3. Processing raw-text for rough alignment

A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and
its application to disparate languages: Hebrew and
Yaacov Choueka, Ehud S. Conley and Ido Dagan
The Institute for Information Retrieval & Computational Linguistics, Mathematics & Computer
Science Department, Bar-Ilan University, 52 900 Ramat-Gan, Israel1
Key words:
parallel texts, translation, bilingual alignment, Hebrew
This chapter describes a general, comprehensive and robust
word-alignment system and its application to the HebrewEnglish language pair. A major goal of the system architecture
is to assume as little as possible about its input and about the
relative nature of the two languages, while allowing the use of
(minimal) specific monolingual pre-processing resources when
required. The system thus receives as input a pair of raw
parallel texts and requires only a tokeniser (and possibly a
lemmatiser) for each language. After tokenisation (and
lemmatisation if necessary), a rough initial alignment is
obtained for the texts using a version of Fung and McKeown’s
DK-vec algorithm (Fung and McKeown, 1997; Fung, this
volume). The initial alignment is given as input to a version of
the word_align algorithm (Dagan, Church and Gale, 1993), an
extension of Model 2 in the IBM statistical translation model.
Word_align produces a word level alignment for the texts and a
probabilistic bilingual dictionary. The chapter describes the
details of the system architecture, the algorithms implemented
(emphasising implementation details), the issues regarding
their application to Hebrew and similar Semitic languages, and
some experimental results.
Email addresses: {choueka,konli,dagan}@cs.biu.ac.il
Chapter 5
Bilingual alignment is the task of identifying the correspondence between
locations of fragments in a text and its translation. Word alignment is the
task of identifying such correspondences between source and target word
occurrences. Word-level alignment was shown to be a useful resource for
multilingual tasks, in particular within (semi-) automatic construction of
bilingual lexicons (Dagan & Church, 1994; Dagan & Church, 1997; Fung,
1995; Kupiec, 1993; Smadja, 1992; Wu and Xia, 1995), statistical machine
translation (Brown et al., 1993) and other translation aids (Kay, 1997;
Isabelle, 1992; Klavans and Tzoukermann, 1990; Picchi et al., 1992).
There has been quite a large body of work on alignment in general and
word alignment in particular (Brown et al., 1991; Church et al., 1993;
Church, 1993; Dagan et al., 1993; Fung and Church, 1994; Fung and
McKeown, 1997; Gale and Church, 1991a; Gale and Church, 1991b; Kay
and Roscheisen, 1993; Melamed, 1997a; Melamed, 1997b; Shemtov, 1993;
Simard et al., 1992; Wu, 1994). This chapter describes a word alignment
system that was designed to assume as little as possible about its input and
about the relative nature of the two languages being aligned. A specific goal
set for the system is to align successfully Hebrew and English texts, two
disparate languages that differ substantially from each other, in their
alphabet, morphology and syntax. As a consequence, various assumptions
that were used in some alignment programs do not hold for such disparate
languages, due to differences in total text length, partitioning to words and
sentences, part-of-speech usage, word order and letters used to transliterate
cognates. The high complexity of Hebrew morphology requires complex
monolingual processing prior to alignment, converting the raw texts to a
stream of lemmatised tokens.
Another motivation is to handle relatively short "real-world" text pairs, as
are typically available in practical settings. Unlike some carefully edited
bilingual corpora, two given texts may provide only an approximate
translation of each other, either because some text fragments appear in one
of the texts but not in the other (deletions) or because the translation is not
Examining the alignment problem and the literature addressing it reveals
that the alignment task is naturally divided into two subtasks. The first one is
identifying a rough correspondence between regions of the two given texts.
This task has to track “natural” deviations in the lengths of corresponding
portions of the text, and also to identify where some text fragments appear in
one text but not in the other. Imagine a two-dimensional plot of the
alignment “path” (see Figure 1 in Section 4.5 for an example), where each
axis corresponds to positions in one of the texts and each point on the path
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
corresponds to matching positions. If the two texts were a word-by-word
literal translation of each other then the alignment path would have been
exactly the diagonal of the plot. The rough alignment task can be viewed as
identifying an approximation of the path that tracks how it deviates from the
diagonal. Slight deviations correspond to natural differences in length
between a text segment and its translation, while sharp deviations (horizontal
or vertical) correspond to segments that appear only in one of the texts.
Given a rough correspondence between text regions, the second task
would be refining it to an accurate and detailed word level alignment. This
task has to trace mainly local word order variations and mismatches due to
non-literal translations. While it may be possible to address the two
alignment tasks simultaneously, by the same algorithm, it seems that their
different goals call for a sequential and modular treatment. It is easier to
obtain only a rough alignment given the raw texts, while detailed word-level
alignment is more easily obtained if the algorithm is directed to a relatively
small environment when aligning each individual word.
Our project addresses the two alignment tasks by applying and
integrating two algorithms that we found suitable for each of the tasks. The
DK-vec algorithm (Fung and McKeown, 1997; Fung, this volume),
previously applied to disparate language pairs such as English and Chinese,
was chosen to produce the rough alignment path, given only the two
(tokenised or lemmatised) texts as input. Other alternatives that produce a
rough alignment make assumptions that may be incompatible with some of
the target settings of our system. Sentence alignment (Brown et al., 1991;
Gale and Church, 1991) assumes that sentence boundaries can be reliably
detected and that sentence partitioning is similar in the two languages. The
latter assumption, for example, often does not hold in Hebrew-English
translation2. Character-based alignment (Church, 1993) assumes that the two
languages use the same alphabet and share a substantial number of similarly
spelled cognates, which is not the case for many language pairs. DK-vec, on
the other hand, does not require sentence correspondence and does not rely
on cognates. It makes only the reasonable assumption that there is a
substantial number of pairs of corresponding source and target words whose
positions distribute rather similarly throughout the two texts. Therefore we
found this algorithm most suitable for our system, aiming to make it
applicable for the widest range of settings. It should be noted, though, that
other algorithms might perform better than DK-vec in specific settings that
satisfy their particular assumptions.
This was found by our own experience and by Alon Itai from the Technion – Israel
Institute of Technology (private communication).
Chapter 5
The word_align algorithm (Dagan et al., 1993), an extension of Model 2
in the IBM statistical translation model (Brown et al., 1993), was chosen to
produce a detailed word-level alignment. This algorithm was shown to work
robustly on noisy texts using the output of a character-based rough alignment
(Church, 1993). The algorithm makes only the very reasonable assumption
that source and target words that translate each other would appear in
corresponding regions of the rough alignment, and is able to handle cases
where a word has more than one translation in the other text. Combined
together, the two algorithms rely on the seemingly universal property of
translated text-pairs, namely that words and their (reasonably consistent)
translations appear in corresponding positions in the two texts.
