International Peer Reviewed Journals

July 2005
A. Original Articles, Reviews, Invited Commentaries
International Peer Reviewed Journals
1. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as a measurement of hypoxia. Pediatr
2. Saugstad OD: The determination of hypoxanthine and xanthine with a pO 2
electrode. Pediatr Res, 1975;9:575-579.
3. Saugstad OD, Schrader H, Aasen AO: Alteration of the hypoxanthine level in
cerebrospinal fluid as an indicator of tissue hypoxia. Brain Res, 1976;112:188-189.
4. Saugstad OD, BØ G, Østrem T, Aasen AO: Hypoxanthine levels of plasma during
hypoxemia in dogs. Europ Surg Res, 1977;9:23-33.
5. Saugstad OD, Østrem T: Hypoxanthine and urate levels of plasma during and
after hemorrhagic hypotension. Europ Surg Res, 1977;9:48-56.
6. Saugstad OD, Kroese A, Myhre HO, Andersen R: Alteration of plasma
hypoxanthine concentration during ischemia in the forelimb of the pig. Scand J Clin
Lab Invest, 1977;37:517-526.
7. Aasen AO, Frølich W, Saugstad OD, Amundsen E: Plasma kallikrein activity and
prekallikrein levels during endotoxin shock in dogs. Europ Surg Res, 1978;10:50-62.
8. Saugstad OD, Schrader H: The determination of inosine and hypoxanthine in rat
brain during normothermic and hypothermic anoxia. Acta Neurol Scand,
9. Meberg A, Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine in cerebrospinal fluid in children. Scand J
Clin Lab Invest, 1978;38:437-440.
10. Saugstad OD, Aasen AO, Hetland Ø: Plasma hypoxanthine concentrations as
an indicator of tissue hypoxia in pigs. Europ Surg Res, 1978;10:314-322.
11. Saugstad OD, Olaisen B: Post mortem hypoxanthine values in the vitreous fluid.
Forensic Science Intern, 1978;12:33-36.
12. Aasen AO, Saugstad OD: Washing out of hypoxanthine in terminal endotoxin
shock in dogs. Circulatory Shock, 1979;6:277-283.
13. Thiringer K, Saugstad OD, Kjellmer I: Plasma hypoxanthine in exteriorized,
acutely asphyxiated fetal lambs. Pediatr Res, 1980;14:905-909.
14. Saugstad OD, Aasen AO: Plasma hypoxanthine levels as a
prognostic aid of tissue hypoxia. Europ Surg Res, 1980;12:123-129.
15. Saugstad OD, Aasen AO, Guldvog I, Lium B, Larsbraaten M, Lyngaas K,
Amundsen E: Activation of the kallikrein-kinin system during experimental lung
insufficiency in dogs. Acta Chir Scand, 1980;suppl 499: 123-129.
16. Aasen AO, Saugstad OD, Lium B, Guldvog I, Lyngaas K, Larsbraaten M,
Amundsen E: Plasma antiplasmin activities in experimental lung insufficiency. Acta
Chir Scand, 1980;Suppl 499:113-121.
17. Guldvog I, Saugstad OD, Aasen AO, Dale J, Lium B, Larsbraaten M, Lyngaas K,
Amundsen E: Blood cells and coagulation during experimental lung insufficiency in
dogs. Acta Chir Scand, 1980;Suppl 499:131-139.
18. Sørlie D, Myhre K, Saugstad OD, Gierscky K: Hypoxanthine levels of exercising
patients with claudicatio intermittens. Acta Med Scand,1982;211:281-286.
19. Lium B, Saugstad OD, Aasen AO, Guldvog I, Amundsen E: Experimental post
traumatic lung insufficiency in dogs. Gross and ligth microscopic lesions. Acta
Vaeterinarica Scand,1982;23:118-127.
20. Lium B, Aasen AO, Saugstad OD, Guldvog I, Amundsen E: Experimental post
traumatic lung insufficiency in dogs. Electron microscopic lesions. Acta Pathol
Scand, 1982;90:113-123.
21. Saugstad OD, Harvie A, Langslet A: Activation of the kallikrein kinin system in
premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Acta Paediatr Scand,
22. Saugstad OD, Wang W, Howell SB, Gluck L: Determination of plasma
hypoxanthine: A correlation between HPLC and the pO 2 method. Analytical Biochem,
23. Saugstad OD, Gluck L: Plasma hypoxanthine levels in newborn infants: A
specific indicator of hypoxia. J Perinat Med, 1982;10:266-272.
24. Saugstad OD, Aasen AO, Guldvog I, Lium B, Lyngaas K, Amundsen E: Changes
of components of the plasma kallikrein-kinin system during experimental lung
insufficiency in dogs. Acta Chir Scand,1982;Suppl,509:61-67.
25. Bejar R, Saugstad OD, James H, Gluck L: Increased hypoxanthine
concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid of infants with hydrocephalus. J Pediatr,
26. Saugstad OD, Hallman M, Abraham J, Cochrane CG, Epstein B, Gluck L:
Hypoxanthine and oxygen induced lung injury: A basic mechanism of tissue
damage? Pediatr Res, 1984;18:501-504.
27. Bejar R, Saugstad OD, James H, Gluck L: Increased hypoxanthine
concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid in infants with hydrocephalus. Annual Review
Hydrocephalus, 1984;2:16-17.
28. Saugstad OD: Pathogenetic aspects of respiratory distress syndrome in adults
and newborns. Experimental and clinical data. Europ Surg Res, 1984; 16 Suppl
29. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and pulmonary damage. (Review) Pediatr
Pulmonol, 1985;1:167-175.
30. Hallman M, Saugstad OD, Porreco RP, Epstein BL, Gluck L: Role of Myoinositol
in regulation of surfactant phospholipids in the newborn. Early Human Develop,
31. Saugstad OD, Ziegler M, Kessel B, Saunders B, Gluck L: Correlation of plasma
hypoxanthine and catecholamine levels in the umbilical vein. J Perinat Med,
32. Saugstad OD, Becher G, Grossmann M, Oddoy A, Merker G, Lachmann B:
Acute and chronic lung damage in guinea pigs induced by xanthine oxidase.
Intensive Care Med, 1987;13:30-32.
33. Saugstad OD: Purine metabolism in the perinatal period (Review).
Perinatology/Neonatology, 1987;11:20-26,46.
34. Rooth G, Saugstad OD: Consequences of asphyxia in surfactant deficiency.
(Review) J Perinat Med, 1987;15:429-434 .
35. Lachmann B, Saugstad OD, Klein J, Erdmann W: Acute respiratory failure
induced by tracheal instillation of xanthine oxidase, its prevention and therapy by
exogenous surfactant instillation. Adv Exp Med Biol 1987;215:351-354.
36. Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: High post mortem vitreous hypoxanthine levels in
newborns with the respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatrics, 1988;81: 395-398.
37. Saugstad OD, Hallman M, Becher G, Oddoy A, Lachmann B: Respiratory failure
caused by intratracheal saline: Additive effect of xanthine oxidase. Biol Neonat
38. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia: Its role in health and
disease through free radical production. (Review) Pediatr Res, 1988;23:143-150.
39. Rognum T, Saugstad OD, Øyasæter S, Olaisen B: Elevated levels of
hypoxanthine in vitreous humor indicate prolonged cerebral hypoxia in victims of
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Pediatrics, 1988;82:615-618.
40. Saugstad OD, Marklund S: High activities of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase
in patients with the Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Acta Medica Scandinavica,
41. Clyman RI, Saugstad OD, Mauray F: Reactive oxygen metabolites relax the
lamb ductus arteriosus by stimulating prostaglandin production. Circulat Res 1989;
42. Saugstad OD, Sanderud J: Circulatory effects of oxygen radicals. (Review)
Biomed Biochim Acta, 1989;48:20-24.
43. Saugstad OD: The oxygen radical disease in neonatology. (Review) Indian J
Pediatr, 1989;56:585-593.
44. Saugstad OD: Oxygen toxicity in the neonatal period. (Invited commentary) Acta
Paediatr Scand. 1990;79: 881-892.
45. Scheuch C, Berndt C, Gross J, Poulsen JP, Saugstad OD, Haberland, A:
Influence of the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase system on striatal (3H) dopamine
uptake. Biomed Biochim Acta, 1989;48:212-216.
46. Møller P, Moe N, Saugstad OD, Skullerud K, Velken M: Spinal muscular atrophy
type l combined with atrial septal defect in three sibs. Clinical Genetics
47. Poulsen JP, Øyasæter S, Sanderud J, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD:
Hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid,
plasma, and urine of hypoxemic pigs. Pediatric Research 1990;28:477-481.
48. Poulsen, JP, Rognum TO, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Changes in oxypurine
concentrations in vitreous humor of pigs during hypoxemia and post-mortem.
Pediatric Research 1990;28:482-484.
49. Saugstad OD: Moral dilemmaes in neonatal medicine. Inter J Technol
Assessment in Health Care 1991;7 (suppl 1):133- 135.
50. Rognum TO, Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine levels in vitreous humor: evidence of
hypoxia in most infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome. Pediatrics
51. Sanderud J, Norstein J, Saugstad OD: Reactive oxygen metabolites produce
pulmonary vasoconstriction in young pigs. Pediatr Res 1991;29:543-547.
52. Rognum TO, Hauge S, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: A new biochemical method
for estimation of postmortem time. J Forensic Sci Int 1991;51:139-146.
53. Dueland S, Myhre K, Dueland AN, Saugstad OD: Increased plasma
hypoxanthine values in humans during exposure to simulated altitude of 25,000 feet.
Comparison of plasma lactate and hypoxanthine values in mild and severe
hypoxia. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine 1991; 62:1044-1049.
54. Oddoy A, Renner S, Saugstad OD: The influence of intratracheally applied
saline upon the thorax-lung compliance of premature rabbits. Z Erkrank Atm Org,
55. Saugstad OD, Tubman TRJ, Gloppestad K, Halliday HL, Øyasæter S, Curstedt
T, Robertson B: Raised plasma hypoxanthine levels as a prognostic sign in preterm
babies with respiratory distress syndrome treated with natural surfactant. J Perinatal
Med 1992 20:379-385.
56. Stoltenberg L, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: SIDS victims show local IgM
response in tracheal wall and IgA response in duodenal mucosa. Pediatr Res,
57. Rootwelt T, Løberg EM, Moen A, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Blood pressure,
acid-base status, hypoxanthine concentrations and brain morphology in hypoxic
newborn pigs ventilated with either room air or 100% oxygen. Pediatr Res,
1992;32:107-113 .
