PHS 398 (Rev. 5/01), Biographical Sketch SAMPLE

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle):
Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2.
Follow the sample format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Ola Didrik Saugstad
Professor, Director
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
Medical Faculty, University of Oslo
Medical Faculty, University of Oslo
Dr Med
University Hospital, Uppsala,Sweden
The Oslo City Hospital and National Hospital, Resident,
University of Oslo
University of California San Diego/NIH
Post doc
1973 Medicine
1977 Medicine
1973-74 Perinatal Medicine
1979-80 Pediatrics
1980-81 Neonatology
NOTE: The Biographical Sketch may not exceed four pages. Items A and B (together) may not exceed two of
the four-page limit. Follow the formats and instructions on the attached sample.
A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List
any honors. Include present membership on any Federal Government public advisory committee.
Research Fellow 1973-76 Norwegian Research Council
Internship 1976-78
Prison doctor 1978-79
Resident 1979-80
Post doc NIH 1980-81
Resident 1981-85
Fellow 1985-86
Consultant 1986-91
Professor of Pediatrics , Director Department of Pediatric Research , University of Oslo, 1991-present
The Laerdal Award in Acute Medicine 1996
The Arvo Ylppa Medal 1997
Honorary Member of the Hungarian Pediatric Association 2000
The Virginia Apgar Prize 2001
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). Do not include publications submitted or in
Out of 207
Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as a measurement of hypoxia. Pediatr Res,1975;9:158-161.
Saugstad OD, Aasen AO: Plasma hypoxanthine levels as a prognostic aid of tissue hypoxia. Europ Surg Res,
Saugstad OD, Hallman M, Abraham J, Cochrane CG, Epstein B, Gluck L: Hypoxanthine and oxygen induced
lung injury: A basic mechanism of tissue damage? Pediatr Res, 1984;18:501-504.
Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and pulmonary damage. Pediatr Pulmonol, 1985;1:167-175.
Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia: Its role in health and disease through free radical
production. Pediatr Res, 1988;23:143-150.
Rognum T, Saugstad OD, Øyasæter S, Olaisen B: Elevated levels of hypoxanthine in vitreous humor indicate
prolonged cerebral hypoxia in victims of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Pediatrics, 1988;82:615-618.
Tommerup N, Schempp W, Meinecke P, Pedersen S, Bolund L, Brandt C, Goodpasture C, Guldberg K, Held R,
Reinwein H, Saugstad OD, Scherer G, Skjeldal O, Toder R, Westvik J, van der Hagen B, Wolf U:
Assignement of an autosomal sex reversal locus (SRA1) and campomelic dysplasia (CMPD1) to 17q24.3q25.1. Nature Genetics 1993;4:170-174.
Saugstad OD: Resuscitation with room-air or oxygen supplementation.Clinics in Perinatology 1998;25:741756
Saugstad OD, Rootwelt T, Aalen O: Resuscitation of asphyxiated newborn infants with room air or oxygen: an
international trial. The Resair 2 study. Pediatrics 1998 ;102(1) e1
Helland IB, Reseland JE, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA: Leptin levels in pregnant women and newborn infants.
