370 Review sheet 1 homeostasis 2 cell biology 3 membrane potentials

370 Review sheet 1 homeostasis 2 cell biology 3 membrane potentials
Chapter 1
1.What is physiology and why is it important for a biology major to learn it?
2. List out each of the four tissue types. Under each type, list out the specific cell types
that exist in each tissue type. Where are these tissue and cell types located in the body?
What is the function of each one?
3. Compare and contrast smooth, skeletal and cardiac muscle.
4. Draw a general diagram that explains homeostasis. Explain each component used in a
homeostatic system. What is allostasis?
5. Now give 3 examples of actual homeostatic systems in the body. Be sure to label each
component in each system. What body parameters are controlled by homeostasis?
6. Explain as completely as possible, what types of feed back regulate homeostatic
systems. Define each type. Give examples of each type. Compare and contrast each
7. What are the basic functions of a cell?
8. List each organ system and under each system, list the organs in each system along
with a brief description of the function of each organ.
9. Name and describe the fluid compartments in the body.
Define Intrinsic and extrinsic control, feed forward and feedback control.
Chapter 2
Outline this chapter and know any new terms that you did not learn in BIOL 150 or 200.
Chapter 3
1. List out the basic functions of the cell membrane. Draw a picture of a cell membrane
and label the components. Give a function for each component.
2. Compare and contrast the three types of cellular junctions.
3. Compare and contrast assisted and unassisted forms of membrane transport.
4. List and define the subtypes of assisted and unassisted membrane transport. Research
and list one substance transported by each mechanism. i. e Na K…..
5. Define tonicity. Why is it important to know the terms hypo, iso, hypertonic? Of
what use are these terms in understanding membrane transport?
6. Draw the Nearnst equation and label the terms. How is each term involved in
predicting the transport of a substance?
7. Completely explain Fick’s law of diffusion.
8. Pretend I am your student. Completely explain the purpose of resting potential, how
is created and maintained, and what ions, channels, and transporters are involved. Now
teach this to someone.
9. Write a one page essay describing the general principles of physics we discussed in