February 2016 Curriculum Vitæ Clara D.Martin Personal data Office Address: Departament de tecnologia I comunicacion Universitat Pompeu Fabra Carrer Roc Boronat, 138 08018 BARCELONA Spain Work Phone: Fax: E-mail: Date of Birth: Citizenship: Marital Status: 00 34 93 312 51 53 00 34 93 402 13 93 claramartin3@gmail.com October 1978, 3rd French Single Education 2010 Post doctoral research fellow, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Electrophysiological approach of bilingualism effect on attention and language production, founded by the Spanish Governement (grant ‘Joan de la Cierva’). 2009 Post doctoral research fellow, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Electrophysiological approach of bilingualism effect on attention and language production, founded by the Catalan Governement (grant ‘Beatriu Pinos’). 2008 Post doctoral research fellow, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. Electrophysiological approach of bilingualism effect on attention and language production, founded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. 2007 Post doctoral research fellow, L2C2-Institut des Sciences Cognitives-CNRS, Lyon, France. Behavioural and Electrophysiological approach to familiarity in schizophrenia, founded by the French national Research council. 2006 Post doctoral research fellow, School of Psychology, Bangor University, UK. Neural basis of bilingualism, founded by the Fyssen foundation. 2005 Ph.D., Cognitive Science (mention Neuroscience), Lyon, France (supervisors T Nazir & J-F Démonet). Title: Lexical and attentionnal ‘Top-down’ effects on visual word recognition. Event-Related Potential study on normal readers and dyslexic patients. 2002 M.Sc., Cognitive Science (mention Neuroscience), Lyon, France. (director M. Koenig). Ist class honours. Rank 1st. 2001 M.Sc. degree, Molecular and cellular biology, Option: Physiology, Lyon, France. With distinction. 2000 B.Sc., Molecular and cellular biology, Option: Physiology, Lyon, France. With distinction. 1999 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. 1 Curriculum Vitæ Clara Martin Other Professional Activities 2011 Organisational comitee of the “International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience” (ICON), September 2001, Mallorca, Spain. Teaching in Master of Neurosciences. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Co-editor of the Special issue “Neurobilingualism: How brain function informs bilingual functioning and vice-versa”, Frontiers in Language Science. 2010 Teaching in Master of Neurosciences. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Review editor of Frontiers in Language Sciences. 2009 Scientific consulting for Barcelona Media. Collaborative project with the University Pompeu Fabra and TV3 (Catalan television chanel). Administrative assistant for the organisation of the “Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing” meeting (AMLaP), September 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Visiting Fellow, ESRC Centre for research on bilingualism in Theory and Practice, Bangor University, UK. 2007-2010 Reviewer for the scientific journals Cerebral Cortex, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Journal of Memory and Language, Neuroimage, Neuropsychology, Applied Psycholinguistics, Neuroreport, Brain Research, Human Brain Mapping, Psycholinguistics, Behavioural Brain Functions and Developmental Science. Investigator of the Biomedical research project: “Familiarity and recollection, neurocognitive approach of recognition memory”. Reviewer for the ‘Young Researcher in Cognitive Science’ Meeting – 2007 2006 Administrative assistant for the organisation of the second meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, October 2006, Toulouse, France. 2004 Visiting Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Wales, Bangor, UK. 2002-2003 Teaching assistant in Psychomotricity. Medical science Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France Grant applications Martin, C.D. Spanish government, post-doctoral grant (Juan de la Cierva). Electrophysiological approach of bilingualism effect on attention and language production, 2010-2012. Martin, C.D. Catalan government, post-doctoral grant (Beatriu Pinos). Electrophysiological approach of bilingualism effect on attention and language production, 2009-2011. Martin, C.D. ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism in Theory and Practice, visiting researcher programme. Electrophysiological studies of language interference in the bilingual brain, 2009. Martin, C.D. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BRAINGLOT Project – CSD2007-00012), post-doctoral grant. Electrophysiological approach of bilingualism effect on attention and language production, 20082010. Martin, C.D. French national research council, post-doctoral grant. Behavioural and Electrophysiological approach to familiarity in schizophrenia, 2007 – 2008. Martin, C.D. Fyssen Fundation, post-doctoral grant. Neural basis of bilingualism, 2006. Participation in Research projects 2011 IMSERSO. Reconocimiento de caras y voces familares en la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Dirección General de Investigación, Spanish government. Principal investigator: Prof. Albert Costa. 2008-2011 PSI2008-01191. Project I+D Plan Nacional. Costes y Beneficios asociados al Bilingüismo. Dirección General de Investigación, Spanish government. Principal investigator: Prof. Albert 2 Curriculum Vitæ Clara Martin Costa. 2007-2012 CSD2007-00012. CONSOLIDER INGENIO. Bilingüismo y Neurociencia Cognitiva. Dirección General de Investigación. Dirección General de Investigación, Spanish government. Principal investigator: Prof. Núria Sebastián Gallés. 2007-2012 Electrophysiological studies of language interference in the bilingual brain. ESRC Centre for Research on Bilingualism in Theory and Practice, UK. Principal investigator: Prof. Margaret Deuchar. 2009 Conscious versus unconscious processing of the human face: A cross-methodological approach (ERP, fMRI & MEG). Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UK. Principal investigator: Prof. Guillaume Thierry. 2009 ERP and fMRI characterisation of the Shakespearean functional shift in narrative sentence structure. Wales Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, UK. Principal investigator: Prof. Guillaume Thierry. 2007-2010 Behavioural and Electrophysiological approach to Familiarity in Schizophrenia. Agence Nationale pour la Recherche, France. Principal investigator: Prof. Guy Tiberghien. 2007-2010 Word perception and production in dyslexic children. INSERM, France. Principal investigator: Prof. Jean-François Démonet. Training 2008 September 2006 September 2003 May 2003 March 2003 2002-2003 Internal laboratory training: “Matlab: First level training”, Lyon, France INSERM/CNRS workshop: “fMRI/EEG/MEG: High level training”, Paris, France CNRS workshop: “functional cerebral imaging, MEG/EEG/fMRI”, Paris, France INSERM training: “Numerical imaging and Photoshop 6.”, Toulouse, France INSERM training workshop n°142: “Neuropsychological methods: application to memory and language study”, Montpellier, France INSERM training: “Annual English classes”, Toulouse, France Key Skills Project management Methodology Programming Development, supervision and coordination of scientific projects. Master and PhD students supervision. Behavioural tasks, electroencephalogram recordings (Neuroscan, BrainVision Analyser and Geodesics systems), functional magnetic resonance imaging, histological markers, molecular and cellular biology techniques. Evoked Potentials (ELAN, Neuroscan, Analyser), ERP source location (Source 2.0), statistical parametric mapping analysis (SPM), parametric and non parametric statistics (Statistica, StatView and SPSS). Matlab, DMDX, Psyscop, E-Prime, SuperLab, Presentation and general proficiency of Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop. Journal articles Martin, C.D., Barcelo, F., Hernandez, M., Costa, A. (2011). The time course of the asymmetrical "local" switch cost: Evidence from event-related potentials. Biological Psychology, 86(3) 210-8. Martin, C.D., Baudouin, J.Y., Franck, N., Guillaume, F., Guillem, F., Tiberghien, G.,Huron, C. (2001). Impairment not only in remembering but also in knowing previously seen faces and words in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research (in press). Martin, C.D., Baudouin, J.Y., Franck, N., Guillaume, F., Guillem, F., Huron, C., Tiberghien, G. (2011). Comparison of RK and Confidence Judgment ROCs in Recognition Memory. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23(2) 171184. 3 Curriculum Vitæ Clara Martin Martin, C.D., Thierry, G., Demonet, J.F. (2010) ERP characterization of sustained attention effects in visual lexical categorization. PLoSONE, 5(3) e9892. Costa, A., Strijkers, K., Martin, C.D., Thierry, G. (2009). The time-course of word retrieval revealed by event-related brain potentials during overt speech. PNAS, 106(50) 21442-21446. Martin, C.D., Dering, B.R., Thomas, E.M., Thierry, G. (2009). Brain potentials reveal semantic priming in both the ‘active’ and the ‘non-attended’ language of early bilinguals. Neuroimage, 47(1) 326-33. Dering, B., Martin, C.D., Thierry, G (2009). Is the N170 peak of visual event-related brain potentials car-selective? Neuroreport, 20(10) 902-6. Martin, C.D., Thierry, G (2008). Interplay of orthography and semantics in reading: an event-related potential study. Neuroreport, 19(15) 1501-05. Thierry, G., Martin, C.D., Gonzalez-Diaz, V., Rezaie, R., Roberts, N., Davis, P (2008). Event-related potential characterisation of the Shakespearean functional shift in narrative sentence structure. Neuroimage, 40(2) 923-31. Martin, C.D., Thierry, G., Démonet, J.F., Roberts, M., Nazir, T.A (2007). ERP evidence for the split fovea theory. Brain Research, 1185: 212-220. Thierry, G., Martin, C.D., Downing, P., Pegna, A.J (2007). Is the N170 sensitive to the human face or to several intertwined perceptual and conceptual factors?. Nature Neuroscience, 10(7) 802-803. Thierry, G., Martin, C.D., Downing, P., Pegna, A.J (2007). Controlling for inter-stimulus perceptual variance abolishes N170 face-selectivity. Nature Neuroscience, 10(4) 505-11. Martin, C.D., Nazir, T.A., Thierry, G., Paulignan, Y., Demonet, J.F (2006). Perceptual and lexical effects in letter identification: An event-related potential study of the word superiority effect. Brain Research, 1098(1): 153-60. Manuscript submitted Hernandez, M., Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Barcelo, F. To switch, or not to switch: On the impact of bilingualism in taskswitching. Submitted to Cognition. Sadat-Schaffai J., Martin, C.D., Alario, F-X., Costa, A. Bilingualism cost in noun phrase production. Submitted to Language and Cognitive processes. Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Dering, B., Hoshino, N., Wu, Y.J., Thierry, G. On the effects of bilingualism on processing resources. Submitted to Brain and Language. Dering, B., Martin, C.D., Moro, S., Thierry, G. Faces are special one hundred milliseconds after picture onset. Submitted to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Manuscript submissions pending Barcelo, F., Martin, C.D., Hernandez, M., Costa, A. Hierarchical structure of asymmetric costs when switching between tasks of unequal difficulty. Ianuzzi, S. Martin, C.D., Jucla, M., Demonet, J-F. Word Superiority Effect and Optimal viewing position in dyslexic children. First revision in Scientific studies of reading. Book chapters 4 Curriculum Vitæ Clara Martin Hernandez, M., Martin, C.D., Sebastian-Gallés, N., Costa, A. (in press). Bilingualism beyond language: On the impact of bilingualism on executive control. Cambridge Handbook of Biolinguistics (Boeck, x., Grohmann, K., eds.). Cambridge University Press Costa, A., Sadat, J., Martin, C. (in press). Bilingual language production - Lexical access and selection. In Peter Robinson (Ed.