Gender differences and reduction during the neonatal period. Pediatrics 1998;101(3) e 12
Feet BA, Medbø S, Rootwelt T, Ganes T, Saugstad OD: Hypoxemic resuscitation in newborn piglets:
Recovery of Somatosenory Evoked Potentials, Hypoxanthine, and Acid Base Balance. Pediatr Res
Feet BA, Brun NC, Hellstrom-Westas L, Svenningsen NW, Greisen G, Saugstad OD: Early cerebral metabolic
and electrophysiological recovery during controlled hypoxemic resuscitation in piglets. J Appl Physiol
Medbo, S, Yu XQ, Asberg A, Saugstad OD: Pulmonary hemodynamics and plasma endothelin-1 during
hypoxemia and reoxygenation with room air or 100% oxygen in a piglet model. Pediatr Res 1998;44:843-849
Rødningen OK, Tonstad S, Saugstad OD, Ose, L, Leren TP: Mutant transcripts of the LDL receptor gene:
mRNA structure and quantity. Human mutation 1999; 13:186-196
Yu XQ, Medbø S, Saugstad OD: Sodium-nitroprusside prevents oxygen-free-radical-induced pulmonary
vasoconstriction in newborn pigs. Biol Neonat 1999; 75:319-326
Kutzsche S, Kirkeby OJ, Rise IR, Saugstad OD: Effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation with 21% and 100%oxygen on cerebral nitric oxide concentration and microcirculation in newborn piglets. Biol Neonat
Saugstad OD: Inhaled nitric oxide for preterm infants – still an experimental therapy (Invited commentary).
Lancet 1999;25:1047-1048
Saugstad OD: Inhaled nitric oxide for preterm infants—still an experimental therapy. Invited Comment: J
Pediatrics 2000;136:417-418
Medbø, S, Tølløfsrud PA, Saugstad OD: Pulmonary hemodynamics in newborn piglets during hypoxemia and
reoxygenation: blocking of the endothelin response. Pediatr Res 1999;46: 514-522
Almaas R, Saugstad OD:Pleasure D, Rootwelt T: Effect of barbiturates on hydroxyl radicals, lipid
peroxidation, and hypoxic cell death in human NT2-N neurons. Anesthesiology 2000;92:764-774
Froen JF, Akre H, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD: Adverse Effects of Nicotine and Interleukin-1{beta} on
Autoresuscitation After Apnea in Piglets: Implications for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Pediatrics 2000;
105: e52.
Almaas R, Robertson B, Linderholm B, Lundberg E, Saugstad OD, Moen A.
Reversal of meconium inhibition of pulmonary surfactant by ferric chloride, copper chloride, and acetic acid.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000;162:1789-94.
Niermeyer S, Kattwinkel J, Van Reempts P, Nadkarni V, Phillips B, Zideman D, Azzopardi D, Berg R, Boyle
D, Boyle R, Burchfield D, Carlo W, Chameides L, Denson S, Fallat M, Gerardi M, Gunn A, Hazinski MF,
Keenan W, Knaebel S, Milner A, Perlman J, Saugstad OD, Schleien C, Solimano A, Speer M, Toce S, Wiswell
T, Zaritsky A: International Guidelines for Neonatal Resuscitation: An excerpt from the Guidelines 2000 for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care: International Consensus on Science.
Contributors and Reviewers for the Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines. Pediatrics. 2000;106:E29.
Cinek O, Wilkinson E, Paltiel L, Saugstad OD, Magnus P, Ronningen KS. Screening for the IDDM high-risk
genotype. A rapid microtitre plate method using serum as source of DNA. Tissue Antigens. 2000;56:344-9.
Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants with room air or oxygen. Semin Neonatol. 2001;6:233-9.
Saugstad OD: Is Oxygen More Toxic Than Currently Believed? Pediatrics 2001;108:1203-1205
Froen JF, Arnestad M, Frey K, Vege A, Saugstad OD, Stray-Pedersen B:
Risk factors for sudden intrauterine unexplained death: epidemiologic characteristics
of singleton cases in Oslo, Norway, 1986-1995. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;184:694-702.
Kutzsche S, Ilves P, Kirkeby OJ, Saugstad OD:Hydrogen Peroxide Production in Leukocytes during Cerebral
Hypoxia and Reoxygenation with 100% or 21% Oxygen in Newborn Piglets. Pediatr Res. 2001;49:834-42.
Medbo S, Froen JF, Saugstad OD: Effects of selective inhibition of the endothelin A and B receptors on
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in newborn piglets. J Perinat Med. 2001;29:344-50.
Tollofsrud PA, Solas AB, Saugstad OD: Newborn Piglets with Meconium Aspiration Resuscitated with Room
Air or 100% Oxygen. Pediatr Res. 2001;50:423-9.