The chapter reports evaluations of the system for a pair of HebrewEnglish texts consisting of contracts for the Ben-Guryon 2000 airport
construction project, containing about 16,000 words in each language. While
system accuracy is still far from perfect, it does provide useful results for
typical applications of word alignment. The system was also tested on a pair
of English-French texts extracted from the ACL ECI CD-ROM I
multilingual corpus, yielding comparable results (not reported here) and
demonstrating the high portability of the method.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses linguistic
considerations of Hebrew relevant for alignment tasks. Section 3 presents the
monolingual-processing phase that converts the raw input texts into two
lemmatised streams of tokens suitable for word alignment. This tokenisation
(or lemmatisation) phase is regarded as a pre-requisite for the alignment
system and is the only language-specific component in our alignment
architecture. Sections 4 and 5 describe the two phases of the alignment
process, producing the rough and the detailed alignments. These sections
provide concise descriptions of our implemented versions of DK-vec and
word_align, emphasising implementation details that may be helpful in
replicating these methods. Section 6 concludes and outlines topics for future
Basic Facts
Hebrew and English are disparate languages, i.e. languages with
markedly different linguistic structures and grammatical frameworks,
Hebrew being part of the family of Semitic Languages, English belonging to
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
the Indo-European one. Ours is one of the very first attempts to try and align
such disparate languages, and it is our belief that the insights and results
achieved by this experiment can be successfully applied to the alignment of
similar pairs of texts, such as, say, Arabic and Italian.
In order to fully appreciate the context of some of the design principles of
our project, specially those detailed below for the pre-processing stage, we
give here a brief sketch of the most salient characteristics of Hebrew (most
of which are valid also, with varying degrees, for Arabic) that are relevant to
the purpose at hand.
The Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters (in fact, consonants), five of
which have different graphical shapes when occurring as the last letter of the
word, but this is irrelevant to our purposes. Words are separated by blanks,
and the usual punctuation marks (period, comma, colon and semicolon,
interrogation and exclamation marks, etc.) are used regularly and with their
standard meaning. Paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases are welldefined textual entities, but their automatic recognition and delineation may
suffer from ambiguity problems quite similar in nature (but somewhat more
complex) to those encountered in other languages. Only one case is available
for the written characters (no different upper- and lower- cases), and there is
thus no special marking for the beginning of a sentence or for the first letter
of a name. The stream of characters is written in a right-to-left (rather than
left-to-right) fashion; beside causing some technical difficulties in displaying
or printing Hebrew, however, this is quite irrelevant to the alignment task.
No word agglutination (as in German) is possible (except for the very
small number of prepositions and pronouns, as explained below).
Morphology, inflection and derivation
As a Semitic language, Hebrew is a highly inflected language, based on a
system of roots and patterns, with a rich morphology and a richly textured
set of generation and derivation patterns. A few numbers presented in Table
1 clearly delineate the difference between the two languages in this respect.
While the total number of entries (lemmas) in a modern and comprehensive
Hebrew dictionary such as Rav-Milim (Choueka, 1997) does not exceed
35,000 entries (including foreign loan-words such as electronic, bank,
technology etc.) derivable from some 3,500 roots, the total number of
(meaningful and linguistically correct) inflected forms in the language is
estimated to be in the order of 70 million forms (words). The corresponding
numbers for English, on the other hand, are about 150,000 dictionary entries
(in a good collegiate dictionary) derivable from some 40,000 stems and
generating a total number of one million inflected forms.
Chapter 5
Table 1. Numbers of distinct elements within each morphological level in Hebrew and English
Morphological level
Lemmas (dictionary entries)
Valid (inflected) forms
Verbs in Hebrew are usually related to three-letter (more rarely fourletter) roots, and nouns and adjectives are generated from these roots using a
few dozens of well-defined linguistic patterns. Verbs can be conjugated in
seven modes (binyanim), four tenses (past, present, future and imperative),
and twelve persons. The mode, tense and person (including gender and
number) are in most cases explicitly marked in the conjugated form. Nouns
and adjectives usually have different forms for different genders
(masculine/feminine), for different numbers (singular/plural; sometimes also
a third form for dual [pairs]: two eyes, two years, etc.), as well as for
different construct/non-construct states (a construct state being somewhat
similar to the English possessive ’s). About thirty prepositions or, rather,
pre-modifiers such as the, in, from and combinations of prepositions (and in
the, and since, from the,...) can be prefixed to verbs, nouns and adjectives.
Possessive pronouns (my, your,...) can be suffixed to nouns, and
accusative pronouns (me, you,...) to verbs. Thus, each of the expressions mybooks, you-saw-me, they hit him are expressed in Hebrew in just one word.
The number of potential morphological variants of a noun (computer) can
thus reach the hundreds, and for a verbal root (to see) even the thousands.
Two additional important points should be noted here. First, in the
derivation process described above, the original form (lemma) can undergo
quite a radical metamorphosis, with addition, deletion, and permutation of
prefixes, suffixes and infixes. Second, whole phrasal sequences of words in
English may have one-word equivalents in Hebrew. Thus, the phrase and
since I saw him is given by the Hebrew word VKSRAITIV3 (ukhshereitiv)
which has only two letters in common with the lemma to see (RAH);
similarly the phrase and to their daughters is given by VLBNVTIHM
(velivnoteihem) which has only one letter in common with the lemma BT
(bat, daughter).
All of the above point to the fact that no statistical procedures in HebrewEnglish alignment systems can achieve a reasonable success rate without
some normalising pre-processing, i.e. lemmatisation, of the words in the text.
An English text may contain the noun computer or the verb to supervise
dozens of times, while the Hebrew counterparts would appear in dozens of
formally different variants, occurring once or twice each, skewing by this the
For the transliteration table see Appendix A.
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
relevant statistics. This is clearly shown in Appendix B which presents a few
examples from our texts of an English term and its several (morphological
variants) Hebrew counterparts, which were successfully matched by the
alignment algorithms, and their frequencies. To pick up randomly one such
example, the term document occurs 19 times in the English text, and is
matched by the 12 different Hebrew variants detailed in Table 2 along with
their frequencies.