58. Saugstad OD, Buø L, Johansen HT, Røise O, Aasen AO: Activation of the
plasma kallikrein-kinin system in respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Pediatr Res
59. Poulsen JP, Lun A, Scheuch C, Gruetzmann H, Saugstad OD, Gross J: Effect of
the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system on dopamine outflow from rat striatal
synaptosomes. Neuropaediatr 1993;24:30-35 .
60. Sanderud J, Bjøro K, Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals stimulate thromboxane and
prostacyclin synthesis and induce vasoconstriction in pig lungs. Scand J Clin and
Labor Invest 1993;53:447-455.
61. Sanderud J, Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals induce pulmonary
vasoconstriction in pigs without activating plasma proteolytic cascade systems.
Europ Surg Res.1993;25:137-145.
62. Rootwelt T, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Transport of hypoxanthine from plasma
to cerebrospinal fluid and vitreous humor in newborn pigs. J Perinat Med
63. Poulsen JP, Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine, xanthine, and uric acid in newborn
pigs during hypoxemia followed by resuscitation with room air or 100% oxygen.
Critical Care Med 1993;21:1058-1065.
64. Poulsen JP, Rognum TO, Hauge S, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Post-mortem
concentrations of hypoxanthine in the vitreous humor. A comparison between babies
with severe respiratory failure, congenital abnormalities of the heart, and victims of
sudden infant death syndrome. J Perinat Med 1993;21:153-163.
65. Saugstad OD: The future of neonatal research. Acta Paediatr 1993;82:505-509.
66. Bechensteen AG, Hågå P, Halvorsen S, Whitelaw A, Liestøl K, Lindemann R,
Grøgaard J, Hellebostad M, Saugstad OD, Grønn M, Daae L, Refsum H, Sundal E:
Erythropoietin, protein, and iron supplementation and the prevention of anaemia of
prematurity. Arch Dis Childhood 1993;69:19-23.
67. Rognum TO, Saugstad OD: Biochemical and immunological studies in SIDS
victims. Clues to understanding the death mechanism. Acta Paediatr 1993; Suppl
68. Tommerup N, Schempp W, Meinecke P, Pedersen S, Bolund L, Brandt C,
Goodpasture C, Guldberg K, Held R, Reinwein H, Saugstad OD, Scherer G, Skjeldal
O, Toder R, Westvik J, van der Hagen B, Wolf U: Assignement of an autosomal sex
reversal locus (SRA1) and campomelic dysplasia (CMPD1) to 17q24.3-q25.1.
Nature Genetics 1993;4:170-174.
69. Storm H, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD, Reichelt KL: Elevated beta-endorphin
immunoreactivity in the cerebrospinal fluid in victims of sudden infant death
correlates with hypoxanthine in vitreous humour. Europ J Pediatr
70. Halliday HL, Tarnow Mordi WO, Corocran JD, Patterson CC, on behalf of The
European Collaborative Multicentre Study Group: Multicentre randomised trial
comparing high and low dose surfactant regimens for the treatment of
respiratory distress syndrome (the Curosurf 4 trial) Arch Dis Childhood 1993;69:276280
71. Stoltenberg L, Rootwelt T, Øyasæter S, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD:
Hypoxanthine, xanthine, and uric acid in the vitreous humor, cerebrospinal fluid,
plasma and urine of piglets subjected to intermittent hypoxia. Pediatr Res 1993;34
72. Ramji S, Ahuja S, Thirupuram S, Rootwelt T, Rooth G, Saugstad OD:
Resuscitation of asphyxic newborns with room air or 100% oxygen. Pediatr Res
73. Rootwelt T, Odden JP, Hall C, Ganes T, Saugstad OD: Cerebral blood flow and
evoked potentials during reoxygenation with 21% or 100% O 2 in newborn pigs. J Appl
Physiol 1993; 75:2054-2060
74. Storm H, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD, Skullerud K, Reichelt KL. Beta-endorphin
immunoreactivity in spinal fluid and hypoxanthine in vitreous humour related to brain
stem gliosis in sudden infant death victims. Eur J Pediatr 1994;153:675-681.
75. Bell AH, Skov L, Lundstrøm K, Saugstad OD, Greisen G: Measurement of
global cerebral blood flow in preterm babies after surfactant treatment. Acta Paediatr
76. Vege Å, Chen Y, Hauge Opdal S, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Vitreous humor
hypoxanthine levels in SIDS and infectious death. Acta Paediatr 1994;83:634-639
77. Opdal SH, Vege Å, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Is partial deletion of the
complement C4 genes associated with sudden infant death? Europ J Pediatr
78. Haberland AK, Rootwelt T, Saugstad OD, Schimke I: Modulation of the xanthine
oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase ratio by reaction of malondialdehyde with NH2 groups. Europ J Chem Clin Biochem 1994;32:267-272
79. Stoltenberg L, Sundar T, Almaas R, Storm H, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD:
Changes in apnea and autoresuscitation in piglets after intravenous and intratracheal
interleukin-1ß injection. J Perinat Med 1994;22:421-432.
80. Saugstad OD, Aasen AO: Free radicals and antioxidants. (Letter) Lancet
81. Opdal SH, Vege Å, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Is the medium- chain acyl-coA
dehydrogenase G985 mutation involved in sudden infant death in Norway? Europ J
Pediatr 1995;154: 166-167
82. Stoltenberg L, Vege Å, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Changes in the
concentration and distribution of immunoglobulin producing cells in SIDS palatine
tonsils. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 1995;6:48-55.
83. Vege Å, Rognum TO, Scott H, Aasen AO, Saugstad OD: SIDS cases have
increased levels of interleukin-6 in the cerebrospinal fluid. Acta Paediatr
84. Sanderud J, Oroszlan G, Bjøro K, Kumlin M, Saugstad OD: D-penicillamin
inhibits the action of reactive oxygen species in the pig pulmonary circulation. J
Perinat Med 1995;23:385-393.
85. Storm H, Stoltenberg L, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO, Reichelt K:
Beta- endorphin may be a mediator for apnea induced by the laryngeal chemoreflex
in piglets. Pediatr Res 1995;38:205-210.
86. Rootwelt T, Almaas R, Øyasæter S, Moen A, Saugstad OD: Release of xanthine
oxidase to the systemic circulation during resuscitation from severe hypoxemia in
newborn pigs. Acta Paediatr 1995;84:507-511
87. Sanderud J, Kumlin M, Granstrom E, Saugstad OD: Effects of oxygen radicals
on cysteinyl leukotriene metabolism and pulmonary circulation in young pigs. Eur
Surg Res 1995;27:117-126
88. Swenningsen NW, Saugstad OD: Surfactant treatment of extremely low birth
weight (ELBW) infants). Appl Cardiopulm Pathophysiol 1996;6:11-17
89. Moen A, Yu X, Curstedt T, Robertson B, Saugstad OD: Hemodynamics and
tissue blood flow after porcine surfactant replacement in surfactant-depleted newborn
piglets. Pediatr Res 1996;40:215-224
90. Rootwelt T, Odden J-P, Hall C, Saugstad OD: Regional blood flow during
hypoxemia and resuscitation with 21% or 100% oxygen in newborn pigs. J Perinat
Med 1996;24:227-236.
91. Saugstad OD: Mechanisms of tissue injury by oxygen free radicals. Implications
for neonatal disease. (Invited commentary) Acta Paediatr 1996;85:1-4
92. Saugstad OD: Role of Xanthine Oxidase (XO) and its Inhibitor in HypoxiaReoxygenation Injury. (Review) Pediatrics 1996;98:103-107
93. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and tissue destruction. (Review) Biol Neonat
94. Storm H, Stoltenberg L, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO, Reichelt KL: Betaendorphin immunoreactivity levels in CSF after laryngeal chemoreflex activation
correlate with apnoe duration in piglets. J Perinat Med 1996;24:363-372
95. Moen A, Yu X-Q, Rootwelt T, Saugstad OD: Acute effects on systemic and
pulmonary hemodynamics of intratracheal instillation of porcine surfactant or saline in
surfactant-depleted newborn piglets. Pediatr Res 1997; 41: 486-492
96. Yu X-Q, Feet B, Moen A, Curstedt T, Saugstad OD: Nitric oxide contributes to
surfactant-induced vasodilatation in surfactant-depleted newborn piglets. Pediatr Res
97. Almaas R, Rootwelt T, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Ascorbic acid enhances
hydroxyl radical formation in iron-fortified infant cereals and infant formulas. Europ J
Pediatr 1997;156:488-492
98. Brun N, Moen A, Borch K, Saugstad OD, Greisen G: Near-infrared monitoring of
cerebral tissue oxygen saturation and blood volume in newborn piglets. Am J Physiol
1997; 273:H682-H686
99. Feet BA, Xiang-Qing Yu, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Effects of hypoxia and
resuscitation with 21% and 100% O2 in newborn piglets: extracellular hypoxanthine
(Hx) in brain cortex and femoral muscle. (see editorial). Crit Care Med 1997;25:13841391
100. Saugstad OD: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia and oxidative stress: are we closer
to an understanding of the pathogenesis of BPD? (Invited commentary) Acta Paediatr
101. Harkness RA, Saugstad OD: The importance of the measurement of ATP
depletion and subsequent cell damage with an estimate of size and nature of the
market for a practicable method: a review designed for technology transfer. Scand J
Clin Lab Invest 1997;57:655-672
102. Almaas R, Sundar TB, Rootwelt T, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Plasma
hypoxanthine reacts more abruptly to changes in oxygenation than base deficit and
uric acid newborn piglets. J Perinat Med 1997;25:353-60
103. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation with room-air or oxygen supplementation.
