herald cousin

Ю. и А. Кузьменковы
Учим английский, ставя пьесы!
Подарки для принцессы
Упрямые соседи (FENCED-in-NEIGHBOURS)
Аудио-спектакли для обучающего английского театра в записи преподавателейактёров с методическими указаниями, аудио-приложением и караоке
Пьесы для обучающего английского театра.
Ставим пьесу с помощью всего лишь аудиоплейера!
Тренируем произношение!
Читают – В.В. Кулешов, профессор английского языка, АНФ
Ю.Б. Кузьменкова, профессор английского языка, ГУ-ВШЭ
Обучающий театр на уроке английского языка
Возможности использования театральных постановок при обучении
иноязычному общению неизменно остаются предметом самого живого интереса как
со стороны отечественных педагогов, так и за рубежом, однако общего «консенсуса»
относительно того, можно ли на основе этих постановок чему-то научиться, пока не
достигнуто, что, по мнению самих специалистов, неудивительно – ввиду отсутствия
систематизирующего подхода.
Так называемая «театральная» деятельность в сфере образования (и обучения
иностранному языку, в частности) начала активно развиваться в 70 гг. ХХ в. и
представляет сейчас на Западе и в Америке вполне оформившееся, хотя и весьма
неоднородное направление, условно обозначаемое как «драма в образовании» (при
описании которого ключевыми терминами являются ролевые игры, инсценировки,
драма и пр.). Опираясь на теорию обучения через опыт (experiential learning),
сторонники этого направления спроецировали свои идеи на систему образования.
Аналогичные попытки предпринимаются и отечественными специалистами,
изучающими возможности развития межкультурной компетенции в условиях
процесса обучения в отсутствии языковой среды на основе развития сознательного
отношения как результата «переживаемости» – эмоциональной и интеллектуальной
вовлеченности обучаемых в процессе приобретения непосредственного опыта.
интерактивных подходов (выразившихся в многообразии трактовок самих
театральных постановок зарубежными коллегами, например, improvised drama,
informal drama, English through acting), можно прийти к следующему заключению:
все они подчинены достижению общей цели – создать (а в некоторых случаях
проанализировать, как в «образовательной драме») некий опыт, посредством
которого человек научается лучше осознавать механизмы речевого взаимодействия и
приобретает навыки аутентичной и спонтанной речи. Применительно к решению
проблем эффективной англоязычной коммуникации в отсутствии языковой среды
выбор из всего многообразия современных подходов фактически сводится к двум:
драма как процесс (элемент аудиторной работы) и драма как результат (готовый
«продукт» для показа на сцене) и отражает известную в преподавании иностранного
языка дилемму: акцентироваться ли на беглости (и спонтанности) речи или же на
точности (частично в ущерб спонтанности).
Попытка нахождения своего рода компромисса между вышеупомянутыми
подходами может быть предпринята на основе обучающего английского театра (ELT
Theatre). Основной акцент данного подхода делается на возможности сочетания при
подготовке постановки аудиторной работы и внеаудиторной
«театральной» деятельности, а общей целью является обучение эффективному
общению как участников, так и зрителей. На практике плодотворные результаты
достигаются посредством целенаправленного моделирования сценария за счет
включения в него определенных лингвистических элементов (корректируемых в
соответствии с программой курса, уровнем владения иностранным языком, целевой
аудиторией и прочими факторами) на фоне параллельной их отработки в процессе
регулярных занятий.
Возможности ELT Theatre подробно изложены в книге Set the Stage (M.:
CenterCom, 2001), где, в частности приводятся примеры творческого
«инкорпорирования» в ткань пьесы (существующего или специально создаваемого)
не только лексико-грамматического или стихотворно-песенного материала, но и
элементов социокультурной направленности. Однако ввиду опасности нарушить
баланс, переступив чрезвычайно тонкую грань, отделяющую художественное
произведение для театральной постановки от «скороспелки» для однократного
показа на «капустнике», необходимы, помимо тщательной работы на репетициях,
взвешенный и продуманный подход к возможным речевым «вкраплениям», чтобы не
свести собственно театральный элемент до уровня профанации.
