

Women and Politics

Suggested Reading

J.S. Lewis Sacred to female patriotism: gender, class and politics in late Georgian Britain

E. Chalus Elite women in English political life c.1754-1790

See also

D. Andrew ‘Popular culture and public debate: London 1780’, Historical Journal (1996)

H. Barker & E. Chalus (eds) Gender in 18th-century England: roles, representation,


L. Colley Britons: forging the nation 1707-1837 [Chapter 6]

L. Davidoff & C. Hall Family fortunes: men and women of the middle class, 1780-1850

A. Foreman, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire

K. Gleadle and S. Richardson (eds) Women in British politics, 1760-1860: the power of the


A. Stott Hannah More: the first Victorian

A. Vickery (ed) Women, privilege, and power: British politics 1750 to the present

Gender and the Public Sphere

Suggested Reading

Mitzi Myers, ‘Reform or ruin: a revolution in female manners’, Studies in Eighteenth-

Century Culture, 1982

Dror Wahrman, 'Percy's Prologue: from Gender Play to Gender Panic in Eighteenth-

Century England', Past and Present, 1998

See also

L. Gordon Mary Wollstonecraft: a new genus

Pam B Hirsch, ‘Mary Wollstonecraft: a problematic legacy’ in Clarissa Campbell Orr (ed.),

Wollstonecraft’s Daughters

Margaret Jacob, Living the Enlightenment, ch. 5

R. M. Janes, ‘On the reception of Mary Wollstonecraft’s "A Vindication of the Rights of

Woman"’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 1978

Ludmilla Jordanova, Sexual Visions

Harriet Devine Jump, Mary Wollstonecraft

Gary Kelly, Revolutionary Feminism, chap 5

Sarah Knott and Barbara Taylor (eds), Women, Gender and Enlightenment

Matthew McCormack, The Independent Man: Citizenship and Gender Politics in Georgian


S H Myers, The Bluestocking Circle. Women, Friendship and the Life of the Mind in

Eighteenth-Century England

Hilda Smith (ed.), Women Writers and the Early Modern British Political Tradition

A. Vickery ‘Golden age to separate spheres? a review of the categories and chronology of English women’s history’, Historical Journal, 1993

Religion and Dissent

Suggested Reading

J.Bradley, Religion, Revolution and English Radicalism: Non-Conformity in 18th Century

Politics and Society

D. Hempton, Methodism: empire of the spirit

R. J. Brown, Church and State in Modern Britain 1700-1850

See also

T. Claydon, 'The Sermon and the Public Sphere', in The English Sermon Revised.

Religion, Literature and History 1600-1750, edited by L A Ferrell and P McCullough, pp


R. Currie, A. Gilbert and L. Horsley, Churches and Churchgoers: patterns of church

growth in the British Isles since 1700

G. Ditchfield, The Evangelical Revival

W. Gibson, Church, State and Society 1760-1850

W. Gibson, The achievement of the Anglican church, 1689-1800: the confessional state

in eighteenth century England

C. Haydon, Anti-Catholicism in Eighteenth Century England

W. Gibson and R. Ingram (ed.), Religious identities in Britain, 1660-1832

D. Hempton, Methodism and politics in English Society 1750-1850

B. Hilton, The Age of Atonement: the Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and

Economic Thought 1785-1865

R. J. Hole, Pulpits, politics and public order in English Society 1760-1832

Warrington Academy and Radical Education

Suggested Reading

P O’Brien, Warrington Academy

Ruth Watts, ‘Some radical educational networks of the late eighteenth century and their influence’, History of Education, 1998

See also

Lucy Aikin, The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, with a Memoir

Aileen Fyfe, ‘Reading children’s books in late eighteenth-century dissenting families’,

Historical Journal, 2000

Daniel White, ‘The Joineriana: Anna Barbauld, the Aikin family circle and the dissenting public sphere’, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1999

Ruth Watts, ‘Revolution and Reaction: “Unitarian” academies, 1780-1800’, History of

Education, 1991

Ruth Watts, ‘Knowledge is Power – Unitarians, gender and education in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries’, Gender and Education, 1989

Ann George, ‘Grounds of assent in Joseph Priestley’s A Course of Lectures on Oratory

and Criticism’, Rhetorica, 1998

Works by Barbauld and Aikin are online

Print Culture and the Press

Suggested Reading

E.Hellmuth, ‘The palladium of all other English liberties: reflections on the liberty of the press in England during the 1760s and 17702’ in Hellmuth (ed.), The Transformation of

Political Culture

R. Kropf, ‘Libel and Satire in the Eighteenth Century’, Eighteenth Century Studies, 1975

Tedra Osell, ‘Tatling women in the public sphere’, Eighteenth Century Studies, 2005

See also

R. Alston, ‘The British Book Trade, 1701 to 1800’, Publishing History, 1984

Arthur Aspinall, ‘The circulation of newspapers in the early nineteenth century’, Review

of English Studies (1946)

Scott Black, ‘Social and literary form in the Spectator’, Eighteenth Century Studies, 1999

Ian Christie, ‘British newspapers in the later Georgian Age’, in I. Christie, Myth and

Reality in Late Eighteenth-Century British Politics

Brian Cowan, ‘Mr Spectator and the coffeehouse public sphere’, Eighteenth Century

Studies, 2004

G.A. Cranfield, The Development of the Provincial Newspaper, 1700-1760

M. Harris, ‘The Management of the London Newspaper Press during the Eighteenth

Century’, Publishing History, 1978

M. Harris, and A. Lee (eds.), The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the

Nineteenth Centuries

Jones, Powers of the Press: Newspapers, Power and the Public in Nineteenth Century


W.C. Lowe, ‘Peers and Printers: The Beginnings of Sustained Press Coverage of the

House of Lords in the 1770s, Parliamentary History, 1988

M. Peters, Pitt and Popularity: the patriot minister and London opinion during the Seven

Years War

J. Raymond (ed.), News, Newspapers and Society in early modern Britain

D. Read, Press and People 1790-1850: opinion in three English Cities

P.D.G. Thomas, ‘The Beginning of Parliamentary Reporting in the Newspapers, 1768-

1774’, English Historical Review, 1959

R.B. Walker, ‘The Newspaper press in the reign of William III’, Historical Journal, 1974

Popular Political Culture

Suggested Reading

N Rogers, Crowds, Culture and Politics in Georgian Britain

K Wilson, The Sense of the People

See also

J Brewer, Common People and Politics

J Brewer (ed.), An Ungovernable people

J Bradley, Popular politics and the American revolution in England

I R Christie, Wilkes, Wyvill and Reform

H Dickinson, The Politics of the people in 18th century Britain

P Langford, ‘London and the American Revolution’ in J Stevenson (ed.), London in the

Age of Reform

J Mori, ‘Languages of Loyalism: Patriotism, Nationhood and the State in the 1790s’,

English Historical Review, 2003

M Philp, ‘Vulgar Conservatism, 1792-3’, English Historical Review, 1995

N Rogers, ‘Crowd and people in the Gordon riots’ in E Hellmuth (ed.), The

Transformation of Political Culture

George Rudé, ‘The Gordon rioters and their victims’, Transactions of the Royal Historical

Society, 1956

G Rude, Wilkes and Liberty

J Stevenson, Popular Disturbances in England, 1700-1832

P.D.G. Thomas, ‘John Wilkes and the Freedom of the Press’, Bulletin of the Institute of

Historical Research, 1960

D Wright, Popular Radicalism
