what traditions/cultural groups are represented

Louisiana Voices Folklife in Education Project
Unit VI Louisiana's Musical Landscape
Lesson 1 Music Around the State: Sound and Place
Music Web Quest Resource Sheet
 Use these Web pages for a Music Web Quest <http://www.louisianavoices.org/Unit6/edu_unit6w_music_webquest.html>
about different styles of traditional music in Louisiana.
 Record your findings on the Music Web Quest Record Sheet
 Compare your findings with classmates and draw conclusions about what was found.
Louisiana Music Online
 Acadian and Creole Folklore Archives, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (audio)
<http://www.louisiana.edu/Academic/LiberalArts/CCET/> (Select Louisiana Digital Folklore Archive, then scroll
down to Titles - Music, then Varise Connor)
alltheweb.com <http://www.alltheweb.com> (audio, video) Search the entire Web for MP3 files.
American Routes <http://americanroutes.org/> radio program features many audio clips about Louisiana
musicians. Find a list at American Routes and Louisiana Voices
folkstreams.net / Dry Wood by Les Blank <http://www.folkstreams.net/film,43> (video) Features entire
video documentary about Creole musicians: Alphonse "Bois Sec" Ardoin and Canary Fontenot.
Includes transcripts and notes.
Louisiana State Museum / Jazz Audio Glossary <http://lsm.crt.state.la.us/site/audio/glossary.htm>
(audio) Features jazz instruments.
Louisiana State Museum / New Orleans Jazz Club Vintage Radio Broadcasts (audio)
<http://lsm.crt.state.la.us/site/audio/nojc.htm> Features radio broadcasts from the 1960s.
National Public Radio / Audio Archives < http://www.npr.org/>. Find a list of audio clips on Louisiana
folk culture topics at National Public Radio and Louisiana Voices
Red Hot Jazz Archive <http://www.redhotjazz.com/> (audio, video) (search for a jazz artist to get a list of
online music). Features jazz before 1930.
River of Song / Louisiana <http://www.pbs.org/riverofsong/artists/>(audio, video) The fourth episode of this
PBS series is Louisiana: Where Music is King, which features 11 musicians and ensembles.
Episodes 1-3 feature 30 additional groups from the Chippewa Nation in Minnesota to the Mississippi
Mass choir. Includes an online Teacher's Guide.
Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Recording Trip
<http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/lohtml/lohome.html>(Scroll down to Special Presentation: The 1939 Recording
Expedition. Then select Louisiana.)
Louisiana Voices Folklife in Education Project
Music Online from Around the United States
 Alabama Center for Traditional Arts <http://www.arts.state.al.us/actc/index-folkarts-actc.html>(audio) (Select
Musics of Alabama, Shape-Note Singing, Shape Singing Convention, Alabama School of Gospel Music,
Alabama Folkways Radio Series, Alabama Folkways Series) Features work songs and blues to spirituals
and gospel, from fiddle tunes and lullabies to mariachi and polka.
 Balkan Dance in Washington State <http://www.arts.wa.gov/progFA/balkandance/fabalkanddance.html> (audio)
Features music, dance, and costumes.
 The Blue Highway <http://www.thebluehighway.com> (Select Bluescasts for audio). Links to live and archived
blues radio.
 Crossroads of the Heart / Mississippi Music <http://www.arts.state.ms.us/crossroads/music.html> (audio)
Features blues, gospel, fiddling, and Sacred Harp singing.
 Dancing with the Virgin: Body & Faith in the Fiesta of Tortugas, New Mexico. <http://www.arts.uci.edu/>
(video) Features traditional sacred & social music & dance of the Pueblos.
 folkstreams.net < http://www.folkstreams.net/film,43 > (video) (Select Music) Features entire video
documentaries about traditional cultures with transcripts, notes, and often study guides.
 Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns <http://www.pbs.org/jazz/index.htm> (Select Classroom for lesson plans and
activities. Select Biographies for audio.) The first of ten episodes features New Orleans jazz. Web site
includes biographies, songs, instruments, and lessons.
 Lady Sings the Blues <http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/lessons/blues/index.html> (Lesson Plans) Interdisciplinary
lesson using the book, The Color Purple and blues artists.
 Music from the Sunshine State/ Florida Folklife Program <http://www.dos.state.fl.us/dhr/folklife/radio.html> 13part radio series. Website features 30-second audio bytes of fiddling traditions: Mexican, old-time
country, bluegrass, Pacific Island, sacred music, blues, Cuban, Caribbean.
 Music Resources Center <http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/> (video) (Select Music Traditions of the World)
Features video clips from video documentaries on Cajun, Creole, Polish Americans, old-time fiddling,
blues, and African Americans in Texas.
 Résonance: Musical Heritage of La Francophonie (audio/video)
<http://www.civilization.ca/arts/resonance/resinte.html>Virtual exhibit of Francophone music and instruments
 Smithsonian Sounds of History
<http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/wa/BCCorpDA/generic?page=SOH_home&type=SOH> (30
second audio bytes) offers 30-45 second audio clips from Smithsonian Folkways Recordings with
historical and cultural context as well as many activities. Access it from the Big Chalk homepage and
search for Sounds of History. Select Sounds of History Archive to find audio clips.
 Sound Traditions: Profiles of World Musicians in Southern California
<http://www.actaonline.org/features/sound%20traditions/Sound_Traditions.htm> (audio) Five-minute audio programs on
traditions from around the world.
 Traditions of Change: Five Korean-American Traditions in Washington State
<http://www.arts.wa.gov/progFA/faKorean.html> (audio) Features music, instruments, dance, storytelling, theater,
costumes, painting.
 Washington Folk Arts / Northwest Heritage Tours < http://www.washingtonfolkarts.com/index.html> (audio)
Five tours through Washington State.
 What's Your Name?: Rhymes and Rhythms from Pennsylvania's Neighborhoods (audio)
<http://www.culturalpartnerships.org/ontour/variousartists.asp> Features music of Zaire, Irish, Native American,
Lithuanian, bluegrass, Hungarian, Trinidad, Hmong, Puerto Rico, Yiddish, gospel, & old-time fiddle.
 Wiregrass Ways Radio Program / South Georgia Folklife Project (audio)
<http://www.valdosta.edu/music/SGFP/radio.htm> 13 five-minute radio programs on Georgia folk traditions. Music
traditions include fiddling, Sacred Harp singing, gospel, auctioneering, hymn lining, hollering or yodeling,
old-time country, bluegrass.
 Wisconsin Folks < http://arts.state.wi.us/static/folkdir/music.htm> Features music, dance, crafts, food and
occupational traditions. Music traditions include polka, Objibwe flute, gospel, and Hmong. Compare the
accordion and music style used by Happy Notes, a Polish-American polka band from Stevens Point, WI,
or see Joe Bee Xiong of Eau Claire, WI demonstrate Hmong musical instruments.
 Wolf Trap Folk Masters < http://www.wolftrap.org/folk/intro.html> Features lessons on Hawaiian guitar, klezmer,
and zydeco.
Louisiana Voices Folklife in Education Project
Unit VI Louisiana's Musical Landscape
Lesson 1 Music Around the State: Sound and Place
Music Web Quest Record Sheet
Record essential information about each Web site found during your Internet Scavenger Hunt. Make additional
copies if needed.
Site belongs to:
Site is _____ Private
_____ Public
Type Of Media Included :
____ Audio
____ Video
____ Text
Traditions represented
____ Photos
Cultural Groups Represented
Musical Styles Represented
Site belongs to:
Site is _____ Private
_____ Public
Type Of Media Included :
____ Audio
Traditions represented
____ Video
____ Text
____ Photos
Cultural Groups Represented
Musical Styles Represented