Minutes of the Friends of Wreningham School , Crogham Cottage

Minutes of the Friends of Wreningham School, Crogham Cottage, 2nd February 2011
Present: Nikki Foley (Chair), Jules Alexander (Treasurer), Emma Rees (Mins Sec), Rob
Jones, Lindsay Parfitt, Celia Phoenix, Cathryn Nuttall, Tracie Draegar, SarahTurner,
Catherine Gribb and Mandy Francis.
Apologies: Julie-Anne Stevens and Gilly Cugnoni.
Approval of the previous meeting’s Minutes, 15th November 2010
Treasurer’s Report:
£ 229.09
Payments since last meeting:
£ 58.00
Receipts since last meeting:
£ 65.10 (Quarter 3)
£ 61.50
£ 30.00 (Outstanding since previous Treasurer’s report)
Past Events
Christmas Raffles
The Friends agreed that the 4 Christmas Raffles had been very successful raising £298.66 in
total. This figure was slightly less than last year as the morning performance of the Key Stage
2 performance hadn’t been as well attended as previous years. Emma mentioned that having
sent out 38 letters requesting raffle donations; she received only 7 positive responses.
Contributions were received from:
Simply Cards, Present Time, The Book Fountain, Hethel Engineering Centre, DCR
Music, Waitrose and Monsters; all of whom have been thanked for their support.
There was some discussion about the fact that it was becoming increasingly difficult to secure
raffle prizes from local companies, for obvious economic reasons. Three donations were
gratefully received on the mornings of the raffles from Sally Brown, Sarah Turner and
Sarah Walpole.
Nikki thanked the Friends who had organised and “hampered” the prizes and especially
Lindsay for delivering the items on each of the 4 occasions.
Christmas Parties
It was unanimously agreed that the format for the 2010 Christmas Parties had been extremely
successful. Classes 1 and 2 returned to school in party clothes between 5.00pm - 6.00pm.
This party was followed by the Key Stage 2 party, 6.15pm – 7.15pm. Entertainment was
provided by the Wymondham Roller Disco DJ, who proved very popular with the pupils.
The Friends thanked Celia for organising the parties, which the children had thoroughly
enjoyed. Thanks also to Lindsay and Nikki for providing the party food.
Sarah mentioned that in future, parents could contribute a small donation towards the cost of
the parties perhaps £1 per child. As future budgets are inevitably going to be stretched, the
Friends agreed that this was a sensible idea.
Future Events
Classes 1 and 2 Cake Stall – Friday 11th March
The forthcoming cake stall which was due to take place on Friday the 18th February has been
postponed until Friday the 11th as the Class 3 pupils will be on their school trip.
Catherine has agreed to produce some advertising posters to attach to the gates and
classroom doors and Emma will produce some book bag fliers to remind parents.
Spring Fair – Saturday 26th March: 11.00am – 3.00pm
Jules and Mandy filled the Friends in on their plans for the forthcoming Spring Fair. The
date has been organised for Saturday 26th March and the fair is timed to take advantage of
the lunch time period. Last year, the kitchen alone generated over £300 selling cream teas and
filled rolls etc. It has been decided to have fewer stalls than last year, as the stalls tend to
consume a large area of the hall and some stall holders last year didn’t make many sales.
The confirmed stalls are: Gilly (Phoenix Cards), Debbie Bird’s Crafts, Mandy’s
Planters, Samphire Chocolates, Harvest Moon and Gina’s Bunting.
For children, there will be an Easter Egg Tombola with two sessions, as last year the eggs
went very quickly and some children arriving late didn’t have the opportunity to have a go.
There will also be a craft table, pocket money prizes and hook a duck.
The Friends discussed an alternative to the Easter hat competition and it was decided to have
a Decorate an Egg Competition. The eggs are to be hard boiled and can be presented in an
egg cup or egg box. The entries will be judged in Class groups. Mandy will ask Andree if
she would like to judge the entries. Tracie mentioned that the judging needs to take place at
the advertised time making it impossible for any children to be left out.
Emma and Lindsay have agreed to liaise regarding the filled rolls, cakes and general kitchen
organisation. They will compile a list requesting food or cake items from the Friends which
will be circulated a couple of weeks prior to the event. It is hoped that Raph will be available
to help man the kitchen.
To provide more space for activities and also to encourage dads to come along, it was
decided that it would be advantageous to open the bar and the Margaret Preston Room.
