Appendix A Caveats, impacts on results and how each was addressed. Type of Caveat Caveat Impact How addressed Ecosim models Structure of EwE models dependent upon user aims, expertise, and philosophy Possible designer bias in EwE results Used a suite of EwE models, performed comparative analysis of Ecopath models Not all Ecosim models have been calibrated to timeseries data Some models lack realism for effects of biological interactions Investigate how predictions change for different settings of the key Ecosim vulnerability parameters No changes in distribution of species Changes in ecological interactions that occur due distribution changes not considered Because functional groups (and generally not species) are used in the models, changes in species distribution are considered indirectly if range changes substitute ecologically equivalent species Effects of global warming on consumer species not modelled Global warming may impact physiology and ultimately food web dynamics Currently technically difficult to address this effect in EwE and parameterise relationships for a large number of functional groups Human activities such as fishing and nutrient run-off are assumed to remain constant Human activities will change in the future and these will affect marine ecosystems We are interested in the effect of climate change, so we have isolated it from other effects Uncertainty in NPZD model predictions Contributes to uncertainty in predictions of ecosystem response to climate change The sign of production and nutrient change is robust to uncertainty. Magnitude of change less certain, but predictions comparable to other NPZD models (Sarmiento et al. 2004) Spatial resolution of NPZD output too coarse Fine and meso-scale oceanographic processes not resolved Used the finest scale future productivity available Effects of extreme events (e.g. cyclones) on primary productivity not considered Extreme events contribute to variability in ecosystem dynamics These process are not well predicted by current climate models, so we chose to focus on climate trends NPZD does not incorporate land-based nutrient inputs to coastal waters Land-based nutrient inputs can be considerable in bays and estuaries Nutrient availability inshore dependent on offshore nutrients in Australia. Further modelling of climate impacts on nutrient inputs required in future. No feedbacks from the ecosystem to primary production rate Feedbacks probably weak in open ocean ecosystems, but may be important in enclosed bay ecosystems This subject is the focus of ongoing work (Travers et al. 2007, Fulton in press) Uncertainty in GCM predictions Contributes to uncertainty in predictions of ecosystem response to climate change Sensitivity of Ecosim models to primary production change cover the range of plausible scenarios Uncertainty in future greenhouse gas emissions Contributes to uncertainty in predictions of ecosystem response to climate change Used IPCC emission scenario and sensitivity analyses Primary production models Climate models References Fulton EA (2009) Approaches to end to end ecosystem models. Ices Journal of Marine Science, In press Sarmiento JL, Slater R, Barber R, et al. (2004) Response of ocean ecosystems to climate warming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18, GB3003, doi:10.1029/2003GB002134 Travers M, Shin YJ, Jennings S, Cury P (2007) Towards end-to-end models for investigating the effects of climate and fishing in marine ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 75, 751-770. Appendix B Predicting benthic primary production rate Benthic production models, for seagrasses, benthic micro-algae and macro-algae, were based on those by Murray & Parslow (1999), which have also been used to model primary production for other food web models (e.g. Fulton et al. 2004). Similar to the NPZD, production rate of these groups was also dependent upon nitrogen availability, light and temperature. Nitrogen availability was obtained from the NPZD model, and temperature and light level projections were obtained from the GCM and were averaged across the Ecosim model regions, as for phytoplankton production. Benthic production rates were calculated at monthly time intervals, using mean monthly light, temperature and nutrients. Production rate (grams nitrogen per month per gram of primary producer) in the primary production models is estimated independent of population biomass. For seagrass, macro-algae and benthic micro-algae, the production rate equation for each primary producer type i at month t, was: Pi,t = μmax,i Ci,t min[hNi,t , hIi,t] (1) Where Pi,t is production rate (grams of nitrogen per month per gram of producer biomass); μmax,i is the maximum production rate per month; Ci,t is the temperature rate multiplication factor; hNi,t is the nitrogen multiplier; and hIi,t is the light multiplier. At elevated nutrient levels, growth of epiphytic algae hinders seagrass production (Short & Neckles 1999). Therefore, the production rate for seagrass was reduced by an amount proportional to the predicted nitrogen concentration for each region. The proportional reduction in seagrass production rate was also dependent on the temperature rate multiplier, because epiphytic algal growth is temperature dependent (Murray & Parslow 1999). We used Liebig’s law of the minimum for light and nutrient limitation, where only the factor in shortest supply at a time is limiting, because multiplicative models can predict unrealistically low production rates for