1 Közlemények: Hivatkozások: (2012). Szalontai Gábor (96 db 2014. 10.26.) (Science Citation Index) összesen 734 ebből független 610 összesített hatástényező Total impact factor (1974-2014) = 125.2 összesített hatástényező (1974-1998) = 72.403 összesített hatástényező (1999-2009) = 35.161 összesített hatástényező (2004-2009) = 19.750 összesített hatástényező (2001-2011) = 29.48 összesített hatástényező (2003-2012) = 35.57 1. G.Szalontai: High-performance Liquid Chromatoraphy of Organophosphorus Insecticides, J.of Chromatography, 124, 9 (1976) (19) 2. G.Szalontai: Programmable Multiple-development of Thin-layer Chromatoplates with Continous Gradient Elution and "in situ" U.V. detection Facility, Hung. Scient. Instruments, 37, 31 (1976) 3. G.Szalontai: Thin-layer Chromatographic-U.V photometric Methods for the Determination of Triazines Residue from Soil, Nehézvegyipari. Kut. Int. Közl., Vol.6, 81 (1976) 4. G.Szalontai: Analytical Methods for the Separation and Quantitative Determination of Isomers of 2-Chioro-l-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl)-Vinyl-Dimethyl Phosphate Insecticide. Nehézvegyip. Kut. Int. Közl., Vol.6, 85 (1976) 5. G.Szalontai: Analytical Methods for the Determination of Dichloro- acetyl- chloride and Trichloro-ethylene, Nehézvegyip. Kut.Int. Közl. Vol.6, 85 (1976) 6. G.Szalontai: Polarographic Method for the Determination of Chloroaniformethane (Imugan) from Technical Grade Material, Nehézvegyip.Kut. Int. Közl.,Vol.6, 99 (1976) 7. G.Szalontai: Study of 31P-13C Spin-spin Coupling Constants in Dichloro- and Monochloro-Vinyl-phosphate Derivatives, Org.Magn.Reson., 10, 63 (1977) (5) 8. Gy.Kovács - Huber, G.Szalontai and Gy.Pfeifer: The Application of Enzymatic and Immunological Techniques for Pesticides at Residue Level, Magy. Kém. Lapja, XXXIV, 127 9. G.Szalontai and A.Vass: 13C Dynamic NMR Study of Rotational Barriers of Amide Bond in Glicine Derivatives, Acta Chim. Acad . Scien. Hung., 102, 413 (1979) (3) 10. G.Szalontai: NMR Spectroscopy of Less Receptive Nuclei: Kut. Int. Közl., Vol.8, 113 (1976) 15 N-NMR, Nehézvegyipari. 11. G.Szalontai, Z.Simon, Z.Csapó, M. Farkas and Gy.Pfeifer: Computer-aided Structure Determination, Magy. Kém. Lapja, XXXV, 389 (1980) Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:001 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 2 12. M.Farkas, J.Markos, P.Szepesváry, I.Barta, G.Szalontai and Z.Simon: Computerized Analytical System (ASSIGNER ) for the Determination of Structure of Organic Compounds, Magy. Kém. Lapja, XXXV, 605 (1980) 13. M.Farkas, J.Markos, P.Szepesváry, I.Barta, G.Szalontai and Z.Simon: A Computer-aided System for Organic Functional Group Determinations, Anal. Chim. Acta, 133 (5), 19 (1981) (7) 14. G.Szalontai, Z.Simon, Z.Csapó, M.Farkas and Gy.Pfeifer: Use of IR and 13C-NMR Data in the Retrieval of Functional Groups for Computer-aided Structure Determination, Anal. Chim. Acta, 133 (5), 31 (1981) (25) 15. G.Szalontai and Z.Csapó: Computer-aided Determination of Ring Number, Substituent Number and Substitution Ways of Benzene Derivatives from their 13C-NMR Spectra, Magy. Kém. Foly. 87, 184 (1981) (1) 16. G.Szalontai, Zs.Récsey and Z.Csapó: Use of 13C-NMR additivity rules for the Ranking of Chemical Structures, Anal. Chim. Acta. 140, 309 (1982) (2) 17. G.Szalontai, Zs.Récsey and Z.Csapó: Computer-aided Structure Determination II. 1HNMR Data Interpretation, Acta