(Review) Clinics in Perinatology 1998;25:741-756
104. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical disease in neonatology. (Review) Seminars in
Neonatology. 1998;3: 229-238
105. Saugstad OD: Free Radical disease in neonatology. Introduction. Seminars in
Neonatology 1998;3:171-172
106. Saugstad OD: Chronic lung disease: the role of oxidative stress. (Review) Biol
Neonat 1998;87:819-824
107. Saugstad OD: Practical aspects of resuscitating asphyxiated newborn infants.
Europ J Pediatr 1998;157 (suppl 1):S11-S15
108. Saugstad OD, Rootwelt T, Aalen O: Resuscitation of asphyxiated newborn
infants with room air or oxygen: an international trial. The Resair 2 study. Pediatrics
1998 ;102(1) e1 (
109. Helland IB, Reseland JE, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA: Leptin levels in pregnant
women and newborn infants. Gender differences and reduction during the neonatal
period. Pediatrics 1998;101(3) e 12
110. Opdal SH, Rognum TO, Vege Å, Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine levels in vitreous
humor: a study of influencing factors in sudden infant death syndrome. Pediatr Res
111. Elsner R, Almaas R, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD: Diving seals, ischemiareperfusion and oxygen radicals. Comp Biochem Physiol. Part A 1998;119:975-980
112. Feet BA, Medbø S, Rootwelt T, Ganes T, Saugstad OD: Hypoxemic
resuscitation in newborn piglets: Recovery of Somatosenory Evoked Potentials,
Hypoxanthine, and Acid Base Balance. Pediatr Res 1998;43:690-696
113. Feet BA, Brun NC, Hellstrom-Westas L, Svenningsen NW, Greisen G,
Saugstad OD: Early cerebral metabolic and electrophysiological recovery during
controlled hypoxemic resuscitation in piglets. J Appl Physiol 1998;84:1208-1216
114. Moen A, Yu W-Q, Curstedt T, Saugstad OD: Acute effects on systemic
circulation after intratracheal instillation of Curosurf or Survanta in surfactant-depleted
newborn piglets. Acta Paediatr 1998;87:297-303
115. Yu X-Q, Moen A, Feet BA, Saugstad OD: Oxygen delivery and consumption in
surfactant-depleted newborn piglets. Int Care Med 1998;24:358-362
116.Vege Å, Rognum TO, Aasen AO, Saugstad OD: Are elevated cerebrospinal fluid
levels of IL-6 in sudden unexplained deaths, infectious deaths and deaths due to
heart/lung disease in infants due to hypoxia? Acta Paediatr 1998;87:819-824
117. Feet BA, Gilland E, Groenendaal F, Brun NC, Hellstrom -Westas L, Hagberg H,
Saugstad OD: Cerebral excitatory amino acids and Na+,K+-ATPase activity during
resuscitation of severely hypoxic newborn piglets. Acta Paediatr 1998;87: 889-895
118. Helland IB, Saarem K, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA: Fatty acid composition in
maternal milk and plasma during supplementation with cod liver oil. Eur J Clin Nutr
119. Medbo, S, Yu XQ, Asberg A, Saugstad OD: Pulmonary hemodynamics and
plasma endothelin-1 during hypoxemia and reoxygenation with room air or 100%
oxygen in a piglet model. Pediatr Res 1998;44:843-849
120. Skaug MA, Størmer FC, Saugstad OD: Ochratoxin A: a naturally occurring
mycotoxin found in human milk samples from Norway. Acta Paediatr 1998;87:155162
121. Yu XQ, Saugstad OD: Nebulization of sodium nitroprusside in lung-lavaged
newborn piglets. Pediatr Res 1999;45:255-259
122. Storm H, Nylander G, Saugstad OD: The amount of brainstem gliosis in sudden
infant death syndrome (SIDS) victims correlates with maternal cigarette smoking
during pregnancy. Acta Paediatr 1999;88:13-8
123. Rødningen OK, Tonstad S, Saugstad OD, Ose, L, Leren TP: Mutant transcripts
of the LDL receptor gene: mRNA structure and quantity. Human mutation 1999;
124. Yu XQ, Medbø S, Saugstad OD: Sodium-nitroprusside prevents oxygen-freeradical-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction in newborn pigs. Biol Neonat 1999;
125. Kutzsche S, Kirkeby OJ, Rise IR, Saugstad OD: Effects of hypoxia and
reoxygenation with 21% and 100%- oxygen on cerebral nitric oxide concentration
and microcirculation in newborn piglets. Biol Neonat 1999;76:153-167
126. Saugstad OD: Inhaled nitric oxide for preterm infants – still an experimental
therapy (Invited commentary). Lancet 1999;25:1047-1048
127. Medbø, S, Tølløfsrud PA, Saugstad OD: Pulmonary hemodynamics in newborn
piglets during hypoxemia and reoxygenation: blocking of the endothelin response.
Pediatr Res 1999;46: 514-522
128. Saugstad OD: Inhaled nitric oxide for preterm infants—still an experimental
therapy. (Invited commentary) J Pediatrics 2000;136:417-418
129. Almaas R, Saugstad OD, Pleasure D, Rootwelt T: Effect of barbiturates on
hydroxyl radicals, lipid peroxidation, and hypoxic cell death in human NT2-N neurons.
Anesthesiology 2000;92:764-774
130. Froen JF, Akre H, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD: Adverse Effects of
Nicotine and Interleukin-1{beta} on Autoresuscitation After Apnea in Piglets:
Implications for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Pediatrics 2000; 105: e52.
131. Saugstad OD: Does nitric oxide prevent oxidative mediated lung injury? (Invited
Commentary) Acta Paediatr 2000;89:1-3
132. Almaas R, Robertson B, Linderholm B, Lundberg E, Saugstad OD, Moen A:
Reversal of meconium inhibition of pulmonary surfactant by ferric chloride, copper
chloride, and acetic acid. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000;162:1789-94.
133. Fallang B, Saugstad OD, Hadders-Algra M: Goal directed reaching and postural
control in supine position in healthy infants. Behav Brain Res 2000;115:9-18
134. Niermeyer S, Kattwinkel J, Van Reempts P, Nadkarni V, Phillips B, Zideman D,
Azzopardi D, Berg R, Boyle D, Boyle R, Burchfield D, Carlo W, Chameides L,
Denson S, Fallat M, Gerardi M, Gunn A, Hazinski MF, Keenan W, Knaebel S, Milner
A, Perlman J, Saugstad OD, Schleien C, Solimano A, Speer M, Toce S, Wiswell T,
Zaritsky A: International Guidelines for Neonatal Resuscitation: An excerpt from the
Guidelines 2000 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular
Care: International Consensus on Science. Contributors and Reviewers for the
Neonatal Resuscitation Guidelines. Pediatrics. 2000;106:E29.
135. Cinek O, Wilkinson E, Paltiel L, Saugstad OD, Magnus P, Ronningen KS:
Screening for the IDDM high-risk genotype. A rapid microtitre plate method using
serum as source of DNA. Tissue Antigens. 2000;56:344-9.
136. Niermeyer S, Van Reempts P, Kattwinkel J, Wiswell T, Burchfield D, Saugstad
OD, Milner A, Knaebel S, Perlman J, Azzopardi D, Gunn A, Boyle R, Toce S,
Solimano A: Resuscitation of newborns. Ann Emerg Med. 2001;37:S110-25.
137. Helland I, Reseland JE, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA: Smoking related to plasma
leptin concentration in pregnant women and their newborn infants. Acta Paediatr
138. Saugstad OD: Chronic lung disease: oxygen dogma revisited. (Invited
commentary) Acta Paediatr 2001;90:113-115
139. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the asphyxic newborn infant: new insight leads
to new therapeutic possibilities. (Review) Biol Neonate 2001;79:258-260
140. Saugstad OD: Update on oxygen radical disease in neonatology. (Review) Curr
Opin Gynecol 2001;13:147-153
141. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants with room air or oxygen.
(Review) Semin Neonatol. 2001;6:233-239.
142. Saugstad OD: Is Oxygen More Toxic Than Currently Believed? (Invited
Commentary) Pediatrics 2001;108:1203-1205
143. Froen JF, Arnestad M, Frey K, Vege A, Saugstad OD, Stray-Pedersen B:
Risk factors for sudden intrauterine unexplained death: epidemiologic characteristics
of singleton cases in Oslo, Norway, 1986-1995. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2001;184:694702.
144. Skaug MA, Helland I, Solvoll K, Saugstad OD: Presence of ochratoxin A in
human milk in relation to dietary intake. Food Additives and Contaminants
145. Kutzsche S, Ilves P, Kirkeby OJ, Saugstad OD: Hydrogen Peroxide Production
in Leukocytes during Cerebral Hypoxia and Reoxygenation with 100% or 21%
Oxygen in Newborn Piglets. Pediatr Res. 2001;49:834-842.
146. Medbo S, Froen JF, Saugstad OD: Effects of selective inhibition of the
endothelin A and B receptors on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in newborn
piglets. J Perinat Med. 2001;29:344-350.
147. Tollofsrud PA, Solas AB, Saugstad OD: Newborn Piglets with Meconium
Aspiration Resuscitated with Room Air or 100% Oxygen. Pediatr Res. 2001;50:423429.
148. Truffert P, Breart G, Goelz, R, Saugstad OD, Halliday HL, Bevilacqua G:
Treatment strategies in Europe for neonatal pulmonary morbidity using surfactant
and postnatal steroids. Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine 2001; 6 (Suppl 2): 8-14
149. Saugstad OD, Bevilacqua G, Katona M, Speer CP, Valls-i-Soler A: Surfactant
therapy in the newborn. Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine 2001; 6 (Suppl 2): 56-59
150. Solaas A-B, Kutzsche S, Vinje M, Saugstad OD: Cerebral hypoxemia-ischemia
and reoxygenation with 21% or 100% oxygen in newborn piglets: Effects on
extracellular levels of excitatory amino acids and microcirculation. (See editorial)
Pediatr Crit Care Med 2001;2:340-345
151. Helland IB, Saugstad OD, Smith L, Saarem K, Solvoll K, Ganes T, Drevon CA:
Similar Effects on Infants of n-3 and n-6 Fatty Acids Supplementation to Pregnant
and Lactating Women. Pediatrics 2001;108:
152. Saugstad OD: Is lactate a reliable indicator of tissue hypoxia in the neonatal
period? (Invited commentary) Acta Paediatr. 2002;91:17-19.
153. Almaas R, Saugstad OD, Pleasure D, Rootwelt: Neuronal Formation of Free
Radicals Plays a Minor Role in Hypoxic Cell Death in Human NT2-N Neurons.
Pediatr Res. 2002;51:136-143.
154. Froen JF, Akre H, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD: Prolonged apneas and
hypoxia mediated by nicotine and endotoxin in piglets. Biol Neonate. 2002;81:11925.
155. Rognum TO, Musse MA, Saugstad OD: Estimation of the time since death by
chemical analysis of potassium and hypoxanthinr (Hx) in vitreous humour in a triple
murder case. Scand J Forensic Science 2002;8:17-22
156. Froen JF, Moyland RA, Saugstad OD, Stray-Pedersen B:
Maternal health in sudden intrauterine unexplained death: do urinary tract infections
protect the fetus? Obstet Gynecol. 2002;100:909-915.
