Homogenous mixtures containing two or more substances (mixed really good)
Solute – thing dissolved
Solvent – dissolving medium
Soluble – can dissolve in solvent
Insoluble – cannot dissolve in solvent
Immiscible – do not mix
Miscible – can mix together
Solvation – solvent particles surrounding and pulling apart solute particles to make a
solution (science for dissolving)
Attractive forces between solute and solvent attract each other to pull apart solute
There are attractive forces because electrons are traded or not shared
Ionic solutions – water pulls apart + and – ions in compound because
water is polar
Covalent solutions – water can pull apart molecules because electrons are
shared unequally so they are polar
Factors for solvation
Agitation – shaking mixture will increase rate of salvation (solute being
hit harder by solvent particles)
Increasing surface area – more solute that is exposed to solvent the faster
the solvent can pull it apart
Increasing temperature – makes solvent particles move faster and hit
solute more and harder
Maximum amount of solute that will dissolve at certain temperature and pressure
Saturated – maximum amount has dissolved
Unsaturated – more can dissolve
Supersaturated – can hold more than saturated (high heat and cool slowly)
Factors affecting solubility
Temperature – higher temp increases saturation point
Pressure – higher pressure increases saturation point
Henry’s Law – solubility is proportional to the pressure of the gas above the
S1/P1 = S2/P2
or S1P2 = S2P1
Solution Concentration
How much solute is dissolved in the solvent
Solute / solution x 100%
Number of moles of solute per liter of solution (m/L)
M = moles solute / liters solution