Table 2. Morphological variants of the Hebrew word MSMK (Mismakh) successfully matched
to the English equivalent ‘ document’, and their frequencies in the Hebrew-English corpus
(a) document
Thus, while lemmatisation procedures are not commonly used, or indeed
looked upon as necessary or helpful in English-French systems, they are, in
the light of our experiments, a must in any alignment task that involves a
Semitic language. This is by all evidence true not only for alignment
systems, but for any advanced text-handling system, such as full-text
document retrieval systems, as was shown already in (Attar, 1977) and
(Choueka, 1983) and, more recently, in (Choueka, 1990).
Another important feature of Hebrew is that it is basically a nonvocalised language, in the sense that the written form of a spoken word
consists usually of the word’s consonantal part, its actual (intended)
pronunciation being left to the understanding (and intelligence) of the reader.
This situation raises a complex problem of morphological ambiguity in
which a written word may have several different readings (and therefore
several different meanings), the intended one to be derived from the context
and from “general knowledge of the world”. To give the reader a flavour of
that problem, suppose that English was a non-vocalised language, and
consider the following sentence in which only one word has been
The brd was flying high in the skies.
Is it bird, beard, or bread? broad? bored, or bred?
In order to cope with this problem, classical Hebrew devised an elaborate
system of diacritical marks that occur under, above and inside letters to
Chapter 5
guide the reader to the intended reading of the word. These marks, however,
are rarely used today; instead, three specific letters (Vav, Yod, Aleph) are
used as vowel markers (for O/U, I/Y/E and A, resp.) and inserted when
appropriate in the word. Despite the fact that strict rules have been devised
for this procedure a long time ago by the Academy of Hebrew Language,
these rules are not commonly applied, and writers insert these letters as they
see fit. This of course adds another dimension to the number of variants that
can be related to the same basic lemma, and reinforces the need explained
above of attaching normalised base forms to the words of a running text in
Word Order
Finally, we mention a feature of Hebrew (and Semitic languages) which
might reflect, indirectly at least, on text-alignment systems with Hebrew
texts, and this is its almost free word order, especially in simple sentences.
While the usual order of a simple sentence in English is that of Subject,
Verb, Object, in Hebrew any permutation of these might be equally valid
(although there might be some slight differences of emphasis in the different
variants). Thus the English sentence
The boy ate the apple
may be equally rendered in Hebrew in any one of the 6 possible
permutations of the Hebrew forms of the-boy, ate, and the-apple. In cases of
morphological ambiguity, no syntactic clues can therefore be deduced (in
general) from the specific word order in the sentence.
Any text-processing task, whether simple or sophisticated, monolingual
or bilingual, has to start necessarily with a first step of tokenisation, i.e. of
splitting the continuous stream of characters in the text into words (tokens),
sentences, and, in some cases at least, paragraphs. Naturally, in order to get
reasonable results in an alignment system, be it word-, sentence- or
paragraph-oriented, it is important to apply the same set of tokenisation
algorithms on both languages, so as to reduce both texts to comparable
sequences of linguistic items.
When aligning texts of two closely related languages from the same
family, such as English and French, well-tokenised texts can be a good input
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
to the alignment system. For the case of Hebrew-English alignment,
however, a lemmatisation pre-processing step is necessary for Hebrew, and,
recalling the principle of “equal treatment” for both languages as formulated
above, the same should be applied to the English text too.
By lemmatisation we mean here reducing every word (token) in the text
to its basic form, i.e. to its lemma (usually this would be its corresponding
dictionary entry) and tagging it with the appropriate part-of-speech. True
enough, alignment systems to not make use in general of the part-of-speech
tags directly. These tags however are essential in choosing the correct lemma
of an ambiguous form in a given context (as in saw, for example, whose
lemma is see if it is a verb and saw if a noun).
In Hebrew, the lemma of a nominal form is its masculine/singular/nonconstruct
thirdperson/singular/masculine/past-tense (in the given mode) variant, the forms
being stripped in both cases from any attached prepositions or pronouns, and
spelled in a unique adopted spelling. An appropriately modified definition
applies to English too.
For Hebrew lemmatisation we used two modules from Rav-Milim, an
ambitious large-scope project for building a broad, multi-module, integrated,
computerised infrastructure for the intelligent processing of modern Hebrew,
developed in the years 1988-1996 by the first author at the Centre for
Educational Technology in Tel-Aviv, with the co-operation of Yoni
Ne’eman and a large team of programmers, lexicographers and
computational linguists. The first module, Milim, is a complete, accurate,
comprehensive, robust and portable morphological analyser and lemmatiser
for modern Hebrew, available today (with some restrictions) for research and
industry-based applications. Milim takes as input any string of characters
(without context) in Hebrew and outputs the set of all its (linguistically
correct) lemmas and corresponding grammatical analyses (including part-ofspeech tags). Milim recognises all common modes of Hebrew spelling, and
can deal also with some extra-linguistic items such as acronyms (abundant in
Hebrew), abbreviations and frequent proper nouns (of persons, places and
Note that Milim processes words in a context-free framework, and
because of non-vocalisation and other ambiguity phenomena discussed
above, it is quite common for that module to output several possible lemmas
and corresponding analyses (three to four in the average, sometimes as many
as ten or even more) of the given input word.
A second component of Rav-Milim, Nakdan-Text (in an earlier version
named Nat’han-Text) takes as input a whole sentence, applies Milim to every
word in it, then, using morphological, syntactical, probabilistic and statistical
Chapter 5
procedures, chooses for any ambiguous token in the sentence the lemma and
part-of-speech most suited to its context, with an estimated 95% accuracy.4
Because of some technical reasons, the lemmas produced by Milim are
given through numerical codes, rather than as strings of characters, but this
is irrelevant to the alignment context.
The corresponding parallel pre-processing for English was done using
Morph, an integrated package developed by Yuval Krymolowski, a Ph.D.
student, member of our team. Sentencing is achieved using Mark Liberman’s
sgmlsent, and after performing tokenisation on the sentenced text, it is piped
into Brill’s rule-based part-of-speech tagger (Brill, 1992). Finally, Morph
extracts lemmas from the Wordnet (Miller, 1990) files.
From this point on all the words in the texts are replaced by their base
forms (lemmas for English and lemmas’ numerical codes for Hebrew). Thus,
unless otherwise stated, any further use of “word”, “token”, “text” etc. will
refer to the base form representation of these items.
One can try and move the normalization process one step up from
lemmas to roots/stems, unifying in fact families of words and reducing them
for the purposes of the alignment process to a unique term, thus , i.e.,
looking at the words (lemmas) computer, computation, compute,
computability, computerise, computerisation, etc, as a unique term. It is not
entirely clear, however, whether this procedure will indeed improve the
performance of the algorithms, or, on the contrary, degrade it, and
experimentation with this option has still to be conducted.