157. Kutzsche S, Solas AB, Lyberg T, Saugstad OD: Nitric oxide synthesis inhibition
during cerebral hypoxemia and reoxygenation with 100% oxygen in newborn pigs.
Biol Neonate. 2002;82:197-206.
158. Froen JF, Amerio G, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD: Detrimental effects of
nicotine and endotoxin in the newborn piglet brain during severe hypoxemia. Biol
Neonate. 2002;82:188-196.
159. Tollofsrud PA, Medbo S, Solas AB, Drevon CA, Saugstad OD: Albumin mixed
with meconium attenuates pulmonary dysfunction in a newborn piglet model with
meconium aspiration. Pediatr Res. 2002 52:545-553.
160. Froen JF, Arnestad M, Vege A, Irgens LM, Rognum TO, Saugstad OD,
Stray-Pedersen B: Comparative epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome and
sudden intrauterine unexplained death. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed.
161. Froen JF, Munkeby BH, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD:
Interleukin-10 reverses acute detrimental effects of endotoxin-induced
inflammation on perinatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia. Brain Res. 2002;942:87-94.
162. Helland IB, Smith L, Saarem K, Saugstad OD, Drevon CA:
Maternal supplementation with very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids during pregnancy
and lactation augments children's IQ at 4 years of age. Pediatrics. 2003;111:e39-44.
163. Almaas R, Pytte M, Lindstad JK, Wright M, Saugstad OD, Pleasure D, Rootwelt
T: Acidosis has opposite effects on neuronal survival during hypoxia and
reoxygenation. J Neurochem. 2003;84:1018-1027.
164. Jugessur A, Lie RT, Wilcox AJ, Murray JC, Taylor JA, Saugstad OD, Vindenes
HA, Abyholm F: Variants of developmental genes (TGFA, TGFB3, and MSX1) and
their associations with orofacial clefts: A case-parent triad analysis.
Genet Epidemiol. 2003;24:230-239.
165. Saugstad OD: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia-oxidative stress and antioxidants.
(Review) Semin Neonatol. 2003;8:39-49.
166. Fallang B, Saugstad OD, Grogaard J, Hadders-Algra M: Kinematic quality of
reaching movements in preterm infants. Pediatr Res. 2003;53:836-42.
167. Fallang B, Saugstad OD, Hadders-Algra M: Postural Adjustments in Preterm
Infants at 4 and 6 Months Post-Term During Voluntary Reaching in Supine Position.
Pediatr Res. 2003;54:1-8
168. Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Sudden infant death syndrome is preceded by
hypoxia. (Invited commentary) Pediatr Res. 2003;53:881-82.
169. Saugstad OD, Ramji S, Irani SF, El-Meneza S, Hernandez EA, Vento M,
TalvikT, Solberg R, Rootwelt T, Aalen OO: Resuscitation of newborn infants with
21% or 100% oxygen: follow-up at 18 to 24 months. Pediatrics. 2003;112:296-300.
170. Solås A-B, Kalous P, Davis JM, Saugstad OD: Effect of recombinant human
superoxide dismutase during reoxygenation with 21% or 100% oxygen after cerebral
asphyxia in newborn piglets. (see editorial) J Fetal-Maternal & Neonatal Med
171. Truffert P, Empana JP, Breart G, Saugstad OD, Goelz R, Halliday HL, Anceschi
M: Treatment strategies for bronchopulmonary dysplasia with postnatal
corticosteroids in Europe: the EURAIL survey. Acta Paediatr 2003;92:948-951.
172. Tollofsrud PA, Lindenskov PH, Drevon CA, Speer CP, Seidenspinner S,
Saugstad OD: Comparison of pulmonary and inflammatory effects of lipid- and
water-soluble components in meconium in newborn piglets. Biol Neonate.
173. Saugstad OD: Oxygen Toxicity at Birth: The Pieces Are Put Together
Pediatr Res (Invited commentary). 2003; 789
174. Castellheim A, Lindenskov PH, Pharo A, Fung M, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE:
Meconium Is a Potent Activator of Complement in Human Serum and in Piglets.
Pediatr Res. 2004; 55:1-9
175. Jugessur A, Lie RT, Wilcox AJ, Murray JC, Taylor JA, Saugstad OD, Vindenes
HA, Abyholm FE: Cleft palate, transforming growth factor alpha gene variants, and
maternal exposures: Assessing gene-environment interactions in case-parent triads.
Genet Epidemiol. 2003;25:367-74.
176. Solas AB, Kalous P, Saugstad OD: Reoxygenation with 100 or 21% Oxygen
after Cerebral Hypoxemia-Ischemia-Hypercapnia in Newborn Piglets. Biol Neonate.
177. Castellheim A, Lindenskov PH, Pharo A, Fung M, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE.
Meconium is a potent activator of complement in human serum and in piglets. Pediatr
Res. 2004;55:310-8.
178. Haavet OR, Straand J, Saugstad OD, Grunfeld B.
Illness and exposure to negative life experiences in adolescence: two sides of the
same coin? A study of 15-year-olds in Oslo, Norway.
Acta Paediatr. 2004;93:405-11.
179: Saugstad OD. Optimal oxygen therapy in the newborn period.
Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl. 2004;26:112-3.
180: Tollofsrud PA, Medbo S, Solas AB, Robertson B, Speer CP, Seidenspinner S,
Drevon CA, Saugstad OD. Intratracheal albumin reduces interleukin-8 in
tracheobronchial aspirates in piglets after meconium aspiration. J Perinat Med.
181. Solas AB, Kalous P, Saugstad OD.
Reoxygenation with 100 or 21% oxygen after cerebral hypoxemia-ischemiahypercapnia in newborn piglets.Biol Neonate. 2004;85:105-11.
182: Borke WB, Munkeby BH, Morkrid L, Thaulow E, Saugstad OD.
Resuscitation with 100% O2 does not protect the myocardium in hypoxic newborn
piglets. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2004;89:F156-60.
183 Solas AB, Munkeby BH, Saugstad OD. Comparison of short- and long-duration
oxygen treatment after cerebral asphyxia in newborn piglets. Pediatr Res.
184. Munkeby BH, Lyng K, Froen JF, Winther-Larssen EH, Rosland JH, Smith HJ,
Saugstad OD, Bjornerud A. Morphological and hemodynamic magnetic resonance
assessment of early neonatal brain injury in a piglet model.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2004;20:8-15.
185. Borke WB, Munkeby BH, Morkrid L, Thaulow E, Saugstad OD.
Resuscitation with 100% O2 Does Not Protect the Myocardium in Hypoxic Newborn
Piglets. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2004 ;59:568-569.
186. Borke WB, Munkeby BH, Halvorsen B, Bjornland K, Tunheim SH, Borge GI,
Thaulow E, Saugstad OD. Increased myocardial matrix metalloproteinases in
hypoxic newborn pigs during resuscitation: effects of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Eur J Clin Invest. 2004;34:459-66.
187. Saugstad OD, Ramji S, Vento M. Resuscitation of depressed newborn infants
with ambient air or pure oxygen: a meta-analysis. Biol Neonate 2005 87:22-34 . on line September 20,2004
188. Munkeby BH, Borke WB, Bjornland K, Sikkeland LI, Borge GI, Halvorsen B,
Saugstad OD. Resuscitation with 100% O2 Increases Cerebral Injury in Hypoxemic
Piglets.Pediatr Res. 2004;56:783-90
189. Lindenskov PH, Castellheim A, Aamodt G, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE.
Complement Activation Reflects Severity of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome in
Newborn Pigs. Pediatr Res. 2004; 56:810-7
190. Saugstad OD. The role of oxygen in neonatal resuscitation.
Clin Perinatol. 2004;31:431-43.
191.Lindenskov PH, Castellheim A, Aamodt G, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE.
Complement activation reflects severity of meconium aspiration syndrome in
newborn pigs.Pediatr Res. 2004;56:810-7.
192. Saugstad OD. The role of oxygen in neonatal resuscitation.
Clin Perinatol. 2004;31:431-43.
193. Munkeby BH, Lyng K, Froen JF, Winther-Larssen EH, Rosland JH, Smith HJ,
Saugstad OD, Bjornerud A. Morphological and hemodynamic magnetic resonance
assessment of early neonatal brain injury in a piglet model.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2004;20:8-15.
194. Solas AB, Munkeby BH, Saugstad OD. Comparison of short- and long-duration
oxygen treatment after cerebral asphyxia in newborn piglets. Pediatr Res.
195. Haavet OR, Straand J, Saugstad OD, Grunfeld B. Illness and exposure to
negative life experiences in adolescence: two sides of the same coin? A study of 15year-olds in Oslo, Norway. Acta Paediatr. 2004;93:405-11.
196. Saugstad OD. Room air resuscitation-two decades of neonatal research.
Early Hum Dev. 2005 ;81:111-6.
197. Lyng K, Munkeby BH, Saugstad OD, Stray-Pedersen B, Froen JF.
Effect of Interleukin-10 on Newborn Piglet Brain following Hypoxia-Ischemia and
Endotoxin-Induced Inflammation. Biol Neonate. 2005 ;87:207-216
198. Castellheim A, Pharo A, Fung M, Saugstad OD, Mollnes TE.
Complement C5a is a key mediator of meconium-induced neutrophil activation.
Pediatr Res. 2005;57:242-7.
199. Saugstad OD. Oxygen for Newborns: How Much is Too Much?
J Perinatol. 2005;25 Suppl 2:S45-9.
200. Lyng K, Braakhuis M, Froen JF, Stray-Pedersen B, Saugstad OD.
Inflammation increases vulnerability to hypoxia in newborn piglets: effect of
reoxygenation with 21% and 100% O2. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005;192:1172-8.
201. Castellheim A, Lindenskov PH, Pharo A, Aamodt G, Saugstad OD, Mollnes
TE. Meconium aspiration syndrome induces complement-associated systemic
inflammatory response in newborn piglets. Scand J Immunol. 2005;61:217-25.
202. Lindenskov PH, Castellheim A, Aamodt G, Saugstad OD. Meconium induced
IL-8 production and intratracheal albumin alleviated lung injury in newborn pigs.
Pediatr Res. 2005;57:371-7.
203. Fugelseth D, Borke WB, Lenes K, Matthews I, Saugstad OD, Thaulow E.
Restoration of cardiopulmonary function with 21% versus 100% oxygen after
hypoxaemia in newborn pigs. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2005 ;90:F229-f234.
