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Sector Social Dialogue
Committee of the
European Chemical Industry
Plenary Meeting
25 September 2012
Monitoring and Follow up
Answers to follow-up questionnaire:
1. In which way has your organisation promoted the Framework Agreement (website, press
release, publications etc.)?
2. In how far has the Framework Agreement influenced the relationship with your social
partner at national level?
3. Has the Framework Agreement had an impact on the VET (vocational education and training)
debate in your country? More specifically, has it had an impact on the definition of job
profiles in he chemical industry?
4. In case there has been no impact of the agreement, what do you think are the reasons?
Essenscia has presented the Framework Agreement in the HR-managers working group for the
sector. HR managers from 15 chemical companies are discussing topics on labour market, education
and training every 3 months, and the Framework was one of these topics.
The fact that there was a Framework Agreement on Competence profiles for Process Operators and
First Line Supervisors in the Chemical Industry was also mentioned in the essenscia newsletter.
Question 2
In Belgium the social partners had already reached an agreement on a competence profile for
process operators on a national level several years before the Framework Agreement. As Belgian
social partners, we also worked together in the process to come to the European Framework
Question 3
The Framework hasn’t had an impact on the VET debate in the country. The job profiles for jobs in
the chemical sector were already made and used on a national level before the Framework existed.
Question 4
The fact that in Belgium job profiles already existed and are used made the impact of the agreement
less important. Nevertheless, the fact that representatives from employers and employees from
Belgium were concerned in the process of making the agreement made it worthwhile.
Questions 1
BCCI has announced on its website, section Social Dialog the Framework agreement( Bulgarian and
English version).
Framework agreement is announced to Bulgarian Industrial Association , which together with two
Bulgarian trade unions fulfils 4 year project on Competence profiles Project "Development and
implementation of an information system for assessing the competence of the workforce in sectors
and regions". The project is being implemented by the Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the
Bulgarian Business (BIA), funded by the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development"
Questions 2
Working together on Competence profiles for 10 most popular professions in chemical industry in
the Bulgarian Sectoral skills council are used as base two base European profiles .
Questions 3
Framework agreement with two Competence profiles was announced to National Agency for
vocational education and training ( NAPOO) and they will use base Competence profiles for Operator
and First line supervisor , when upgrade State Educational Standards ( SEC) in every 3 years.
Questions 4
BCCI is lucky about the impact, because we have bational profect, financed by ESF on the issue.
EKN (industriAll Europe)
Questions 1,2,3,4
we didn't promote the Framework Agreement and we don't have the social partner on the employer
side. There once was the Cro-Industry department inside Croatian Employers Association so as you
can see there was no impact of the FA here in Croatia. As fas as I know.
We sent the Framework Agreement to our member organisations and to the Sector Council
Chemistry. Our Association promoted the Framework Agreement also via our website and
newspaper article.
The Framework Agreement positively influenced the relationship with our social partner; we
cooperate closely in the area of competence profiles for various professions in the chemical industry.
The Framework agreement had an impact on the definition of job profiles in the chemical industry.
This agreement was taken into account in preparation of job profiles in the chemical industry, that is
carried out by the Sector Council Chemistry.
Question 4
CO-industri (industriAll Europe)
Question 1
The framework agreement has been promoted in Denmark by several occasions. It has been
presented in the political committee of the Industry Group (United federation of Danish workers) The
40 delegates elected from all geographical parts of Denmark and covering many branches, not just
chemical, were very satisfied with the agreement.
But furthermore and maybe more central for the implementation of the agreement, it has been
presented in the trade committee on the education of Process operators in Denmark.
Question 2
Both Social Partners which is: Danish Industri (Dansk Industry) and United federation of Danish
Workers were involved in the development of the framework agreement on a European level. We
had meetings during the development of the agreement securing national consensus of the result. So
the framework has not influenced the relationship between us as national social partners. We did
already have a constructive relationship before this framework agreement and we are aware of our
common interests in this area.
