Attachment G-Existing Approved Sites and Waste Management Methods PLEASE NOTE THAT WASTE MANAGEMENT SITES (THIRD COLUMN) PRECEDED BY A DASH ARE SITES USED BY ONYX FOR RESIDUAL WASTE DISPOSAL AFTER PROCESSING. THESE SITES ARE NOT FOR DIRECT DISPOSAL OF WISCONSIN WASTES. Waste Stream 1. Characteristic organic solids and semi-solids Waste Management Method(s) Names and Locations of All Waste Management Sites managing this waste a.) Incineration a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) b.) Fuels Blending b.) Onyx-RMI -MFR (fuels) b.) Essroc Materials, Inc. b.) Continental Cement Company, Inc. 2. Characteristic organic solvents and oils a.) Fuels Blending 3. Characteristic paintrelated wastes a.) Fuels Blending 4. Characteristic organic and inorganic acids and bases a.) Treatment a.) a.) a.) a.) a.) a.) a.) b.) Incineration Additional Information a.) If BTU<5000 b.) BTU>5000 and amenable to fuels blending Lonestar Alternative Fuels Essroc Materials, Inc. Continental Cement Company, Inc. Lonestar Alternative Fuels Essroc Materials, Inc. Continental Cement Company, Inc. US Filter a.) Acceptance at US Filter -Horsehead Resource Development (sludge) -Envirite (debris/solids) -USPCI-Rosemount (non-haz, solids) -North Star Steel (steel drums) b.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration b.) Materials not acceptable at -WMI Model City (ash) US Filter -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) 1 5. Characteristic aqueous wastes with or without toxic metals a.) Treatment b.) Incineration 6. Characteristic Inorganic a.) Treatment solids with or without toxic metals b.) Incineration 7. Charateristic reactive wastes a.) Incineration b.) Treatment 8. Characteristic chemically contaminated items a.) Incineration a.) US Filter -Horsehead Resource Development (sludge) -Envirite (debris/solids) -USPCI-Rosemount (non-haz, solids) -North Star Steel (steel drums) b.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) Acceptance at US Filter-Low organics b.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) b.) WMI-Lake Charles -Onyx-Port Arthur (Untreatable CN) a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) b.) Oxidizers and other reactives 2 b.) Materials not amenable to treatment a.) D004-D011 a.) Reactives amenable for incineration b.) Bulk cyanide and sulfide waste materials a.) Materials not amenable for treatment b.) Treatment 9. Characteristic surface preparation waste a.) Reclamation 10. Characteristic mercury a.) Recycling contaminated items b.) Treatment 11. Characteristic mercury a.) Treatment salts and solutions b.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) Gopher Smelting -Superior Services, Buffalo, NY -Onyx-CWD (paints) a.) Onyx Special Services -Bethlehem Apparatus (Mercury) -OWS Glacier Ridge (refuse) -OWS-Emerald Park (refuse) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (refuse) a.) Bethlehem Apparatus -WMI-Model City (Sludge) -WMI/Grand Central (Debris, Glass, end caps) -Dupont (Water) -WMI-Argyle, PA (NH) b.) D004-D011 Contaminated solid items b.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard Ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -WMI-Model City (unprocessable debris) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) b.) Contaminated items <260PPM Mercury a.) Stablex a.) High mercury >260PPM and inorganic 3 Short term and long term storage will be handled at Onyx-CWD Menomonee Falls, WI a.) Elemental Mercury b.) Recycling/retort 12. Characteristic firing range waste a.) Recycling b.) c.) Treatment 13. Characteristic solvents a.) Incineration contaminated with PCB's 14. Charateristic aerosols a.) Incineration 15. Characteristic sludges a.) Treatment b.) Incineration b.) Bethlehem Apparatus b.) Mercury Oxide, Mercury -WMI-Model City (sludge) Iodide, Mercury Sulfide -WMI-Grand Central (debris, glass, and caps) -Dupont (water) -WMI-Argyle, PA (NH) a.) Gopher Resource a.) Amenable for smelting, only -Superior Services, Buffalo, NY hazardous lead -Onyx-CWD (paints) b.