Chim. Acad Scien. Hung., 111, 239 (1982) (1) 18. G.Szalontai, Z.Csapó and Zs.Récsey: Computer-aided Structure Determination III. Extended Version of the ASSIGNER System Acta Acad. Scien. Hung., 111, 249 (1982) (2) 19. E.Osava, G.Szalontai and Tsurumoto: Application of Potential Energy Calculations to Organic Chemistry. Part 17. Calculation of Highly Strained Cyclopropane Derivatives. Evaluation of Several Solar Energy Storage Systems Involving Valence Isomerization of Cyclopropane Rings, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans., II. 1209 (1983) (26) 20. G.Szalontai: Correlation of 13C-1H Spin-Spin Coupling Constants and the Sum of the Internuclear Angle Distortions in Saturated Hydrocarbons, Tetrahedron, 39, 1783 (1983) (15) 21. G.Szalontai: Molecular Mechanics and its Application to Organic Chemistry, Kémiai Közl., Vol. 62, 15 (1984) 22. G.Szalontai: Application of Artificial Intelligence in Computer-aided Structure Elucidation, Kémiai Közl., Vol. 61, 235 (1984) (review in Hungarian) 23. G.Szalontai: Correlation of 13C-1H Spin-spin Coupling Constants and the Valence Angle in Hydrocarbons, Magy. Kém. Foly., 91, 49 (1985) (1) 24. G.Szalontai and J.Dudás: 13C and 1H NMR Study of Tetrahydro-3,5-dialkyl-1,3,5thiadiazin-2-thiones, Acta Chim. Hung., 119, 7 (1985) (5) Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:002 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 3 25. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, I.Tóth, B.Heil, I.Pelczer and P.Sohár: 13C, 31P and 1H NMR Studies of the Stereochemistry of Chiral (4R,6R)-2R-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinanes, Mag.Reson.Chem. 24, 890 (1986) (4) 26. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, I.Tóth, and B.Heil: Stereochemistry of (4R,6R)-2R-1,3,2Dioxaphosphorinanes. 31P, 13C and 1H NMR Study, Kémiai Közl., 66 , 142 (1986) 27. J.Bakos, I.Tóth, G.Szalontai and B.Heil: 31P NMR Study of Intermediates of Assymetric Homogencatalytic Hydrogenation, Kémiai Közl., 66, 153, (1986) 28. A.Vass and G.Szalontai: Preparation and Reactions of N( 2-chloro-acetyl)-N-substitutedamino-methylisothio-cyanate. Synthesis, 10, 817 (1986) (7) 29. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, I.Tóth and B.Heil: 13C, 31P and 1H NMR Studies of Chiral Bis(4R,6R)-4,6-dimethyl-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinan-2-oxy-alkane Derivatives. Couplings Between P Atoms Six Bonds Apart, Magn. Reson. Chem., 25, 761 (1987) (24) 30. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, I.Tóth, B.Heil I.Pelczer and P.Sohár: 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR Studies of the Stereochemistry of Chiral 2-substituted (4R,6R)-Dimethyl-1,3,2-Dioxaphosphorinanes, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 30, 734 (1987) (4) 31. J.Bakos, I.Tóth, G.Szalontai and B.Heil: 31P NMR Studies of Rhodium Complexes Containing Chelating Diphosphines, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 30, 658, (1987) (1) 32. A.Vass, M.Nádasi. K.Sági and G.Szalontai: Phosphorylated Acid Anilides as New Insecticides Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 30, 662 (1987) (0) 33. G.Szalontai: 13C-NMR Study of the Isomerization of 7,7-Dichloro-2,5dioxa(4.1.0.)heptane to 2(1-chloro-2-butoxy-ethlyene-yl-1,3-dioxolane. Acta Chim. Hung., 126, 281 (1989) (3) 34. G.Szalontai, P.Sándor, F.Bangerter and L.Kollár: 1H and 13C