PUBLICATIONS WITH NUMBERS FOR RATING DOCUMENT I’ve left out Ntuli and Lewis, (in press)as I think it will have a 2009 publication date [1] McGeorge, B., Gaylard, P. and Lewis, A.E., 2008. Mechanism of rhodium(III) coprecipitation with copper sulfide (at low Rh concentrations) incorporating a new cationic substitution reaction path, Hydrometallurgy, (in press) [2] Hove, M., van Hille, R., and Lewis, A.E., 2008. Mechanisms of formation of iron precipitates from high ferrous iron concentrations and high pH, Chemical Engineering Science, 63, 6, 1626-1635. [3] Karbanee, N., van Hille, R., and Lewis, A.E., 2008. Controlled nickel sulphide precipitation using gaseous hydrogen sulphide, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, No 5, Volume 47, 1596-1602. [4] Hove, M., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Characterisation of iron solids formed during the oxidation precipitation of ferrous sulphate solutions, AIChEJ, Volume 53, Issue 10, 2569-2577. [5] Chiang, Y.L., Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Investigating the control of manganese sulphide precipitation, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol 107, April 2007. [6] Ntuli, F. and Lewis, A. E., 2007. The influence of iron on the precipitation behaviour of nickel powder, Chemical Engineering Science, 62, (14) 3756-3766 [7] Lewis, A.E., 2006. Fines formation (and prevention) in seeded precipitation processes, Kona, 24, 2006 (Invited contribution). [8] Ntuli, F. and Lewis, A. E., 2006. The effect of a morphology modifier on the precipitation behaviour of nickel powder, Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (17) 5827-5833 [9] Zhang, Y. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Effect of crystallisation on the reaction kinetics of nickel reduction by hydrogen, Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (12) 4120-4125. [10] Lewis, A.E. and van Hille, R.P., 2006. An exploration into the sulphide precipitation method and its effect on metal removal, Hydrometallurgy, 81, (3-4), 197 - 204 [11] Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. CFD simulation of nickel solids off-bottom suspension and cloud height, Hydrometallurgy, 82, 1-12. [12] Taty-Costodes, V.C. and Lewis, A. E., 2006. Reactive crystallisation of nickel hydroxy-carbonate in a fluidised bed reactor: 1. Fines production and column design, Chemical Engineering Science, 61 (5) March 2006, 1377 – 1385 [13] Lewis, A.E. and Swartbooi, A., 2006. Factors affecting metal removal in mixed sulphide precipitation, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 29 (2) February 2006, 277-280 1 [14] Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Nickel solids concentration distribution in a stirred tank, Minerals Engineering, 19 (2) February 2006, 180–189 [15] Taty-Costodes, V.C., Mausse, C.F., Molala, K., and Lewis, A.E., 2006. A simple approach for determining particle size enlargement mechanisms in nickel reduction, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 78 (2) January 2006, 93-100 [16] Hounslow, M.J.H., Lewis, A.E., Sanders, S.J. and Bondy, R., 2005. Coupling Population, Mass and Energy Balances: I: Development of a model for a wellmixed compartment, AIChE J, 51 (11) 2942-2955 [17] Lacour, S., van Hille, R., Petersen, K. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Comparison of simulators for process and aqueous chemistry modelling, AIChEJ, 51, 8, 2358 – 2368 [18] van Hille, R.P., Petersen, K. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Copper sulphide precipitation in a fluidised bed reactor, Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 2571-2578 [19] Gärtner, R.S., Himawan, C., Lewis, A.E., Pillay, V., Seckler, M.M. and Witkamp, G.J. 2005. The System MgSO4-H2O at Eutectic Conditions: Thermodynamic Solubility Products of MgSO412H2O and MgSO47H2O, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 50(2) pp 551 – 555. [20] Seewoo, S., van Hille, R. and Lewis, A.E., 2004. Aspects of gypsum precipitation in scaling waters, Hydrometallurgy, 75, Nov, 135-146 [21] Roberts, M. and Lewis, A.E, 2003. Three phase mixing studies for nickel precipitation, Minerals Engineering, 16, 9, September 2003, p 881-883 [22] Lewis, A.E. and Roberts, M., 2003. Using fractal structure and flow properties to describe morphology of nickel crystals, JOM – Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, February 2003, Vol. 55, No. 2, p 59-61. [23] Guillard, D. and Lewis, A.E., 2002. Optimisation of Nickel Hydroxy-carbonate Precipitation Using a Laboratory Pellet Reactor, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, No 13, Vol 41, 3110 – 3114. [24] Knobel, A.K and Lewis, A.E., 2001. A mathematical model of a high sulphate wastewater anaerobic treatment system, Water Research, 36, 257-265. [25] Centurier-Harris, J.P., Butler, B. and Lewis, A.E., 2001. Improving Platinum Precipitation Processes, Minerals Engineering, Vol 14, No. 8, 905 – 909 [26] Case, J., Gunstone, R. and Lewis, A.E., 2001. Students metacognitive development in an innovative second year engineering course, Research in Science Education, 31, 3, 331-355 [27] Lewis, A.E. and Beautement, C., 2001. Prioritising objectives for waste reprocessing: A case study in secondary lead refining, Waste Management, 22, 677-685 [28] Guillard, D. and Lewis, A.E., 2001. Nickel Carbonate precipitation in a fluidised bed reactor, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, No 23, Vol 40, 5564-5569 2 [29] Lewis, A.E. and Roberts, M., 2001. Quantifying morphology of nickel crystals, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, No 8, Vol 101, 421-428 [30] Lewis, A.E. and Hugo, A., 2000. Characterisation and Batch Testing of a Secondary Lead Slag, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, October 2000, 365 - 370. [31] Cohen, B., Lewis, A.E, Petersen, J., von Blottnitz, H., Drews S.C. and Mahote, S.I., 