Question 3
It has not been the background of a national debate in Denmark, but we have used a lot of
competences of “first line Supervisor” in our effort to build a new vocational level on top of our
vocational education of Process operator. It was very helpful use the First line supervisor as an
inspiration in building a new educational level within the branch.
We have not ended this development in Denmark yet. We are still working to be absolute sure of the
exact Danish demand of this new level. But also, we are having debates with the Danish Ministry of
Education in funding a new vocational level.
Question 4
Chemical Industry Federation (ECEG)
Industrial Union TEAM (industriAll Europe)
Trade Union PRO (industriAll Europe)
The competence profiles have been communicated
 to member companies of Chemical Industry Federation at committee meetings (training, labour
market), seminars, and personal contacts with companies' human resources (employer
federation) and union representatives (employees' federations)
 common announcement (extranet service) to members of Chemical Industry Federation and Pro
and TEAM
 to education authorities through the National Education and Training Committee of Chemical,
Paper and Wood Sector
 in 2-3 seminars to VET institutions and education authorities
 additionally the labour market organisations intend to translate the competence profiles into
Finnish language (Autumn 2012).
Question 2
We communicate and collaborate with the social partners on a continuous basis. The promotion of
the competence profiles (question 1) has been done in co-ordination with the social partners.
Question 3
All VET curricula had been revised just shortly before the framework agreement was made. As for the
content of the curricula, they are well in line with the competence profiles.
The competence profiles have been used as a development tool at single companies in
developing ´Process Operators' or/and First Line Supervisors job profiles or bigger manufacturing
Companies have discussed there could be a need to build additional competence profiles i.e.
maintenance man.
Question 4
The impact of the framework agreement has been only limited for the following reasons:
 the Finnish education system already corresponds fairly well to the requirements of the
competence profiles
 Social partners discuss education, training and competences on a continuous basis. There is no
urgent need to intensify this communication.
Question 1
First of all we have translated the European Agreement in French, then we had different actions
according to the public.
 On the UIC website :
 Newsletters UIC sent to members : « nouvelles brèves » et « nouvelles sociales »
 Information given to the UIC experts in education and lifelong learning at regional level
 Text sent to the ministry of Education and to the ministry of Higher education and research
 Text sent to experts in education and lifelong learning in big companies
 Press release in April 2011, some press articles
Question 2
The French sectoral social partners are used to work together on competences profiles. At sectoral
level sectoral certifications (certificats de qualification professionnelle –CQP) have been created in
2011. The social partners are members of the ministerial working groups on diplomas’curriculum.
Question 3
2011 and 2012 have been busy with work on competences profiles in the French chemical industry.
First at ministerial level
 Text given to the experts of the ministry of Education in charge of the renovation of the
curriculum of the « baccalauréat professionnel industrie de procédés » (vocational diploma
for the process industry). The new Baccalauréat is implemented in September 2012.
 Text given to the experts of the ministry of higher education and research in charge of the
renovation of the curriculum of « DUT chimie » (vocational diploma for chemistry) and « DUT
génie chimique, génie des procédés) » (vocational diploma for process engineering). The new
DUT will be implemented in 2013.
And at sectoral level
 Text given to the expert in charge of the creation of sectoral certifications for process
operators and first line supervisors. This work has been made by the sectoral social partners
of the French chemical industry, managed and financed by the sectoral Observatory
In both cases the idea was to have certifications in line with the companies’need in competences.
We tried to make more attractive general and vocational studies in chemistry or process
engineering by rewriting the curricula. We worked with teachers to introduce new competences
and used the European agreement as a tool to show that the need was europeanwide.
Question 4
FCE-CFDT (industriAll Europe)
Question 1
Our organisation promoted the framework agreement in its own publications also available on our
Question 2
Even if it has not changed matters a great deal, the framework agreement somewhat reinforced the
national approach of the OPIC (Observatoire Paritaire des Industries Chimiques) and the work it has
completed recently on branch certifications, where 6 new CQP (Certificats de Qualifications
Professionnelles) now replace older references.
