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State of Israel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Spokesperson’s Office
July 5, 2012
15 of Tammuz 5772
NOT. 668/12
Press Release
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
removed this morning with the Eilat Police 14
donkeys in a state of extreme emaciation from
Solomon’s Chariots in Eilat
“Walking skeletons”, said the Ministry of Agriculture’s
horse veterinarian of the donkeys at the site
The Ministry of Agriculture, within its enforcement activity, initiates operations for rescuing
and saving animals that are victims of maltreatment. After rescuing an animal, it is transferred
for rehabilitation and veterinary care at a protected facility that is fully financed by the
ministry. After rehabilitation, the animal is transferred to an adoptive family.
In a joint operation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the municipal
police unit of the Eilat Police, 14 donkeys in a state of extreme emaciation were rescued from a
farm in Eilat.
Following a complaint that the ministry had received, a joint team of the Ministry of
Agriculture and the Eilat Police departed to inspect the farm. In the audit, 14 donkeys were
found to be kept under poor conditions and care. All of the donkeys were severely to extremely
malnourished, to the point that their bones stood out due to their extreme weight loss.
A very small amount of food that was not sufficient for feeding 14 donkeys, consisting of very
low quality hay, was found at the facility.
The representatives who conducted the audit of the facility learned that regretfully, despite the
poor condition of the donkeys, the farms owner did not hesitate to rent them out for chariot
tours for visitors to visitors of the site under Eilat’s harsh heat conditions.
Hamaccabim Road, P.O. Box 30 Beit Dagan, ZIP 50250, Tel. 03-9485436, Fax: 03-9485782
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State of Israel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Spokesperson’s Office
Following the findings, it was decided to extract the donkeys immediately to a protected
facility of the Ministry of Agriculture for veterinary care and rehabilitation, and an order was
issued by the Magistrates’ Court in Beer Sheva for entering the farm and seizing the donkeys.
The findings at the site were documented and the Ministry is examining the option of taking
legal action against its owner.
After their rehabilitation, the donkeys will be transferred to fish pools. The finding of a new
home for the donkeys around fish pools is a novel idea that has a great ecological contribution
to the donkeys, fish and the surroundings. Besides that factors that the donkeys will enjoy a
natural, generous grazing area, they will keep the weeds growing around the fish pools in
check, thus preventing the need for pest control and cutting operations for the vegetation.
Fish pools cover large areas, and because of the large amounts of water, rich vegetation grows
around them. These weeds must be exterminated and cut every few months, to prevent the
arrival of pests that may harm the fish in the pools, but this is no longer needed. In other words,
the vegetation will become food for the donkeys, and extermination and cutting operations will
no longer be necessary. This will yield a double saving – for the environment and in financial
The rescue program for horses and donkeys that are victims of abuse started to run five years
ago, in 2007. About 500 horses and about 300 donkeys have been rescued until today from
abuse and have been rehabilitated in protected facilities, with the full financing of the Ministry
of Agriculture of about a million shekels. Most of the horses have been transferred to adoptive
families that can provide a warm home and care as necessary. The donkeys that were rescued
from abuse have been integrated in fish pool complexes and they enjoy their new home in the
Hamaccabim Road, P.O. Box 30 Beit Dagan, ZIP 50250, Tel. 03-9485436, Fax: 03-9485782
New website:
Government portal:
State of Israel
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Spokesperson’s Office
The horse veterinarian of the Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Zvia
Mildenberg: the donkeys looked like “walking skeletons”. This is extreme neglect, which
even I could not believe, after being accustomed to severe cases of abuse".
The Ministry calls citizens to contact the Ministry concerning any suspicion of an offense of
the Animal Cruelty Prevention Law. Applications on this subject may be forwarded to the
animal cruelty prevention department of the Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture,
by: email or fax: 03-9681661. It is advisable to attach documentation to
Details may be found on the Ministry’s website:
Best regards,
Dafna Yurista
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Hamaccabim Road, P.O. Box 30 Beit Dagan, ZIP 50250, Tel. 03-9485436, Fax: 03-9485782
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