FACULTY GUIDE FOR CLINICAL ROTATION Contents Page Faculty Requirements and Responsibilities 2-4 Faculty Task Check List 5 Contact Information for Clinical Affiliations Elvira R. Stawarski, MS, RN-BC Clinical Development Specialist Clinical Affiliations Liaison Phone: 630-275-1811 Email: elvira.stawarski@advocatehealth.com or GSAM-ClinicalAffiliations@advocatehealth.com Fax: 630-275-2944 JAN 2015 Page 1 of 5 Faculty Requirements and Responsibilities 1. Attend Faculty Orientation. Call HealthAdvisor at 1-800-323-advocat (1-800-323-8622) to register or www.advocatehealth.com/seminars. These will be provided during December and August for faculty that is scheduled to conduct clinical rotations at Good Samaritan Hospital during the year. ALL faculty are required to attend one of these sessions on an annual basis in order to be aware of the current hospital regulations and expectations. Dates are as follows: Monday August 10, 2015, 8am - 12:30pm Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 8am – 12:30pm Monday December 14, 2015, 8am – 12:30pm Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 8am – 12:30pm Please bring copy of Clinical Affiliations Handbook and Faculty Guide to class. Faculty Orientation will review the following: Faculty Guide explaining Requirements and Responsibilities Clinical Affiliations Handbook Clinical expectations Process & collect the following forms: o Acceptance of Clinical Affiliations Handbook Form o Faculty Contact Information Form o Confidentiality Agreement Form/Access form for Care Connection, Omni Cell and Pharmacy Care Connection & CareMobile Class: Documentation on the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). ***All Clinical Instructors will be responsible for teaching documentation on the EMR to their students during the student orientation. A Portal Access to log into Care Connection Training module will be provided to individual faculty to demonstrate to students. 2. Contact the CNS of the Unit your rotation has been assigned to and arrange a “shadowing experience”, prior to the start of your clinical rotation. 3. Discuss with Unit CNS PRIOR to the start of the Clinical Rotation best strategies to optimize the student learning experience, such as making appropriate assignments, medication administration, learning objectives, etc. In addition: Provide the Unit CNS with the following before the start of your clinical rotation: o Student roster on collegiate letterhead o Start date and end date of clinical rotation o Orientation date and time for students o Class syllabus o Student learning objectives o Student Competencies o Contact information for faculty and students 4. Review Clinical Affiliations Handbook. JAN 2015 Page 2 of 5 5. Review the Clinical Affiliations Handbook with the students. Assume responsibility that they have read and understand the content. 6. Make sure that the following form is completed and signed by each student: o Acceptance of Clinical Affiliations Handbook Form (On page 33 of Handbook). 7. Student Orientations: Student orientations are scheduled by the Lipinski Center for Learning and are usually the student’s first clinical day at 7am in the Maple Room. Student orientation is a collaborative effort between the Clinical Affiliations Coordinator and the Instructor. The Clinical Affiliations Coordinator will complete the following during the scheduled student orientation: o Welcome to Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital o Fill out Roster and obtain student contact information o Distribute student ID badges o Collect Acceptance of Clinical Affiliations Handbook Forms o Obtain information & signatures to process access codes for Care Connection & Omni Cell o Briefly Review Clinical Expectations for Faculty and Students o Provide time for questions and answers The Faculty: o Will collect the Acceptance of Clinical Affiliations Handbook form from each student and submit to Clinical Affiliations Liaison prior to completion of Student Orientation. o Will be given a copy of the roster containing list of assigned badges. An envelope will be provided to be used on the last day of the clinical rotation for returning badges to the Lipinski Center for Learning and Innovation. o Will assume responsibility for the return of all of the student badges, at the completion of the clinical rotation. Badges are to be returned to the Lipinski Center for Learning, with the understanding that there will be a $10 fee charged for every unreturned badge. The Clinical Instructor will then assume responsibility for teaching documentation on the EMR during the remaining time (about 2.00 hours). Access codes will be processed prior to the next clinical day. Instructor will be provided with instructions. 