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. New York/London: Routledge. Research Collaborations Prof. Guillaume Thierry, School of Psychology, University of Wales, Bangor, UK. Investigation of visual word processing in bilingualism using Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). Prof. Michael Ullman, MIT, Boston, USA. Implicit and explicit learning in bilingualism. Prof. Nuria Sebastian-Galles, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Memory of linguistic and indexical properties of speech. Prof. Francisco Barcelo, University of the Balearic Ilands, Mallorca, Spain. Investigation of bilingualism effects on task-switching and executive control using ERPs. Prof. César Avila, University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. Investigation of bilingualism effects on task-switching and executive control using functional imaging (fMRI). Dr Alan Pegna, Neurology Clinic - Geneva University Hospital, Swizerland. Temporal segmentation procedure on ERP data, to determine the pattern, number and duration of topographic maps of scalp electrical activity. Prof. Philip Davis, School of English, Liverpool, UK. Event-related Potential study of the Shakespearian “Functional Shift” effect on sentence reading. Dr Caroline Huron, CEA – INSERM U562, Paris, France. Investigation of recollection and familiarity in schizophrenic patients. Prof. Guy Tiberghien, L2C2 – CNRS UMR 5230, Lyon, France. Investigation of recollection and familiarity in schizophrenic patients. Dr François Guillem, Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin, Montreal, Canada. Electrophysiological investigation of face recognition in schizophrenic patients. Dr Jean-François Démonet, INSERM U825, Toulouse, France. Word Superiority Effect and Optimal Viewing Position in dyslexic children. Dr Anne Reboul, L2C2 – CNRS UMR 5230, Lyon, France. Referential ambiguity and Implicit Causality in bilingualism. Dr Jean-Baptiste Van der Hest, L2C2 – CNRS UMR 5230, Lyon, France. Investigation of reading habits effects on object and face recognition using Eye-tracking. Dr Paul Downing, School of Psychology - University of Wales, Bangor, UK. Investigation of categorical specificity in object recognition. Pixel-wise correlation analyses providing a quantitative measure of overlap among object images. Supervised students 2010-2011 Jasmin Sadat-Schaffai, PhD, Psychology. Xavier Garcia, M. Sc., Psychology. Guillermo García Tabarés, B. Sc., Psychology. Solène Neyret, B.Sc., Psychology Grace Zamorano Lobos, B. Sc., Philosophy. 2009-2010 Jasmin Sadat-Schaffai, PhD, Psychology. Xavier Garcia, B. Sc., Psychology. Audrey Breton, M. Sc., Cognitive Science. 5 Curriculum Vitæ 2008-2009 Clara Martin Mireia Hernandez, PhD, Psychology. Kristof Strijkers, PhD, Psychology. Jasmin Sadat-Schaffai, PhD, Psychology. 2008 Audrey Breton, B. Sc., Life Science. Ghislain Chavand, M. Degree, Neuroscience. 2007-2008 Georges Godet, M. Sc., Cognitive Neuroscience. 2006-2007 Christiane Willmes, M. Degree, Psychology. Kathryn Djali, M. Degree, Psychology. Emma Stevens, M. Degree, Psychology. 2006 Katerina Vassiliadou, M. Sc., Psychology. Angela Lazaraki, M. Sc., Psychology. Sheryl Paul, M. Sc., Psychology. 2003-2004 Angèle Brunellière. M. Sc., Neuroscience. Julien Bontor, B. Sc., Life Science. Conference talks and seminars 1. Martin C.D., Vanden Bulcke, C., Navarra, J., Schoonbaert, S., Hartsuiker, R., Costa, A. (April 2011). Please, Catalan or Spanish, but not both! Are bilinguals fully in control of their language selection during word production? International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. San Sebastian, Spain. 2. Martin C.D., Strijkers, K., Thierry, G., Costa, A. (September 2010) The time course of lexical access in speech production. SEPNECA Conference, Valencia, Spain. 3. Martin C.D., Thierry, G., Kuipers, J-R., Costa, A. (April 2010) Bilinguals reconfigure semantic expectations faster than monolinguals during sentence reading. SEPEX and EPS Conference, Granada, Spain. 4. Costa, A., Hernandez, M., Martin, C.D. (November 2009) Bilingualism effect on executive control, Psychonomics, Boston, USA. 5. Strijkers, K., Martin, C.D, Costa, A. (September 2009) From picture to word in less than 200 ms. Neurobilingualism Conference, Bangor, UK. 6. Strijkers, K., Martin, C.D, Costa, A. (September 2009) From picture to word in less than 200 ms. AMLAP conference, Barcelona, Spain. 