Практика показывает, что театральные постановки являются серьезным
подспорьем при изучении иностранного языка. Здесь прежде всего не следует
забывать, что любая обучающая пьеса помогает если не полностью снять, то хотя бы
в значительной степени преодолеть языковой барьер, – явление достаточно широко
распространенное как среди школьников, так и среди студентов: актеру легче скрыть
свою неуверенность, спрятавшись под маской своего героя, поскольку при этом он
говорит и действует как бы от третьего лица.
Идеи, которые преподавателю необходимо донести до обучающихся, также
лучше воспринимаются последними, поскольку в процессе подготовки спектакля им
отводится несколько иная, чем на занятии роль и привычные отношения учитель –
ученики переносятся в плоскость режиссер – актеры. При этом преподаватель при
тщательной подготовке спектакля имеет возможность в живой и ненавязчивой
обстановке довести до автоматизма необходимые для учебного процесса навыки
(связанные, к примеру, с коррекцией произношения, с использованием активной
лексики и т.п.), – возможность, которой он зачастую бывает лишен на обычном
занятии из-за ограниченности выделяемого времени. С этой целью преподаватель
может добавлять по своему усмотрению различные элементы (из области лексики и
грамматики), которые в игровой форме усваиваются значительно легче и быстрее, а
многие обороты и крылатые выражения хорошо запоминаются и, как показывает
практика, надолго входят в используемый лексикон.
Таким образом, даже в рамках предлагаемых пьес как у обучающихся, так и у
преподавателя имеется большой простор для реализации заложенного потенциала и
дальнейшего развития творческих способностей.
В настоящем аудиосборнике представлены две пьесы на английском языке
для постановки в школьном/студенческом театре, рассчитанные на уровень (Pre)
Intermediate. Первая из них, The Princess and Four Gifts, написана по мотивам сказки
современного американского юмориста Дж. Тербера, а сюжет второй, Fenced-inNeighbours, отчасти навеян детективным романом The Fenced-in Woman одного из
современных классиков этого жанра Э. С. Гарднера.
Для каждой пьесы дается список представляющих сложности незнакомых
слов и выражений с переводом. На диске также прилагается набор звуковых
эффектов и караоке-версии песенок. С их помощью пьесы нетрудно поставить в
условиях, когда имеется всего лишь обычный аудиоплейер.
Ю. и А. Кузьменковы
Characters: Storyteller
Her cousin
Prince of Spades
Prince of Clubs
Prince of Hearts
Prince of Diamonds
Storyteller: Once upon a time, in a far country, there lived a king whose daughter was the
prettiest princess in the world. Her eyes were like waters in a deep lake, her hair was softer
than silk and her skin was whiter than snow. Since childhood the princess had been
surrounded only by the things of beauty. She walked in silver slippers to a topaz bathroom
and slept in an ivory bed. All her toys, even dolls, were made of gold, platinum or precious
stones. Cheaper materials were considered improper for the daughter of the king. In other
words, not only was she pretty, but also very rich.
One day the king decided to give his daughter's hand in marriage to one of the
princes of the four neighboring kingdoms (let's call them Spades, Clubs, Diamonds and
Hearts). He sent a message there. The message said: 'My daughter will marry the prince
who brings the gift she likes the most'. Now the king, the princess and her cousin (who is a
close friend of the princess) are waiting for the princes to come. Let's join them and watch
the ceremony.
Scene 1
Setting: A big room in the king's palace. King, Princess and Cousin are sitting at one end
of a long table.
Princess (to Cousin): What do you think of it, dear?
Cousin: If you ask me, I think that a gift is not everything. If you really want to choose a
good man, watch his manners and how he expresses his feelings.
Princess: Oh, you're wise.
Enter Herald.
Herald: The Prince of Spades.
Enter Prince of Spades, a man of soldierly bearing with a sword and a massive alarm clock
under his arm. He bows, comes up to the table and stands at attention.