8. Collect all badges from students at the completion of the LAST day of the clinical rotation and return them to the Lipinski Center for Learning. 9. At completion of the clinical rotation: Complete Clinical Evaluation – Student and Faculty Survey. Issue the website below to your students and encourage them to provide feedback on how we did as a clinical site. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=8qU4h6KBamXR_2fdRtMpREzQ_3d_3d Page 5 of this document contains a Faculty Check-List. JAN 2015 Page 3 of 5 Other Considerations 10. Faculty is required to be on site during all student clinical experiences. 11. If a faculty is absent or ill, it is the responsibility of the school to either cancel Clinical or provide a qualified faculty replacement. Allowing “alternate faculty” to conduct the clinical rotation under such circumstances will be at the discretion of the Unit APN or CNS. 12. Issues During a Clinical Rotation It is highly encouraged that the Clinical Affiliations Coordinator be contacted for any issues or concerns that arise during a clinical rotation. We are committed to make this a successful learning experience for all instructors, students, and associates. Documentation of any issues allows us to track behaviors over an extended period of time and appropriately place students in the best learning environment at all times. Observational Experiences Observational Experiences in addition to Clinical Rotation All requests for Observational Experiences: Must be specified on the original Student Request for Clinical Rotation. Requests for observations received after the original request has been approved will not be considered. The Observational Clinical Experience must be related to the “content of the class” and the decision to approve will be at the discretion of the Unit CNS. In order to consider requests for additional clinical experiences in specialty units, only OBSERVATIONAL experiences will be permitted. One student per area, per school, per day may be considered. The faculty or school is not allowed to contact the observational area or unit in an effort to schedule observational experiences for their students. The Clinical Affiliations Liaison will check for availability with the “requested area” and then the “requesting school” will receive notification on the Student Clinical Request Form whether or not the observation request is approved or denied. Observational Experience Requirements Once an Observational Experience is approved, the Faculty will be required to contact the CNS and/or Manager of the Observational Unit and Provide: o Letter from faculty explaining SPECIFIC observational learning experience o Start date and end date of observational experience o Hours of clinical experience o Clinical objectives during observational experience o Schedule of students listing name and dates of observation (Schedule must be received by the Observational Unit no later than 2 weeks prior to start) o Name and contact information of faculty JAN 2015 Page 4 of 5 School: _______________ Course #:___________________ Rotation Start Date: ___________________ Faculty Name: _____________________________________ FACULTY CHECK-LIST Completed 1. Attend Faculty Orientation 2. Contact the CNS of the Unit your rotation has been assigned to and arrange a “shadowing experience”. Unit: ________ CNS Name: ______________________ Date: ____________ 3. Discuss with the Unit CNS best strategies to optimize student experience such as making student assignments, medication administration, meeting clinical objectives, etc. In addition: Provide unit CNS the following: o Student roster on collegiate letterhead o Start date and end date of clinical rotation o Orientation date and time for students o Student learning objectives o Student Competencies o Contact information for faculty and students 4. Review Clinical Affiliations Handbook. 5. Review the Clinical Affiliations Handbook with the students. 6. Collect the following from each student and submit on day of Student Clinical Orientation: o Acceptance of Clinical Affiliations Handbook form 7. Student Orientations: Are usually the student’s first clinical day at 7am unless specified otherwise. Time:________ Date:__________________ Location:______________________________ 8. Collect all badges from students at the completion of the LAST day of the clinical rotation and return them to the Lipinski Center for Learning in the envelope provided during Student Clinical Orientation. 9. Issue the website below to your students and encourage them to provide feedback on how we did as a clinical site. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=8qU4h6KBamXR_2fdRtMpREzQ_3d_3d JAN 2015 Page 5 of 5