

BY-LAW NO. 10-31

See also by-law 02-100 Use and Care Roads

By-law 02-78 Littering

BEING a By-law to establish and maintain a system for collection, removal and disposal of waste, other refuse and recyclable material.

WHEREAS section 11(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O 2001, c.25 as amended, provides that lower tier municipal may pass by-laws within the sphere of waste management.

AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that rules and regulations be made for establishing and maintaining a system for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse within the Town of Mississippi Mills;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Mississippi Mills deems it necessary to charge fees to recover the costs;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Mississippi Mills enacts as follows:

1. DEFINITIONS a. “Boxboard” shall mean non-corrugated cardboard. b. “Corrugated Cardboard” shall mean and include all material made from corrugated paper, excluding wax-coated cardboard. c.


shall mean a metal or plastic garbage container with exterior handles manufactured for waste disposal being wider at the top than the bottom. d.


shall mean and include all material of similar size and composition securely tied together with a dimension no greater than 30” x 30” x 5” e. “Town” shall mean The Corporation of the Town of Mississippi Mills. f. “Enforcement Officer” shall include a municipal by-law enforcement officer appointed by the Town Council to enforce the provisions of this by-law. g. “Highly combustible material” shall include photographic film celluloid, gasoline, oil or other flammable liquid or material soaked with any of the same. h. “Household hazardous waste” shall include paints, stains, varnish, urethanes, oils, pesticides, herbicides, household and automotive batteries, pharmaceuticals, pool chemicals, fuels and gas cylinders. i. “Leaf and yard waste” shall mean organic material having grown on the premises of an owner or occupier of said premises and consisting of yard plants and weeks, hedge and brush trimming and tree limbs with a diameter less than 2 inches.

j. “Occupier” shall mean a person who is in physical possession of premises or who has responsibility for and control over the condition of premises or the activities carried on there, or control over persons allowed to enter the premises. k. “Owner” shall include the legal title holder of the property, the occupier of property or the person, for the time being managing or receiving rent of the land or premises in connection with which the work is used, whether on their own account or as agency or trustee of any other person or who would so receive the rent of such land and premises where rented, and shall also include a lessee or occupier of the property who, under the terms of the lease, is required to repair and maintain the property in accordance with municipal by-laws. l. “Person” shall include an individual, a partnership or corporation to who or to which the context can apply. m. “Premises” shall mean and include one self-contained dwelling unit, residential or commercial, and in cases where building are subdivided and in possession of two or more occupiers, each occupier shall be deemed to be an occupier of premise within the meaning of this by-law.


That this By-law may be referred to as the ”Waste Management and Collection By-



That the entire geographical area of the Town of Mississippi Mills be designated as a

“Garbage Collection Area”.


“Leaf and Yard Waste Pick Up Days” shall be provided periodically, at the discretion of the Town. The schedule of collection shall give notice as to the day that leaf and yard was will be collected with the said notice to be given on the website and in the local paper.


That the first blue box is free of charge and each subsequent blue box will be charged at cost, in accordance with the current By-law that imposes fees and charges for blue boxes.


Backyard composters purchased by a resident for their own use will be charged at cost, in accordance with the current By-Law that imposes fees.


That the following rules apply to the collection, removal and disposal of garbage or recycling and other refuse a. Property owners are responsible for the proper disposal of all waste generated from their properties. Owners may utilize the municipal waste collection system for disposal of their permitted waste. b. General household, kitchen and table waste and recyclables only will be accepted. c. No person shall set out for collection any material or recyclable material prior to 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection, but not prior to 6:00 p.m. on the day preceding collection day, Items to be picked up are to be left at the end of the owner’s driveway at the edge of travelled, open, maintained roads d. No person shall fail to remove empty container or material, waste, leaf or yard waste or recyclable material before 9:00 p.m. on the day specified by the Town for collection. e. When waste collection cannot be made on the regular day as prescribed by the collection schedule, the Town shall make reasonable effort to notify affected residents by the publication of a notice in a local newspaper and on the website. f. No person shall set out any material, waste, leaf or yard waste or recyclable material for collection unless bundled in one of the units defined below: i. A returnable receptacle manufactured for the use of collection of household refuse and trade waste, of a height not more than 26 inches, having the equivalent durability of number 28 gauge metal, having a tight fitting lid and two