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) Clean Harbors-Deer Park, TX a.) Onyx-TWI -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) WMI-Model City b.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) 4 b.) D004-D011 codes apply a.) Solvents greater than 50PPM PCB a.) Codes D004-D011 b.) Codes D001,2,D012-D043 16. F listed contaminated freon a.) Incineration 17. F listed spent solvents a.) Fuels Blending and degreasing solvents 18. F listed dioxin and dioxin containing waste 19. F listed aerosols a.) Incineration b.) Storage a.) Incineration 20. P and U listed chemicals a.) Fuels Blending b.) c.) Incineration 21. P and U listed pesticides a.) Incineration 22. FIFRA pesticides a.) Incineration 23. FIFRA aerosols a.) Incineration a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Lonestar Alternative Fuels a.) Essroc Materials, Inc. a.) Continental Cement Company, Inc. a.) Swan Hills Treatment Center b.) Onyx-CWD a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Lonestar Alt. Fuels via Onyx-CWD a.) Essroc Materials, Inc. a.) Continental Cement Company, Inc. Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) 5 Amenable for fuel blending, BTU>5000 a.) Codes amenable for fuels blending 24 RCRA and non-RCRA pharmaceuticals a.) Fuels Blending b.) Incineration a.) a.) a.) b.) Lonestar Alternative Fuels Essroc Materials, Inc. Continental Cement Company, Inc. Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) c.) Treatment/LF 26. RCRA and non-RCRA firearms b.) Codes/materials not amenable for fuels c.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard Ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) Recycling/smelting a.) Gopher Resources -Superior Service, Buffalo, NY (slag) -Onyx-CWD (paints) c.) Non-regulated, non-amenable for fuels materials b.) Incineration b.) c.) Landfill 26. RCRA and non-RCRA ammunitions a.) Amenable for fuels blending, BTU>5000 a.) Incineration b.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) c.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard Ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) 6 a.) Materials amenable for smelting c.) 27. RCRA, FIFRA and non- a.) Incineration RCRA cylinders, lecture bottles canisters, liquified gas b.) Treatment 28. WDNR Universal Waste a.) Recycling mercury and mercury containing devices 29. WDNR Universal waste a.) Recycling batteries a.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Clean Harbors-Deer Park a.) Site Acceptance b.) Clean Harbors, Clarence, NY b.) Site Acceptance a.) Onyx Special Services -Bethlehem Apparatus (Mercury) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (refuse) -OWS-Emerald Park (refuse) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (refuse) a.) Bethlehem Apparatus -WMI-Model City (sludge) -WMI-Grand Central (debris, glass, end caps) -Dupont (water) -WMI-Argyle, PA (NH) a.) Gopher Resource Sites will vary with type of battery -Superior Services, Buffalo, NY -Onyx-CWD (paints) a.) Bethlehem Apparatus -WMI-Model City (sludge) -WMI-Grand Central (debris, glass, end caps) -Dupont (water) -WMI-Argyle, PA (NH) b.) Incineration a.) Inmetco, Ellwood City, PA -Horsehead Development Company (metals) b.) Onyx Trade Waste Incineration 7 30. RCRA, TSCA, FIFRA or a.) Treatment other regulated remediation wastes b.) Landfill c.) Incineration 31. Non-RCRA liquid wastes a.) Treatment/Landfill a.) WMI-Model City, NY -Onyx-Port Arthur (PCB) a.