tidy room, make bed 9.00 – 9.30 Free time 9.30 School 11.30 Return to ward from school 11.30-12.00 Free time 12.00 Lunch 12.30-1.30 Dishes and then free time/visiting hours PM 1.30-3.30 School 3.30 Return from school 3.30-5.00 Free time 5.00-5.30 Dinner, dishes 5.30-8.00 Free time visiting 8.30 Bed time for under 12’s 10.30 Bed time for over 12’s ON WEEKENDS AND DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS THE ROUTINE IS LESS STRUCTURED AND MORE FLEXIBLE WITH MANY PATIENTS HAVING TRIAL LEAVE ARRANGED. 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