Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan Produced by: Nottinghamshire Rural Community Council Newstead Miners Welfare Community Centre Tilford Road Newstead Village NOTTINGHAM NG15 OBS Telephone: 01623 727600 Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 ECONOMIC HEALTH ISSUE ACTION NEEDED Begin a programme to - Produce local business retain the existing directory employment base and to - Expand and improve encourage new jobs into the mistertononline website area - Joint use of transport Investigate the potential for Misterton and West Stockwith to attract new jobs associated with Finningley Airport Develop ongoing communications: register with Peel Holding and Doncaster Finningley Airport Identify the main skills shortages Provide training Training needs audit Develop a farming support programme - Promote and support existing shops and pubs Promote skills training locally Research local food supply scheme WHO? BDC Members of community with support from BCVS Parish Council NRCC MAP MAP and Parish Councils North Notts college, Ann Vallance Karen Bonsall MAP Business Link - Pilot scheme Local farmer - Joint marketing strategy Jointly with BDC. – On mistertononline website MAP and Co-op - Encourage Co-op buyer to respond to local needs Additional banking facilities Lobby for external ATM in Misterton - Parish Council and Co-op 1 HOW? With help from BRED With a little money and expert advice WHEN? Begin April 04 Community action March 04 Working with Bassetlaw area Chamber of Commerce to form links (Michael Carnal) Misterton local learning C.O.G. Through better coordination of the existing providers Look at website Funding from DEFRA Funding from DEFRA BRED Website Dec 2004 March 04 Dec 2004 ongoing Dec 2004 Dec 2005 Dec 2004 then ongoing When new Co-op store built Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 COMMUNITY SERVICES ISSUE OR SUGGESTION Work with Bassetlaw District Council to ensure the provision of sufficient affordable housing Improve provision for the elderly Unemployed young males health Access to health services Establish a local communication system - magazine, regular organ to every household - MAP radio station ACTION NEEDED WHO? BDC Housing to fill this as appropriate HOW? WHEN? - Investigate access problems - Day care centre or lunch club - Survey health service provision - Develop appropriate drug and mental health services - Encourage coordinated ambulance services - Local district nursing service accommodation - Access to psychiatric support services - Female GP EBBS survey Dec 03 - Misterton parish council newsletter (quality parish council scheme) - Erect new notice board on Grange Avenue - Community notice board at the new Co-op Investigate possibilities and run pilot MPC Funded by MPC June 04 MPC MPC Dec 03 Age Concern BPCT Bring BPCT and a local GP onto MAP MPC to ask Co-op MAP volunteers and Kirsty Taylor NRCC 2 When new Co-op store built April 2005 Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 CULTURE AND EDUCATION ISSUE OR SUGGESTION Develop a lifelong learning strategy Offer regular basic skills training courses ACTION NEEDED Already ongoing but needs better advertising Local learning guides to be produced per term WHO? Misterton Learning COG (enlarged?) WEA/ACLS ACLS/COG Define a childcare strategy to enable parents to work -Meeting of all concerned - Investigate SureStart Playgroups, school, toddler group, Parish Councils Better use of library Inform library service of concerns/needs MAP members Develop youth activities Training in youth work Identify buildings, locations and potential activities Mr Baker 01777 708724 NCC Libraries area coordinator for East Bassetlaw Include in discussion about community buildings Youth Club John Douglas Joan Dunseith Guides Scouts Tiresias School Parish Councils John Douglas 3 HOW? In partnership WHEN? Sept 05 With a little money and expert advice. Jointly with ACLS/local learning providers With help from EYCDP Sept 03 Opening hours likely to increase from April 04 Sept 03 First meeting by Dec 03 April 04 Connexions Local Network Fund for Children and Young People NCC provides Start Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 Develop an arts strategy Meeting of all concerned Tiresias Parish Councils WS amateur dramatic society First Stage Village Ventures BDC NCC Arts for young people - Artists to go into school - Family arts event (family learning) - Visits to arts events Tiresias School & County Council ACLS Next Stage Rationalise the use of community buildings - Jointly with the local authorities ACLS/County Council With a little money and expert advice help from NRCC Village Halls adviser, tanc - - Develop a community focal point Meeting of members of management committee of each building Develop an investment programme for identified community buildings Produce a programme of events and activities Develop old CO-OP building MAP MAP MAP to coordinate CO-OP, MAP , police and local authorities 4 Jan 2004 Start Jan 04 Jan 04 Jan 04 Sep 04 First Stage Village Ventures BDC NCC CO-OP Police and local authorities Sept 05 When new CO-OP store open Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 RECREATION AND SPORT ISSUE OR SUGGESTION Develop sports strategy ACTION NEEDED Set up sports liaison group WHO? MAP Permanent outdoor facility sports liaison group Explore options Integration of sports club building Work with sports