Prince of Spades: Oh, most beautiful princess! I've won many battles and I've come here
to fight for you. Let me offer you my heart and sword and also this alarm clock as a gift of
my love. Whenever you're in danger, only press this button here, and my soldiers will come
to help you. (He clicks his heels, salutes with his sword and leaves).
Princess: Oh, father, I'm afraid of this man. He spoke of battles and dangers and fighting!
King: Come, child, there is no danger. The prince is a brave man, the commander of a big
army. You'll be very safe with him.
Princess (to Cousin): But what do you think of his gift?
Cousin (with a shrug): It's funny but you won't use it, I'm afraid, because it is made of
plastic and metal.
Princess: I see, I see.
Herald: The Prince of Clubs.
Enter Prince of Clubs, an absent-minded looking man wearing spectacles, dressed a bit out
of date, with a thick old book. He bows clumsily, puts the book on the table, fumbles in his
pockets, produces a scroll of paper and begins to read.
The Prince of Clubs: My dearest and beloved lady! I can address you only in poem!
(Begins to recite)
My love is strengthened though more weak in seeming
I love not less, though less the show appear
That love is merchandised whose rich esteeming
The owner's tongue doth publish every where.
And here is the ancient Book of Wisdom, my humble present (bows low and leaves).
Princess: What a strange man! But he is so polite, and I like his poem. He must be a great
Cousin: Not he! Shakespeare is!
Princess: Oh!
King: Yes, the prince is a very learned man. With him you'll know everything.
Princess: Do you think, father, that wives really need to know everything?
Herald: The Prince of Diamonds.
Enter Prince of Diamonds, an elegant man, exquisitely dressed, very business like and
self-assured, with a huge golden box in his hands. He comes straight to the far end of the
table and nods slightly.
Prince of Diamonds: How do you do, ladies and gentleman. I've come here to tell you,
Sire, (to King) that I agree to marry that charming daughter of yours. (To Princess) Here is
the gift you asked for (puts the box in front of her). It's for keeping things in. Very useful.
Pure gold. Made in my kingdom. High quality. No doubt, you'll like it. As for the details,
we'll discuss financial questions with your father. See you soon (bows to King, blows a kiss
to Princess and leaves).
Cousin: That's fantastic!
Princess: Yes, it's a wonderful box!
Cousin: No, I mean his manners. Of course, you cannot expect much here. He is too rich.
King: Right. The richest in the world. With him you'll have anything you like.
Princess: Do you really think so, father?
King: Yes, my dear.
Herald: The Prince of Hearts.
Enter Prince of Hearts, a man poorly dressed, a guitar on his back and a bunch of field
flowers in his hand. He puts the flowers on the table, bows low and falls on one knee.
Prince of Hearts: Oh, heavenly lady, the princess of my dreams!
Here are the flowers of my loving heart (gives the bunch to Princess, makes a bow and
Princess: What lovely flowers! I've never seen anything like them here in the palace.
King: Of course not, because they grow only in the fields. Poor boy! Once his father was
rich and there were gold mines in his lands. Now there is nothing left there except flowers.
Such a pity. No more precious stones, no gold.
Cousin: But he's got a heart of gold!
Princess (pensively): And what shall I do with his gift? Gold lasts forever. But flovers –
Cousin: His love does. And his gift shows the depth of his feelings. Just take it as a sign of
his love.
Princess: Do you think it's enough?
King (getting to his feet, to Herald): Herald, tell the princes to wait for my daughter's
decision.(Herald leaves).
Princess (to her cousin): First, I'd like to hear what you think.
Cousin: I think the prince of Hearts is the best choice. He is so gentle and handsome and
his manners are noble. Life in his beautiful kingdom could be very romantic. If I were
Princess (interrupting her): Fortunately, you are not. If you want always to sit on a diet, I'll
try to persuade the prince of Hearts to marry you.
King: Oh, dear...
Princess: As for me, I'm not so silly to live in poverty, without all the beautiful things I am
used to. I've chosen this. (She stands up and takes the golden box from the table). This is a
very large and expensive box, and when I'm married, I'll get many gifts - rings, bracelets,
precious stones - to fill it to the top. So it is the most useful present and I like it the best.