204. Haavet OR, Saugstad OD, Straand j. Positive factors associated with promoting
health in low-risk and high-risk populations of 15- and 16 years old pupils in Oslo,
Norway. Acta Paediatr 2005;94:345-51
205. Haavet OR, Straand J, Hjortdahl P, Saugstad OD. Do negative life experience
predict the health-care-seeking of adolescents? A study of 10th –year students in
Oslo, Norway. J Adolesc Health 2005;37:128-34
B. Book chapters
1. Larsson J, Gidlof A, Lewis DH, Liljedahl SO, Saugstad OD: Effect of induced
ischemia on plasma hypoxanthine levels in man. In Lewis DH (ed): Induced skeletal
muscle ischemia in man. S.Karger,Basel.1982;pp 49-54.
2. Saugstad OD: Accumulation of hypoxanthine in hypoxia. In: Rooth G, Saugstad
OD (eds).The roots of perinatal medicine. Thieme-Stratton,Stuttgart-New York,
1985;pp 115-121.
3. Saugstad OD: Purine metabolism in the perinatal period.Significance of oxygen
radicals. In: Grauel EL, Syllm-Rappoport I, Wauer RR (eds). Research in Perinatal
Medicine, G.Thieme verlag,Lepzig;1986:pp 207-214.
4. Lachmann B, Saugstad OD, Erdmann W: Effects of surfactant replacement on
respiratory failure induced by free oxygen radicals. In: Schlag G, Redl H (eds).
Progress in clinical and biological research. Vol 236 B. Alan R Liss, New York,
1987, pp 305-313.
5. Poulsen JP, Bjøro K, Saugstad OD: Formation of prostanoids in the rat small
intestine exposed to hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase. In. Hayaishi O, Niki E,
Kondo M, Yoshikawa T (eds):Medical, Biochemical and Chemical aspects of Free
Radicals. Elsevier Science Publisher, Amsterdam, 1989; pp 1093-95.
6. Saugstad OD: Post- hypoxic reoxygenation injury. The role of oxygen radicals
generated by the hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase system. In: Aasen AO, Risberg B
(eds).: New aspects of surgical pathophysiology. Harwood Academic Publ, London,
1990; pp 147-165.
7. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and lung injury in the neonatal period. In: Grauel
EL, Stern L, Syllm- Rappaport I, Wauer RR (eds): Research in perinatal medicine ll.
VEB Georg Thieme, 1990; pp 154-61.
8. Poulsen JP, Saugstad OD: Oxypurines in extracellular fluids from piglets during
hypoxemia and reoxygenation. In Harkness RA, Elion GB, Zollner N (eds): Purine
and pyrimidine metabolism in man Vll, part A. 1991, Plenum Press, New York, pp
9. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in the neonatal period. In TJ David (ed).
Advances in Paediatrics, Churchill- Livingstone, London 1992 pp 173-187.
10. Saugstad OD, Tubman TRJ, Gloppestad K, Øyasæter S, Halliday HL, Curstedt
T, Robertson B: Washing out of hypoxanthine after treatment with natural
surfactant (Curosurf). In Bevilaqua G, Parmigiani S, Robertson B (eds). Surfactant in
clinical practice. Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland, 1992, pp 207210
11. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in the neonatal period. In JG. Koppe, TKAB
Eskes, HP van Geijn, PF Wiesenhaan, JH Ruys (eds): Care, Concern and Cure in
perinatal medicine. Parthenon publishing, Carnforth 1993 pp 351-362.
12. Rootwelt T, Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of asphyxic newborn infants with room
air or oxygen. In Cosmi EV, Di Renzo GC (eds): Current progress in perinatal
Medicine, The Parthenon Publishing Group, New York, 1994 pp 687-693
13. Saugstad OD: Reoxygenation effects of surfactant replacement therapy. In:
(eds) B Robertson, HW Taeusch: Surfactant therapy for Lung Disease, Marcel
Dekker, Inc, New York, 1995 pp 559-572
14. Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Does hypoxia precede death in SIDS victims?. In
Rognum TO (ed): Sudden infant death syndrome. New trends in the nineties.
Scandinavian University Press, Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Boston, 1995, pp
15. Stoltenberg L, Vege Å, Opdal SH, Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Does
immunostimulation play a role in SIDS? In Rognum TO (ed): Sudden infant death
syndrome. New trends in the nineties. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo,
Copenhagen, Stockholm, Boston, 1995, pp 177-181
16. Chen Y, Saugstad OD, Teige B, Hagve TA, Rognum TO: Can increased
excretion of hypoxanthine in urine identify genuine ALTE? In Rognum TO (ed):
Sudden infant death syndrome. New trends in the nineties. Scandinavian University
Press, Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Boston, 1995, pp 326-329
17. Elsner R, Øyasæter S, Saugstad OD, Blix AS: Seal adaptations for long dives:
recent studies of ischemia and oxygen radicals. In Blix AS, Walløe L, Ulltang Ø (eds):
Whales, seals, fish and man. Elsevier Science BV 1995 pp 371-376
18. Saugstad OD: Free radicals in neonatal intensive care. In Tibboel D, van der
Voort E (eds) Intensive care in childhood. A challenge to the future. Update in
intensive care and emergency medicine 25, Springer Verlag, Berlin,1996 pp 36-52
19. Saugstad OD: Protection of the fetal/infant brain: Free radicals and antioxidants.
In Cockburn F (ed). Advances in Perinatal Medicine. Parthenon Publishing, New
York, London 1997,pp 178-182
20. Saugstad OD: Transition at birth. In Kurjak A.(ed). Textbook in perinatal
medicine. Parthenon Publishing London, New York 1998 pp21-32
21. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants. In Kurjak A (ed). Textbook of
Perinatal Medicine. Parthenon Publishing, London, New York pp 1998 1393-1400
22. Saugstad OD: Hypoxia induced free radical disease in the neonatal
period. in S. Arulkumaran, HML Jenkins (eds). Perinatal Asphyxia.
Orient Longman Publishers. Chennai, India. 2000. pp.225-236.
23. Saugstad OD: Perinatal health in Europe: Neonatal Aspects. In Carrera JM,
Cabero L, Barabar R (eds): The Perinatal Medicine of the new Millenium. Monduzzi
Editore, Bologna, 2001, pp 1- 4
24. Saugstad OD: How much oxygen is enough? In: Carrera JM, Cabero L, Barabar
R (eds): The Perinatal Medicine of the new Millenium. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna,
2001, pp 1050-1053
25. Saugstad OD: Free radical mediated procresses. In Donn SM, Sinha SK,
Chiswick ML (eds): Birth Asphyxia and the brain. Futura Publishing Co Inc New York,
2002, pp 189-212
26. Saugstad OD: Oxygen supplementation in the newborn period: do we know the
consequences? In Fanaroff AA, Maisels MJ, Stevenson DK (eds) Year Book of
Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine, Mosby Inc 2002 pp XV-XXII
27. Saugstad OD: Physiology of resuscitation. In Polin, Fox and Abman (eds) Fetal
and Neonatal Physiology. 3rd edition Elsevier Inc 2004; Chpt 74 pp 765-772
28. Saugstad OD. Oxygen-saturation targets and outcomes in extremely preterm
infants. In Stockman JA III (ed) The Year Book of Pediatrics 2005 Elsevier Inc 2005;
pp 381-383
C. International editorials
1. Saugstad OD, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Speer CP: Replacement therapy with
porcine natural surfactant - current status and future challenges (Editorial). Biol
Neonat 1993;64:269-278
2. Shinwell ES, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Halliday HL, Speer CP: Update on
surfactant therapy. (Editorial). Biol Neonat 1995;67:2-12
3. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of Newborn infants - Do we need new guidelines?
(Editorial) Prenatal and Neonatal Medicine 1996;1:26-28
4. Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer, CP, Svenningsen
NW: New perspectives of surfactant research (Editorial). Biol Neonat 1997; 71
5. Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP, Curstedt T: Recent advances
in surfactant research. (Editorial). Biol Neonat 1998;74(Suppl 1):1-2
6. Verder H, Ebbesen F, Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer
CP: Update on neonatal respiratory disorders and surfactant. Biol Neonat 1999;76
(S1) (guest editors)
7. Verder H, Ebbesen F, Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer
CP: Update on neonatal respiratory disorders and surfactant. (Editorial). Biol Neonat
1999;76 (S1):1
8. Di Renzo, G, Romero R, Saugstad OD, Nicolaides KH: The way forward
(Editorial) Prenat Neonat Med 2000;5:1-2
9. Papagaroufalis C, Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP:
New Challenges in Surfactant Research (Editorial). Biol Neonat 2000;77 (suppl 1):1
10. Di Renzo GC, Nicolaides K, Romero R, Saugstad OD, Seri I: The Journey into
2001 (Editorial) Prenat Neonat Med 2001;6:1-1
11. Laing IA, Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP:
(Editorial). Biol Neonate. 2001;80 Suppl S1:1-2.
12. Saugstad OD: Promoting neonatal health in the world. (Editorial) Prenatal and
Neonatal Medicine 2001;6:329-330
13. Di Renzo GC, Maulik D, Saugstad OD: Maternal- Fetal & Neonatal Medicine: a
synergistic alliance for a new beginning (Editorial). The J Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal
Medicine 2002;11:1
14. Saugstad OD: Protect the innocent (Editorial). J Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Med
15. Saugstad OD: Fetal reduction: a neonatologist’s point of view (Editorial). J
Maternal Fetal & Neonatal Med. 2003;13:289-291
16. Saugstad OD: Surfactant therapy is still on the move (Editorial). J Maternal- Fetal
& Neonatal Medicine 2003;14:145-146
17. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation with pure oxygen t birth: it is time for a change. J
Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Med 2004;15:73-74
18. Strohmeier H, Curstedt T, Haliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP:
New insights in Surfactant-Relaed Lung Disease. Biol Neonat 2004;85:284
19. Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP. Preface. Biol
Neonate 2005;87:282
D. Articles in Norwegian journals
1. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of tissue hypoxia. J Oslo City Hosp,
2. Saugstad OD: Etiske aspekter ved fosterforskning. Inter Medicos,
3. Saugstad OD: Nyere synspunkter på hypoksi. Tf d Nor Lægefor,
4. Saugstad OD: Posttraumatisk lungesvikt (sjokklunge). Tf d Nor
5. Saugstad OD: Helsetilstanden blant norske langtidssonere. Tf d Nor Lægefor,
6. Flatmark Å, Rugstad HE, Saugstad OD: Medikamentforbruket i norske fengsler.
Tf d Nor Lægefor,1981;101:1145-1150.