liaison group to plan for a multi purpose club house Approach school Form the Misterton Pool Association Recruit and train lifeguards MAP, Parish Council, Sports Council and Sports liaison group, Parish Council, MAP, NCC Local Sports Clubs Bassetlaw district Council NCC, BDC, Parish Council and MAP Lifeguard club Sub Aqua Club Open swimming pool to the community 5 HOW? Letter and email to MAP, Parish Council, Sports Clubs, BDC WHEN? Start Jan 04 Sept 05 With help from BDC and other funders MAP, Parish Council, School, NRCC Sept 06 Start Jan 04 Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ISSUE OR SUGGESTION Develop a nature conservation strategy ACTION NEEDED - produce series of attractive leaflets - Conservation areas - Produce an educational programme for schools on local wildlife Investigate possibility of a new wood Investigate designation of more conservation areas including Church Corner and School corner at Misterton WHO? MAP and parish councils, NCC, NWT, volunteers, environment agency, British waterways NWT, school, NCC HOW? NCC funding WHEN? Sept 2006 With help from NWT Sept 07 MAP Research and discussions Research and discussion Sept 07 Parish Council and BDC - Seek ways of preserving MAP. Chesterfield the charm and attraction Canal Society, of the area along the landowners Chesterfield Canal around the former Packet Inn site Research and discussion - Seek to enhance the special features of West Stockwith that make it unique Research and discussion Parish Council, Yacht Club, environment agency, British Waterways 6 Misterton Area Partnership Boast trips on the Canal Litter in canal Dog fouling on canal towing path Zero waste scheme Tourism strategy Draft Action Plan – August 2003 Discuss possibilities with Chesterfield Canal Trust Clean up activities MAP Local groups Carry out survey to make recommendations on how to address the problem Investigate how to set this up - Coordinate the local tourism infrastructure - Improve local walks and promote all local sport, recreation and leisure facilities - Promote local events - Develop the potential of the canal - Investigate the potential for craft workshops - Develop the range of visitor accommodation British Waterways MAP and BDC MAP , BDC, NCC, BW, NWT, EA, CCS 7 June 04 Work with British Waterways On-going Current Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 ACCESS FOR ALL ISSUE OR SUGGESTION Community transport strategy Utilising Linroyale's mini bus for greater community benefit during the day Safe route network Traffic calming ACTION NEEDED - Transport needs survey - Investigate new Misterton station/ rail halt Parish Council to contact Linroyale, if successful set up community transport group - Implement a footpath and cycle path to Haxey Gate - Identify further safe riding and walking routes Implement a 50mph limit Investigate practical methods of traffic calming throughout the area Social transport for those with mobility difficulties - Work with Bassetlaw car scheme to find volunteer drivers in Misterton. - Transport scheme in Misterton itself, similar to Newstead's rickshaw project WHO? MAP, Countryside Agency, NRCC NRCC, Parish Council and village groups NRCC County Council British Waterways Local Transport Plan Notts CC Rights of Ways/Highways County Council Highways Department County Council Highways Department, Parish Councils Village groups to work with Bassetlaw car scheme and work towards publicising scheme and gaining drivers RTPO and NRCC 8 HOW? Vital Villages Parish Transport Grant Discussions with Linroyale, NRCC, NCC WHEN? Sept 04 Draining Improve surface Publicise June 04 Local transport plan June 04 Start Sept 04 Start Sept 03 RAC, NRCC, NCC, PTP funding March 04 June 06 Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 MAKING IT HAPPEN In order to make the above action plan happen, MAP will: Set a local strategy for the area and its surrounds, working through six informal theme groups based on the six themes running through this Parish Plan Ensure that each theme group is supported by a named officer Provide each theme group with a modest budget to cover routine overheads Agree targets for policy changes and specific projects Work in partnership with the two Parish Councils and other relevant organisations Oversee and promote agreed schemes Develop a funding strategy through identifying all potential funding possibilities Establish MAP as the local strategic partnership for the north-east Bassetlaw area, working in partnership with other parish councils, Bassetlaw District Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, etc. This could take the form of a local area forum. 9 Misterton Area Partnership Draft Action Plan – August 2003 KEY ACLS BCVS BDC BPCT BRED CCS COG DEFRA EA EBBS MAP MPC NCC NRCC NWT RAC RTPO WEA Adult and Community Learning Services Bassetlaw Community and Voluntary Service Bassetlaw District Council Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust Bassetlaw Rural Enterprise Development Chesterfield Canal Society Community Operations Group Department for the Environment, Food And Rural Affairs Environment Agency East Bassetlaw Befriending Scheme Misterton Area Partnership Misterton Parish Council Nottinghamshire County Council Nottinghamshire Rural Community Council Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust Retford Action Centre Rural Transport Partnership Officer Workers Education Association 10