Constitution of the Vassar Unitarian Universalist Group

Constitution of the Unitarian Universalist Group of Vassar College
Article I – Name and Affiliation
The name of this group is the Unitarian Universalist Group of Vassar College,
generally referred to as the Unitarian Universalist Group or UUs. The group is affiliated
with the Vassar Student Association (VSA) as well as with the Vassar Office of Religious
and Spiritual Life (RSL).
Article II – Mission of the Organization
Mission statement:
Unitarian Universalism (UUism) is a liberal, non-creedal religious tradition. With
UU values in mind, the Vassar UU group seeks to explore spirituality, discuss social
issues, and build a safe, welcoming community open to all. The group aims to hold
weekly meetings of worship and/or discussion. We also intend to promote UU presence
on campus, and to combine faith with fellowship and social action. To this end, we will
maintain contact and solid relationships with the VSA, RSL Office, and all organizations
represented by each, as well as with the UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie.
Exploration is the spirit of this group,
And service its guide.
This is our great covenant:
To dwell together in peace,
To seek the truth in love,
And to help one another.
(adapted from Rev. James Vila Blake)
Article III – Membership Requirements
Membership shall be open to all members of the Vassar community. The Vassar UU
Group is open to people of UU background, those interested in learning more about the
UU faith, and any people who do not identify as UU but still find interest in joining in the
group’s spiritual exploration.
Article IV – Officers
The UU group does not have a hierarchical structure, so we lack traditional roles of
president and vice president. The roles have fluctuated over the years (see Appendix A),
but as of December, 2007, are as follows:
1. Worship Coordinator: The worship coordinator organizes weekly
worships/discussions as well as all other worship activities. This sometimes consists of
personally leading worship/discussion, but more often involves finding, inspiring, and
helping others to lead them. Assists with overall organization and facilitation of the
group’s events. It is generally assumed that the worship coordinator will run the first
and last meetings of each semester and any other traditional worships (such as the Water
Service after spring break).
2. Secretary/Contact Person: The secretary sends out all group
emails/communications and is the contact person for the general student body. The
secretary also serves as the primary contact for the VSA Vice President for Activities and
the RSL office.
3. Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for all financial matters of the group and
maintains an inventory of all of the group’s assets, including capital items. The
Treasurer is the liaison to the VSA Vice President for Finance and the RSL Office (for
financial matters).
4. Inter-Religious Council Representative(s): These individuals serve as UU
representatives on the Religious & Spiritual Life Office’s Inter-Religious Council, per
however many UU seats are granted on the council at the time.
5. Poughkeepsie Fellowship Liaison: The Poughkeepsie Fellowship liaison is in
charge of any contact with the Poughkeepsie UU Fellowship. This may include arranging
group visits to Sunday worship, arranging the group’s participation in the Fellowship’s
social action initiatives, and arranging for the group to lead a service at the Fellowship in
the spring.
6. Unitarian Universalist Association Liaison: This person is the group’s liaison to
UU activities at the regional and national level, especially through the UUA.
Article V – Meetings
Meetings of the group shall take place per general group desires, but typically once a
week during the academic year. Regular meetings consist of peer-led worship,
discussion or meditation. Occasionally, the meetings include other activities like group
dinners or social action work. The group aims to occasionally visit the Poughkeepsie UU
Fellowship for worship or other events.
Article VI – Elections
Elections generally occur near the end of the second semester. Before performing
elections, the group discusses any necessary changes in officer responsibilities, new
positions, or consolidation of old positions, and votes to make any of these changes.
Nominations for each position shall be accepted from the general body of the group,
including absentee nominations and the nomination of absent members (pending their
approval). Elections are traditionally held by raising hands or secret ballot, and may
include absentee votes.
In the event that positions are left unfilled or members return from or leave for JYA,
elections can be made to fill vacancies at the beginning or end of either semester.
Article VII – Amendments to the Constitution
Amendments to this constitution may be made by a 2/3 majority vote of the group.
Article VIII – Impeachment or Removal of Officers
In the event that an officer of the group fails to maintain the responsibilities of the
position (because of dereliction of duty, incompetence, or employment of funds or
property of the group for private gain), then that officer may be removed from office by a
majority vote of the general body. In the event that an officer of the group no longer feels
that s/he can maintain her position effectively, s/he may resign. In either situation, new
officers are then elected through group vote.
Appendix A – Leadership History
Fall 1997 – Fall 1998: Marcy Spaulding, group creator & leader
Spring 1999: Melissa Quirk and Lissa Gundlach, co-leaders
Fall 1999: Melissa Quirk and Marcy Spaulding, co-leaders; Frederick Bowen, worship
coordinator; Kristin Rule, publicity
Spring 2000: Marcy Spaulding and Kristin Rule, co-leaders; Frederick Bowen,
worship coordinator; Amy Brand, publicity
Fall 2000 – Spring 2001: Melissa Quirk and Kristin Rule, co-leaders; Frederick
Bowen, worship coordinator
Fall 2001 – Spring 2002: Kristin Rule, co-leader & RSL Office and Fellowship
coordinator; Anne Brewer, co-leader & VSA contact person; Rebecca Froom, co-leader &
secretary; Anya Groner, co-leader & social action coordinator; Frederick Bowen, worship
coordinator; Emma Groetzinger, treasurer.
Fall 2002 – Spring 2003: Amy Knight and Frederick Bowen, co-worship
coordinators; Emily Myrow, VSA contact person; Peter Squires, treasurer; Anne Brewer,
RSL Officeand Fellowship contact person; Amanda Leonard, secretary
Fall 2003: Rebecca Froom, worship coordinator; Todd Dickey, assistant worship
coordinator & alumnae/i coordinator; Emily Myrow, VSA contact person & UU
Fellowship Poughkeepsie contact; Emma Groetzinger, treasurer & co-social action
coordinator; Anya Groner, co-social action coordinator; Amanda Leonard, secretary
Spring 2004: Unknown
Fall 2004 – Spring 2005: Hannah Mason, worship coordinator; Juliana Morris,
secretary; Emma Groetzinger, treasurer, Emily Myrow, Poughkeepsie Fellowship liaison
Fall 2005 – Spring 2006: Eleanor Fort, worship coordinator; Jen Kirschner,
secretary & Inter-Religious Council representative; Diana Whitney, treasurer, Emily
Myrow, Poughkeepsie Felowship Liaison
Fall 2006 – Spring 2007: Hannah Mason, worship coordinator; Heide Bruckner,
secretary; Jen Kirschner (fall) and Laura Lubin (spring), Inter-Religious Council
representative; Juliana Morris, treasurer
Fall 2007 – Spring 2008: Jenna Nackel, worship coordinator; Laura Lubin, secretary
& contact person & co-Inter-Religious Council representative; Jen Kirschner, treasurer &
co-Inter-Religious Council representative; Jessica Belasco, Poughkeepsie Fellowship
liaison; Eleanor Fort, UUA liaison.
This constitution last amended December, 2007.