Finally, as is common with many text-handling systems, two stop-word
lists of the most common function words (lemmas for Hebrew) in these two
languages have been compiled, and the corresponding items have been
eliminated from the text. Not only do these items occur very frequently
without contributing to the alignment goals, they very often disturb and
negatively affect the frequency and positional statistical analyses so critical
in alignment systems.
In fact Nakdan-Text does more than that; it actually vocalises the words in the sentence,
respecting the very complex vocalisation rules of Hebrew, disambiguating and
choosing the correct reading on the fly, with the precision noted above. Note that this is
an essential step in any text-to-speech system for Hebrew. A first version of the system
won the 1992 Israel Information Processing Association Annual Prize for Best
Achievement in Scientific and Technological Applications of Computing, and the
revised version was the recipient of the first Israel Prime Minister Award for Software
in 1997.
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
An alignment is a set of connections, of the form <i,j>, each of them
denoting that position i in one text corresponds to position j in the other. For
convenience, we use the terms source (S) and target (T) texts to denote the
two texts, yet the role of the two texts is symmetric in the alignment
The DK-vec algorithm (Fung and McKeown, 1997; Fung, this volume)
identifies pairs of corresponding source and target words that are mostly
used to translate each other in the given text pair. The algorithm relies on the
fact that the positions of such word pairs are distributed very similarly
throughout the two texts. To identify this similarity each word is represented
by a vector. Each entry in the vector corresponds to one occurrence of the
word, and its value is the distance between that word occurrence and the
preceding one. Representing occurrences by relative distances rather than by
absolute positions from the beginning of the text makes the method robust to
deletions of segments in one of the texts. Such deletions would affect all
absolute positions of the word occurrences following a deletion but not their
relative distances (apart from occurrences within or immediately following a
deleted segment).
The algorithm computes the similarity between all word pairs, first by
some crude methods and then by applying a dynamic programming
algorithm that computes the “matching cost” of candidate pairs of vectors.
For the best-matched word pairs, referred to as the core bilingual lexicon, the
algorithm identifies some of their matching positions that are used as
“anchor point” connections within the initial rough alignment. The
alignment is made complete through linear interpolation, providing the
necessary input for directing the subsequent detailed alignment step.
Distance vectors
The DK-vec algorithm receives as input the two tokenised texts, where,
in our case, each token is represented by its lemma, as described in the
previous section. For each word w in these texts the algorithm produces a
distance vector, Dw=<d1w,…,dnw>, which represents the relative distances
between subsequent occurrences of w. diw , the value in the i'th position of
Dw, is the relative distance, in word tokens, between the i'th occurrence of w
Chapter 5
and the preceding one. d1w is the distance between w’s first occurrence and
the beginning of the file.
Language Proportion Coefficient
Distance vectors are intended to capture, in a manner robust for deletions,
the similar distribution of corresponding source and target words throughout
the two parallel texts. The DK-vec method, as described below, assumes that
corresponding text fragments will be of similar length, and accordingly
vector entries of corresponding source and target positions will have similar
values. However, this assumption does not hold well for pairs of languages
that differ in their typical text length. For some language pairs parallel text
segments can have a significantly different number of tokens. Fung and
McKeown have already remarked that the English part of their text was
about 1.3 times larger than its Japanese translation. This difference exists
also for Hebrew-English parallel texts and was found to deteriorate the
quality of DK-vec output.
To overcome this problem, we normalised the distance values within the
vectors of one language by a Language Proportion Coefficient (LPC), the
typical proportion between the lengths of parallel segments in the two
languages. For our type of Hebrew-English texts, the length of Hebrew
segments is approximately 0.75 times that of their English equivalents.
Developing an automatic method for tuning the LPC for any given parallel
text may be an interesting issue for further research.
Generating a Core Bilingual Lexicon
Candidate translation pairs
DK-vec evaluates the potential degree of correspondence between source
and target words by a dynamic programming algorithm that matches their
distance vectors. This is a rather costly process, which, to save computation
time, is applied only to candidate pairs of source and target words that are
likely to yield good matches. Candidate pairs are determined by applying
two simple and easy-to-compute tests to each pair of source and target
words, s and t.
The first filter requires that the ratio between the frequencies of the two
words will not exceed a threshold, which was set in our experiments to 2.
Applying this filter is suitable since the vector-matching algorithm yields
high scores for pairs of words that are used to translate each other in most of
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
their occurrences. The filter also requires that each frequency is greater than
2, since matching low frequency words is unreliable.
The second filter tests the likelihood that the values contained in the two
vectors are similar, using the following score:
 ( s, t )  (mD  mD ) 2  ( D   D ) 2
where m and  denote the mean and standard deviation of each vector.
In their paper, Fung and McKeown (1997) suggest that vector pairs
whose  distance exceeds 200 should be filtered. We found this threshold
appropriate and used it also in our experiments.
Distance vectors matching cost
DK-vec finds the correspondence between a source word s and its
translation, a target word t, by identifying the high similarity of their
corresponding distance vectors Ds and Dt . The algorithm is likely to identify
such correspondence when the two words are consistently translated by each
other, that is, most occurrences of s are translated by t, and vice versa. In this
case we expect a similar distribution of their occurrences in the text, leading
to high similarity of their distance vectors.
The two distance vectors are considered similar if it is possible to match
(pair-wise) many of their positions, such that the distance values in matching
positions are similar. To justify this reasoning, suppose that two consecutive
occurrences of s, i-1 and i, are translated by the consecutive occurrences j-1
and j of t. The corresponding distance values, dis and djt , measure the lengths
of the corresponding source and target fragments between the two
consecutive occurrences of s and t. These two corresponding fragments are
expected to be of similar length, hence we expect the values dis and djt to be
similar (|dis-djt| is small).
When many consecutive occurrences of s correspond to consecutive
occurrences of t, there are many corresponding pairs in the two distance
vectors that can be matched with each other. Non matching positions are
likely to represent occurrences of s that were not translated by t, and vice
versa. A cost function is defined to quantify the best possible matching
between the two vectors. The cost function is defined recursively, where the
notation C(i,j) represents the cost of matching the first i positions in Ds with
the first j positions in Dt:5
This type of cost function is typical for dynamic programming problems. Refer to
(Cormen et al., 1990, chapter 16) for a good introduction to dynamic programming.
Moreover, this cost function, and the matching problem it induces, are analogous to the
Chapter 5
C (0,0)  0,
d 0s  0,
d 0t  0
 (i) C (i  1, j  1)
C (i, j ) 
 min (ii) C (i  1, j )
(iii) C (i, j  1)
Case (i) corresponds to matching the i'th occurrence of s with the j’th
occurrence of t. The cost of matching these occurrences is defined as the
difference between the corresponding distance values, preferring to match
occurrences whose corresponding distance values are as similar as possible.