Question 3
Not really, but it could have made the discussion easier when we had to define the equivalent study
levels corresponding to the CQP. The next step, and the most dificult one from a negotiation point of
view, will be to establish qualification levels directly linked to the salary scales.
Question 4
In order to promote the Framework Agreement at national level, corresponding information
was released both on the BAVC website ( and the association’s information
 “Ausbilder in der chemischen Industrie” (edition: 03/2011 (cover story), print run 3,000
copies) referring to experts and supervisors of vocational education throughout the
chemical industry.
 “Informationsbrief für Führungskräfte in der chemischen Industrie” (edition: 05/2011, print
run 10,000 copies), addressing the executives and the senior management of chemical
In addition, the Framework Agreement and its attachments were forwarded to all employees
of the BAVC member associations and to relevant BAVC working groups such as the
vocational training board, the bargaining committee and the European board for social
Question 2
The Framework Agreement was discussed at social partner’s national education board. The
board is made up of association members (BAVC) and trade union representatives (IG BCE)
in equal measure. Reflecting the competence profiles defined in the agreement helped to
deepen the discussion on quality of vocational training and further education among the
social partners. It also enriched the national perspective on common guidelines, improving
the comparability of skills and professions within the chemical industry at European level.
Question 3
Analyzing the competence profiles for process operators and first line supervisors together
with experts of the chemical industry showed, that the corresponding German
VET-prescriptions already include the core competencies defined in the agreement.
However, the framework agreement supports the national discussion on outcome orientation
in the German VET-system and helps to continuously improve existing regulations.
September 2012
Question 4
Question 1
Website, quaterly e-newsletter, MAVESZ Social Dialogue Committee meeting.
Question 2
Both sides welcomed the agreement, in this sense it has contributed to the social dialogue process in
the Hungarian chemical sector.
Question 3
No. The Government conducted limited consultations earlier this year via the Hungarian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry on the definition of job profiles (which were not changed eventually in the
NACE 20 area).
Question 4
See above.
Question 1
We provided to inform our member companies in some meeting with HR managers in 2011.
Question 2
The National Social Partners decided to verify how to implement the Framework Agreement in the
next collective agreement.
Question 3
No for the moment, but it could be in the future.
Question 4
Because it depend from the next agreement of the national partners
Question 1
Our organisation has sent information to membership companies. We had consultations with big
member companies before signing the agreement as well as with trade unions. We are informing
about the agreement during different external meetings devoted to training and employment. We
will continue this activity.
Question 2
We have very good cooperation with trade unions, including realisation of EU projects. Work on the
agreement was one of the elements of our cooperation and we highly appreciate their support.
Question 3
Actually there is a survey in Poland "Recognizing of requirements and preparation of the list of 300
professions, for which competence profile will be prepared
within the project initiated by the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs.
It is expected that people engaged in training and education, vocational consultancy, labour
exchange in public employment services, educational institutions, trade unions, employers
organizations as well as public administration will participate in this survey.
We have sent our agreement to them informing that 2 competence profiles for chemical industry are
approved by this agreement. We believe that this agreement will have an impact on the definition of
job profiles in the chemical industry.
Question 4
SIMA (industriAll Europe)
Question 1
We did not know about the agreement and we are now speading it; is unkown in the companies
where we are present
Question 2
The relations are good but today with the labour code the relations have been affected
Question 3
For the moment not yet but in the future we are sure
Question 4
No impact yet due to the fact that the agreement was unknown to us
Question 1
Massive e-mailing
Question 2
The Framework Agreement has not influenced our relationship with our social partner in any way.
Question 3
No, for the moment it has not had any impact on the VET debate in Spain.
Question 4
In our country, we are experimenting a change of mentality. For years, occupational training has had
a bad reputation in Spain, as bad students usually went to occupational training, while brilliants went
to University. Now things are changing slowly, two different Ministries are working on the issue, the
Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Labour, although not always in the same direction.