Storyteller: If you think that was the happy end, you are mistaken. The king's daughter
married the prince of Diamonds but her husband turned out to be a gambler. By and by he
lost all his money, his kingdom was ruined and they ended their days in poverty. The
cousin married the prince of Hearts and went to live with him. And it so happened that
soon much gold was found in the mines in his kingdom. The prince of Hearts built a
comfortable palace where they lived happily ever after. And here ends the story of the
princess and four gifts.
Prince's song
The skies so blue may soon turn grey
And rose in bloom decay next day.
But love of mine will never fade
For you't will shine my prettiest maid.
Word list
alarm clock будильник
bearing выправка
bow поклон
bunch букет
click щелкнуть
сlubs трефовая масть
clumsily неуклюже
diamonds бубновая масть
esteem 1) уважение 2) уважать, чтить
fumble шарить, нащупывать
gambler игрок
hearts червонная масть
heel каблук
humble 1) скромный 2) покорный
improper 1) неуместный; 2) неприличный
ivory слоновая кость
message известие
mine рудник, прииск
noble благородный
pensively задумчиво
persuade убеждать
precious драгоценный
scroll свиток
silk шелк
skin кожа
slippers тапочки
spades пиковая масть
sword меч
Characters: Mrs. Vivian Hills
Mr. Grossman, her lawyer
Mr. Morley Catcott
Setting: A big living-room with two doors on opposite sides. There is a small table with a
telephone and two armchairs in the room.
Scene 1
Episode 1
From the left enter Mr. Catcott humming a melody. He drops into an armchair and dials
a number.
Mr. Catcott: Hello, John. Catcott speaking. (Pause.) I'm all right, thanks. I've bought a
new house at last. (Pause.) Yes, I'm quite happy about it. (Pause.) No, not alone. I've got a
neighbour, a certain Mrs. Hills. (Pause.) Haven't seen her yet. I hope she'll sell her part of
the house to me. (Pause.) What am I doing? Oh, nothing. Just thinking of going somewhere
to celebrate ... the fact. (Pause.) Join you in the bar? (Enthusiastically.) Why not! Right
now? Yes, that'll be fine. Bye, John, see you. (Stands up and leaves cheerfully humming
the same tune.
Episode 2
Through the opposite door enter Mrs. Hills. She goes to the telephone and dials a
Mrs. Hills: Helen? Hello, dear, it's Vivian. (Pause.) Oh, I'm fine. My ex-husband no longer
lives with me. Now I'm free and happy. (Pause.) Not so cloudless as you think. He sold his
part of the house. (Pause.) To whom? I don't' know, to a Mr ... (Shuffles among some
papers in her purse and finds a note) to a Mr. Catcott. A friend of his, I suppose. (Pause.)
No, I haven't seem him yet, but I hate him. (Angrily.) I'll do my best to get him out of
here. (A knock at the door.) Oh, excuse me, Helen, my lawyer has come. (Pause.) Yes, Mr.
Grossman. He is going to place a barbed-wire fence in the house. Just fancy that! (Laughs)
I think it'll be funny. Bye, Helen. (Goes to the door and meets Mr. Grossman, who is
holding a big bag in his hand.)
Episode 3
Mr. Grossman (bowing slightly): Good morning, Mrs. Hills.
Mrs. Hills: Morning, Mr. Grossman. The early bird you are! How considerate of you there's a lot of things to do.
Mr. Grossman: Exactly, Mrs. Hills. (He takes a long piece of barbed wire out of his bag,
hangs it across the room so that the telephone, the table and an armchair are on his side.)
It should be here, right in the middle of the room. (Produces the plan of the house on a
large sheet of paper and attaches it to the wire). Look, there is the door to enter your side
of the house, then the hall, half of the living-room we have just divided, half of the kitchen,
the bathroom and the bedroom. And this is Mr. Catcott's part: he has the door to his hall,
half of the living-room, half of the kitchen and another bedroom.
Mrs. Hills: I see. And if Mr. Catcott wants to use the bathroom?