7. Saugstad OD: Lungesvikt i nyfødtperioden. Tf d Nor Lægefor,1982;9-10: 546-551.
8. Saugstad OD: Nødverge- Nødrett. Medisinske aspekter. Inter
9. Saugstad OD: Livssyn og ressursprioritering i helsevesenet. In: Saugstad OD,
Vaage S (eds). Helse for den svake? Luther forlag, Oslo, 1985;pp 11-17.
10. Saugstad OD: Den medisinske utvikling. En trussel mot menneskeverdet? Inter
Medicos, 1985;2:7-14.
11. Langslet A, Saugstad OD: Neonatal mortalitet (editorial). Tf d Nor
12. Lindemann R, Hågå P, Saugstad OD, Langslet A: Kongenitt A-V blokk. Tf d Nor
Lægefor, 1986;106:131-133.
13. Lindemann R, Hågå P, Saugstad OD, Langslet A: Congenital complete A-V
block. J Oslo City Hosp, 1985;35:103-106.
14. Saugstad OD: Frie radikaler og posthypoksisk celleskade. Tf d Nor
15. Saugstad OD: Ductus Arteriosus. Patofysiologiske og kliniske aspekter. Tf d Nor
Lægefor, 1987;12:1015-1018.
16. OD: HIV overført i perinatalperioden. Tf d n Lægefor 1987;6:562-564.
17.Saugstad OD: HIV overført i perinatalperioden. Tidssk f Jordmødre, 1987;3:55-60
18. Saugstad OD: Fosteret som pasient. Inter Medicos 1987;4:11-16.
19. Saugstad OD: Etiske problemer i moderne nyfødtmedisin. Tf d Nor Lægefor,
20. Saugstad OD, Nygaard R: Behandlingsoverveielser hos barn ved livets
avslutning. Tf d Nor Lægefor ,1990;16:2084-2087.
21. Saugstad OD: Fra egg til menneske. I. Hellum A, Syse A , Sinding Aasen H
(red). Menneske, natur og fødselsteknologi. Verdivalg og rettslig regulering. Ad
Notam Forlag 1990 s 107- 112.
22. Saugstad OD: Fosteret som pasient. Menneskeverd 1990; 3-4:26-29
23. Saugstad OD: Prenatal diagnostikk med genteknologi: Ny valgmulighet for
sortering av mennesker. Inter Medicos 1990;4:35-44
24. Saugstad OD, Gloppestad K: Surfaktantbehandling av premature barn med
Respiratorisk med Respiratorisk Distress Syndrome. Tf d Nor Lægefor 1990; 29:
25. Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Plutselig spedbarnsdød. (Editorial) Tf d Nor Lægefor
26. Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Diagnostiske kriterier for plutselig spedbarnsdød.
(Editorial). Tf d Nor Lægefor 1991;111:2829-2830.
27. Saugstad OD: Oksygen og oksygenbehandling. I: Barnet mitt må ha mer
oksygen! Foreldreforeningen for premature barn, 1991
28. Saugstad OD: Ressursbruk og resultater i nyfødtmedisinen. Tf d Nor Lægefor
(Editorial) 1992;6:744
29. Saugstad OD, Rognum TO: Plutselig uventet spedbarnsdød og liggestilling. Tf d
Nor Lægefor (Editorial)1992;112:1423-1424
30. Saugstad OD: Forskning for barn - forskning på barn. I: S.O. Lie (red): For syke
barn i 100 år, Barneklinikken, Rikshospitalet 1993, s 303-317.
31. Saugstad OD, Danielsen K, Grønn, M, Holt J, Meberg A, Silberg IE, Økland O:
Neonatalt åndenødssyndrom behandlet med naturlig surfaktant. Den norske
Curosurfstudien. Tf d Nor Lægefor 1993;113:2389-2393.
32. Saugstad OD: Plutselig spedbarnsdød - SIDS. I. Krasilnikoff PA, Holmberg L,
Lie SO, Schiøtz PO, Visakorpi JK, (Eds): Nordisk lærebok i Pediatri 10 utg.
Munksgaard, København 1993; 148-153.
33. Blomhoff R, Botten G, Bærug A, Saugstad OD, Bjørneboe G-E: Statens
ernæringsråds anbefalinger for spedbarns- ernæringen. Tf d Nor Lægefor
34. Blomhoff R, Botten G, Bærug A, Saugstad OD, Bjørneboe G-E: Statens
ernæringsråds anbefalinger for spedbarnsernæring. Statens ernæringsråd, Oslo
35 Saugstad OD: Fag eller omsorg - Vitenskapen eller mennesket? Inter Medicos
36. Blomhoff R, Botten G, Bærug A, Saugstad OD, Bjørneboe G- E Aa:
Spedbarnsernæring. I: Bjørneboe G-E Aa, Drevon CA, Norum KR. Mat og Medisin,
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1994, s 217-233
37. Saugstad OD: Trekk fra nyfødtmedisinen i India. Tf d Nor Lægeforen
38. Saugstad OD: Pediatrisk Forskning og etikk. I: Etikk og nyfødtmedisin. Senter
for Medisinsk Etikk og Statens Helsetilsyn,1994, ss 60-73.
39. Saugstad OD: Behandling med høyfrekvent respirator og nitrogenoksid i norsk
nyfødtmedisin. (Editorial). Tf d Nor Lægeforen 1995;115:581-582
40. Pettersen RD, Saugstad OD, Heyerdahl S, Motzfeldt K, Lie SO: Screening av
nyfødte i Norge for alvorlig metabolsk sykdom. Tf d Nor Lægeforen 1995;115:584-58
41. Pettersen RD, Saugstad OD, Lie SO: Neonatal Screening for metabolske
sykdommer - en helsepolitisk uprioritert oppgave i Norge? Tf d Nor Lægeforen
42. Saugstad OD: De for tidlig fødte - skal vi redde liv for enhver pris? Omsorg
43. Saugstad OD: Plutselig spedbarnsdød og livløshetsanfall. I Ek J (ed):
Barnesykdommer 4 utg. Universitetsforlaget , Oslo 1996; pp 215-219
44. Saugstad OD: Nyfødtmedisin i India. Norsk Epidemiologi 1997;7:99-102
45. Saugstad OD: Postnatal steroidbehandling – på tide å tenke nytt? (Editorial) Tf d
Nor Lægefor 1999;23:3404
46. Saugstad OD, Rootwelt T, Aalen O: [Resuscitation of newborn infants with room
air or oxygen].Tf d Nor Lægefor 2000 ;120:25-28. Norwegian.
47. Saugstad OD: Utfordringer i moderne nyfødtmedisin. Årbok, Det norske
vitenskapsakademi 2000, Oslo, pp 395-401
48. Saugstad OD: Klinisk medisinsk forskning- fra galt til verre? (Editorial). Tf d Nor
Lægefor 2003;123:142
49. Saugstad OD: Fra det opplyste til det administrative eneveldet. Tf d Nor
Lægefor 2003;123:1732.
50.Saugstad OD: Hvor fort skal for tidlig fødte vokse? Tidsskr Nor Laegefor
2004;124:615. Norwegian.
51. Saugstad OD: Behandles nyfødte som ikke bør behandles? (Editorial). Tidsskr
Nor Lægefor 2005;10:125
E. Thesis and books
1. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of tissue hypoxia. A study of
plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue concentrations. Medical Dissertation,
University of Oslo, 1977.
2. Rooth G, Saugstad OD (eds): The roots of perinatal medicine. Thieme-Stratton
Inc, 1985
3. Saugstad OD, Vaage S (eds): Helse for den svake? Luther forlag. Oslo, 1985.
4. Saugstad OD: Når barnet er født for tidlig. Tiden Norsk Forlag, Oslo 1991.
5. 208 Saugstad OD: Når barnet er født for tidlig. 2 utgave. Luther Forlag, Oslo 1999
F. Miscellanous
1. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine and the diagnosis of hypoxia. Uppsala J Med Sci
Suppl, 1983;38:29-33.
2. Oddoy A, Dinger J, Saugstad OD: Hypoxische pulmonale Vasokonstriktion nach
Lungenschadigung durch Xanthin- Oxidase - Untersuchungen an Ratten. Z Erkrank
Atm Org 1990;175:155-162
3. Scheuch C, Berndt C, Saugstad OD, Gross J: Sind freie Sauerstoffradikale an der
Enstehung hypoxisch bedingter Veranderungen der Neurotransmission von Dopamin
im Striatum der Ratte beteiligt? Z für Medizinische Laboratoriumdiagnostik
4. Oroszlan G, Sanderud J, Saugstad OD, Lakatos L: D- penicillamine: regi
gyogyszer, uj indikacio? A D-penicillamin csokkenti a szabad gyok indukalta
kiserletes pulmonalis hypertensiot. Orv Hetil 1992;133:2835-2836, 2839.
5. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical disease in newborn: implications for neonatal
resuscitation. Revenue Medical Libanaise, 1996; 8: 196-198
6. Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP, Curstedt T (eds): Recent
advances in surfactant research. Biol Neonat 1998;74:S1
7. Saugstad OD: Free radical disease in Neonatology. Saugstad OD (ed). Seminars
in Neonatology 1998;3
8. Papagaroufalis C, Curstedt T, Halliday HL, Robertson B, Saugstad OD, Speer CP
(eds): New Challenges in Surfactant Research. Biol Neonat 2000;77 (suppl 1) 1-30
9. Saugstad OD: Oxygen and oxygenation in the newborn period – Do we know
what we are doing? Acta Phamacol Sin 2002;23:16-18
10. Saugstad OD, Vento M: Oxigeno puro o aire para la reanimacion del recien
nacido? In Vento M, Moro M (eds). De Guardia en Neonatologia. Sociedad Espanola
De Neonatologia, Madrid,2003, Pp158-162
G. Some Articles in Norwegian Newspapers
1. Saugstad OD: Kampen om fosteret. Vårt Land's kronikk 14.3.1973
2. Saugstad OD: Abort og prevensjon i Sverige. Vårt Land's kronikk 4.2.1974.
3. Saugstad OD: Når grenser flyttes l og ll. Dagen's kronikk 15 og 16.5.1975.
4. Saugstad OD: Skillet mellom foster og nyfødt er i ferd med å bli utvisket.
Aftenposten (AFTEN) 25.4.1978
5. Saugstad OD: Hva mener Regjeringen med abortforebyggende tiltak?
Aftenposten kommentar side 2, 14.11.1978
6. Saugstad OD: Respekten for det fødte liv er i ferd med å bli nedvurdert.
Aftenpostens perspektivartikkel 15.5.1982.