1999. The TCLP and Its Applicability for the Characterisation of Worst Case Leaching of Wastes from Mining and Metallurgical Operations, Advances in Environmental Research, 3 (2) ( [32] Ozinsky A.E. and Ekama G.A., 1995. Secondary Settling Tank Modelling and Design: (1) Review of theoretical and practical aspects, Water S.A., 21 (4), October, 325-332. [33] Ozinsky A.E. and Ekama G.A., 1995. Secondary Settling Tank Modelling and Design: (2) Linking of sludge settleability measures, Water S.A., 21 (4), October, 333-350 [34] Billing, A.E. and Dold, P.L., 1988. Modelling techniques for biological reaction systems: (1) Mathematical description and model representation, Water S.A., 14 (4), October, 185-192. [35] Billing A.E. and Dold, P.L., 1988. Modelling techniques for biological reaction systems: (2) Modelling of the steady state case, Water S.A., 14 (4), October, 193206. [36] Billing A.E. and Dold, P.L., 1988. Modelling techniques for biological reaction systems: (3) Modelling of the dynamic case, Water S.A., 14 (4), October, 207-218. Patent [37] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J. Africa, 2008/07293 A Process. Provisional Patent Application South Books, Chapters in books and Proceedings authored and/or edited [38] Lewis, A.E, Nathoo, J. Reddy, T., and Randall, D. 2007. Novel Technology for Recovery of Water and Solid Salts from Hypersaline Brines: Eutectic Freeze Crystallization, Research Project NO. K5/1727, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. [39] Lewis, A.E, Nathoo, J. and Mokone, T, 2007. Reactor design for metal precipitation in mine water treatment, Research Project NO. K5/1729, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. [40] Lewis, A.E. and Olsen, C. (Eds) 2007. BIWIC 2007. 14th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, September 9th – 11th 2007, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 1-284. 3 [41] Lewis, A.E and Nathoo, J., 2005. Prevention of calcium sulphate crystallisation in water desalination plants using Slurry Precipitation and Recycle Reverse Osmosis (SPARRO), Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. [42] Hansford, G.S., Harrison, S.T.L, Lewis, A.E. and Moosa, S. 2005. An Investigation of the Mechanism and Kinetics of Bacterial Sulphate Reduction. Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. [43] Hansford, G.S., Harrison, S.T.L, Lewis, A.E. and Moosa, S. 2004. The Mechanisms and Kinetics of Biological Treatment of Metal-Containing Effluent. Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. [44] Ozinsky, A.E., Ekama, G.A. and Reddy, B.D., 1994. Mathematical simulation of dynamic behaviour of secondary settling tanks, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa [45] Dold, P.L, Wentzel, M.C, Billing, A.E, Ekama, G.A. and Marais, G.v.R, 1991. Activated Sludge System Simulation Programs: version 1.0, Nitrification and nitrification/denitrification systems, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa. Scientific/scholarly presentations at conferences (invited contributions indicated) International, published, peer-reviewed conference proceedings [46] Lewis, A.E., Stelzer, T., and Ulrich, J., 2008. Measuring the morphology of irregular particles. In . In Janssens, P., (ed), 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-17 September [47] Reddy, S.T., Lewis, A.E., Witkamp, G.J,, van Spronsen, J., Kramer, H. and van Rosmalen, G.M., 2008. Investigating the applicability of Eutectic Freeze Crystallisation for the treatment and disposal of reverse osmosis retentates. In Janssens, P., (ed), 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-17 September [48] Andreassen, J.P., Flaten, E.M., Beck, R and Lewis, A.E., 2008. Investigations of spherulitic growth in industrial crystallization processes. In Janssens, P., (ed), 17th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 14-17 September (accepted) [49] Ntuli, F. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Precipitation kinetics of nickel in the presence of iron, 14th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 9-11 September 2007, Cape Town, South Africa, pp237-244. [50] Hove, M., van Hille, R., and Lewis, A.E., 2007. The effect of different types of seeds on the oxidation and precipitation of iron from homogeneous solutions, 14th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 9-11 September 2007, Cape Town, South Africa, pp108 – 118. [51] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J. and Glück, T., 2006. Identifying critical operating parameters and mechanism for a manganese sulphide precipitation process, 13th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 13 -15 September 2006, Delft, the Netherlands 4 [52] Reddy, S.T., and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Water and Salt Recovery from Brine Solutions, 13th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), 13 -15 September 2006, Delft, the Netherlands [53] Kalman, H and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Review of recent developments in Particle Technology in the Middle East and Africa, 5th World Congress on Particle Technology, 23-27 April, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. [54] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M.J., 2005. Identifying mechanisms of nickel precipitation in a hydrogen reduction process. In J. Ulrich, (ed), 16th Industrial Crystallisation Conference, Dresden, Germany, 11-14th September 2005, pp. 391 - 398 [55] Lewis, A.E. and Swartbooi, A., 2005. Factors affecting metal removal in mixed sulphide precipitation. In J. Ulrich, (ed), 16th Industrial Crystallisation Conference, Dresden, Germany, 11-14th September 2005, pp. 279 - 285 [56] Lewis, A.E. and van Hille, R.P., 2005. Complexity in Sulphide Precipitation. In T. Subbaiah, (ed), Emerging Trends in Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, Bhubaneswar, India, 13-14 June 2005, pp. 298 - 305 [57] van Hille, R., Foster, T., Storey, A., Duncan, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2004. Heavy metal precipitation by sulphide and bicarbonate: evaluating methods to predict anaerobic digester overflow performance. In A.P. Jarvis, B.A. Dudgeon, and P.L.Younger, (eds), Mine Water 2004: Process, Policy and Progress, Newcastle upon Tyne, 19-23 September 2004, pp. 141-150 [58] Lewis, A.E. and van Hille, R.P., 2003. Metal removal: crystallising some issues In L. Lorenzen, D.J. Bradshaw, C. Aldrich, J. Eksteen, M. Wright, E. Thom, (eds), Proceedings of the XXII International Minerals Processing Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 28 Sept – 3 Oct 2003, pp. 195 [59] Ochieng, A., Pearce, H. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. A CFD simulation of the hydrodynamics of a reactor with draft tube In L. Lorenzen, D.J. Bradshaw, C. Aldrich, J. Eksteen, M. Wright, E. Thom, (eds), Proceedings of the XXII International Minerals Processing Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 28 Sept – 3 Oct 2003, pp. 241 [60] Petersen, K., Lacour, S., van Hille, R.P.and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Copper sulphide precipitation within a fluidised bed reactor In L. Lorenzen, D.J. Bradshaw, C. Aldrich, J. Eksteen, M. Wright, E. Thom, (eds), Proceedings of the XXII International Minerals Processing Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 28 Sept – 3 Oct 2003, pp. 441 [61] Swartbooi, A., Lacour, S. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. An investigation into the precipitation of nickel and cobalt as sulphides In L. Lorenzen, D.J. Bradshaw, C. Aldrich, J. Eksteen, M. Wright, E. Thom, (eds), Proceedings of the XXII International Minerals Processing Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 28 Sept – 3 Oct 2003, pp. 440 [62] Lewis, A.E., Petersen, K. and Lacour, S., 2002. Copper removal from acid mine drainage using a pellet reactor In A. Chianese, (ed), 15th Industrial Crystallisation Conference, Sorrento, Italy, 15-18th September 2002, pp. 467-472 5 [63] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., Seewoo, S. and Lacour, S., 2002. Prevention of scaling in mine waters using Slurry Precipitation and Recycle Reverse Osmosis (SPARRO). In A. Chianese, (ed), 15th Industrial Crystallisation Conference, Sorrento, Italy, 15-18th September 2002, pp. 1443-1448 [64] Butler, B.K., Guillard, D., White, E.T. and Lewis A.E., 2001. Metal Carbonate and Lactose – Two Environmental Crystallisations. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 23-27 September 2001, ISBN 0 7340 22018 [65] Lewis, A.E., and Roberts, M., 2001. Quantifying morphology of nickel crystals Copper, Cobalt, Nickel and Zinc Recovery, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 16 – 18 July 2001, pp. 421-428 [66] Lewis A.E., Hugo A. and Beautement C. 1999. Waste Characterisation, Testing and Modification: A Case Study for Secondary Lead Slag. In: C.V. Leon, ed. International Mining and Environment Congress, Clean Technology: Third Millennium Challenge, Lima, Peru, 13-16 July 1999. Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru, Lima, pp. 471-482 Invited contribution [67] Lewis, A.E. and Petrie, J.G., 1998. Process development for biological treatment of sulphate wastewater. In: L. Bonomo and C. Nurizzo, (eds), 2nd International Conference, Advanced Wastewater Treatment, Recycling and Reuse, Milan 14-16 Sept 1998. Milano: IAWQ, pp. 639-648 [68] Lewis, A.E. and Dry, M., 1998. Secondary lead refining - A model to define acceptable limits for a slag treatment process. In: S.R. Rao, L.M. Amaratunga, G.G Richards and P.D. Kondos, (eds), Waste Processing and Recycling in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries III, Canada 16-19 Aug 1998. Quebec: The Metallurgical Society of CIM, pp. 195-208 [69] Lewis, A.E., 1998. Treatment of secondary lead residues for environmental protection: Waste minimisation through process understanding and improvement. In: S.R. Rao, L.M. Amaratunga, G.G Richards and P.D. Kondos, (eds), Waste Processing and Recycling in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries III, Canada 16-19 Aug 1998. Quebec: The Metallurgical Society of CIM, pp. 181-194 International Conferences [70] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M.J., The population balance approach for modelling crystallisation and other multiphase processes, 2006 Parker Centre Hydrometallurgy Conference, 7-10 May 2006, Perth (Keynote Address) [71] Lewis, A.E. and Zhang, Y., 2005. Pitfalls in Real World Particle Characterisation, 7th International Conference on Crushing and Grinding, Midrand, Gauteng, 23 February 2005. (Keynote address) [72] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M.J., 2003. Development and Testing of Phenomenological Models and Solution Algorithms for the Crystallisation Research Tool, US Department of Energy Crystallisation Project Team Meeting, Groton, Connecticut, USA, 18-19 September 2003. 