(2) handles of adequate strength and weighing not more than 35 pounds with contents ; or ii. A non-returnable plastic bag of sufficient strength to carry 35 pounds with contents without tearing and not weighing more than 35 pounds with contents; or iii. A non-recyclable (i.e. waxed) carton of a capacity of not more than 3 cubic feet and weighing no more than 35 pounds with contents. g. Bag tags shall be annually issued in August of each year for September 1 st to August

31 st . Bag tags issued in previous years will be honored. The allotment of bag tags is as follows: i. Each household is allotted 60 bag tags every anniversary date thereafter; ii. Each business (home-based businesses will only receive their household allotment), industry and institution is allotted 200 bag tags on every anniversary date thereafter; iii. Each cottage is allotted the household allotment; iv. Each church is allotted 25 bag tags and additional bag tags shall be issued free

of charge upon request for their use; v. Each manse is allotted the household allotment; vi. Each unit in a duplex, triplex, apartment building, etc. will be allotted the household allotment; vii. Each business and residence in the same building will be allotted the business allotment and household allotment, respectively; viii. The Hub is allotted bag tags upon request for their use. h. Bag tags are allocated on a per unit basis and property owners are responsible to distribute bag tags to their tenants and to apportion bag tags between former and new tenants. i. All items not collected shall be properly disposed of at approved locations in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of the Environment. j. No person shall not set out waste without first affixing the appropriate tag to each bag, can, container or bundle set out. k. No person shall set out any of the following material as part of the municipal waste collection: i. Recyclables i.e. cans, plastics #1 and #2, boxboard (boxes such as cereal and detergent), paper egg cartons, brown paper bags, phone books, magazines, catalogues, flyers, clothing, newspaper, clear and coloured glass, corrugated cardboard. ii. Animal waste and carcasses of parts thereof. iii. Large construction materials resulting from building and building alterations. Should the items fit in a garbage bag and remain under the weight limit they will be accepted. Loose items will not be collected. iv. Infectious biomedical wastes. v. Auto parts and bodies, lead acid batteries. vi. Explosive, combustible materials and paints cans. vii. Radio-active waste. viii. Any materials defined by the Ministry of Environment and Energy or

Environment Canada as hazardous waste. ix. Stones, earth, stumps, etc.

x. All leaves, brush, grass and other yard waste. xi. Iron, steel or other scrap metals. xii. Tires. xiii. Medical wastes. xiv. Liquid waste. xv. White goods (appliances). xvi. Any Large item i.e. couch, chair, TV l. Every person shall set out recyclable materials for collection in recycling containers as prescribed in this by-law. Additional recyclable materials shall be placed beside the recycling container in a manner convenient to the collection staff as prescribed by the Town. There is no limit to the number of recycling containers placed out for collection by an owner or occupier of a premise. Recycle items include cans, plastics #1 and #2, boxboard (boxes such as cereal and detergent), paper egg cartons, brown paper bags, phone books, magazines, catalogues, flyers, newspaper, clear and coloured glass, corrugated cardboard. m. Owners, householders or occupants placing garbage or other refuse out for collection are responsible for same until it is picked up. n. The Town shall not be responsible to any property owner, householder or occupant for loss or damage to garbage containers. o. The Town shall not be responsible to pick up any garbage or refuse which is placed out for pick-up and is spilled or otherwise displaced by persons other than Town employees. p. Cottages, which are o nly accessible by water or by air, are permitted to “opt out” of the Town’s municipal waste collection system and not pay for the service. q. Businesses may “opt out” of the Town’s municipal waste collection system and not pay for the service, but must first provide proof that they have another service provider hired to remove their garbage and recycling. r. No person shall throw, place or deposit in or on any street, highway, lane, alley or other public place within the Town any material, refuse or waste, except as provided for in this by-law. s. No person shall sweep, throw, place or deposit any dirt, filth, leaves, grass clippings, paper, waste, refuse or rubbish upon any street, highway, lane, alley or public place with the Town. t. In commercial premises, including, but not limited to restaurants, grocery stores, food stores, butcher and meat shops, refreshment stands, hardware stores or any

premises where it is necessary to accumulate waste in large amounts, the same shall be placed in containers and contents shall be stored in a waste room or bin so constructed to prevent the entrance of flies, rates or other vermin, and the said room or bin shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times. There shall be no pick up of corrugated cardboard under this by-law from these premises. u. No person shall place highly combustible material in a container for collection by the

Town, either in a separated form or combined with other waste. v. The Town may designate certain days or times as “Exchange Days” whereby items placed at the curb side on the specified day or time may be removed by other residents of the Town for the purpose of reuse.

