EXAMPLE Taki Anagnoston, M.D. OPERATIVE REPORT ________________________________ PEDIATRICIAN: Mazhar Khan, M.D. ANESTHESIOLOGIST: Amitabh Mathur, M.D. ANESTHESIA: Spinal. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: 1. Term uterine pregnancy. 2. History of a previous cesarean section. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: 1. Term uterine pregnancy. 2. History of a previous cesarean section. OPERATION: Repeat transverse anterior cervical cesarean section. PROCEDURE: The patient was prepared and draped in the supine position for abdominal surgery procedure. Through a Pfannenstiel incision, removing the old surgical scar, the peritoneal cavity was entered without difficulty. Examination of the abdomen revealed no gross pathology. Examination of the pelvis revealed a term pregnant dextrorotated uterus containing an active fetus in unengaged vertex position. Both fallopian tubes and ovaries were normal in size, shape, appearance, and location on the uterine fundus. The peritoneum overlying the lower anterior corpus was incised transversely and the underlying urinary bladder separated off the uterus and retracted inferiorly and laterally, well away from the operative field. The urinary bladder was distended with methylene blue tinted saline before dissection, and after dissection the bladder was drained and then retracted. Through the thinned-out anterior cervical segment, a transverse incision was made and the fetal head was easily delivered manually with the aid of fundal. The rest of the fetus was delivered without problems. The baby was quickly suctioned and the cord clamped and cut, and the baby was handed to Dr. Khan for further resuscitation. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures were taken from the uterine cavity and the placenta, and the placenta was delivered manually. Intravenous Pitocin and intramuscular Methergine were given to promote and maintain uterine contraction, followed by prophylactic 2 grams of Cefotan intravenous antibiotic. The uterine cavity was irrigated with warm water and the uterine incision closed in one layer of running locked #1 chromic catgut suture. The uterine incision was reinforced with several interrupted figure-of-eight #1 chromic catgut sutures. All free blood from the pelvis was removed and the pelvis was irrigated with warm water. Examination of the pelvis showed good hemostasis. There being no further problems, the Pfannenstiel incision was closed by approximating the parietoperitoneum with a running 3-0 Vicryl suture. The rectus muscles approximated with a running 3-0 Vicryl suture. The deep fascia approximated with a running locked 1 PDS suture. The subcutaneous tissue was approximated with a running 3-0 plain catgut suture and the skin edges were approximated with a subcuticular 4-0 Vicryl suture. A dry sterile dressing was placed on the incision. The patient returned to the recovery room in excellent condition. ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: 600 mL. BLOOD REPLACED: None. PACKS AND DRAINS: #16 Foley catheter in the urinary bladder connected to floor drainage. COMPLICATIONS: None. POSTOPERATIVE CONDITION: The patient is good.