Chapter Outline

Chapter Outline
2.1 Atoms Fundamental Building Blocks of All Matter in the Universe
A. Atomic Structure and Elements
1. Matter Is Made Up of Atoms
2. Atoms Consist of:
a. Protons
b. Neutrons
c. Electrons
B. Different Types of Atoms: Elements and Their Properties
C. The Major Elements of Life and Their Primary Characteristics
1. Atomic Number, Mass Number, Isotopes, and Atomic Mass or Weight
2. Electron Orbitals and Shells
3. A Note About Mass, Weight, and Related Terms
2.2 Bonds and Molecules
A. Molecules, Compounds
1. Valence
2. Covalent Bonds: Molecules with Shared Electrons
a. A Note about Diatomic Elements
b. Polarity in Molecules
i. Polar
ii. Nonpolar
3. Ionic Bonds: Electron Transfer among Atoms
a. Ionization: Formation of Charged Particles
4. Hydrogen Bonding
5. Van der Waals Forces
6. Chemical Shorthand: Formulas, Models, and Equations
a. Chemical Equations- reactants and products
b. Synthesis Reaction
c. Decomposition Reactions
d. Exchange Reactions
7. Electron Transfer and Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
2.3 Chemical Reactions, Solutions and pH
A. Solutions
B. Acidity, Alkalinity, and the pH Scale
1. Acids
2. Bases
3. pH Scale
2.4 The Chemistry of Carbon and Organic Compounds
A. Biochemistry: The Compounds of Life
1. Macromolecules
2. Monomers
3. Polymers
2.5 Molecules of Life: Carbohydrates
A. Carbohydrates are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
1. Monosaccharide
a. Energy for cells, building blocks
2. Disaccharides
a. Chemical synthesis
i. Glycosidic Bonds
ii. Dehydration Synthesis
b. Energy for cells
3. Polysaccharides
a. Structure
b. Adhesion
c. Energy storage
2.6 Molecules of Life: Lipids
A. Storage Lipids
1. Triglycerides
2. Energy
B. Membrane Lipids
1. Phospholipids
2. Hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions of the membrane
C. Steroids
3. Cholesterol
4. Ergosterol
5. Prostaglandin
2.7 Molecules of Life: Proteins:
A. Amino Acids
B. Peptides and Polypeptide
C. Protein Structure
1. Primary Structure: Chain of Amino Acids
2. Secondary Structure: Alpha Helix or Beta-Pleated Sheet
3. Tertiary Structure: Bonds Between Functional Groups
4. Quaternary Structure: Two or More Polypeptides
D. Examples of Protein Diversity
1. Enzymes
2. Antibodies
3. Receptors
2.8. Molecules of Life: Nucleic Acids
A. Nucleotides
1. Nitrogen Base: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine
2. Pentose Sugar: Deoxyribose
3. Phosphate
B. The Double Helix of DNA
1. Structure
2. Replication
C. RNA: Organizers of Protein Synthesis
1. Nucleotides
2. Three major types of RNA
a. Messenger RNA(mRNA)
b. Transfer RNA(tRNA)
c. Ribosomal RNA( rRNA)
D. ATP: The Energy Molecule of Cells