Mr. Grossman (with a shrug): Then he'd go jump in the lake. You just tell him he'd better
find another house. This is your protection order. (Hands her another paper.) It is
mentioned here that the moment Mr. Catcott tries to enter your part of the house he breaks
the law and will have to answer for it. So, Mrs. Hills, if it happens, let me know.
Mrs. Hills: I'd rather you call me Vivian. I've got a divorce at last.
Mr. Grossman: Right. Are you satisfied, Mrs. Hills ...err...Vivian?
Mrs. Hills: Quite. Everything's fine. There remains only one problem – Mr. Catcott.
Mr. Grossman (with a frown): Do you know him?
Mrs. Hills: Never saw him.
Mr. Grossman:What ails you then?
Mrs. Hills: I'm almost sure he is my ex-husband's friend.
Mr. Grossman: That doesn't matter much.
Mrs. Hills: Do you really think so?
Mr. Grossman: Why, yes. There are ways to make things difficult for him. That is what
I'm here for. Law is a whole bag of tricks, you know. I can assure you that in the end he'll
be glad to get out of here.
Mrs. Hills (savagely): The sooner the better. (Enter Mr. Catcott.)
Mr. Catcott (surprised): I wonder, what it's all about?
Mrs. Hills: A very nice good morning to you. Mr... Mr. Catcott, right? I'm Mrs. Hills.
And this is Mr. Grossman, my lawyer. (Mr. Grossman nods.)
Mr. Catcott: Glad to meet you.
Mrs. Hills (sarcastically): Glad to meet you, my dear neighbour.
Mr. Catcott: Please, madam, could you tell me what's going on. I can't see...
Mrs. Hills (pointing): It's all very simple. This is your part of the house and that is mine.
Mr. Catcott: But why the fence? I can't understand you, Mrs. Hills.
Mrs. Hills: I've put up this fence to protect myself from any intrusion.
Mr. Catcott: Intrusion? You must be kidding! Do I look like a barbarian?
Mrs. Hills: Don't you? You are my ex-husband friend and ... oh, I hate you ...
Mr. Catcott (interrupting her): That's not true! I'm not his friend. He only sold me the
house where I intended to live alone. Look here, Mrs. Hills, what if I gave you, say, $
20000 for your part? That'd save us a lot of trouble.
Mrs. Hills: Not so fast, Mr. Catcott! To begin with, I like this house and I won't sell it to
anybody. Moreover, it is hard to believe that you're not my ex-husband's friend and that
you both are not plotting against me. You'd better not. In case of intrusion the law will be
on my side. Here is my protection order. (Hands it to Mr. Catcott). So if you dare to come
to my part of the house you'll find yourself in prison. Mr. Grossman here will see to it.
Mr. Catcott (studying the paper): What nonsense! You can't...
Mr. Grossman (impressively): No use, Mr. Catcott. It's in your own interests not to make
any problems. (Confidentially): I hope, as a gentleman, you'll respect the lady's privacy.
Mr. Catcott: But Mrs. Hills...
Mrs. Hills: I'm not going to be called Mrs. Hills any longer. I'm sick and tired of the name.
And I don't care to have any further conversation with you.
Mr. Catcott (mockingly): Be it so, then. Let's speak in an official way. Mr. Grossman,
could you tell your client that while the legal difficulties are being settled I'd like to live in
Mr. Grossman: Mrs. Hills, Mr. Catcott wants me to tell you he has no hard feelings.
Mrs. Hills: Oh, let him go roll a hoop.
Mr. Grossman (coldly): Mr. Catcott, Mrs. Hills wants me to remind you of the necessity
to obey the protection order.
Mr. Catcott (airily): OK. Then you might as well explain to her that for a lonely man the
pleasure of seeing an astonishingly good-looking young woman compensates for the
inconveniences given by the barbed-wire fence in the living-room. Inform her that if she
wants to use my part of the kitchen or (significantly) anything at my side of the house I'd be
only glad to have her. And, I take it, when we come to terms it will be all right to shake
hands – but, according to the protection order, it'll have to be her hand (bowing slightly to
Mrs. Hills) on my side of the fence.
