Welcome to the first Convention and AGM of Civic Voice

Annual Convention and AGM of Civic Voice
Westgate Hall and Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
24th – 25th October 2014
Delegate Pack
Programme for Friday 24th October
Agenda for Saturday 25th October
Map of key locations
Delegates’ list
Feedback form
Hosted by The Canterbury Society and supported by Canterbury City Council & Kent County
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
Friday 24th October, 9.30 – 16.00
Venue - Westgate Hall
Welcome Desk opens for registrations for lecture and tour selection, if not already booked.
Griff Rhys Jones Public Lecture (registration essential) http://tinyurl.com/griffrjincanterbury
Welcome Desk opens for registration and delegates not attending the Griff Rhys Jones Lecture.
Refreshments and lunch available to purchase. Exhibition available to view.
12.45-13.00 welcome to Canterbury and Convention by Jan Pahl, Chair of the Canterbury Society
13.00-13.30 A Canterbury Tale: the story of saving Westgate Hall and official opening of Hall
13.30-14.00 Refreshments and lunch available to purchase. Exhibition available to view.
14.00-16.00pm - tours of Canterbury (registration required at info@civicvoice.org.uk)
Clive Bowley, Architect and ex-Conservation Officer.
Conservation in an historic city.
Text TBC
Dr Paul Bennett, Director of Canterbury Archaeological Trust.
The archaeology of Canterbury; cuts and constraints in archaeology today.
The walk will touch on the extraordinary and near continuous history of the city from the Later Iron
Age to the present. Using topography, standing buildings and descriptions of past discoveries.
Delegates will be introduced to aspects of the city’s past. Dr Bennett will also discuss issues of
heritage protection and the need to maintain sound curatorial advice and robust archaeological
conditions within the planning process for new development.
David Birmingham, Professor of History.
Historic buildings and gardens of Canterbury.
From Westgate Hall to the River, into the Westgate Gardens with dramatic accounts of the Peasants
Revolt when Poll Taxed to pay for the Gate; into the High Street to discuss Free Masonry in Kent in
front of the Gothic Temple; All Saints Lane and The Weaver’s with reference to Walloons and
Hugenots; through the Master’s Lodge garden to the Grey Friars; into Jewry Lane and the Iron
Foundry Ghetto, finishing in the Beaney and Sidney Cooper’s giant cattle and snowbound sheep.
Bob Jones, City Centre Partnership and BID.
Managing a modern city centre.
When the money runs out, the thinking starts… a connected city, better for everyone. A walk around
the city to talk about our experience of how the business community can play its part and make a
positive difference to the city in changing financial times.
Nick Blake, architectural consultant.
Recent planning disasters and successes
The Planning regime...expensive ?...clumsy ? ...slow ?...does it work? ...does it deliver ? Lets walk
around some “planned “ bits of Canterbury and find out.
Workshop – TBC
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
16.00 – free time or visit Canterbury Cathedral as part of guided tour
If you would like to join a pre-booked group visit to Canterbury Cathedral, you are required to register
via info@civicvoice.org.uk – please note, this is an additional £14.00 cost not covered in the
Convention booking fee. You are required to pay the £14.00 on the day.
17.30-18.15 - Canterbury Cathedral Choral Evensong with official welcome – free entry.
Friday 24th October, 19.30 – late
Reception – Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
18.45-19.00 official arrival time of delegates and guests at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge.
Opportunity to network and view exhibits.
19:30 Welcome from Kent County Councillor Martin Vye
Reception and Convention Dinner
(dress code – smart casual)
Presentation of Civic Day awards.
Later - tour of Canterbury’s historic public houses - Gill Keay (local CAMRA group)
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
Saturday 25th October
Canterbury Cathedral Lodge
Registration for AGM opens at 8:30am with refreshments
Civic Voice AGM 2014 (9:00am prompt start)
Welcome – Freddie Gick, Chair of Civic Voice
To agree the minutes for AGM 2013
Chair’s presentation – Freddie Gick, Chair
Ratification of annual report and accounts 2013-14 – Martin Meredith, Treasurer
Appointment of independent examiners – proposed by Martin Meredith, Treasurer
Board elections – announcement of results – John Walker, Deputy Chair
Ratification of Chair and Treasurer
Any other business
Comfort break and registration for people not attending AGM (9:30 – 10:00am)
Welcome to delegates by Canterbury City Council and Canterbury Society (10am)
Video Message: Griff Rhys Jones, President of Civic Voice (10:05am)
Freddie Gick, Chair of Civic Voice annual address (10.20-10:45)
Marsh Christian Trust Awards – Nick Carter (Trustee of Marsh Christian Trust) (10:45)
Comfort break (11:30am)
Join a workshop or a panel discussion on one of the following topics (11:30 – 12:45pm)
Creating a parish council – Justin Griggs, NALC
Accessing Lottery Funding – Ray McDonald, HLF
Neighbourhood Planning – is it really power? DCLG
Record your war memorial – War Memorials Trust
Selection of tours repeated from Friday
Recent planning disasters and successes: Nick Blake, architectural consultant
Conservation in an historic city: Clive Bowley, architect and ex-conservation officer
Lunch and the opportunity to network (12:45pm – 1:45pm)
Repeat of workshops (1.45 – 3pm)
Afternoon theme is “looking to the future”
Civic Survey 2014
Selecting a major campaign – presentations & discussion
Civic Voice Manifesto – Localism for Real
Closing remarks
Finish at 16.00
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
Workshop outlines for the Saturday AGM
National Association of Local Councils
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
represents the interests of town and parish councils in
England - a total of around 8,500 councils. These councils
have powers to raise their own funds through precept.
Parish and town councils provide employment for over 25,000 staff, while their annual expenditure is
in the region of £400 million. Visit us to learn how The Charlton Society and Batley Society are looking
at creating new parish councils.
Heritage Lottery Fund
The Regional Director of the Heritage Lottery Fund will deliver an overview
of the HLF covering who we are and what we do, with a brief history. The
mechanics of how the funding works, examples of successful projects and a
discussion about projects you may want to apply with. Discover some of the
stories form the 80+ civic groups who have received funding.
Department for Communities and Local Government
Does neighbourhood planning really give more power to local
communities? Does it mean less discretion for local planning
authorities? How are developers and landowners responding to this
new aspect of the planning system? And is it power for some; the rural
and parished, and not for others; the urban, non-parished. Using
current case studies these questions and more will be explored by
Mick Duggan form DCLG one of the country's leading experts on
neighbourhood planning.
A brief introduction to Heritage Open Days for anyone who has never
heard of them or wants to know more. Come along and get your What,
Whys and Hows answered! Find out how you can make England’s
biggest grassroots event work for you.
War Memorials Trust
Civic Voice and War Memorials Trust are working together to develop
a programme to support local communities to improve their
understanding of their war memorial heritage throughout the
centenary of the First World War. Join this workshop to learn how to
undertake a condition survey of our war memorial heritage and to
understand how you can help to protect and conserve our nation’s
war memorials for future generations.
Civic Manifesto
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
Exhibitors at the Convention include
Heritage Open Days celebrates England’s fantastic architecture and culture
by offering free access to places that are usually closed to the public or
normally charge for admission. Civic Voice is one of three partners that lead
on Heritage Open Days. This is a workshop about all things HODs related!
Living Streets is the national charity that stands up for
pedestrians. We work with you to create safe, attractive,
enjoyable streets where it’s great to walk.
The War Memorials Trust works for the protection and the conservation
of war memorials in the UK. We provide advice and information to anyone
as well as running grant schemes for the repair and conservation of war
The Considerate Constructors Scheme is the national initiative set up by the
construction industry to improve its image. Being a considerate constructor means
being a good neighbour.
KFAS works with Civic Voice in supporting the civic movement.
We support and strengthen communities by rescuing and
reusing important British buildings at risk of being lost forever
through demolition or decay.
The countryside of South East England is facing exceptional
threats. The level of development proposed is environmentally
unsustainable. The region is in danger of drying out through water
shortages, of suffering steadily worsening traffic congestion and air
pollution, of eroding many of its green lungs and of undermining its
quality of life.
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
represents the interests of town and parish councils in
England - a total of around 8,500 councils. These councils
have powers to raise their own funds through precept.
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) sustains and transforms a wide range of
heritage through innovative investment in projects with a lasting impact on
people and places. As the largest dedicated funder of the UK’s heritage.
Since 1994, HLF has supported over 36,500 projects allocating more than
£6billion across the UK
English Heritage is the Government’s official advisor on the
historic environment. We are working closely with Civic Voice
to inspire more individuals to participate in protecting their local
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
Map of Canterbury and key locations during
the Convention and AGM
For any difficulties while you are visiting Canterbury, please note Civic Voice staff can be contacted
on 07877 096968.
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014
Feedback form
What did you think of the Convention and AGM?
We are very interested in your assessment of this event so we can make future events even better. It
would be really helpful to have your feedback and your ideas for the future. Please hand your
feedback in to the registration desk at the end of the event or send to info@civicvoice.org.uk.
Thank you.
What was your primary reason for attending this event?
Event Content
(5 being very satisfied)
Relevance of content
Session lengths
Opportunity to participate
Quality of the Friday tours
Quality of the Friday reception
Arrangements & facilities
(5 being very satisfied)
Booking / Administration
Papers / Documentation
Event organisation on the day
Venue / Facilities
Food / Catering
(5 being very satisfied)
Overall, how satisfied were you
with the Convention and AGM
Please add any additional comments or suggestions you have for organising future events or more
generally on what Civic Voice should be doing:
Civic Voice Convention and AGM 2014