7. Saugstad OD: Didrik Arup Seip. Et hundreårsminne. Aftenpostens kronikk
8. Saugstad OD: Fosteret som pasient. Aftenpostens kronikk 27.1.1987.
9. Saugstad OD: Født for tidlig. A-magasinet 1987;13:48-52.
10. Saugstad OD: Helsevesenet - Barmhjertighetens hus? Aftenpostens kronikk
11. Saugstad OD: Bioteknologiens menneskelige ansikt. Vårt Lands kronikk
12. Eik-Nes SH, Saugstad OD: Over grensa mellom fødd og ufødd. Aftenpostens
kronikk 17.6.1993.
13. Saugstad OD: Hva skal aborter brukes til? Dagbladets kronikk 7.12.1995
14. Kongslien IR, Saugstad OD: Myten om 1968 opprøret, Dagbladets Kronikk 1996
15. Saugstad OD: Helse også for den svake? Aftenpostens kronikk
16. Saugstad OD: Trenger vi oppsøkende genetisk virksomhet? Aftenpostens
kronikk 12.2.1998
17. Saugstad OD: Nye grenser for å redde barns liv. VG kronikk 24.11.1998
18. Saugstad OD: Hvem skal styre forskningen? Aftenpostens kronikk 23.7.1999
19. Saugstad OD: Kampen om stamcellen. Aftenpostens kronikk10.9.2000
20.Saugstad OD:Forskning i et kritisk lys. Dagbladets kronikk 1.11.2000
21. Jøsok B , Saugstad OD: Forsikringselskaper og våre arveanlegg. Aftenpostens
kronikk 7.6.2001
22. Saugstad OD: Helsevesenet med ny giv og gamle utfordringer. Aftenpostens
kronikk 23.01.2002
23. Saugstad OD: Bioteknologiens dilemma: Vår felles utfordring. Dagbladets
kronikk 28.04.2003
24. Saugstad OD: Helsereformen er blitt en stor skuffelse. Aftenpostens kronikk
11.02. 2004
25. Saugstad OD: Sortering av det ufødte liv. Aftenpostens kronikk 10.02.05
26. Saugstad OD: Et krafttak for verdens nyfødte. Dagbladets kronikk 23.07.05
1. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia. Polish Academy of
Science, Warsawa, June, 1977.
2. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia. University of Loma Linda,
Department of Perinatal Biology. Loma Linda, California, May, 1981.
3. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia. University of Virginia,
Department of Physiology, Charlottesville, Virginia, July, 1981.
4. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia. Grand Round, Childrens
Hospital, Neonatal Unit, Washington DC, July, 1981.
5. Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia. International symposium
on hypoxia. University of Uppsala, Uppsala, March, 1982.
6. Saugstad OD: Activation of the kallikrein-kinin system in experimental lung
insufficiency in dogs. International symposium on chromogenic substrates. KABI,
Oslo, March, 1982.
7. Saugstad OD: Activation of the kallikrein -kinin system in RDS.International
symposium on chromogenic substrates.
KABI, Oslo, March, 1982.
8. Saugstad OD: Biokjemiske aspekter ved perinatal hypoksi. 9. Nordiske
Perinatalkongress, Uppsala, August, 1983 (+ Chairman’s introduction).
9. Saugstad OD: Monitoring the cerebral function in the neonatal period. Chairmans
introduction. Symposium at the European Society for Pediatr Res, Montpellier,
September, 1983 (chairman).
10.Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia . International symposium:
The roots of todays perinatal medicine. Zurich, October, 1984.
11.Saugstad OD: Oxygen free radicals and tissue damage. IV International Berlin
symposium on infant mortality. Berlin, DDR, September, 1985.
12.Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and tissue damage in the perinatal period.
European Society for Pediatr Res, Munich, October, 1985.
13.Saugstad OD: Oxygen toksisitet og lungeskade. Svenske perinataldager,
Stockholm, October,1985.
14.Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia and a free radical
generator. Harbor General Hospital,Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatal
Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, February, 1986.
15.Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia and a free radical
generator. University of California San Diego, Division of Neonatal Medicine, UCSD,
San Diego, February, 1986.
16.Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine as an indicator of hypoxia and a free radical
generator. Mt Zion Hospital San Francisco. Division of Neonatal Medicine, March,
17.Rooth G, Saugstad OD: Pathophysiology of surfactant
deficiency.International symposium on surfactant deficiency. Freie Universitat Zu
Berlin, Berlin, GFR, September, 1986.
18.Saugstad OD: Ethical dilemmas in neonatal medicine. Xl Nordiska kongressen i
Perinatalmedicin. Reykavik, June, 1987.
19.Saugstad OD: Pathogenesis of acute and chronic lung injury in preterm babies.
European Pediatric Respiratory Society, Helsinki, August, 1987.
20.Saugstad OD, Poulsen JP: Posthypoxic brain damage. Is it a consequence of
oxygen radical production? Gesellschaft fur Pathologische und Klinische Physiology
der DDR. Jena, September, 1987.
21.Saugstad OD: Is there a free radical disease in neonatology? Symposium on
oxygen toxicity and oxygen radicals. European Society for Pediatric Res, Oslo, June,
1988.(+ Chairman’s introduction).
22.Saugstad OD: Circulatory effects of oxygen radicals. International Symposium on
hypoxia. Berlin, DDR, September 1988.
23.Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and lung injury. lV International Berlin Symposium
on Infant Mortality. Berlin, DDR, September, 1988.
24.Saugstad OD: Oxygen toxicitet i neonatalvarden. Arvid Wallgren Forelasning.
Svanska Lakarssalskapets Riksstamma, Stokholm, Desember, 1988.
25.Saugstad OD: Hypoxanthine to detect perinatal asphyxia. In: "Neonatology: whats
happening in Scandinavia? Portland, Maine, USA, September, 1989.
26.Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in neonatal medicine. Department of Pediatrics.
University of Syracuse, Syracuse, New York, September 1989.
27.Saugstad OD: Free radicals in the lung. l International Congress in Paediatric
Pathology. Rotterdam, September,1989.
28.Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals. Symposium at the 50 anniversary of Karolinska
Sjukhuset, Stokholm, February, 1990.
29.Saugstad OD: The free radical disease in neonatology. Pediatric Grand RoundChildren’s Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March, 1990.
30.Saugstad OD: Asphyxia - basic aspects. 10th Myron B. Laver International
postgraduate course: "Obstetric anaesthesia and resuscitation of the newborn".
Basel, March, 1990.
31.Saugstad OD: Washing out of hypoxanthine in babies treated with natural
surfactant. International symposium on surfactant treatment, Parma June 1990.
32.Saugstad OD: Lung Damage. 5th European Congress on Intensive Care
Medicine, Amsterdam, June 1990.
33.Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals - their significance in health and disease in the
perinatal period. "The new decade: Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine. Caribean Cruise
Conference, November 1990.
34.Saugstad OD: Hypoxia and resuscitation in newborns. International symposium
on hypoxia, Berlin September 1991.
35. Saugstad OD: Risk of hyperoxygenation in the neonatal period. Reunion
Nacional de Medicine Perinatal, Tenerife, oktober 1991.
36. Saugstad OD: Free radical injury in the newborn. Xllth European Congr Perinat
Med, Amsterdam, May 1992.
37. Saugstad OD: Superoxide anions and the regulation of vascular tone.
International workshop: A Century of Pediatrics in Groningen, Groningen, May 1992.
38. Saugstad OD: Oxygen toxicity and the neonatal lung. International workshop: A
century of pediatrics in Groningen, Groningen, May 1992.
39. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in preterm infants. Chairman's introduction at
workshop on hypoxia and reoxygenation. Europ Soc Pediatr Res Uppsala, June
40. Saugstad OD: The future of neonatal research. The Neonatal Society, UK,
Glasgow, June 1992
41. Saugstad OD: Perinatal asfyksi og skade. Xlll Nordiske perinatal kongress.
Kobenhavn August,1992.
42. Saugstad OD: Therapeutic and non-therapeutic research. Research on Children,
Ethics, law and practice. Trondheim, November 1992.
43. Saugstad OD, Oxygen toxicity and surfactant therapy. Serono Surfactant
symposium, Stockholm, February 1993
44. Saugstad OD: The acute cellular disturbance in hypoxia. International
symposium on: The significance of pH and blood-gas measurements in MaternalFetal medicine, Zurich, March 1993
45. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation with room air or oxygen. Plenary lecture at 2. world
congress in Perinatal Medicine, Roma, September 1993.
46. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in the newborn. XI Advanced course in Paediatric
Pathology. Oslo, September 1993
47. Saugstad OD: Oksygen radikaler - Fra biokjemi til klinikk. Gjesteforelesning,
Pediatriska Institutsjonen, Akademiska Sjukhuset, Universitetet i Uppsala, Uppsala,
November 1993
48. Saugstad OD: Oksygen radikaler - Fra biokjemi til klinikk.Eskilstuna
Lakarsalskap, Eskiltuna, November 1993
49. Saugstad OD: Surfactant replacement therapy. Department of Paediatrics,
Maulana Medical College, New Dehli, December 1993
50. Saugstad OD: Oxygen free radicals in perinatal medicine. Indian Academy of
Paediatrics, New Delhi, December 1993
51. Saugstad OD: Hypoxia- Basic Aspects. Department of Neonatology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education, Chandigarh, December 1993
52. Saugstad OD: Surfactant replacement therapy, PGIME, Chandigarh, December
53. Saugstad OD: Hyperoxia and oxygen free radicals in neonatal medicine. PGIME,
Chandigarh, December 1993
54. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical disease in the newborn. XII Annual convention of
National Neonatology Forum, Vadorada (India), December 1993
55. Saugstad OD: Perinatal Hypoxia - Basic Aspects. Department of Pediatrics, Tartu
University, Tartu, Janaury 1994
56. Saugstad OD: Hyperoxygenation and free radicals in the neonatal period.
Children’s Hospital, Tartu University, January 1994
57. Saugstad OD: Respiratory distress syndrome and surfactant treatment.
Chilødren’s Hospital, Tartu University, January 1994
58. Saugstad OD: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Children’s Hospital, Tartu
University, January 1994
59. Saugstad OD: Medical benefits and ethical questions regarding the abortion pill.
AAN International conference, Oslo, May 1994
60. Saugstad OD: Perinatal changes in pulmonary circulation. 14th Congress of
Perinatal Medicine, Helsinki June 1994
61. Saugstad OD: Oxygen injury in the newborn. Four Paediatric days, Maratea,
June 1994
62. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals and lung injury. ESPR/Paediatric Week,
Rotterdam, July 1994
63. Saugstad OD: The fetus as a patient. ICMDC, Stavanger July 1994
64. Saugstad OD: Mini course on: Hypoxemia and reoxygenation: physiological
changes and potential therapeutic interventions. Fondazione Internazionale
Menarini, Milano, September 1994:
I. Hypoxia - basic aspects
II. Hyperoxia- oxygen radicals, theoretical background
III. Significance of free radicals in the neontal period
IV. Prevention of oxygen radical disease - Clinical implication
68. Saugstad OD: Disease of free radicals in neonatology and cardiovascular infant
pathology: actual perspectives. Ist International pediatric symposium, Madrid,
October 1994
69. Saugstad OD. From biochemistry to clinical management: oxygen radicals and
resuscitation of newborn infants. Philadelphia Perinatal Society, December 1994
70. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in the perinatal period. Clinical implications.