7. Hernandez, M., Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Barcelo, F. (September 2009) Bilingual advantage in non-linguistic task-switching. European Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, Krakow, Poland. 8. Martin, C.D., Barcelo, F., Hernandez, M., Costa, A. (September 2009) Task-difficulty effect on the switch cost and the N2 ERP component. European Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, Krakow, Poland. 9. Strijkers, K., Costa, A., Martin, C.D. (September 2009) Evidence from the semantic competitor paradigm for a lexical component in speech production. European Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, Krakow, Poland. 10. Martin, C.D., Dering, B.R., Thomas, E.M., Thierry, G. (June 2009) Brain potentials reveal semantic priming in both the ‘active’ and the ‘non-attended’ language of early bilinguals. Deutch Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting, Doorwerth, The Netherlands. 11. Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Strijkers, K. (June 2009) From picture to word in less than 200 ms. Max Planck Institut, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. 12. Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Strijkers, K. (June 2009) From picture to word in less than 200 ms. Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Bron, France. 6 Curriculum Vitæ Clara Martin 13. Martin, C.D., Dering, B.R., Thomas, E.M., Thierry, G. (March 2009) Brain potentials reveal semantic priming in both the ‘active’ and the ‘non-attended’ language of early bilinguals. International Workshop on Bilingualism, Bangor, UK. 14. Martin, C.D., Baudouin, J.Y., Franck, N., Guillaume, F., Guillem, F., Tiberghien, G., Huron, C (November 2008) Behavioral approach to familiarity in schizophrenia. Psychonomics, Chicago, USA. 15. Martin, C.D. (April 2008) Face processing in the human brain: Specificity or expertise? Clinical and Experimental Neurology Laboratory, University of Leuven, Belgium. 16. Martin, C.D. (January 2008) ERP investigation of the Shakespearian functional shift. Laboratoire Langage, Mémoire et Développement Cognitif, University of Poitiers, France. 17. Martin, C.D. (December 2007) Specificity in the human face processing: Categorical or expertise effect? INSERM - Service de Psychiatrie I, Hôpital Civil, Strasbourg, France. 18. Martin, C.D. (June 2007) The automaticity of semantic processing in the bilingual brain. Centre de recherche Fernand-Seguin, Montreal, Canada. 19. Martin, C.D. (May 2007) The automaticity of semantic processing in the bilingual brain. Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Bron, France. 20. Thierry, G., Martin, C.D., Downing, P., Pegna, A.J. (January 2007) Controlling for inter-stimulus perceptual variance abolishes N170 face-selectivity. Alpin Brain Imaging Mapping, Champery, Swizerland. 21. Thierry, G., Martin, C.D., Gonzalez-Diaz, V., Rezaie, R., Roberts, N., Davis, P. (September 2006) The Shakespeared brain: Neural processing associated with the processing of the Shakespearian functional shift. International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, Chieti, Italy. 22. Martin C.D. and Thierry G. (June 2005) ERP characterization of the interplay of orthographic and semantic priming during word recognition. Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Canada. 23. Nazir, TA., Martin C.D., Cai Q., Paulignan Y. (September 2005) Characterizing bottom-up and top-down interactions during visual word recognition using brain imaging data, European Society for Cognitive Psychology XIV Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands. 24. Martin C.D. (November 2004) Perceptual and lexical effects in letter identification: an ERP study of the Reicher task, Department of Psychology, University of York, UK. 25. Martin C.D. (November 2003) Cerebral imaging and word recognition: activation networks, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Bron, France. 26. Martin C.D. (February 2003) Electrophysiological time course differentiation of letter and word recognition, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Bron, France. 