moderate levels of light and nutrients (Murray & Parslow 1999). Light and nutrient limitation multipliers are calculated using the Michalis-Menton equation: hNi,t = DINt /( KN,i + DINt) (2) Where DINt is dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N m-3); and KN,i is the nitrogen half saturation constant (N m-3). We assumed that DINt is correlated with nitrogen in the sediments, thus, seagrasses would respond similarly to changes in water nitrogen content. Light attenuation is affected by temperature, therefore: hIi,t = It / (KI,i Ci,t + It) (3) Where It is irradiance in watts per m2; and KI,i is the light half saturation constant in watts per m2. Irradiance at depth was determined by the light extinction parameter. We assumed the same light extinction parameter for all regions, because changing this parameter did not qualitatively affect results. The temperature rate multiplication factor was constant for all parameters and is calculated using the equation: Ci,t = Q10,i (Tt-TE) / 10 (4) Where Q10,i is the factor by which rate processes increase for a 10oC increase in temperature; Tt is the temperature in the environment in oC; and TE is the standardisation temperature. The standardisation temperature was set to the mean for each model region (Fig. 1) from the GCM in the years 2000-2010. Parameters for each primary producer group are shown in Table B1. Table B1 Parameter value ranges for benthic production models Primary producer group Parameter Units Benthic microalgae Maximum production rate mgN/day/ gram of algae Light half saturation constant W/m2 Nutrient half saturation constant mgN/m3 Maximum production rate mgN/d/gra m of algae Light half saturation constant W/m2 5 - 20 Nutrient half saturation constant mgN/m3 1 – 30 Maximum production rate mgN/d/ gram of seagrass 0.035 – 0.1 Light half saturation constant W/m2 30 – 60 Nutrient half saturation constant mgN/m3 5 – 50 Epiphytic algal multiplier - 0.005 – 0.03 Q10 - 2 Macro-algae Seagrass All groups Range 0.1 – 0.75 2.5 - 12 100 - 300 0.05 - 2 References Fulton EA, Smith ADM (2004) Lessons learnt from a comparison of three ecosystem models for Port Phillip Bay, Australia. African Journal of Marine Science, 26, 219-243. Murray AG, Parslow JS (1999) Modelling of nutrient impacts in Port Phillip Bay - a semienclosed marine Australian ecosystem. Marine and Freshwater Research, 50, 597-611. Short FT, Neckles HA (1999) The effects of global climate change on seagrasses. Aquatic Botany, 63, 169-196. Appendix C Habitat mediation Non-trophic interactions may be important mediators of the response of functional group biomasses to primary production change. We contrasted two scenarios of consumer habitat dependence. The first scenario has no effect of the abundance of benthic-macro producers (seagrass, mangroves and macro-algae) on the survival of consumer species and was used in the main text. The second considers these habitats as important nursery grounds for functional groups with split juvenile and adult life history stages included in their Ecosim models. These groups were: juvenile tiger and banana prawns in the Gulf of Carpentaria model, juvenile snapper, flatfish, whiting, piscivores and mullet in the Port Phillip Bay model and juvenile banded morwong in the east coast Tasmania model. For this second scenario, vulnerability of juvenile groups to predation was linearly dependent on the abundance of habitat (Table 1) and predation vulnerability could at most double (Okey et al. 2004). The Gulf of Carpentaria, Tasmania, and Port Phillip Bay models were the only models with juveniles and adults distinguished for some habitat dependent functional groups. Comparison of model simulations with and without juvenile habitat dependency showed habitat dependency affected habitat dependent functional groups, by amplifying responses to primary production change (Fig. C1). However, the effect of habitat dependency on system level indices including total fishery landings, community abundance evenness, mean system longevity and the mean trophic level was small. Thus, to simplify analyses we excluded habitat dependency effects in the main analyses. There are two caveats to the habitat mediation analyses. First, only a small number of the total functional groups in our 12 Ecosim models have split life history stages specified. This limits our ability to specify juvenile habitat dependencies. Second, little information is currently available on the functional form of habitat dependencies. Future research should consider habitat dependencies across a broad range of species and seek ways to parameterise relationships between habitat availability and juvenile survival. Fig.C1 Change in biomass for change in primary production rates of all primary producers (%) over 50 years for habitat dependent groups with unfitted (solid line), fitted (starred line) and trophic level (dashed line) vulnerability formulations and formulations with juvenile dependence on habitat (grey lines) and without (black lines) juvenile dependence on habitat. Banded morwong are from the Tasmania model, snapper, flatfish, whiting, piscivores and mullet are from the Port Phillip Bay model and the prawn species are from the Gulf of Carpentaria model. Results are relative to simulations with no climate change. Reference Okey TA, Vargo GA, Mackinson S, Vasconcellos M, Mahmoudi B, Meyer CA (2004) Simulating community effects of sea floor shading by plankton blooms over the West Florida Shelf. Ecological modeling, 172, 339-359.