To this cost we add, recursively, the cost of matching all preceding
occurrences of s and t.
Case (ii) corresponds to deciding not to match the i'th occurrence of s
with any occurrence of t. The cost of this decision is defined to be the same
as if we were matching the two occurrences, otherwise the cost function
would end up preferring to avoid matches at all (finding an optimal cost for
this case might be an issue for further investigation). This time, however, we
have to recursively add the cost of matching the preceding occurrences of s
with all the first j occurrences of t.
Case (iii) is symmetric to case (ii), corresponding to a decision not to
match the j’th occurrence of t. Notice that any of the cases (i)–(iii) becomes
irrelevant if it yields a negative argument for C. Notice also that the method
yields only monotonic matching, not allowing matches to “cross” each other.
d is
 d tj
Computing matching cost
The dynamic programming procedure, MATCH(Ds,Dt), computes the
(minimal) cost of matching the two distance vectors. It maintains a matrix C,
whose dimensions are (Ls + 1)  (Lt + 1), where Ls and Lt are the lengths of
the two input vectors. During computation, each cell (i,j) of the matrix is
assigned with the minimal cost of matching the first i occurrences of s with
the first j occurrences of t, which is computed according to the matching cost
function. The additional row and column represent the pseudo-position 0 in
both vectors. By the end of the computation, the desired optimal cost is
found in C(Ls, Lt).
The algorithm maintains another matrix of the same size, denoted by A.
Each cell in A is assigned with one of the values (i), (ii) or (iii), which
represents the matching decision (action) made for the corresponding cell in
problem of finding the minimal edit distance between two strings (Ukkonen, 1983), in
which the charged cost is typically 0 for a match operation and 1 otherwise.
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
C (as defined above for the three cases of the cost function). This matrix is
later used to reconstruct the optimal matching decisions, which specify the
pairs of matched occurrences of s and t.
C(0, 0)  0; ds0  0; dt0  0
for i  0 to Ls do
for j  0 to Lt do
min_cost  
if (i > 0 AND j > 0)
min_cost  C(i – 1, j – 1)
A(i, j)  (i)
if (i > 0 AND C(i – 1, j) < min_cost)
min_cost  C(i – 1, j)
A(i, j)  (ii)
if (j > 0 AND C(i, j – 1) < min_cost)
min_cost  C(i, j – 1)
A(i, j)  (iii)
C(i, j)  min_cost + | dis – djt |
return C(Ls, Lt) / (Ls + Lt)
The inner loop of the procedure computes the minimal matching cost for
each matrix cell. Notice that a cell for which A(i, j) = (i) represents a pair of
occurrences that were matched by the algorithm.
The accumulative matching cost is normalised by the sum of the lengths
of the two vectors, which equals the sum of the corresponding word
frequencies. This is done to enable a comparison between the costs of
matching pairs of words with different frequencies.
Normalized matching costs are computed for all candidate translation
pairs. For each source word s a corresponding target word t is chosen for
which the matching cost with s is minimal. The two words are added to the
core bilingual lexicon if their normalised matching cost is lower than a
threshold, which was set to 60 in our experiments.
Generating the Rough Alignment
Recovering connections for lexicon word pairs
The rough alignment is based on the set of all pairs of matching positions
for the core lexicon words. These matching positions are encoded in the
Chapter 5
matrix A for each word pair during matching cost computation. The
following procedure, applied to each word pair s and t in the core lexicon,
recovers these matching pairs of positions and adds them as connections to
the rough alignment:
i  Ls; j  Lt
while (i  0 AND j  0) do
case A(i, j) of
(i): Add a connection <i,j> to the initial rough alignment
(ii): i  i – 1
(iii): j  j – 1
Filtering and interpolating the rough alignment
After applying RECOVERMATCHES for all word pairs in the core lexicon,
the rough alignment contains a large set of connections, which were
computed independently for each word pair. At this stage it is necessary to
filter out some of the connections, to obtain a coherent alignment path. Two
types of filters are applied, ensuring that the alignment path is monotonic (no
crossing connections) and reasonably smooth.
First, the list of all connections, each of them having the form <i,j>
where i and j are matched positions in the source and target texts, is sorted
by source position (ascending i's).6 Monotonicity is obtained by scanning the
list and eliminating every connection <i,j> for which there is some
preceding connection, <i',j’>, such that j < j’ (the two connections are
“crossing”). While in principle crossing connections are possible, they would
typically occur only within a small distance from each other, due to
differences in word order between the two texts. Identifying crossing
connections of this type requires a much higher level of detail and accuracy
than available by the rough alignment, in which crossing connections are
usually due to erroneous connections.
Aggregating the connections that were obtained from all lexicon word
pairs enables smoothing the rough alignment path by eliminating
connections that do not fit well with other neighbouring connections. Fung
and Mckeown (1997) suggest a difference-based filtering method that
Notice that here i and j denote absolute source and target positions in the two texts,
unlike their role in the preceding subsections.
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
eliminates a connection <i, j>, immediately preceded by the connection
<i’, j’>, if
|(i – i’ ) – (j – j’)| > MAX_DIFF,
where MAX_DIFF is a relatively small threshold, say 500. A large difference
exceeding the threshold is assumed to indicate an erroneous connection.
We used a somewhat modified method, which was inspired by the method
in (Melamed, 1997a). Melamed observed that if we graphically depict the
alignment path then parallel text segments that do not contain large deletions
in one of the texts have more-or-less constant slopes, which are similar to the
average slope of the entire alignment path (the “diagonal”). Large local
deviations from that slope appear when there are deletions of large text
segments. Based on this observation, Melamed developed an algorithm that
tracks these slopes and aims to cope with such deletions. While we have not
yet tried Melamed’s algorithm, we currently apply a simple filter that
eliminates <i,j> if
| SegSlope  DiagSlope |
where SegSlope 
i  i'
, DiagSlope  S
j  j'
This filter assumes that a large deviation of the slope of the line
connecting <i’, j’> and <i, j> from the slope of the main diagonal
corresponds to an erroneous connection. Notice that both filters above do not
cope well with large deletions, which might be better addressed by
Melamed’s method.7
Applying the filters above yields a smooth and monotonic alignment
path, whose connections, considered as “anchor points”, cover a subset of
the occurrences of the core lexicon words. To make the rough alignment
complete, as required by the next step of the process, a connection is
produced for each source position i that is not yet covered by the set of
anchor points. The resulting connection, <i,j>, is obtained by linear
interpolation between the two nearest anchor points surrounding i. This
In fact, our corpus contained a couple of large segments, of total length of about 1800
words, which were deleted in one of the texts. None of the filtering methods we tried so
far was able to cope with these deletions, so we had to manually remove the nontranslated segments from the corpus. The results reported in this chapter refer to the
modified corpus. It is interesting to note that it was easy to manually identify the
deleted segments when observing the DK-vec alignment path graph, as in these areas
the alignment path was very noisy. This observation may be exploited by future work
for automatic detection of such deletions.