Dynamic NMR Study of E , Z Isomers of Vinylogous Diamides. Effect of Conjugation and Electronic and Steric Repulsion on the CO-N Rotation Barriers and Low-temperature Conformation. Magn. Reson. Chem. 27, 216 (1989) (5) 35. J.Bakos, I.Tóth, G.Szalontai, V.Fülöp and B.Heil: Synthesis and Stereochemical Studies of Rhodium Complexes with ( 2S,4S )-bis( diphenylphosphino ) pentane, J. Organomet. Chem. 371, 101 (1989) (6) 36. G.Szalontai: Selective Paramagnatic Relaxation Reagents ( SPRR ) Study of Line Broadening Effect of Cu2+ Ions on the 13C NMR Spectral Lines of N-containing Molecules, Monatshefte für Chemie, 120, 1049 (1989) (2) 37. J.Bakos, I.Tóth, B.Heil, G.Szalontai, L.Párkányi, and V.Fülöp: Catalytic and Structural Studies of Rh(I) complexes of (-)-(2S,4S)-2,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)pentane. Asymmetric hydrogenation of acetophenonebenzylimine and acetophenone. Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:003 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 4 J. Organomet. Chem. 370, 263 (1989) IF: 1.9 (98) 38. G.Szalontai, P.Sándor and J.Bakos: Liquid State Stereochemistry of Rh(I)-BisphosphineDiene Complexes. Correlation of Conformational Chirality of the Complexes and the Structural Chirality of the Ligand, Magn.Res.Bull. 11(3-4), 374 (1989) 39. L.Kollár, J.Bakos, B.Heil, P.Sándor, and G.Szalontai: Hydroformylation of chiral terpenes with PtCl(SnCl3)-(bis-phosphine) as catalyst, J.Organomet. Chem. 385, 147 (1990). (22) 40. L.Kollár, P.Sándor, G.Szalontai and B.Heil: The Role of Additives in Platinium-catalyzed Hydroformylation, J.Organomet.Chem. 393, 153 (1990). (15) 41. G.Szalontai, P.Sándor and J.Bakos: Liquid Phase Stereochemistry of Cationic (Rhbisphospine-diene-Cl) Complexes. 1H, 31P and 13C-NMR and Molecular Mechanics Study, Magn. Reson. Chem. 29, 449-458 (1991) (9) 42. L.Kollár and G.Szalontai: New (PtCl(monophosphine) (chiralbisphosphine) cations, J.Organomet.Chem. 421, 341 (1991) (18) 43. S.Aime, L.Cordero, R.Gobetto and G.Szalontai: 1H and 13C-NMR Study of Cyclopentadienyl Metal Carbonyls at the Solid State, Spectrochim.Acta.Part A. 49, 1307 (1993 ) (2) 44. L.Kollár, P.Sándor and G.Szalontai: The Temperature Dependence of the Enantioselective Hydroformylation with PtCl2((S)-BINAP) + SnCl2 Catalyst and the NMR Investigation of the Catalytic Precursor, J.Mol.Catal., 67, 191 (1991) (33) 45. K.E.Kövér, D.Uhrin, G.Szalontai and Gy.Batta: Easy Implementation of selective Inverse Experiments with Chemical-Shift-Selective Filters, J.Mag.Res. Ser.B., 101, 1 (1993) (9) 46. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, S.Aime and R.Gobetto, High Resolution NMR Studies of (Diphosphine)(Diene) Rhodium Complexes at the Solid State, J.Organomet.Chem., 463, 223 (1993) (4) 47. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, S.Aime and R.Gobetto, Solid State 31P and 13C CP/MAS Study of Ionic and Neutral Rh(I)-Biphosphine-Diene Complexes, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon, 77, 261 (1993) 48. G.Szalontai, J.Bakos, S.Aime and R.Gobetto, Solid State 31P CP/MAS NMR vs. Solution Study of Bis(Tertiary Phosphines) Solid State NMR, 2, 245 (1993) (5) 49. J.Deli, Z.Matus, P.Molnár, Gy.Tóth, G.Szalontai, A.Steck, H.Pfander, Nigroxanthin (3',4'-Didehydro--caroten-3,6'-diol) a new Carotenoid isolated from Paprika, Chimia, 48, 102 (1993) (25) Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:004 