6 [73] Hounslow, M.J. and Lewis, A.E, 2003. Modelling of Particulate Systems, American Association of Crystallization Technology Workshop, Groton, Connecticut, USA 15-18 September 2003. (Keynote address - not presented personally) [74] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M.J., 2003. As simple as possible, but not simpler: Linking Population, Material and Energy Balances for Crystalliser Modelling, British Association of Crystal Growth Annual Meeting 2003, Oxford, 7-8 September 2003. Invited contribution [75] Lewis, A.E., 2003. Women in Engineering in Sub-Saharan Africa, International Institute of Women in Engineering Seminar 2003, Paris, France, June 28 – July 11, 2003. Keynote speaker [76] Jawitz, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2001. Using SOLO to assess understanding in a final year engineering design project, First Electronic International Conference on Engineering Education, June-August 2001. [77] Butler, B.K. and Lewis, A.E., 2000. Waste not, want not: metal precipitation from effluent streams. Minerals Engineering 2000, Cape Town, 13 - 15 November 2000. [78] Guillard, D., Lewis, A.E. and Butler, B.K., 2000. Nickel carbonate precipitation in a pellet reactor. Minerals Engineering 2000, Cape Town, 13 - 15 November 2000. [79] Case, J., Gunstone R. and Lewis, A.E., 2000. Approaches to learning in a Second Year Chemical Engineering Course. American Education Research Association AERA Meeting, New Orleans, USA, April 2000. (not presented personally) [80] Case, J., Gunstone R. and Lewis, A.E., 2000. The impact of students’ perceptions on their metacognitive development: a case study. American Education Research Association AERA Meeting, New Orleans USA, April 2000. (not presented personally) [81] Case, J., Gunstone, R., Lewis A.E., 1999. Student perceptions of new approaches to teaching and assessment in an undergraduate chemical engineering course. 8th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Advancing Learning Communities In The New Millennium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 24-28 August 1999. (not presented personally) [82] Case, J., Gunstone, R. and Lewis, A.E., 1999. Mapping students' metacognitive development. 30th Annual Conference of the Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA), Rotorua, New Zealand, 8 -11 July 1999. (not presented personally) [83] Case, J., Jawitz, J., Lewis, A.E. and Fraser, D.M.F., 1999. Cover Less, Uncover More: A Case Study in 2nd Year Chemical Engineering. SA Association of Researchers in Maths and Science Education (SAARMSE) conference, Harare, 13-16 Jan 1999. (not presented personally) Local Peer-reviewed Published Conferences [84] Randall DG, Lewis AE, Nathoo J., 2008. Kinetic aspects of multi-component systems operated under eutectic freeze crystallisation conditions, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 7 [85] Mangere M, Nathoo J, Lewis AE., 2008. Precipitation of selenium from acidic copper sulphate solution using sodium sulphite, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [86] Zibi L, Lewis AE, Nathoo J., 2008. Applicability of using EFC to treat Hydrometallurgical Brines, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [87] Bhikha H, Lewis AE, Nathoo J., 2008. Water minimisation at Skorpion Zinc – A systemic approach to process optimisation, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [88] Mbedzi N, Nathoo J, Lewis AE., 2008. Removal of aluminium silicate scaling species from a gas liquor stream using alumina, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [89] Govan P, Lewis AE, Nathoo J., 2008. Developing a fundamental understandingof the Kieserite crystallization process, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [90] Ramaru R, Nathoo J, Lewis AE., 2008. Phosphate crystallization from dewatering liquors, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [91] Hove M, van Hille RP, Lewis AE., 2008. Effect of seed concentration on the oxidation and precipitation of iron, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [92] Mokone T, Lewis AE, van Hille R., 2008. Effect of surface properties on solidliquid separation characteristics of metal sulphides, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [93] Reddy ST, Lewis AE, Nathoo J., 2008. Treatment of reverse osmosis retentate using eutectic freeze crystallisation, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [94] Lewis AE., 2008. A novel approach to the treatment of water containing high dissolved salts, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 6-8 August 2008 [95] Mokone, T.P, van Hille, R, and Lewis, A.E., 2007. An investigation into the feasibility of metal sulphide precipitation in a seeded fluidised bed reactor and zinc sulphide precipitation using H2S gas in a bubble column, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2007. [96] Randall, D.G., and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Investigating characteristics of ice crystals formed in eutectic freeze crystallization, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2007. [97] Ntuli, F, and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Nickel powder precipitation in the presence of iron, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2007. [98] Bhikha, H, Deglon, D.A.., R, and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Technological Challenges in Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 23 August 2007. 8 [99] Hove, M., van Hille, R.P., Lewis, A.E., and Muhr, H., 2007. Using Raman spectroscopy to study the kinetics of transformation of ferrihydrite into goethite, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2007. [100] Govan, P, Nathoo, J, and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Developing a fundamental understanding of the Kieserite Crystallization Process, SAIMM Conference, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2007. [101] Mausse, C., Seckler, M., Guardani, R., Bernado, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Use of Artificial Neural Network Models to Derive Particle Size Distributions from Chord Length Distributions, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006. [102] Ntuli, F. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. The Effect of a Morphology Modifier on the Precipitation behaviour of Nickel Powder, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006. [103] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J. and Gluck, T., 2006., Identifying critical operating parameters and mechanism for a manganese sulphide precipitation process, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006. [104] Reddy, S.T. and Lewis, A.E., 2006, Innovative approaches to brine treatment, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006. [105] Hove, M., van Hille, R. P. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Characterisation of iron sludge formed during hydroxide precipitation of iron from ferrous sulphate solutions, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006. [106] Karbanee, N., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Using gaseous sulphide to control supersaturation in metal sulphide precipitation, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006 [107] Mokone, T. and Lewis, A.E., 2006. Recovery of zinc from solution using a mixed sulphide/bicarbonate precipitating reagent, Mineral Processing 2006, Cape Town, 3-4 August 2006 [108] Mausse, C. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Numerical simulation of the size enlargement mechanisms of nickel particles during nickel reduction, Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 -5 August 2005, PP03, p. 103 [109] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2005. Scale prediction in real mine waters, Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 -5 August 2005, OR33, p. 55 [110] Mokone, T. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Control of fines formation in precipitation of metal salts from effluent streams. Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 - 5 August 2005 [111] Hove, M., van Hille, R. P. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Rate processes in the removal of iron from AMD by hydroxide precipitation, Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 5 August 2005, OR32, p. 54 [112] Ntuli, F., Taty-Costodes, V.C. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Evolution of the particle size distribution of nickel powder precipitated by hydrogen reduction, Mineral Processing 2005 Cape Town, 4 - 5 August 2005, SP09, p. 75 9 [113] Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. CFD simulation of solids concentration distribution in a tank stirred with an axial impeller. Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 - 5 August 2005, OR30, p. 52 [114] Zhang, Y. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Reaction kinetics of calcium sulphate dihydrate, Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 -5 August 2005, SP12, p. 81 [115] Karbanee, N., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Investigation into the precipitation of mixed nickel cobalt sulphides, Mineral Processing 2005, Cape Town, 4 - 5 August 2005, SP10, p.77 [116] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M., 2004. Understanding factors influencing nickel morphology, Mineral Processing 2004, Cape Town, 4 - 6 August 2004, pp. 76 [117] Pillay, V. and Lewis, A.E., 2004. The system MgSO4 – H2O at eutectic conditions: Thermodynamic solubility products of MgSO4.12H2O and MgSO4.7H2O, Mineral Processing 2004, Cape Town, 4 - 6 August 2004, pp. 77 [118] Taty -Costodes, V.C. and Lewis, A.E., 2004. Aggregation of nickel carbonate in a fluidised bed reactor, Mineral Processing 2004, Cape Town, 4 - 6 August 2004, pp. 75 [119] Zhang, Y. and Lewis, A.E., 2004. Real world complications in the measurement of particle size, Mineral Processing 2004, Cape Town, 4 - 6 August 2004, pp. 93 [120] Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2004. CFD simulation of mixing and power consumption at low impeller clearance, In, Proceedings of the 4th South African Conference on Applied Mechanics, , Johannesburg, 18 - 21 January, 2004, no 81, pp. 1-9 [121] Ochieng, A. and Lewis, A. E., 2003. A CFD Simulation of mixing in a pitched blade impeller agitated tank, 2003. South African Chemical Engineering Congress, Sun City, 3 - 5 September 2003, pp. 120 [122] Roberts, M., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Quantifying nickel particle morphology, South African Chemical Engineering Congress, Sun City, 3 - 5 September 2003, pp. 166 [123] Swartbooi, A., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Precipitation of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) using hydrogen sulphide gas, South African Chemical Engineering Congress, Sun City, 3 - 5 September 2003, pp. 63 [124] van Hille, R.P., Foster, T., Storey, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Heavy metal precipitation by sulphide and bicarbonate: Evaluating methods to predict anaerobic digester overflow performance, South African Chemical Engineering Congress, Sun City, 3 - 5 September 2003, pp. 75 [125] Nathoo, J., Lewis, A.E., Lacour, S. and van Hille, R.P, 2002. Investigating the effect of gypsum crystal morphology on membrane damage in the SPARRO process, Mineral Processing 2002, Cape Town, 1-2 August 2002, pp. PS10 [126] Ochieng, A., Lewis, A.E. and Pearce, H., 2002. CFD modelling of the hydrodynamics of a nickel precipitation reactor. Mineral Processing 2002, Cape Town, 1-2 August 2002, pp. OR27 10 [127] Petersen, K., Lewis, A.E., Lacour, S. and van Hille, R.P., 2002. Copper sulphide precipitation using a fluidised bed reactor, Mineral Processing 2002, Cape Town, 1-2 August 2002, pp. OR29 [128] Roberts, M., Lewis, A.E., Lacour, S. and van Hille, R.P., 2002. Mixing behaviour in the high pressure nickel reduction process, Mineral Processing 2002, Cape Town, 1-2 August 2002, pp. OR11 [129] Seewoo, S., Lewis, A.E., Lacour, S. and van Hille, R.P., 2002. Control of the desupersaturation reactor in the slurry precipitation recycle reverse osmosis (SPARRO) process, Mineral Processing 2002, Cape Town, 1-2 August 2002, pp. PS09 [130] Swartbooi, A., Lacour, S. and Lewis, A.E., 2002. An investigation into the precipitation of nickel and cobalt as sulphides in a fluidised bed reactor, Mineral Processing 2002, Cape Town, 1-2 August 2002, pp. PS08 [131] Petersen, K. and Lewis, A.E., 2001. Sulphide precipitation of metals from acid mine drainage in a fluidised bed reactor. Mineral Processing 2001, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2001, pp. PS09 [132] Roberts, M., and Lewis, A.E., 2001. High pressure nickel precipitation, Mineral Processing 2001, Cape Town, 2-3 August 2001, pp. PS08 [133] Butler, B., J., Nathoo, J., Centurier-Harris, J.