WeatherHawk Seasons Web Project Name of Activity: The Reason for the Seasons Grade level: 5-10 Objectives and Purpose for learners: National Science Teachers Association Standards (NSTA): Analyzes and reviews scientific explanations. Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze and interpret data. Develop descriptions, explanations, predictions and models using evidence. Think critically and logically to make the relationships between evidence and explanations. Communicate scientific procedures and explanations. Lesson Objective: As part of the weather unit, students will discover why we experience seasons and the yearly changes in the weather. This web-based project is designed to be done individually by students who have access to the Internet. Allow 1 full class period for the research and writing. Materials needed: Computer(s) with Internet access Science journals or other writing materials Copies of the student worksheet The Reason for the Seasons! Name _____________ Student worksheet Class Period________ Have you ever wondered why it's warmer in the summer and colder in the winter? Let's find out... In your journal, answer these questions and define these terms after viewing each website. Check yourself for accuracy by making sure that you read all questions before and after viewing each website. Part 1: 1--What causes the seasons? 2--What is the tilt (angle) of the Earth? 3--What does solstice mean? When do those occur? 4--What does equinox mean? When do those occur? 5--If it is summer in our state, what season is it in Argentina? Why? 6—True or False In the northern hemisphere the Earth is closer to the sun in the summer. That's why it's warmer. 7--What would happen if the Earth had no tilt (0 degrees)? 8--What is an "axis"? 9--What planet has a 98 degree axis tilt? Part 2: 10--During our summer solstice, which pole (north or south) is pointed toward the sun? 11--What is the date of our summer solstice? 12--During our autumnal equinox, what occurs with the length of day and night? 13--What is the date of our autumnal (fall) equinox? 14--During our winter solstice, which pole (north or south) is pointed toward the sun? 15--What is the date of our winter solstice? 16--During our vernal equinox, what occurs with the length of day and night? 17--What is the date of our vernal (spring) equinox? Part 3: Click on "Seasons Interactive" and answer the following First, set the angle of inclination for earth and watch what happens. Next, set the angle of inclination for Venus and then Uranus to see what happens to the length of sunlight and the average daily temperature for each. 19--What would happen to our seasons and temperature if we had an angle like that of Venus'? 20--What would happen to our seasons and temperature if we had and angle like that of Uranus'? Another great website to check out as you wrap up. asons/ssm05_pg41_seasons.html Conclusion: In your science journal, write a paragraph explaining what makes the seasons on earth, and then relate your knowledge to your everyday life. What does understanding why we have seasons help explain?