Chapter 5
yields the initial rough alignment I, which is used as input by the detailed
word alignment method of the next section. In the following we use the
notation I(j) to denote the source position i that is aligned with j by the initial
rough alignment.
The quality of the initial rough alignment was evaluated on a random
sample of 424 manually aligned source positions. Figure 1 shows a segment
of the rough alignment path produced by the DK-vec algorithm and the
manual alignment for the sample points falling in this segment. It can be
seen that most sample points fall very close to the obtained alignment path.
Figure 2 presents the distribution of offsets (distances) between the target
positions for the rough alignment connections and the correct target
positions, for the sample points. Notice that 19.1% of the sample points
coincide with the connections of the rough alignment (0 offset). Table 3
gives the details of the offset distribution, presenting the accumulative offset
count and percentage for each offset range. It shows that 90% of the sample
points are within a distance of ±50 tokens from the rough alignment, which
provides a plausible input for the detailed word alignment program.
The detailed word alignment phase includes two steps (Dagan et al.,
1993). In the first, a probabilistic bilingual lexicon is created for the
particular pair of texts, based on a probabilistic model that is a modification
of Model 2 in (Brown et al., 1993). The parameters of the model are
estimated in an iterative manner by the Estimation-Maximisation (EM)
algorithm. In the second step, an optimal detailed alignment is found, using a
dynamic programming approach that takes into account the dependency
between adjacent connections.
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
Anchor points path
Sample points
Figure 1. Rough alignment path (solid line) and correct alignments for sample points (source
positions 4000–6000)
Figure 2. Distribution of offsets between correct and rough alignment for all sample points
Chapter 5
Table 3. Accumulative offset distribution for sample points
Constructing a Detailed Probabilistic Bilingual
Given the initial rough alignment I between the source and target texts as
input, the next step is to construct a detailed probabilistic bilingual lexicon
that corresponds to the pair of texts.
The lexicon construction method is based on a probabilistic model, which
represents the probability of the target text given the source text based on the
notion of alignment.8 An alignment, a, is defined as a set of connections,
where a connection <i,j> denotes that position i in the source text is aligned
with position j in the target text. The assumed model is directional, in that it
seeks to align each target position j (unless filtered out, see below) with
exactly one source position. Several target positions, though, may be aligned
with the same source position, and some source positions may be left
unaligned, since no target position was aligned with them. According to the
model, the probability of the target text T given the source text S is
represented by
Pr(T | S )   Pr(T , a | S ),
where a ranges over all possible alignments.
The model further assumes that all connections within an alignment a are
independent of each other, and that the probability of a connection <i,j>
We describe the probabilistic model rather briefly here, at the level needed to motivate
and present the procedure for constructing the probabilistic lexicon. For further details
refer to (Brown et al., 1993) and (Dagan et al., 1993).
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
depends only on two types of parameters, which refer to the identity of the
two aligned words and to their corresponding positions in the text:
1. A translation probability, pT(t|s), specifying the probability that a
particular word t of the target language would be aligned with the
word s of the source language. This parameter captures the
likelihood that these two particular words will be used to translate
each other in the given texts.
2. An offset probability, pO(k), where k=i-I(j). I(j) is the source
position that was aligned with the target position j according to the
initial rough alignment I. k is thus the offset between the source
position aligned with j according to the hypothesised alignment a
and the source position determined by the initial rough alignment I.
This parameter captures the assumption that the input rough
alignment I provides a good approximation for the “true” alignment.
Thus, it is expected that pO(k) will get smaller as k increases. As an
input “windowing” constraint, the model assumes that pO(k)=0 for
|k|>w, where w is a window-size parameter. This constraint imposes
that the source position aligned with j must fall within a distance of
w words from I(j). Typical values of w might range between 20 to
50 words, depending on the quality and granularity of the initial
rough alignment. In the experiments reported in this chapter we used
According to the probabilistic model, the probability of a connection
<i,j>, which equals the sum of the probabilities of all alignments that
contain this connection, is represented by
Pr( i, j ) 
W ( i , j )
 W ( i ' , j )
where W ( i, j )  pT (t j | si )  pO (i  I ( j ))
and tj and si are the target and source words in positions j and i,
correspondingly. i' ranges over all source positions (in the allowed window).
The equation above stems from the independence of connections within
alignments and from the symmetrical structure of the model. It states that the
probability of the connection aligning the target position j with the source
position i is the ratio between the probabilistic “weight” of this connection,
W(<i,j>), to the “weight” of all other possible connections for j (recall that
only connections that fall within the window of ±w words from I(j) are
considered possible). This “weight” is simply the product of the two
Chapter 5
parameters which are related to the connection, reflecting the assumed
independence between them.
The Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) is used to estimate the
values of the model parameters, by applying the Estimation Maximisation
(EM) algorithm (Baum, 1972; Dempster et al., 1977). The maximum
likelihood estimates of the model parameters satisfy the following equations:
(k ) 
pT (t | s ) 
i , j:t j t , si  s
i , j:si  s
i , j:i  I ( j )  k
i, j
Pr(  i, j )
Pr(  i, j )
Pr(  i, j )
Pr(  i, j )
Both equations estimate the parameter values as relative “probabilistic”
counts. The first estimate is the ratio between the probability sum for all
connections aligning s with t and the probability sum for all connections
aligning s with any word. The second estimate is the ratio between the
probability sum for all connections with offset k and the probability sum for
all possible connections.
Parameter values are estimated in an iterative manner using the EM
(Estimation-Maximisation) algorithm (Baum, 1972; Dempster et al., 1977).
First, uniform values are assigned to all possible parameters. The windowing
constraint is applied by setting pO(k)=0 for |k|>w and setting a uniform value
for the legitimate k’s. Then, in the first step of each iteration, we compute
Pr(<i,j>) for all possible connections (within the allowed windows). Having
probability values for the connections, the second step of each iteration
computes new estimates for all parameters pT(t|s) and pO(k).