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2000. Understanding metal precipitation. Mineral Processing 2000, Cape Town, 24-25 August 2000, pp. OR12 [134] Guillard, D., Butler, B. and Lewis, A.E., 2000. Carbonate precipitation of metals in a pellet reactor. Mineral Processing 2000, Cape Town, 24-25 August 2000, pp. PS02 [135] Knobel, A.K and Lewis, A.E., 2000. A mathematical model of a high sulphate wastewater anaerobic treatment system. Mineral Processing 2000, Cape Town, 24-25 August 2000., pp. PP05 [136] Lahav, O., Lewis, A.E. and Loewenthal, R.E., 2000. Elemental sulphur recovery from AMD waters using a silicone membrane process - chemistry and control considerations. BIOY2K Combined Millenium Meeting, Grahamstown, 25-28 January 2000, pp. 610 [137] Lewis, A.E. and Knobel, A.K., 2000. A Primer for Modelling and Simulation: a Case Study of a Mathematical Model for a high Sulphate Wastewater Anaerobic Treatment System. BIOY2K Combined Millennium Meeting, Grahamstown, 25-28 January 2000, pp. 609 [138] Matimolane, M.R., Lewis, A.E and Loewenthal, R.E., 1999. Sulphur Recovery from Acid Mine Drainage. Mineral Processing 99, SAIMM, 5-6 August 1999, pp. OR19 [139] Beautement, C. and Lewis, A.E., 1998. Treatment of secondary lead residues for lead recovery and environmental protection. Mineral Processing 98, SAIMM, 6-7 Aug 1998, pp. PS03 11 [140] Knobel, A.N. and Lewis, A.E., 1998. The selective precipitation of heavy metals from acid mine drainage – a computer simulation. Mineral Processing 98, SAIMM, 6-7 Aug 1998, pp. PS01 [141] Lewis, A.E., 1998. Treatment of secondary lead residues for environmental Protection: waste minimisation through process characterisation and optimisation. Mineral Processing 98, SAIMM, Cape Town, 6-7 Aug 1998, pp. PS14 [142] Lewis, A.E. and Dry, M. 1998. Secondary lead refining: A model to define acceptable limits for a slag treatment process. Mineral Processing 98, SAIMM, Cape Town, 6-7 Aug 1998, pp. OR28 Local Conferences [143] Mausse, C., Seckler, M., Guardani, R., Bernado, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2006, Use of Artificial Neural Network Models to Derive Particle Size Distributions from Chord Length Distributions, SAIChE R& D Day, Stellenbosch University, 23 June 2006. [144] Taty-Costodes, V.C. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Effect of column design in fines production during crystallisation of Ni(OH)0.67(CO3)0.67. SAIChE R& D Day, University of Cape Town, 3 June 2005. [145] Delport, E., van Hille, R.P., Alexander, M. and Lewis, A.E., 2005. Sulphate precipitation in industrial effluents with a high organic load. SAIChE R& D Day, University of Cape Town, 3 June 2005. [146] van Hille, R P., Foster, T., Story, A. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Heavy metal precipitation by sulphide and bicarbonate: Evaluating methods to predict anaerobic digester overflow performance, Cape Biotech Conference 2003, University of Cape Town, 17 -18 November 2003. [147] Nathoo, J., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Investigating the effect of gypsum crystal morphology on membrane damage in the SPARRO process, 5th WISA-MTD Workshop: Membrane Developments in Waste Minimisation, Water Treatment and the Process Industry, Vereeniging, 30 March – 2 April 2003. [148] Seewoo, S., van Hille, R.P. and Lewis, A.E., 2003. Control of the morphology of gypsum in the desupersaturation reactor used in the SPARRO process, 5th WISAMTD Workshop: Membrane Developments in Waste Minimisation, Water Treatment and the Process Industry, Vereeniging, 30 March – 2 April 2003. [149] Lewis, A.E. 2002. Overview of precipitation and crystallisation research at the University of Cape Town, First Separation Technology in South Africa (SEPSA) Workshop, CSIR Bio/Chemtek, Modderfontein, 29 November 2002. [150] Edwards, W., Corbett, C., Lewis, A.E., Loewenthal, R.E. and Rose, P.D., 2000. Biogenic Sulphide for the Precipitation of Fe(II) from Acid Mine Drainage Wastewater. WISA Biennial Conference 2000, Sun City, 28 May – 1 June 2000. [151] Lewis, A.E., Lahav, O. and Loewenthal, R.E., 2000. Chemical Considerations for Sulphur Recovery from Acid Mine Drainage. WISA Biennial Conference 2000, Sun City, 28 May - 1 June 2000. 12 [152] Beautement, C. and Lewis, A.E., 1998. Treatment of lead residues for lead recovery and environmental protection. Chemical Engineering R&D conference, Stellenbosch University, Nov 1998. [153] Lewis, A.E., 1998. The use of a process simulation package in the final year design course, Wits/AECI Chemical Engineering Lecturers conference, University of Witwatersrand, 1998. Patent [37] 2008/8 Title: A Process. Inventor Lewis, A.E., and Nathoo, J. Patent No. 2008/07293. I was the originator of the patent. Nathoo is a co-worker who has contributed extensively to the Eutectic Freeze Crystallization project. Research/Technical Reports to Industry [155] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., and Chiang, Y-L., 2008. Gibbsite Precipitation from Synthetic Bayer Liquor Using an Anti-solvent: A Batch Feasibility Study. Research progress report (Part 2) for Aluminium Company of America (ALCOA), 31 July 2008 [156] Petrik, L.F., Lewis, A.E., Hendry B.A., Randall, D.G., Balfour, G., Yalala, Z.G.B., Musyoka, N., and Barnard, B., 2008. Brine treatment and disposal Progress Report for Coaltech 2020, October 2008 [157] Mangere, M., Nathoo, J., and Lewis, A.E., 2008. Continuous precipitation using the replication model system: Selenium Precipitation from Acidic Copper Sulphate Solution, Progress Report to Anglo Platinum, September 2008 [158] Petrik, L.F., Lewis, A.E., Hendry B.A., Reddy, S.T., Balfour, G., Yalala, Z.G.B., Musyoka, N., and