Solaas A-B, Kutzsche S, Vinje M, Saugstad OD: Cerebral hypoxemia-ischemia and reoxygenation with 21%
or 100% oxygen in newborn piglets: Effects on extracellular levels of excitatory amino acids and
microcirculation. (See editorial) Pediatr Crit Care Med 2001;2:340-345
Helland IB, Saugstad OD, Smith L, Saarem K, Solvoll K, Ganes T, Drevon CA: Similar Effects on Infants of
n-3 and n-6 Fatty Acids Supplementation to Pregnant and Lactating Women. Pediatrics 2001;108:00-00
Almaas R, Saugstad OD, Pleasure D, Rootwelt: Neuronal Formation of Free Radicals Plays a Minor Role in
Hypoxic Cell Death in Human NT2-N Neurons.
Pediatr Res. 2002;51:136-143.
Froen JF, Akre H, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD. Prolonged apneas and hypoxia mediated by nicotine and
endotoxin in piglets. Biol Neonate. 2002;81:119-25.
Froen JF, Moyland RA, Saugstad OD, Stray-Pedersen B.
Maternal health in sudden intrauterine unexplained death: do urinary tract infections protect the fetus? Obstet
Gynecol. 2002;100:909-15.
Kutzsche S, Solas AB, Lyberg T, Saugstad OD: Nitric oxide synthesis inhibition during cerebral hypoxemia
and reoxygenation with 100% oxygen in newborn pigs. Biol Neonate. 2002;82:197-206.
Tollofsrud PA, Medbo S, Solas AB, Drevon CA, Saugstad OD: Albumin mixed with meconium attenuates
pulmonary dysfunction in a newborn piglet model with meconium aspiration. Pediatr Res. 2002 Oct:545-53.
Froen JF, Arnestad M, Vege A, Irgens LM, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD,
Stray-Pedersen B. Comparative epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome and sudden intrauterine
unexplained death. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2002;87:F118-21.
Froen JF, Munkeby BH, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD. Interleukin-10 reverses acute detrimental effects of
inflammation on perinatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia. Brain Res. 2002;942:87-94.
Helland IB, Smith L, Saarem K, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA.
Maternal supplementation with very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids during pregnancy
and lactation augments children's IQ at 4 years of age.
Pediatrics. 2003 ;111:e39-44.
Almaas R, Pytte M, Lindstad JK, Wright M, Saugstad OD, Pleasure D, Rootwelt T. Acidosis has opposite
effects on neuronal survival during hypoxia and reoxygenation. J Neurochem. 2003;84:1018-27.
Jugessur A, Lie RT, Wilcox AJ, Murray JC, Taylor JA, Saugstad OD, Vindenes
HA, Abyholm F. Variants of developmental genes (TGFA, TGFB3, and MSX1) and their associations with
orofacial clefts: A case-parent triad analysis.
Genet Epidemiol. 2003;24:230-9.
Saugstad OD. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia-oxidative stress and antioxidants.
Semin Neonatol. 2003;8:39-49.
Fallang B, Saugstad OD, Grogaard J, Hadders-Algra M. Kinematic quality of reaching movements in preterm
infants. Pediatr Res. 2003;53:836-42.
Fallang B, Saugstad OD, Hadders-Algra M. Postural Adjustments in Preterm Infants at 4 and 6 Months PostTerm During Voluntary Reaching in Supine Position.
Pediatr Res. 2003;54:1-8
Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Sudden infant death syndrome is preceded by hypoxia. Pediatr Res. 2003;53:8812.
Saugstad OD, Ramji S, Irani SF, El-Meneza S, Hernandez EA, Vento M, TalvikT, Solberg R, Rootwelt T,
Aalen OO. Resuscitation of newborn infants with 21% or 100% oxygen: follow-up at 18 to 24 months.
