3. ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS 3.1. Objective of the test Analysis of distribution functions and properties of electrons in metals and semiconductors. 3.2. Theory and the main formulae Statistical methods are used for the investigation of systems consisting of large number of particles. Electrons in a metal are investigated by quantum statistics. The density of available energy levels for conduction electrons (the number of available states per unit volume and unit of energy centred at W) is given by g W 4 2V 3 / 2 m W Wc 1 / 2 , 3 h (3.1) where Wc – is the energy corresponding to the bottom of the conduction band, h – Plank’s constant, V – volume, m – electron mass. The probability that an allowed energy level W is occupied by electrons is described by the Fermi-Dirac function: 1 . (3.2) exp W WF kT 1 Here WF is the Fermi energy, k – Boltzmann’s constant, T – fF absolute temperature. The energy distribution of electrons in a metal is given by 4V 2m3 2 W N W 2 g W f F W . (3.3) 3 exp W WF kT 1 h If the inequality exp W WF kT 1 is satisfied, a system of electrons is non-degenerate and the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics can be used. Then 11 nh3 , 2(2mkT ) 3/ 2 e(WF Wc ) / kT (3.4) where n is the density of free electrons. So, distribution of free electrons in a semiconductor is described by f (Wk ) 2 ( kT ) 3 / 2 Wk e Wk / kT . Here Wk W Wc is the kinetic energy. (3.5) Integrating the distribution function we can find the part of the particles with energies that exceed W : N N f (W ) d W k W k . (3.6) Here N is the total number of particles, N – the number of particles with Wk W . If W * 0 , then N N 1 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3.3. Preparing for the test: Using lecture-notes and referenced literature [1, p. 38–52], examine principles of statistical physics, distribution functions and properties of electrons in metals and semiconductors. Prepare to answer the questions: What statistics can by applied to electrons in a metal? What statistics is applied to a non-degenerate system of microparticles? What statistics is usually applied to electrons in a semiconductor? Explain the meaning of a distribution function. What are the meanings of products N (W ) d W and f (W ) d W ? Write the expression and sketch the graph of the Fermi-Dirac function. Describe the significance of the Fermi-Dirac function. Explain the meaning of the Fermi energy. 12 9. Write and explain the non-degeneration condition. 10. Can we use the classical statistics for electrons in a solid? 11. How does the mean energy of a particle in a non-degenerate system change when temperature increases? 3.4. In laboratory: 1. Answer the test question. 2. According to specified data simulate behaviour of free electrons in metals and semiconductors: a) calculate the Fermi-Dirac distribution function at various temperatures; b) find energy distributions of electrons in a metal at various temperatures; c) find energy distributions of electrons in a non-degenerate semiconductor at given temperatures; d) find variation of the Fermi energy with temperature at constant density of electron in a semiconductor; e) calculate what part of electrons in a semiconductor has kinetic energy exceeding given energy value W , find dependence of this part on W and temperature T . 3. After necessary calculations plot graphs and examine the results. 4. Prepare the report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.5. Contents of the report Objectives. Initial data. Results of calculations. Graphs. Conclusions. 13