Barnard, B., 2008. Brine treatment and disposal Progress Report for Coaltech 2020, August 2008 [159] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., and Ramaru, R., 2008. Phosphate precipitation from Tswane Municipality, Research Progress Report, 30 July 2008 [160] Petrik, L.F., Lewis, A.E., Hendry B.A., Reddy, S.T., Balfour, G., Yalala, Z.G.B., and Musyoka, N., 2008. Brine treatment and disposal Progress Report for Coaltech 2020, June 2008 [161] Mangere, M., Nathoo, J., and Lewis, A.E., 2008. Continuous precipitation using the replication model system: Selenium Precipitation from Acidic Copper Sulphate Solution, First Progress Report to Anglo Platinum, Feb – May 2008 [162] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J. and Mokone, T., 2008. Reactor design for metal precipitation in mine water treatment, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa., Final Report, March 2008 [163] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., Reddy T. and Randall, D., 2008. Novel technology for recovery of water and solid salts from hypersaline brines: Eutectic Freeze Crystallization, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa., Progress Report 2, March 2008 13 [164] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., and Govan, P., 2007. Measurement and modelling of solubility data for the Anglo-Zn process. Research progress report (Part 2) for Anglo American Research Laboratories, 31 January 2008 [165] Lewis, A.E., 2007. Aqueous chemistry modelling of the scaling potential of gas liquor, Research Report for Sasol Technology Pty Ltd, December 2007 [166] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., and Govan, P., 2007. Measurement and modelling of solubility data for the Anglo-Zn process. Research progress report (Part 1) for Anglo American Research Laboratories, 14 December 2007 [167] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Evaluation of BASF Selexsorb Alumina for the removal of contaminants from gas liquor in continuous mode. Research Report to Sasol Technology, 11 December 2007 [168] Petrik, L.F., Lewis, A.E., Hendry B.A., Randall, D.G., Balfour, G., and Yalala, Z.G.B., 2008. Brine treatment and disposal Progress Report for Coaltech 2020, December 2007 [169] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., and Chiang, Y-L., 2007. Preliminary Feasibility Analysis on Isothermal Batch Gibbsite Precipitation in the Presence of an Anti-solvent. Research progress report (Part 1) for Aluminium Company of America (ALCOA), 30 November 2007 [170] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J. and Mokone, T., 2007. Reactor design for metal precipitation in mine water treatment, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa., Progress Report, November 2007 [171] 2007 Lewis, A.E. and Reddy, S., 2006. Project Progress Report, Coaltech 2020, November [172] Lewis, A.E., Nathoo, J., Randall, D.G., and Reddy, S.T., 2007. Novel Technology for Recovery of Water and Solid Salts from Hypersaline Brines: Eutectic Freeze Crystallization, Water Research Commission, Private Bag, X03, Gezina, 0031, South Africa., Progress Report, November 2007 [173] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Progress Report # 3 (Phase 2 Part 2): Investigating the removal of contaminants from the Gas Liquor (GL) using alumina in continuous mode. Research Report to Sasol Technology, 25 October 2007. [174] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Progress Report # 2 (Phase 2 Part 2): Investigating the removal of contaminants from the Gas Liquor (GL) using alumina in continuous mode. Research Report to Sasol Technology, 3 October 2007. [175] Lewis, A.E., and Nathoo, J., 2007. Acid generation by precipitation in the regenerative atmospheric leach process. Progress Report (Part 1b) for Anglo American Research Laboratories, 13 September 2007 [176] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Progress Report Phase 2 Part 2: Preliminary results: Investigating the removal of contaminants from the Gas Liquor (GL) using alumina in continuous mode. Research Report to Sasol Technology, August 2007 14 [177] Petrik, L.F., Lewis, A.E., Hendry B.A., Reddy, S.T., Balfour, G., Mishra, V.K., and Vadapalli, V.R.K.., 2007. Brine treatment and disposal Progress Report for Coaltech 2020, August 2007 [178] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Progress Report Phase 2: Preliminary results pertaining to the feasibility of using silica gel. Research Report to Sasol Technology, 15 June 2007. [179] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Progress Report # 1 (Phase 2 Part 2): Investigating the removal of contaminants from the Gas Liquor (GL) using alumina in continuous mode. Research Report to Sasol Technology, June 2007 [180] Nathoo, J. and Lewis, A.E., 2007. Progress Report Phase 2: Preliminary results pertaining to the feasibility of using silica gel. Research Report to Sasol Technology, 15 June 2007 [181] Petrik, L.F., Lewis, A.E., Hendry B.A., Reddy, S.T., Mishra, V.K., and Vadapalli, V.R.K.., 2007. Brine treatment and disposal Progress Report for Coaltech 2020, April 2007 [182] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2007. Particle analysis and mathematical description of mini plant crystal product. Research Report for Anglo American Research Laboratories, 17 January 2007 [183] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2006. Contaminant removal from Gas Liquor using Hydrometallurgical Methods, Research Report for Sasol Technology Pty Ltd, 15 December 2006 [184] 2006 Lewis, A.E. and Reddy, S., 2006. Coaltech 2020 Project Progress Report, November [185] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2006. Particle analysis and mathematical description of mini plant crystal product. Research Report for Anglo American Research Laboratories, 20 October 2006 [186] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2006. Characterisation