Annie - Gosford Musical Society

Gosford Musical Society (G.M.S.)
'Annie’ Audition Form
Please Print in Block Letters
Name: _____________________________________
Male / Female (Please Circle)
Address: _____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________ Postcode: ________
Phone (Home): _________________
Phone (Mobile): _________________
Phone (Work): ______________________
E-Mail: Address: ___________________________________
Date of Birth: _________________ Hair Colour: ________________ Height: _______________
GMS requires permission to use photos of cast members for publicity in programs, websites
and/or any other medium to promote costumes or live theatre.
If you are under eighteen (18) please ask your Guardian or Parent to sign this section of the form
Please sign here if you grant your permission: _____________________________
Do you agree to allow your child to undertake additional performances of ‘Annie’ if required
during the week of the production?
Please sign here if you grant your permission: _____________________________
Are you a current financial member of G.M.S.: (January 2014)
Please note: Membership is $30.00 per person or $60.00 per family each year, please make sure your
membership is current.
Audition Roles:
 Daddy Warbuck will be asked to shave his head to be bald for the production
For which role(s) are you auditioning?
Principal Roles: _________________________________________________________
Ensemble: _____________________________________________________________
Please circle the following:
If you are not cast as a principal, are you interested in the ensemble:
Minor roles will be cast from the Ensemble
Are you familiar with the show?
Do you have experience in: Acting
Do you know your voice range: Soprano
Please Turn Over
Musical Instrument All Four?
Not Sure
Current or past training:
Other Theatre Experience
Experience with G.M.S.:
Anything else you may like to add to enhance your audition selection:
Please advise us now on this form if there are problem dates which may affect rehearsals or show
dates that you know of.
Do you suffer from any medical conditions which we should be made aware of or allergies that may
potentially impact your health i.e. Anaphylactic, Asthma, Hepatitis, Seizures, Diabetes or any
If you are not cast for a role would you be interested in helping in any other areas Please circle.
Stage Crew, Orchestra, Dressing, Make Up, Props, Working Bees, Anything
Tick Here
I am aware that notification of the casting outcome can be sent via email, mobile text or
posted on the GMS Website for “Annie” and any audition performance feedback enquiries can be
dealt with by the Production Manager at their discretion.
Thankyou for auditioning for Gosford Musical Society’s production of Annie’
Our aim is to be inclusive of a wide variety of talented people and encourage you to be a part of
the Gosford Musical Society Family and again thankyou for the time you have so generously given
Mobile Gary 0414 656 748