8. MANAGEMENT/OPERATION OF THE WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE a. The Town will designate the hours of operation for the Landfill Site, which will be posted at the site. Any change in hours of operations will be posted on the Town website two weeks in advance of the change in hours. b. Any hazardous waste materials, propane tanks or batteries entering the site shall be refused entry at the landfill site. c. If a load of waste is dumped at the site and is found to contain material that is not accepted, the carrier of the waste will be warned in writing and may be required to remove the unaccepted materials. The warning shall be in writing and advise the carrier that the material is not accepted and that a subsequent incident will result in a surcharge at twice the rate paid at the site for the load. d. One free landfill pass will be distributed to all home owners with the garbage tags.

The pass entitles home owners to one free load up to 500kg. Free Landfill pass will expire on the anniversary date of the date issued. All free passes issued prior to

August 31, 2010 will expire on September 1, 2011. Hazardous waste will not be accepted. Tires are free but are subject to an additional charge if they are still on the rim. Household appliances not tagged Freon free have an additional charge as outline in Schedule “A”. e. The Site shall be under the supervision of the Director of Public Works or his or her designate. f. Dumping and tipping rates established by the Town and prescribed in Schedule “A” of this by-law shall be applicable to all persons authorized to use the landfill. g. No person shall dump or deposit waste or other refuse at the Landfill in accordance with the provisions of this by-law, except waste generated from a source located within the Town, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Director of Public

Works or his or her designate. h. Waste material, recyclable material or other refuse delivered to the Landfill shall be placed as follows: i. Disposable solid waste in the designated fill area or bin;

ii. Metal products in the designated scrap metal area or bin; iii. Organic and compostable materials in the composting area; iv. Tires in the designated area or bin; v. Brush in the designated area or bin.


This By-law shall be enforced by the Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer and/or the

Director of Roads and Public Works, and/or his/her designate. For the purposes of enforcing the provisions of this by-law, such enforcement officers may inspect waste and material set out for collection on public property and on private property upon the request of the owner or occupier of such property.

Every person who contravenes any provisions of this by-law, or any owner or originator of waste thrown, deposited or placed in contravention of this by-law, upon conviction is guilty of an offence and is subject to the penalties as prescribed in the Provincial

Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.33 or any successor legislation in substitution therefore.

10. FEES AND RATES i. That fees and rates contained in Schedule “A” shall apply ii. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of its passing.


THAT By-law No. 08-51 and any other by-law inconsistent with the provisions contained herein are herby repealed.

BY-LAW READ a first and second time this 19 th day of April, 2010.

BY-LAW READ a third time, passed, signed and sealed in open Council this 19 th day of April,



J.A. Lunney, Mayor


Cynthia Halcrow, Town Clerk


BY-LAW 10-31

Howie Road Landfill Fees

Mississippi Mills Residents:


$110.00 per tonne

$50.00 minimum charge for truck or trailer up to 500kg

$15.00 minimum charge for car

Commercial only – Non-Mississippi Mills Residents:


$130.00 per tonne

$55.00 minimum charge for truck or trailer up to 500kg

$20.00 minimum charge for car

Non Freon Free Appliances :

$40.00 per appliance (including, fridges, coolers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners etc.)

NOTE: A tag attached to the appliance will confirm that the Freon has been removed, by a licensed person.


Are free unless they are still on the rim;

A flat rate of $7.00 per tire on the rim will be charged.

Scrap Metal, including white goods (Freon free) – No Charge

Leaf & Yard waste, including branches – No Charge

Wood Waste, Construction material – Regular tipping fees will apply

NOTE: Non Freon Free Appliance and tire prices apply at the Pakenham Recycle Depot as well.

Cash or cheque will be accepted.

Invoicing can be done for Town residents. There will be a 20% admin fee and a minimum charge of $50.00.
