File - Schomberg Weebly

Lesson Plan Assignment #1
Class: Sociology
Grade Level: 9--12
Unit: Culture and Society
Teacher: Zachary Schomberg
Students will be able to:
Compare and contrast different cultures across multiple dimensions.
Analyze how the process globalization has impacted culture.
Essential Question
How does culture contribute to the larger understanding of society?
Anticipatory Set
You can begin the class by asking students what their favorite type of food is. Then break
them up into groups and ask them to create a meal with each person being responsible for
part of the meal such as drink, appetizer, main course, and dessert. Have students share
their ideas and ask them if they think the meal would be good. You can then ask why no
students decided to choose American food as their favorite. What is American food?
Does it really exist and why is that such a difficult question to answer.
Teaching: Activities
Using the anticipatory set activity of talking about food will lead directly to the
discussion about the main topic of the lesson which is globalization. There is no
established cultural understanding of American food because America has borrowed from
other cultures and integrated them into its own culture.
Introduce the topic of globalization and provide the definition of globalization as a
worldwide integration of government, culture, social movements, economics and ideas.
Globalization has occurred due to diffusion-a spread of a piece of culture from one
society to another through means such as exploration, military conquest, missionary
work, media, tourism, and technology. Sticking on the concept of food as a useful
example is the concept of McDonaldization. Corporations, goods and services have
spread worldwide. Ask students to brainstorm some examples of globalization in terms of
food, technology, fashion, music or other cultural elements that have gained worldwide
recognition and acceptance.
Split students up into groups and ask them to continue brainstorming but this time ask
them to think of ways in which globalization has impacted their own lives. How do they
experience other cultures in their own lives? This could be accomplished with a 1-2-4
activity. Ask students to think of examples by themselves then pair up and share and
finally get in groups of 4 and share before coming back to the class as a whole.
After the group activity it would then be important to address other concepts relating to
globalization specifically the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativity.
Ethnocentrism is the tendency to believe that your culture is the norm and superior to
other cultures. Cultural relativity is interpreting other cultures using the norms and social
understandings of that culture. Shifting viewpoint and thinking about how others interpret
the world and see things from their own cultural perspective.
Ethnocentrism and an inability to think relatively can impede the spread of globalization.
Utilize spiraling and revisit concepts such as stereotypes and prejudice and racism which
would have been addressed in previous lessons. A current event can be used to illustrate
these examples. Video and pictures from a news story can be used to discuss the issues of
globalization and how global events impact culture and society in the United States. A
pertinent current example would be the ongoing events in Syria
This part of the lesson should be adjusted to stay up to date with current events so long as
it remains pertinent to the topic of globalization.
Utilize a “find someone who” activity with squares relating to the topic of globalization.
Classmates can learn more about one another and continue thinking about the topic of
globalization. Check to make sure each student also has definitions for each of the main
terms discussed during the lesson.
Independent Practice
Students choose a country and bring in an example of globalization from that country for
next class. Can be a piece of music, art, food, fashion, etc. Either from the U.S. or another
country but they must explain what culture is being influenced and how that culture has
been affected as a whole due to that specific example of globalization.
Formative assessment takes place during the closure activity in making sure each student
knows the definitions. Informal Assessment would also take place during the group work
and discussion.
Students should demonstrate
Active participation and engagement in the class activities
An understanding of what comprises culture.
How globalization influences culture and society.
What types of societal norms can either encourage or inhibit greater globalization.
Internet access and projector
Board/dry erase markers for brainstorming
"Find Someone Who" handout for closure activity.
Anticipatory Set-15 minutes
Teaching: Activities –Defining globalization, diffusion, discussion about
Mcdonaldization: 20 minutes
1-2-4 activity on globalization 15 minutes
Lecture/discussion on ethnocentrism and cultural relativism. Current events example. 25
Closure and Independent practice-15 minutes