27. Martin C.D. (December 2002) Time course of the orthographic representations access explored in EventRelated Potentials, winter meeting of the Neuropsychology Society of French Language, Paris, France. Conference Abstracts & Posters 1. Albantakis, L., Branzi, F., Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Deco, G. (2010) Changes of mind during bilnary and multiplechoice decision-making. Society For Neuroscience, San Diego, USA. 2. Hoshino, N., Martin, C.D., Thierry, G. (2010) Semantic Priming in Different-Script Bilinguals: Do Different Scripts Modulate Activation of the Nontarget Language? Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St Louis, USA. 3. Martin, C.D., Thierry, G., Kuipers, J-R., Costa, A. (2010) Early bilinguals reconfigure semantic expectations faster than monolinguals during sentence reading. Neurobilingualism conference, Donostia, Spain. 4. Martin, C.D., Strijkers, K., Thierry, G., Costa, A. (2010) The time course of lexical access in speech production. Language production workshop, Edinburgh, UK. 5. Martin, C.D., Thierry, G., Kuipers, J-R., Costa, A. (2010) Bilinguals reconfigure semantic expectations faster than monolinguals during sentence reading. Human Brain Mapping Conference, Barcelona, Spain. 7 Curriculum Vitæ Clara Martin 6. Hernandez, M., Martin, C.D., Costa, A., Barcelo, F. (2009) Bilingual advantage in non-linguistic task-switching. Neurobilingualism Conference, Bangor, UK. 7. Strijkers, K., Martin, C.D, Costa, A. (2009) From picture to word in less than 200 ms. European Society for Cognitive Psychology Conference, Krakow, Poland. 8. Martin, C.D., Dering, B.R., Thomas, E., Thierry, G (2008) Highly proficient bilinguals show automatic semantic access in the disregarded language. International Conference on Models of Interaction in Bilinguals, Bangor, UK. 9. Martin, C.D., Guillaume, F., Baudouin, J.Y., Guillem, F., Franck, N., Tiberghien, G., Huron, C (2008) Familiarity and recollection in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, Venice, Italy. 10. Martin, C.D., Pegna, A.J., Thierry, G. (2008) Symmetry effects in face recognition. Alpin Brain Imaging Mapping, Champery, Swizerland. 11. Martin, C.D., Thierry, G. (2007) Highly proficient bilinguals show automatic semantic access in the disregarded language. Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, USA. 12. Thierry, G., Martin, C.D., Downing, P., Pegna, A.J. (2007) N170 face-selectivity is an artefact arising from uncontrolled inter-stimulus perceptual variance. Human Brain Mapping, Chicago, USA. 13. Martin, C.D., Thierry, G., Gonzalez-Diaz, V., Rezaie, R., Roberts, N., Davis, P. (2007) ERP investigation of the Shakespearian functional shift. Alpin Brain Imaging Mapping, Champery, Swizerland. 14. Martin C.D., Nazir TA., Démonet JF. (2006) ERP study of the Interhemispheric Transfer Time on normal readers and dyslexic adults. European Societies of Neuropsychology, Toulouse, France. 15. Martin C.D., Nazir TA., Démonet JF. (2006) Visual letter identification in letter strings: An ERP study of the Interhemispheric Transfer Time. Human Brain Mapping, Florence, Italy. 16. Martin C.D., Nazir TA., Thierry G., Paulignan Y., Démonet JF. (2005) Perceptual and lexical effects in letter identification: an ERP study. Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Canada. 17. Martin C.D. and Thierry G. (2005) ERP characterization of the interplay of orthographic and semantic priming during word recognition. Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Canada. 18. Nazir TA., Martin C.D., Doyon B., Paulignan Y., Démonet JF. (2005) The time course of lexical top-down effects during orthographic processing: an ERP study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, USA. 19. Nazir TA., Benboutayab N., Martin C.D., Michel F. (2004) The cortical reading network prior to the ‘visual word form area’: neuropsychological evidence in favour of stimulus-specific pattern memories for orthographic material. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, USA. 20. Martin C.D., Doyon B., Démonet JF. (2003) Reading and Event-related Potentials. DRRC Midi-Pyrénées Meeting, Toulouse, France. Languages French, English, Spanish; notions of Catalan and German 8