The iterations are repeated until the estimates converge, or until a prespecified maximum number of iterations is reached. In the experiments
reported here a fixed number of 10 iterations was used. Notice that the EM
algorithm does not guarantee convergence to the “true” maximum likelihood
estimates, but rather to estimates corresponding to a local maximum of the
likelihood function. Yet, empirically the algorithm obtains useful parameter
values, which represent reasonable translation and offset probabilities (as
known to happen in many other empirical application of the EM algorithm).
A few filters were applied to facilitate parameter estimation. At
initialisation, we applied the same frequency-based filter used for the DKvec algorithm: requiring that the ratio between the frequencies of the two
words will not exceed the threshold 2, and that each individual frequency is
greater than 2. PT(t|s) for pairs not satisfying the threshold was set to 0. In
addition, after each iteration, all estimates PT(t|s) which were smaller than a
threshold (0.01) were set to 0. After the last iteration, estimates PT(t|s)< 0.1
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
were also set to 0. The output probabilistic bilingual lexicon thus contains all
pairs of source and target words, s and t, with positive PT(t|s).
Table 4 shows a sample of Hebrew words and their most likely
translations in the probabilistic bilingual lexicon, as obtained for our
Hebrew-English text pair. Note that the correct translations are usually near
the front of the list, though there is a tendency for the program to be
confused by words that appear frequently in the context of the correct
The probabilistic bilingual lexicon is an intermediate resource in our
system, which is used as input for the final detailed word alignment step, as
described below. As such, we have not conducted any formal objective
evaluation of its quality. However, this lexicon may also be a useful resource
on its own, for example in semi-automatic construction of bilingual
dictionaries. Optimising and evaluating the bilingual lexicon quality, as a
standalone resource, may be an interesting issue for further research.
Table 4. An example of the probabilistic dictionary. Hebrew words are transcribed to Latin
letters. Probability of each translation is given in parentheses
Hebrew lemma (s)
Translations (t) & probabilities (PT(t|s))
SMVS (Shimmush, use (noun))
use (0.6), take (0.24)
SMYRH (Shemira, guarding (noun)) safety (0.49), product (0.27), per (0.13)
LBVA (Lavo, to-come)
execution (0.37), accord (0.27),
replace (0.25)
LHYVT MVBA (Lihyot Muva, to-be-brought)
bring (0.51), serve (0.27)
BHYNH (Behina, examination / test)
Examination (0.67), works.9 (0.12)
NDRS (Nidrash, required (adj.))
require (0.61), construct (0.25)
NZQ (Nezeq, damage (noun))
damage (0.33), entitle (0.15),
claim (0.14), right (0.13)
Finding the Optimal Alignment
The EM algorithm produces two sets of maximum likelihood probability
estimates, translation probabilities and offset probabilities. One possibility
for selecting the preferred alignment would be simply to choose the most
probable alignment according to these maximum likelihood probabilities,
with respect to the assumed probabilistic model. This corresponds to
selecting the alignment a that maximises the product:
This token is a result of a tokenisation error. Two tokens should have been identified —
“works” and “.”.
Chapter 5
W ( i, j )
i , j a
Computing the weights of each connection by this formula is independent
of all other connections. Thus, it is easy to construct the optimal alignment
by independently selecting for each target position j the source position i
which falls within the window I(j)w and maximises W(<i,j>).
Unfortunately, this method does not model the dependence between
connections for target words that are near one another. For example, the fact
that the target position j was connected to the source position i will not
increase the probability that j+1 will be connected to a source position near
i. Instead, position j+1 will be aligned independently, where offsets are
considered relative to the initial alignment rather than to the detailed
alignment that is being constructed. The absence of such dependence can
easily confuse the program, mainly in aligning adjacent occurrences of the
same word, which are common in technical texts. The method described
below does capture such dependencies, based on dynamically determined
relative offsets.
To model the dependency between connections in an alignment, it is
assumed that the expected source position of a connection is determined
relative to the preceding connection in a, instead of relative to the initial
alignment.10 For this purpose, a’(j), the expected source position to be
aligned with j, is defined as a linear extrapolation from the preceding
connection in a:
a ' ( j )  a ( j prev )  ( j  j prev )
where jprev is the last target position before j which is aligned by a (in the
preceding connection in a), a(jprev) is the source position aligned with jprev by
a, and Ns and Nt are the lengths of the source and target texts. a'(j) thus
predicts that the distance between the source positions of two consecutive
connections in a is proportional to the distance between the two
corresponding target positions, where the proportion is defined by the
general proportion of the lengths of the two texts.
As described below, some of the target positions may
yielding a partial alignment that contains connections
positions. Therefore, the connection preceding <i,j>
position j-1 but rather a smaller position. The order of
target position.
be skipped and left unaligned,
only for a subset of the target
in a may not have the target
connections in a refers to their
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
Based on this modified model, the most probable alignment is the one
that maximises the following “weight”:
W (a) 
 W ' ( i , j )
i , j a
where W ' ( i, j )  pT (t j | si )  pO (i  a' ( j )).
The offset probabilities for this model are approximated by using the same
estimates that were obtained by the EM algorithm for the previous model (as
computed relative to the initial alignment).
Finding the optimal alignment in the modified model is more difficult,
since computing W’(<i,j>) requires knowing the alignment point for jprev.
Due to the dependency between connections, however, it is not possible to
know the optimal alignment point for each j before identifying all
connections of the alignment.
To solve this problem a dynamic programming algorithm is applied. The
algorithm uses a matrix in which each cell corresponds to a possible
connection <i,j>. The cell is assigned with the optimal (maximal) “weight”
of an alignment for a prefix of the target text, up to position j, whose last
connection is <i,j>.11
A couple of extensions are required to make the algorithm practical. In
order to avoid connections with very low probability we require that
W’(<i,j>) exceeds a pre-specified threshold, T, which was set to 0.001. If the
threshold is not exceeded then the connection is not considered. If, due to
this threshold, no valid connection can be obtained for the target position j
then this position is dropped from the alignment.12
Because of the dynamic nature of the algorithm it risks “running away”
from the initial rough alignment, following an incorrect alignment path. To
avoid this risk, a’(j) is set to I(j) in two cases in which it is likely to be
As an implementation detail, notice that the actual matrix size maintained by the
algorithm can be Ntk (rather than NtNs), where k is a small constant corresponding to
the maximal number of viable (non-filtered) connections that may be found for a single
target position (see the filtering criterion below). In this setting, each cell encodes also
the source position to which it corresponds.
12 Because of this filter we found it easier to implement a “forward-looking” version of the
dynamic programming algorithm, rather than the more common “backward-looking”
version (as in the implementation of DK-vec). For a given cell in the matrix
corresponding to <i,jprev >, the program searches forward for a following target
position j with a viable connection, skipping positions for which no connection within
the allowed window passes the threshold.