Mr. Grossman (visibly shocked): Mrs. Hills, I've got no comments to make on Mr.
Catcott's statement.
Mr. Catcott (unperturbed): Please, tell Mrs. Hills that I don't regard her as an enemy. I
hate her husband for making all that trouble.
Mrs. Hills (mockingly): Still, I can't believe it.
Mr. Catcott:Believe what?
Mrs. Hills:That you hate my ex-husband.
Mr. Catcott: It could easily be proved .
Mrs. Hills: Really?
Mr. Catcott (gallantly): Just come to my side – you'll see for yourself.
Mrs. Hills: All in good time, Mr. Catcott. By the way, do you happen to know I've
arranged to take violin lessons and my teacher plays in an orchestra. He can visit me either
late at night or early in the morning.
Mr. Catcott: That'll be just dandy! I think we can make a nice duet. You see, I'm planing
to install an electric organ.
Mrs. Hills: And we are going to model clothes here tonight. The girls think that before the
show in the agency all our miniskirts, bikinis and fancy dresses should be looked at in the
home setting.
Mr. Catcott: That'd be absolutely marvellous. I've invited friends I hadn't seen for years
the same night. What luck! We'll have a show for free.
Mrs. Hills (pensively): Hmm...
Mr. Grossman (impressively): Mr. Catcott, Mrs. Hills wants me to remind you that
making passes at her is against the protection order. (Behind him Mrs. Hills furtively
stretches her hand to Mr. Catcott across the fence. They are about to shake hands when
Mr. Grossman slowly turns to them.) And you, Mrs. Hills, shouldn't do anything that
enables him...what on earth are you doing, Mrs. Hills ...err...Vivian?
Mrs. Hills: Oh, sorry, Mr. Grossman. I've acted on impulse. Mr. Catcott seems to be a
good sort. Don't you see that I tried to make things as difficult for him as possible and he
was nice about it.
Mr. Grossman (furiously): Mr. Catcott, Mrs. Hills is not going to make any further
statements, she has to sign some important documents. Let's go to court, Vivian. We must
hurry. Our case is not closed yet. (Takes her by the elbow and practically drags toward the
Mr. Catcott (after they have left, bewildered): What a mess...(Curtain.)
Scene 2
Episode 1
Mr. Catcott is sitting with a guitar singing a song. Enter Mrs. Hills. She is listening,
Mrs. Hills (after he has finished): Has anyone told you that you've got a talent for
Mr. Catcott: Eh? No, not even my wife. You're the first.
Mrs. Hills:Your wife? You are married, then?
Mr. Catcott: I was married. My wife died 3 years ago.
Mrs. Hills: I'm sorry, Mr. Catcott. By the way, have you got settled in the new place?
(Begins to lay the table and makes coffee in an electric pot.)
Mr. Catcott: Not yet, I'm afraid. It's not easy. I haven't got any cups and plates in my half
of the kitchen. There are only some saucepans on the stove.
Mrs. Hills: That's too bad. Why don't you go to a restaurant?
Mr. Catcott: I'm not used to it. Anyway, cooking is no problem for me. But what about the
bathroom... umm ... suppose I want to have some water?
Mrs. Hills (with a short laugh): I see you are dying for it. You would like a cup of coffee,
wouldn't you?
Mr. Catcott: I'd rather have one, thank you.
Mrs. Hills: Sugar?
Mr. Catcott: Yes, please.
Mrs. Hills: Here you are. Help yourself. (Goes to the fence and hands him a cup, spilling
some coffee on the floor.) Oh, sorry.
Mr. Catcott: That's nothing. This happened on my territory and I don't consider it an
Mrs. Hills (slightly confused): I didn't mean it.
Mr. Catcott: Never mind. Thanks. But why to take the trouble, Mrs. Hills?
Mrs. Hills: Coffee, you mean? Oh, forget it. It's just a little neighbourly gesture. By the
way, my name is Vivian.
Mr. Catcott (sipping coffee): And I'm Morley.
Mrs. Hills: Do you like it?
Mr. Catcott: Oh, yes, it is excellent. You surely have a talent for making coffee. Maybe
you'd like to lace it with a little something? (Produces a flask from his pocket.) The best
brandy one can get in the town.
Mrs. Hills: That'd be lovely.
Mr. Catcott (goes to the fence, then softly): You know, Vivian, more than anything else I
like to call you by the name.
Mrs. Hills (after a short pause, a bit hesitantly): Nice of you to say so, Morley. Thank you.
My talent of coffee-maker has nothing to do with it. (Mr. Catcott hands her the flask. The
same moment enter Mr. Grossman.)
Episode 2
Mr. Grossman: I'm awfully sorry, Vivian, the door was open and I thought something's
gone wrong.(Angrily.) What's the matter, Mrs.Hills? Did the gentleman try to interfere with
your property?
Mrs. Hills: No, the initiative was mine.
Mr. Grossman: I don't like it this way, Mrs. Hills. You must not break the order yourself.
Mrs. Hills: Why, I've already broken the ice trying to give him my hand, remember?
Mr. Grossman: And now? What have you given him now?
Mrs. Hills (with mock shyness): Only coffee.
Mr. Grossman (excitedly): Oh, dear! Have you spilled it by any chance?
Mrs. Hills (surprised): Why to cry over it?
Mr. Grossman (indicating at the floor): There are stains.
Mrs. Hills: Stains? They aren't on your suit, are they?
Mr. Grossman (severely): The shots of them can serve as a material evidence in court.
Mrs. Hills (indignantly): Material evidence? Oh, my! What are you driving at, Mr.
Mr. Grossman (admonishingly, in a low voice): Mrs. Hills, the case is not closed,
remember? You shouldn't make any leads. Maybe our opponent is setting a trap. A clever
Mrs. Hills (laughing): Are you, Morley?
Mr. Catcott (smiling): Who knows, Vivian? Maybe you'll сall all that a clever trap some
day .
Mrs. Hills: Mr. Grossman, for your personal, private and confidential information, my
giving him coffee was against the law. But now, I think, I can do without the lawyer's help,
can't I, Morley?
Mr. Catcott (nods): Sure. That goes without saying. (Mrs. Hills produces big wire-cutters
from the drawer, goes to the fence and cuts the wire.)
Mr. Grossman (in despair): Now I don't quite catch what's going on... Mrs. Hills...
Mrs. Hills (interrupting him): Really, Mr. Grossman? (Goes to Mr. Catcott's half. He
comes up to her. To the audience): Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you guess
why we need no more fences in the house.
Mr. Catcott: And the lawyer's help either.
Mrs. Hills: That's right. Our case is closed. (Curtain.)
Mr. Catcott's song
Her face is a charming mask
And her voice helps her with the task
Her lips tell me words of hate
My heart whispers: watch and wait.
But her smile promises so much
And her hand trembles at my touch
Her eyes seek to meet my glance
My heart whispers: that's your chance.
Word list
admonishingly наставительно
ail беспокоить
airily легкомысленно, беззаботно
assure уверять
astonishingly удивительно
barbed wire колючая проволка
bewildered смущенный
case дело
considerate заботливый, внимательный
court суд
dandy разг. классный
dare осмелиться
divorce развод
drag волочить, тянуть
elbow локоть
evidence свидетельство, улика
fence 1)забор 2)огораживать
frown хмурить брови
furiously яростно
furtively украдкой
hoop обруч
inconvenience неудобство
install устанавливать
intend намереваться
intrusion вторжение
lace (with) прибавлять
lawyer адвокат
lead пример, повод, первый ход
mess 1) беспорядок 2) неприятность
mockingly насмешливо
obey подчиняться
order ордер
protection защита
saucepan кастрюля
savagely яростно
setting окружение
settle 1) обосноваться 2) юр. урегулировать
shrug пожимать плечами
shuffle перебирать (зд. бумаги)
shyness застенчивость
sip глотнуть
spill пролить
stain пятно
stove плита
trap ловушка
trick трюк
unobserved незамеченный
unperturbed невозмутимый
violin скрипка