Study Guide

2108 Study Guide 1
Chapter26: Tree of Life
Know how Carolus Linnaeus is and the contribution he made to biology
o Be able to recognize and/or write the correct scientific name of an organism when given
 Know the order of hierarchial (Linnaean) classification
o Be able to define a taxon
o Understand the basis used for constructing the hierarchy and the flaw that is associated
with the system
 Understand what a phylogenetic tree shows in contrast to a hierarchial classification
o Know the basis for constructing one and the benefits of this type of system
 Given a phylogenetic tree, be able to determine relationships of organisms (i.e the problem
from the notes where you need to identify the evolutionary tree that differed from the others)
o Be able to define and identify on a chart the branch points, roots, and sister taxa
 Be able to explain the difference between homology and analogy
o Be able to use an example to demonstrate the similarities and differences (i.e ‘moles’ or
o Be able to explain convergent evolution and how it relates to homology and/or analogy
 Know what clades and cladisitcs are and how they are organized
o Be able to recognize and explain the difference between mono-, para-, and polyphyletic
 Be able to distinguish between shared ancestral and derived characteristics
o Be able to give an example that demonstrates the difference between the two
 Be able to extract information taken from a character table (see fig 26.11a from text)
o Be able to define and given a table be able to identify the ingroup from outgroup
 Know the difference between rRNA and mtRNA and its importance in phylogeny
 Know how the Tree of Life has changed from 2 kingdoms, to 5 kingdoms, to 3 domains
o Be able to list the 3 domains and give a broad definition of the type(s) of organisms that
each includes
Chapter 27: Prokaryotes
 State or identify the functions of each of the following prokaryotic structures:
o Capsule
o Fimbriae
o Sex pili
o Nucleoid
o Taxis
o Plasmid
o Endospore
o Binary fission
 Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
o Emphasis on size and biomass ratios as well as dependency
Describe the structure and composition of prokaryotic cell walls
o How to structure and composition effect the gram staining procedure
o Explain why gram (-) are more problematic and more resistant to antibiotics than gram
 Be able to classify prokaryotes based on shape from either pictures or names
o Cocci, bacilli, and spirochetes (spiral)
 List and explain the 3 types of genetic recombination that contribute to the genetic diversity in
 Distinguish with prokaryotic examples among photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs,
photoheterotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs
 Explain the difference between obligate aerobes, obligate anerobes, and facultative anaerobes
 Be able to explain the importance of nitrogen fixation
 List the 3 domains of life
o List the 5 main groups of prokaryotes (and subgroups where applicable)
 Be able to describe several pathogenic forms of bacteria for each of the groups
 i.e associate a species’ name with disease/illness/infection and the
classification in which it belongs (focus on more common ones)
 Identify some of the defining characteristics of each
 Explain the domain archaea and why they are known as extemophiles
o Describe distinguishing features of methanogens, halophiles, and thermophiles
 Distinguish between symbiosis, mutalism, commensalism, and parasitism
 Distinguis between exo- and endotoxins and be able to give an example of each
Chapter 28: Protists
 Explain the current status of the Kingdom Protista
 Be able to list/describe the different cellular structures, nutritional strategies, reproduction/life
cycles, and ecological habitats that contribute to the diversity in Protists
 Understand the basic process on endosymbiosis
o Be able to explain the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells
 Recognize the 5 supergroups of Protists and any associated subgroups
o Recognize the defining characteristics of each group (i.e Rhizarians with CaCO3 shell,
Brown algae edible with definitive parts (thallus, holdfast, etc.)
o Be able to either give an example of a protest found in each or place a protest species
into its appropriate group (focus on the more common species)
 Be able to explain how Trypanosoma and Plasmodium are able to avoid detection by the
immune system
 Now the difference between the 2 types of slime molds
Chapter 31: Fungi
 Be able to identify the differences between cellular structure and nutritional strategies
 Describe the basic body plan of a fungus
o What is the purpose of the mycelium
o Explain whether or not fungi are motile
List the specializations of hyphae
o Be able to explain the difference between ectomycorrizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal
Be able to explain the basic components of both sexual and asexual reproduction cycles of fungi
o Differences between heterokaryotic and dikaryotic stages
Recognize the 5 phyla (and subphyla where applicable) that make up the kingdom fungi
o Be able to list/explain defining characteristics of all (special emphasis on reproductive
cycles and nutrient attainment)
o What is the key characteristic of chytrids
o Understand the basics about the reproductive cycle of black bread mold (reference
o Be able to give or classify listed examples into each phyla