Chapter 5
1. a’(j) gets too far from the initial alignment: | a’(j) – I(j) | >w.
2. The distance between j and jprec is larger than w, due to failure to
align the preceding w words.
An example of the output of the word alignment program is given in
Figure 3.
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Recommendations :
Figure 3. An example output of the detailed alignment program (for a French-English text
pair). Dashed arrows indicate the correct alignment where the output is wrong.
The detailed word alignment program was evaluated on the HebrewEnglish text pair, using the same sample as for DK-vec (424 sample points).
The output alignment included connections for 70% of the sample target
positions, while for 30% of the target positions no viable connection was
Figure 4 presents the distribution of offsets (distances) between the
source positions of the produced connections and the correct source
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
positions. Almost 52% of the output connections are exact hits.13 Table 5
gives the details of the offset distribution, presenting the accumulative offset
count and percentage for each offset range. It shows that about two-thirds of
the connections are within a distance ±10 tokens from the correct alignment.
The detailed alignment step depends to a certain extent on the accuracy of
the input rough alignment, and is unlikely to recover the correct alignment
when the input offsets are too large. It is clear, however, that the detailed
alignment succeeds to reduce the input offset significantly for a large
proportion of the positions.
The project described in this chapter demonstrates the feasibility of a
practical comprehensive word alignment system for disparate language pairs
in general, and for Hebrew and English in particular. To obtain this goal, it
was necessary to avoid almost any assumption about the input texts and
language pair. It was also necessary to convert the texts to a stream of input
lemmas, a difficult task for Hebrew that was performed sufficiently well
using available Hebrew analysis tools. The project also demonstrates the
success of a hybrid architecture, combining two different algorithms to
obtain first an initial rough alignment and then a detailed word level
alignment. While system accuracy is still limited, it is good enough to be
useful for a variety of dictionary construction and translation assistance
Various issues remain open for future research. An obvious goal is to
improve system accuracy. In particular, it is desired to improve first the
rough alignment algorithm and its filtering criteria. Any improvement at this
stage will lead to improving the final detailed alignment, which relies
heavily on the rough alignment input. Such improvements are also necessary
in order to handle better large deletions in one of the texts. Another goal is to
extend the framework for aligning multi-word terms and phrases rather than
individual words only.
The current system does not use any input other than the given pair of
texts, aligning each input text pair independently. It would be useful to
extend this framework to work in an incremental manner, where the lexicons
Notice that the result figures in this evaluation should not be compared directly with
those for DK-vec. Here the evaluation refers to the connections produced, which cover
70% of the sample points, while the evaluation for DK-vec refers to an interpolated
output, which covers 100% of the sample points (in sync with the role it plays in our
system). The difference in quality between the two outputs is clear, though.
Chapter 5
(and other parameters) obtained for some text pairs can be used when
aligning similar texts later. A related goal is to use information from external
lexicons and integrate it with the information that is acquired by the
alignment system.
Figure 4. Distribution of offsets between correct and output alignment
Table 5. Accumulative offset distribution for obtained connections
5. A comprehensive bilingual word alignment system and its
application to disparate languages: Hebrew and English
The successful implementation of alignment systems calls for further
development of methods that utilise the data they produce. Most notably,
there is room for further research on creating and evaluating lexicons that are
based both on the actual alignment output and on the lexicons created during
the process.
We thank the Ben Gurion 2000 project and Hod Ami Publishers for
providing us with parallel Hebrew-English text pairs. We thank Yuval
Krymolowski and other members of the Information Retrieval and
Computational Linguistics Laboratory at Bar Ilan University for fruitful
discussions and tool development. Some of the material in this chapter was
presented in tutorials by the third author at ACL and COLING 1996, and
were informally and briefly described by the first author in the first
SENSEVAL meeting 1998. This research was supported in part by grant
498/95-1 from the Israel Science Foundation.
In order to give the reader a picture as faithful as possible of the issues involved, we
represent Hebrew words in up to 3 forms: a letter-per-letter transliteration (in capital letters)
as per the following table, the word’s pronunciation in italics, and its translation to English.
Table 6. Hebrew letters' transliteration
The following are examples of Hebrew/English corresponding lemmas and the
morphological variants of the Hebrew lemma which exist in the Hebrew/English corpus. The
frequency of each form is given in parentheses.
8066—ABVDH (Avoda, work) (410) work (367)
the-work (264), the-works (49), (a)-work (36), from-the-work (16), in-works / in-the-works /
Chapter 5
in-the-works-of (10), in-(a)-work / in-the-work (9), works / works-of (8), to-(a)-work / to-thework (3), to-works / to-the-works / to-the-works-of (3), from-the-works (2), that-the-works (2),
and-the-work (2), that-(a)-work (1), and-the-works (1), that-the-work (1), from-(a)-work (1),
the-work-of (1), and-works / and-works-of (1)
17447—HVRAH (Horaà, (an)-instruction) (95) instruction (76)
instructions (29), (an)-instruction (15), the-instruction (10), that-in-the-instruction-of (7), tothe-instructions / to-the-instructions-of (7), the-instructions (3), his-instructions (3), and-tothe-instructions / and-to-the-instructions-of (3), and-in-the-instructions / and-in-theinstructions-of (2), and-instructions / and-the-instructions-of (2), in-instructions / in-theinstructions / in-the-instructions-of (2), in-(an)-instruction / in-the-instruction (2), and-to-hisinstructions (2), to-his-instructions (2), the-instruction-of (2), from-instructions / from-theinstructions-of (1), and-the-instruction (1), to-(an)-instruction / to-the-instruction (1), hisinstruction (1)
632—YVM (Yom, (a)-day) (61) day (45)
(a)-day / the-day-of (24), from-(a)-day / from-the-day-of (14), days (12), in-(a)-day / in-theday-of (3), the-days (2), the-days-of (2), in-his-day (1), and-in-(a)-day / and-in-the-day-of /
and-in-the-day (1), and-in-(a)-day / and-in-the-day-of / and-in-the-day (1), the-day
(sometimes means today) (1)
18555—MSMK (Mismakh, (a)-document) (18) document (19)
the-documents (4), in-the-documents-of (2), (a)-document (2), and-the-documents (2), fromthe-documents (1), the-documents-of (1), the-documents-of (1), and-in-the-documents-of (1),
in-(a)-document / in-the-document-of / in-the-document (1), documents (1), from-thedocuments-of (1), in-documents / in-the-documents (1)
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