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 5 50. Szalontai Gábor: A szilárdfázisú NMR alkalmazási lehetőségei, Magy.Kém.Lapja 53, 469-479 (1998) 51. G.Gervasio, F.Musso, S.Vastag, Gy.Bor, G.Szalontai and L.Markó, Synthesis and Structure of Complexes Formed in the Reaction Between Dicobalt Octacarbonyl and Tetramethylbiphosphine Disulfide. J.of Cluster Science, 5, 401 (1994) 52. Keglevich,Gy., Tõke,L., Újszászi,K., Lovász,Cs., Szalontai,G. Synthezis of the P-Sulfide Derivatives of 3-Phosphabicyclo[3.1.0]hexanes and 1,2-Dihydrophosphinines, Heteroatom Chem. 5, 395 (1994) (11) 53. B.Happ,T.Bartik, C.Zucchi, M.C.Rossi, F.Ghelfi, Gy.Pályi, Gy.Váradi, G.Szalontai, I.T.Horváth, A.Chiesi-Villa and C.Guastini, On the reactivity of Acetylenes Coordinated to Cobalt. 9. 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R.Földényi, G.Szalontai, N.Szebényi, P.Kvintovics, anf T.Bartik, Heterocyclic Derivatives of 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, Monatshefte f. Chemie, 127, 305-311 (1996) (2) 59. I.Kovács, G.Szalontai, and F.Ungváry, Carbonylation-Decarbonylation Reactions of the Carbomethylcobalt Complexes CH3O2CCHRCo(CO)3L (R=H, CH2CO2CH3; L= CO, PPh3) and their Acyl Derivatives, J.Organomet.Chem., 524, 115 (1996) (7) 60. Szalontai Gábor: Fémhidridek T1 és T2 relaxációs időállandóinak felhasználási lehetőségei hidrido komplexek és klaszterek szerkezetvizsgálatában. Kémiai Közlemények 82, 129-142 (1996) 61. L.D.Quin, Gy. Keglevich, A.S.Ionkin R.Kalgutkar and G.Szalontai: Phospholes with Reduced Pyramidal Character from steric Crowding. I. Synthesis Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:005 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 6 and NMR Characterization of 1-(2,4-Di-tert-butyl-6-methyl)phenyl-3methylphosphole. J. Organic Chem. 61, 7801 (1996) (35) 62. I.Nagy-Gergely, G.Szalontai. 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Gábor Szalontai, Routine 2H NMR in Partially Oriented Phases. Studies of conformational and anisotropic motions in ternary mixtures. (Four-page Short paper) Congress Ampere 2000, Proceedings (2001). 72. Gábor Szalontai, Routine 2H NMR in ternary mixtures of Poly(g-benzyl-Lglutamate) - a Useful Tool for Studying Molecular Shape, Symmetry and Conformational Motions. (Full paper) European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 3511-18 (2001). hatástényező: 2.1 (0) Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:006 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 7 73. Gábor Szalontai: Residual Dipolar Couplings in 31P MAS Spectra of PPh3 Substituted Cobalt Complexes, Chemical Monthy (Monatshefte) 133, 1575-1586 (2003) hatástényező: 0.84 független = (2) 74. Gábor Szalontai, Gábor Kiss, László Bartha, Equilibria of Mononuclear Oxomolybdenum(VI) Complexes of Triethanolamine. A Multinuclear Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Study of Structure and Exchange Mechanisms, Spectrochimica Acta Part A 59, 1995-2007 ( 2003) hatástényező: 1.0 független = (3) 75. A. Szorcsik1, L.Nagy2*, J.Sletten3, G. Szalontai4, E.Kamu2, T. Fiore5, L. Pellerito5 E.Kálmán2 Preparation and structural studies on dibutyltin(IV) complexes with pyridine mono- and dicarboxylic acids, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 689, 1145-1154 (2004) hatástényező: 1.905 független = (2013= 44) 76. G.Besenyei, L.Párkányi, G.Szalontai.G, S.Holly, Imre