Grand Round, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
December 1994
71. Saugstad OD: Neonatologiske problemer ved flerlingesvangerskap. XIV
Nordiska Perinatalkongressen, Linkoping Mai 1995
72. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical induced organ injury in pediatric intensive care.
XXI International Congress of Pediatrics, Cairo September 1995
73. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn babies with room air or oxygen. XXI
International Congress of Pediatrics, Cairo, September 1995
74. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants. Biochemical, experimental and
clinical background. Department of Pediatrics, University of Mansoura,
September 1995
75. Saugstad OD: Basic mechanisms of tissue injury by oxygen radicals. Laboratory
of Veterinary Biochemistry, University of Utrecht, January 1996
76. Saugstad OD: Mechanisms of tissue injury by oxygen radicals: implications for
diseases in children. Beatrix Childrens Hospital, University of Groningen, Groningen,
January 1996
77. Saugstad OD: Free radicals and ageing. Annual meeting of the Swedish society
for Pediatrics, Stockholm January 1996
78. Saugstad OD: Free radical disease of prematurity. Berzelius Symposium XXXIII,
Lund, April 1996
79. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical and tissue destruction, state of art. Recent
advances in neonatal medicine, Tubingen, April 1996
80. Saugstad OD: Significance of free radicals in neonatology. The theoretical
backgrouund for the Resair 2 study. 1st Resair 2 meeting, Valencia, June 1996.
81. Saugstad OD: Clinical trials: set up, pitfalls and advises. 2nd World congress on
pediatric intensive care, Rotterdam, June 1996
82. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn. 2nd World congress on pediatric
intensive care, Rotterdam, June 1996
83. Saugstad OD: The role of xanthine oxidase. 2nd World congress on pediatric
intensive care, Rotterdam, Juni 1996
84. Saugstad OD: Surfactant inactivation is an underestimated problem. 2 nd World
congress on pediatric intensive care, Rotterdam, Juni 1996
85. Saugstad OD: Challenge to the future - Neonatology. (plenary lecture). 2nd World
congress on pediatric intensive care, Rotterdam, June 1996
86. Saugstad OD: Status in the Norwegian newborn screening program. Needs and
vision for the future. Nordic pre- and neonatal screeningmeeting, Oslo, August 1996
87. Saugstad OD: Is free research in medical schools under threat? The influence of
research funding agencies. The Association of Medical Schools in Europe Annual
Meeting, Granada, September 1996
88. Saugstad OD: Free radical and antioxidants. XV European congress of perinatal
medicine, Glasgow, September 1996
89. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant. 7th Workshop on
Neonatology.Broummana, Libanon, October 1996
90. Saugstad OD:Oxygen radical disease in newborn: Implications for neonatal
resuscitation. 2eme Seminaire Libano-European De Medicine Perinatale, Beirut,
Libanon, October 1996
91. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infatns. 2eme Seminaire LibanoEuropeen De Medecine Perinatale, Beirut, Libanon, October 1996
92. Saugstad OD: Oxygen free radicals in neonates and resuscitation of newborns
with room air. XVI Annual convention of national neonatology forum, Chandigarh,
India, Nov,1996
93. Saugstad OD:O2 radicals - resuscitation air study, Hot Topics in Neonatology 96,
Washington DC, December 1996
94. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical disease in the newborn. 1st symposium on
physiologic aspects in perinatology. Valencia, April 1997
95. Saugstad OD: Gjenoppliving av nyfødte med romluft eller oksygen. Nordiske
perinatalkongress, Turku, May 1997
96. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants. 4th International conference of
Baltic Child Neurology Association, Tartu, Estonia, May 1997
97. Saugstad OD: Should newborn infants be resuscitated in oxygen or air? UK Hot
Topics, Leicestershire, June 1997
98. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborns with room air. 5th Annual Neonatal
Conference, Middlesbrough, June 1997
99. Saugstad OD: Free radical diseases in newborns. 5th Annual Neonatal
Conference, Middlesbrough, June 1997
100. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant. Opening lecture. European
Society for Pediatric Research, Szeged, Hungary, September 1997
101. Saugstad OD: Significance of free radicals in the newborn period. The Pediatric
Department, Szent-Gyorgi Albert Medical University, Szeged, September 4th, 1997
102. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of asphyxiated neonates: Do we need new
guidelines? 7th Annual Convention and 8th Anniversary Celebration of Perinatology
Association of the Philipines, Manila, September 1997
103. Saugstad OD: The oxygen radical disease in neonatology: The theoretical and
experimental background - clinical evidences.7th Annual Convention and 8th
Anniversary Celebration of Perinatology Association of the Philipinnes, Manila,
September 1997
104. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation, stabilisation & transport of newborns. 5th
Postgraduate course, Perpetual Help Medical Center, Pamplonas, Las Pinas City,
Philipinnes, September 1997
105. Saugstad OD: Hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy. 5th Postgraduate course,
Perpetual Help Medical Center, Pamplonas, Las Pinas City, Philipinnes, September
106. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant with room air or oxygen.
Annual Fall Neonatology Forum, Vanderbilt University and District IV Perinatal
Section of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Asheville, North Carolina, October
107. Saugstad OD: Oxygen toxicity and free radicals. Annual Fall Neonatology
Forum, Vanderbilt University and District IV Perinatal Section of the American
Academy of Pediatrics. Asheville, North Carolina, October 1997
108. Saugstad OD: Oxygen free radicals in the newborn period. Recent Advances in
Perinatal Medicine, Poznan January 1998
109. Saugstad OD. Resuscitation of newborn infants. 7th Italian National Congress
Neonatology, Ischia April 1998
110. Saugstad OD: Oxygen free radicals in newborns. Guest lecture at Center for
Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, Turku University Hospital, Turku May
111. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant - Recent advances in
Perinatal Medicine. XVI European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Zagreb June
112. Saugstad OD: Free radical disease in neonatology. XVI European Congress of
Perinatal Medicine, Zagreb, June 1998
113. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the preterm newborn. XVI European Congress
of Perinatal Medicine, Zagreb, June 1998
114. Saugstad OD: Oxidative stress in the newborn period. 13 International
Workshop on surfactant replacement therapy, Belfast, September, 1998
115.Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant. Follow- up results. 2nd
Resair 2 Meeting, New Delhi, November 1998
116. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant. National Neonatology
Forum, Vellore, November 1998
117. Saugstad OD: Adaptation to extrauterine life. 1st Emirats International Congress
of Perinatal Medicine, Abu Dhabi, November 1998
118. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant. 1st Emirats International
Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Abu Dhabi, November 1998
119. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radicals in the newborn period.
1st Emirats International Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Abu Dhabi, November
120. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn Infant. Recent Advances in
Perinatal Medicine. Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine, Athens, December 1998
121. Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical and tissue injury. Hellenic Neonatal Society,
Athens, March 1999
122 Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of asphyxiated newborn infants with room air or
oxygen: an international controlled trial: The Resair 2 study.
American Academy of Pediatrics and American Heart Association’s Neonatal
Resuscitation Program. NRP Prospective program. Telephone Conference April 9th
and 14th, 1999.
123. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants with room air or oxygen?
VIIIth Baltic Sea Congress on Obst/Gyn St. Petersburg, May 1999
124. Saugstad OD: Oxygen free radicals in the neonatal period.VIIIth Baltic Sea
Congress on Obst/Gyn St. Petersburg, May 1999
125. Saugstad OD: Free radical disease in the newborn. 5th International Symposium
on Intrapartum Surveillance, Stockholm, June 1999
126. Saugstad OD: Negativ sykehistorie – hva betyr det? Nordisk state-of-the-art
konferanse om spedbarnsdød, Soria Mora, Oslo, September 1999
127. Saugstad OD: Transition at birth. New Technologies in Reproductive Medicine,
Neonatology/Gynecology, Sardinia, September 1999
128. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants with room air or oxygen?
American Heart Association, Dallas, September 1999
129. Saugstad OD: Oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in the newborn period.
SOD Panel, New York, November 1999
130. Saugstad OD: Significance of oxidative stress in the newborn infant . Nobel
symposium -”Märta Philipson symposium on Frontiers in Pediatric Research,
Stockholm, February 2000
131. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation and early treatment – are there ways to prevent
injury? Nordic Paediatric Congress, Helsinki, Finland, June 2000
132. Saugstad OD: Use of NO in preterm babies
XVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Porto, June 2000
133. Saugstad OD: Role of oxidant stress in preterm lung injury.
XVII European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Porto, June 2000
134. Saugstad OD: Transition of birth. European Summer School of Perinatal
Medicine, Tuzla September 2000
135. Saugstad OD: Oxidative stress in the newborn period. European Summer
School of Perinatal Medicine, Tuzla, September 2000
136. Saugstad OD: Newborn resuscitation - New guidelines from WHO and NIH. 1st
World Congress in Perinatal Medicine for Developing Countries. Tuzla, September
137. Saugstad OD: Birth Asphyxia. 1st World Congress in Perinatal Medicine. Tuzla,
September 2000
138. Saugstad OD: Significance of oxidative stress in the newborn period. European
Society for Pediatric Research, Rhodos, September 2000 (Plenary)
Saugstad OD: Aspectos Clinicos. Resuscitation of the ELBW infants. IV
International Neonataology Symposium, