The Earth’s Crust Project - Volcanoes, Mountain Ranges, Earthquakes, Tsunamis NAME: _________________________ Due Date: ____________________ Presentations will begin on _______________. Be ready! Task: Research a known volcano, Earthquake, tsunami or mountain range and make a presentation to the class. Use the handout provided to document your research. Include websites and any other resources on the handout. Here are some questions to guide your research: When did the event happen? Where did it occur? What area did it affect? How intense was it?/ How much damage? What does it look like? Who was affected?/ How many? How were their lives affected? Explain what the day was like. (not for mountain ranges) Scientifically, how did it occur? What caused it? Give lots of detail! (use plate tectonics and all necessary diagrams in your answer). What is the area like today? And any other interesting facts and photos Here are some suggestions for your presentation. a non-fiction book a power point presentation an information pamphlet a poster Breaking News flash Newspaper article or another format approved by your teacher Name: _________________________ Project:____________________ Did you meet the outcomes? Outcomes 4 3 2 1 analyze and compare data to determine patterns and trends on some catastrophic events that occur on or near Earth's surface (210-6, 311-1, 311-4, 311-5) describe theories from the past to present plate tectonics (110-1, 110-4, 112-12) Assessing the quality of your work… CRITERIA Scientific Explanation of how it occurred Information/facts appearance 4 clearly explained showing in-depth knowledge well done showing indepth knowledge outstanding 3 explained showing very good knowledge very good showing knowledge of the chosen event very good 2 somewhat explained but additional details are required not adequate; more details are required adequate with room for improvements Assessing the presentation… Criteria Voice level Eye contact Fluent when speaking Commands attention from peers Answers questions from peers Body language Great! Good Needs improvement 1 not explained or insufficient incomplete or many unanswered questions unsatisfactory; more time and care are required