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard Ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) a.) PCB Materials b.) WMI-Model City, NY c.) Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration -WMI-Model City (ash) -Peoria Disposal Company (ash) -WMI-Milam (refuse) a.) Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard Ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) b.) D004-D011 Materials c.) For D012-D043 8 32. Non-RCRA laboratory chemicals a.) Fuels Blending b.) Treatment c.) Landfill 33. Non-RCRA aerosols 34. Non-RCRA petroleum contaminated materials a.) Incineration a.) Bioremediation b.) Solid fuel blend 35. Asbestos a.) Landfill a.) a.) a.) b.) Lonestar Alternative Fuels Essroc Materials, Inc. Continental Cement Company, Inc. Onyx-CWD -WMI-Orchard Ridge (residuals) -Onyx Zion Landfill -Kitzinger (recycled drums) -OWS-Emerald Park (residuals) -OWS-Glacier Ridge (residuals) -OWS-Hickory Meadows (residuals) c.) WMI-Orchard Ridge c.) OWS-Emerald Park OWS-Glacier Ridge OWS-Hickory Meadows a.) -Onyx-Trade Waste Incineration a.) WMI-Orchard Ridge a.) WMI-Mad Prairie a.) WMI-Ridgeview a.) WMI-Timberline a.) WMI-Valley Trail a.) WMI-Pheasant Run a.) WMI-Deer Track a.) OWS-Emerald Park a.) OWS-Glacier Ridge a.) OWS-Hickory Meadows a.) OWS-Seven Mile a.) OWS-Cranberry Creek b.) Onyx-RMI -Continental Cement Company, Inc. b.) Continental Cement Company, Inc. a.) WMI-Orchard Ridge a.) Onyx Zion Landfill a.) OWS-Emerald Park a.) OWS-Glacier Ridge a.) OWS-Hickory Meadows 9 a.) Materials amenable for fuels blending b.) Non-regulated liquids c.) Non-regulated solids a.) Soils amenable for Bioremediation b.) Materials amenable for solid fuels 36. Non-RCRA ethylene and propylene glycol a.) Fuels Blending b.) Landfill 37. PCB's 38. Light fixture ballasts a.) Incineration a.) Recycling b.) Incineration 39. Non-RCRA remediation a.) Landfill wastes 40. Non-RCRA infectious wastes a.) Incineration a.) a.) a.) a.) a.) OWS-Seven Mile OWS-Cranberry Creek Lonestar Alternative Fuels Essroc Materials, Inc. Continental Cement Company, Inc. b.) WMI-Orchard Ridge b.) Onyx Zion Landfill b.) OWS-Emerald Park b.) OWS-Glacier Ridge b.) b.) OWS-Hickory Meadows a.) Clean Harbors-Deer Park, TX a.) OSS, Phoenix, AZ -Onyx-Port Arthur (PCB) b.) Clean Harbors-Deer Park, TX a.) WMI-Orchard Ridge a.) WMI-Mad Prairie a.) WMI-Ridgeview a.) WMI-Timberline a.) WMI-Valley Trail a.) WMI-Pheasant Run a.) WMI-Deer Track a.) OWS-Emerald Park a.) OWS-Glacier Ridge a.) OWS-Hickory Meadows a.) OWS-Seven Mile a.) OWS-Cranberry Creek a.) Stericycle -Stericycle, Canon Falls, MN (incineration) -WMI-Metro Landfill (shredded ETD) -Stericycle-Morton, WA (sharps) -WMI-Metro (wastewater) 10 Note: materials may be 41. Non-RCRA used oil and filters 42. Non-RCRA waste waters 43. Non-RCRA electronic equipment and devices 44. Non-RCRA white goods 45. Low level radioactive waste 46. Cylinders a.) Fuels Blending b.) Landfill a.) Treatment a.) Recycling a.) Lonestar Alternative Fuels a.) Essroc Materials, Inc. a.) Continental Cement Company, Inc. b.) Onyx Zion Landfill a.) Port Washington WWTP a.) Treatment/Landfill b.) Recycling a.) Rinse/Recycle a.) WMI-Asset Recovery Group -Doe Run, MO a.) Conservation Services Group (CSG), Milwaukee, WI a.) GTS Duratek-Barnwell, SC b.) GTS Duratek-Kingston, TN a.) Onyx-CWD b.) Incineration/Treat ment b.) Onyx-TWI b.) SET Env. a.) Recycling 11 Note: materials may be Short term and long term storage will be handled at GTS Duratek