Pápai, G.Keresztury, A.Nagy N-benzoylimido complexes of palladium. Synthesis, structural characterisation and structrure-reactivity relationship, Dalton Trans. (2004) 20412050. hatástényező: 3.012 független = (2) 77. Balázs A, Benedek C. G.Szalontai, Tőrös Sz. Selective ring-opening carbonylation of epoxysteroids, Steroids 69, 271-277 (2004) hatástényező : 2.849 független = (4) 78. G.Szalontai and G.Besenyei, Conformation-sensitive molecular pendulums: variable temperature NMR Study of dimeric palladium(I) bisphosphine complexes. Inorganica Chimica Acta 357, 4413-4422 (2004) hatástényező : 1.554 független = (3) 79. G.Szalontai and G.Besenyei, Solid-state Structure of Binuclear Transition Metal Bisphosphine Complexes. Rotation-rate-dependent MAS Spectra of Dipolar and Scalar Coupled Four-spin Systems of Dimeric Palladium(I) Complexes. Chemical Monthly 136, 663-676 (2005) hatástényező : 0.904 független = (1) 80. Szalontai G. Anizotrópfázisú NMR. Mérések szilárd és részlegesen rendezett fázisban. Magyar Kémai Folyóirat, 109-110, 143-147 (2004) 81. Sisak A, Szalontai G. Formation and multinuclear magnetic resonance investigation of silylammomium tetracarbonylcobaltate contact ion pairs. Central European Journal of Chemistry 4 (2) 299-316 (2006) hatástényező : 0.561 független = (0) Utolsó nyomtatás: 12/02/2016 03:29:007 c:kutatas/biblio/116099518 8 82. László Párkányi,a G.Szalontai, G.Besenyei. Structural characterization of the head-to-head isomers of the [Pd2(Ph2Ppy)2Cl2] and [PtPd(Ph2Ppy)2I2] complexes (Ph2Ppy = 2- (diphenylphosphino)pyridine) Inorganica Chimica Acta 359, 2933-2941 (2006) hatástényező : 1.67 citations = független = (5) 83. Gábor Szalontai and Margit Kovács, Distinction of Tris(diimine)ruthenium(II) Enantiomers Chiral by Virtue of Helical Chirality. Temperature-dependent Deuterium NMR Spectroscopy in Partially Oriented Phases. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 44, 1044-1050 (2006). hatástényező: 1.610 citations = 2 84. Lois Isabella, Párkányi László, Holly Sándor, Keresztury Gábor, Szalontai Gábor, Simándi László Besenyei Gábor, Kétmagvú palladium nitrén- és azidkomplexek, Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 113 (2) 83-91 (2007) 85. H.Bilinski, S.Bilinski, M.Necemer, D.Hanzel, G.Szalontai and K.Kovács Complementary methods for characterization of stream sediments as an aid in assessment of sediment quality. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 71, (15) Supplement 1. A1-A1210 S1-S34 (August 2007) IF: 3.75 (2008=4.235) 86. E. Fördősa, N. Ungvária, T. Kégla, L. Párkányib, G. Szalontaic, F. Ungvárya,* Solid-state characterization of Co2(CO)6(dppm) and Co2(CO)5(CHCO2Et)(dppm) (dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2) and their reaction with 13CO in solution Inorg.Chim. Acta 361 (2008) 1832-1842 hatástényező : 1.94 citations = (1) 87. Springer könyv: Current Development in SS NMR ISBN: 978-2-311-83894-5, Chapt. : Szalontai, G. Residual Dipolar Couplings in 31P MAS Spectra of PPh3 Substituted Cobalt Complexes. p. 15785-1586, 2002, Wien 88. Eszter Holló-Sitkei,[a] Gábor Szalontai,[b] Isabella Lois,[a] Ágnes Gömöry,[a] Ferenc Pollreisz,[a] László Párkányi,[a] Hershel Jude,[c] Gábor Besenyei[a]* Sterically-directed consecutive and size-selective self-assembly of palladium diphosphine complexes with a new Ar-BIAN ligand. 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