RubiStar Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( ) Earth's Seasons Model Rubric Major Grade Project due on Oct. 9, 2012 Teacher Name: Mrs. J. Dolive Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY Accuracy of Model 30 points total Construction Care Taken 30 points total Scientfic Explanation 30 points total 30 points 20 points 15 points Model correctly shows the Earth's tilt & revolution (counter clockwise) around the Sun. Four Earth's each labeled with appropriate seasons of the Northern Hemisphere; Winter Solstice, Vernal Equinox, Summer Solstice & Autumnal Equinox, Northern & Southern Hemisphere's labeled on each Earth. Model is mostly correct; has the counterclockwise revolution shown, tilt of the Earth each labeled with appropriate seasons of the Northern Hemisphere, but one or two missing labels Model is accurate in some points but leaves out the key components of seasons Model appears to be carelessly put together. Not labeled properly and doesn't show accuracy in key components of seasons Great care taken in construction process so that the structure is neat, attractive and follows plans accurately (see picture on instructions) Construction was careful and accurate for the most part, but 1-2 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Construction accurately followed the plans, but 3-4 details could have been refined for a more attractive product. Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product. A one page typed paper 12 pt font, double spaced that explains why Earth has seasons and an explanation of the key terms in your model (See accuracy of model) One page typed explanation is mostly complete. May be missing 1 to 2 key terms explaining why Earth has seasons. Paper is not typed; doesn’t fully explain why Earth has seasons or how your model accurately shows why Earth has seasons. Less than one page, not typed, missing key words, doesn't explain model or why Earth has seasons Model has most of the continents shown, equator, and Sun/Earth are appropriate sizes but missing a few details Model is missing continents but has equator shown on each Earth Model is missing continents, not showing appropriate size of Sun & Earth Details of Model Model has outlines of continents and 10 points total equator drawn; Sun and Earth appropriate sizes (Sun larger than Earth) 10 points Model can be constructed using house hold items; please email me if you have any questions.