Pediatrics. 2003;112:296-300.
Solås A-B, Kalous P, Davis JM, Saugstad OD. Effect of recombinant human superoxide dismutase during
reoxygenation with 21% or 100% oxygen after cerebral asphyxia in newborn piglets. (see editorial) J FetalMaternal & Neonatal Med 2003;14:96-101
Castellheim A, Lindenskov PH, Pharo A, Fung M, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE.
Meconium Is a Potent Activator of Complement in Human Serum and in Piglets.
Pediatr Res. 2003; 55:1-9
Tollofsrud PA, Lindenskov PH, Drevon CA, Speer CP, Seidenspinner S, Saugstad OD: Comparison of
pulmonary and inflammatory effects of lipid- and water-soluble components in meconium in newborn piglets.
Biol Neonate. 2003;84:330-7.
Saugstad OD. Oxygen Toxicity at Birth: The Pieces Are Put Together
Pediatr Res. 2003; 789
Saugstad OD. Oxygen supplementation in the newborn period: do we know the consequences? In Fanaroff
AA, Maisels MJ, Stevenson DK (eds) Year Book of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine, Mosby Inc 2002 pp XVXXII
Saugstad OD. Physiology of resuscitation. In Polin, Fox and Abman (eds) Fetal and Neonatal Physiology. 3rd
edition Elsevier Inc 2004; Chpt 74 pp 765-772
Saugstad OD, Ramji S, Vento M.
Resuscitation of depressed newborn infants with ambient air or pure oxygen: a
meta-analysis. Biol Neonate. 2005;87(1):27-34.
Munkeby BH, Borke WB, Bjornland K, Sikkeland LI, Borge GI, Halvorsen B,
Saugstad OD. Resuscitation with 100% O2 increases cerebral injury in hypoxemic piglets.
Pediatr Res. 2004;56(5):783-90.
Lindenskov PH, Castellheim A, Aamodt G, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE.
Complement activation reflects severity of meconium aspiration syndrome in
newborn pigs. Pediatr Res. 2004;56(5):810-7.
Saugstad OD.
The role of oxygen in neonatal resuscitation. Clin Perinatol. 2004;31(3):431-43.
Borke WB, Munkeby BH, Halvorsen B, Bjornland K, Tunheim SH, Borge GI,
Thaulow E, Saugstad OD. Increased myocardial matrix metalloproteinases in hypoxic newborn pigs during
resuscitation: effects of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Eur J Clin Invest. 2004;34(7):459-66.
Munkeby BH, Lyng K, Froen JF, Winther-Larssen EH, Rosland JH, Smith HJ,
Saugstad OD, Bjornerud A. Morphological and hemodynamic magnetic resonance assessment of early
neonatal brain injury in a piglet model.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2004;20(1):8-15.
Saugstad OD. Resuscitation with pure oxygen at birth: it is time for a change.
J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2004;15(2):73-4.
Solas AB, Munkeby BH, Saugstad OD.
Comparison of short- and long-duration oxygen treatment after cerebral asphyxia
in newborn piglets. Pediatr Res. 2004;56(1):125-31.
C. Research Support. List selected ongoing or completed (during the last three years) research projects (federal
and non-federal support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in this
application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and your role (e.g. PI, Co-Investigator, Consultant) in
the research project. Do not list award amounts or percent effort in projects.
PI in The Resair 2 study and follow up: Aim to study efficacy of room air resuscitation of the newly born infant
PI in numerous animal research invesitigating effects of room air and pure oxygen during reoxygenation of asphyxiated newborn piglets and
PI in experimental studies on meconium aspiration syndrome
Major Research grants (1987- present) from
Norwegian Research Council
The Medical Faculty of Oslo
The Naional Hospital of Norway
The Norwegian Cardivascular research Councile
The Norwegian Public Woman Association
The Norwegian Parents association for Sudden Infant death Syndrome
The Laerdal Fondation