of precipitation of magnesium hydroxide from brine, Research report and DVD for Industrial and Petrochemical Consultants (Pty) Ltd, 21 August 2006 [187] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2006. Progress report # 1: Contaminant removal from Gas Liquor using Hydrometallurgical Methods, Progress Report for Sasol Technology Pty Ltd, 11 July 2006 [188] Lewis, A.E., 2006. Process Development for NaSCN removal, Specialist Report Review for Sasol Technology Pty Ltd. [189] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2006. Contaminant removal from Gas Liquor using Hydrometallurgical Methods, Research Report for Sasol Technology Pty Ltd. [190] Lewis, A.E, 2006. Metal precipitation in mine water treatment by sulphate reduction, Final Report for WRC Consultancy, May 2006 15 [191] Lewis, A.E., and Nathoo, J., 2005. Final Report: Phases 1 and 2 – Measurement and modelling of solubility data, Research report for Anglo American Research Laboratories, 7 December 2005 [192] Lewis, A.E, 2005. Metal precipitation in mine water treatment by sulphate reduction, Research Report for WRC Consultancy, November 2005 [193] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2005. Measurement and modelling of solubility data, Research Report for Anglo American Research Laboratories, November 2005 [194] Lewis, A.E. and Nathoo, J., 2005. Manganese purification process re-engineering, Research Report for Manganese Metal Company, November 2005 [195] Lewis, A.E., 2005. Analysis of V2O5 Crystalline product: Current and new production, Research Report for Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation Limited, Witbank, August 2005 [196] Lewis, A.E., 2005. Aqueous chemistry simulation for raw gas liquor, Research Report for Sasol Technology Pty Ltd, August 2005 [197] Lewis, A.E.and Ntuli, F., 2005. An investigation into the crystallisation behaviour of nickel through reduction by hydrogen – Phase 3, Technical Report for Impala Platinum, May 2005 [198] Lewis, A.E., 2004. Antisolvent crystallisation preliminary process review and analysis, Technical Report for Somchem, Wellington, October 2004 [199] Lewis, A.E., Taty Costodes, V.C., Ntuli, F. and Nathoo, J., 2004. An investigation into the crystallisation behaviour of nickel through reduction with hydrogen – Phase 3, Technical Report for Impala Platinum, October 2004 [200] Lewis, A.E., 2004. An investigation into the crystallisation behaviour of nickel through reduction with hydrogen - Phase 3, Technical Report for Impala Platinum, March 2004 [201] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M. J., 2003. Development and Testing of Phenomenological Models and Solution Algorithms for the Crystallisation Research Tool, US Department of Energy Crystallisation Project Team Technical Report 4: Verification of a model for a well mixed compartment, December 2003 [202] Lewis, A.E. and Hounslow, M.J., 2003. Development and Testing of Phenomenological Models and Solution Algorithms for the Crystallisation Research Tool, US Department of Energy Crystallisation Project Team Technical Report 3: Development and implementation of a model for a well-mixed compartment, December 2003 [203] Lewis, A.E., 2002. An investigation into the crystallisation behaviour of nickel through reduction with hydrogen - Phase 2, Technical Report for Impala Platinum, December 2002 [204] Lewis, A.E. and van Hille, R.P., 2002. Recovery of sodium bicarbonate from brine using carbon dioxide, Technical Report for Anglo Platinum, November 2002 16 [205] 2002 Lewis, A.E. and Lacour, S., 2002. Recovery of Cobalt from Hydrometallurgical Process Liquors, Technical Report for Anglo American Research Laboratories, October [206] Lewis, A.E., 2001. An investigation into crystallisation behaviour of nickel through reduction with hydrogen - Phase 1, Technical Report for Impala Platinum, December 2001 [207] Lewis, A.E., 2001. Specialist Review of Various Analytical Tests and Procedures for Anglo American Research Laboratories, Specialist review for Anglo American Research Laboratories, September 2001 [208] Lewis, A.E., 2001. Ore Characterisation Tests - Methods, Standards and Procedures, Specialist review for Anglo American Research Laboratories, August 2001 [209] Lewis, A.E. and J Hagemann, 2001. An investigation into the crystallisation behaviour of a precious metal salt, Technical Report for Anglo Platinum, July 2001 The full scale plant has been commissioned by Anglo Platinum and the feedback on the commissioning and outcomes of the full scale process have been extremely positive. The commissioning process itself was one of the smoothest ever experienced by the company; with the precious metal precipitation process increasing the first pass purity from 75% in the old process to 98.5% in the new process. The product size has also increased. The size and purity increases, as well as the robustness of the process were directly ascribed to the research work carried out by the Precipitation and Crystallisation Research Facility at UCT. This is now the largest plant for the production of this particular precious metal salt in the world. [210] Lewis, A.E., 2001, Specialist Review of the Air Pollution, Odour and Risk Assessment Specialist Studies for the Caltex Sulphur EIA, Specialist review for Caltex Refinery, Milnerton, April 2001 [211] Lewis, A.E., 2000. Specialist Review of the Air Pollution Impact and Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies Undertaken for the Caltex Sulphur EIA, Specialist review for Caltex Refinery, Milnerton, December 2000 [212] Lewis, A.E., 2000. An investigation into crystallisation behaviour of nickel through reduction with hydrogen - Phase 0, Technical Report for Impala Platinum, November 2000 [213] Lewis, A.E., Centurier-Harris, J. and Butler, B. 2000. The Reduction of ACP to Platinum, Technical Report for Anglo Platinum, April 2000 17