Mandy and Jules will discuss the availability with Christine Minns and Mark Francis has
agreed to man the bar, thank you Mark. Mandy has also agreed to speak to Christine
Minns requesting she include an advert for the Spring Fair in the next Mardle.
Jules has agreed to produce a poster advertising the Fair together with a flier
requesting contributions for the Easter Egg Tombola and Raffle prizes.
Bag 2 School – Thursday 5th May
The next Bag 2 School has been organised for Thursday 5th May. The flier and bag are to be
distributed around the 4th of April, hopefully giving parents ample opportunity to fill them
during the Easter holidays. Thank you to Jules for co-ordinating this fundraiser.
Sports Day Grand Draw – Friday 15th July
Jules has been very busy making enquiries with the council regarding the protocol associated
with selling raffle tickets outside of school. Jules will fill in and return the form together with
a cheque for £40 which will enable the Friends to sell tickets in this way, should they wish to
do so, for the next 3 years. Emma has agreed to be the promoter. Emma will look into the
ticket printing costs and Nikki suggested approaching local sporting businesses to find out if
they’d be prepared to sponsor the tickets. Emma will contact Wynsport and Premier
It has been decided to offer 3 cash prizes, along with other donated items. Emma will talk to
the manager of Travis Perkins and find out if he would be prepared to donate something. At
present the Friends have a die-cast Lotus car worth £75 and a Slow Cooker. If any of the
Friends know anyone who might be able to provide or help provide a raffle prize, please
use your charm!! The more we have to offer, the more appealing the tickets will become.
Any Other Business
Cathryn has been investigating local quiz masters on behalf of the Friends and has
successfully secured the services of Ray and his wife Sue. Ray and Sue do not charge for
their time, they do however make a donations pot available on the evening in support of
Quidenham Hospice, which the Friends thought was an excellent idea. Cathryn made
contact with Christine Minns who informed her of the village hall availability, the date
chosen is Friday 13th May. Emma thanked Cathryn for all of the research she had carried
out. There was a brief discussion around the source of the fish and chips. Lindsay recalled
that “Chips Away” had successfully and efficiently provided the suppers at the 2009 Quiz
and Chips. This requires further discussion.
Catherine had a superb idea and thought the Quiz and Chips evening would be an excellent
opportunity to sell raffle tickets for the Sports Day Grand Draw.
Mr. Jones mentioned that he and several Governors had inspected the school buildings and
premises. Several jobs need to be carried out, in particular the plastic roof above the back
door play area of Class 1 needs a thorough pressure washing. Among other jobs, the
playground would also benefit from a pressure washing and the hand rails on the library ramp
need painting. To that end, a “Saturday Spruce Up” has been organised for Saturday 7th
of May.
Mr. Jones also mentioned that he and Ms Leader had made arrangements to visit Old
Buckenham Primary School on the 14th of February to have a look at their Key Stage 1
outdoor area. Nikki has agreed to join them and the Friends agreed that once Mr. Jones and
Ms Leader decide how they would like to move forward with the Class 1 outside space, the
Friends agreed to donate £2000 towards the improvements.
School Trips organised for this year are:
Class 3 – Horrible Histories, March. The Friends have agreed to pay £292 for tickets and
coach travel.
Class 4 – Inspire, 15th March. Mc Donald’s (via Kevin Foley) has agreed to fund this trip.
Many thanks to Kevin.
Class 1 and 2 – Nikki will look into a trip to the Puppet Theatre.
Mr. Jones explained that the School Council will take on the production of a new school
magazine. It will go out to pupils every half term with contributions and lay out being
largely organised by the children.
Emma has agreed to look into purchasing a magnetic notice board to be situated in a
prominent position in the playground and used to advertise and promote the activities of the
Sarah explained that she and some of her friends from the local livery yard had decided to
organise a “Sponsored Ride” from the stables on a route through the surrounding
countryside. The ride sponsorship would be donated to Wreningham School. Sarah
thought that the event should be opened up to the school and anyone wishing to join in on
horseback or foot would be very welcome. The plan would also include a raffle to generate
more funds. The Friends thanked Sarah for her excellent idea and enthusiasm. Nikki has
agreed to liaise with Sarah regarding the date and sponsorship forms for the ride.
11th March – Classes 1 and 2 Cake Stall
26th March – Spring Fair
5th May - Bag 2 School
7th May – “Saturday Spruce Up”
13th May – Quiz and Chips
24th June – Class 3 and Friends Cake Stall
15th July – Sports Day and Grand Draw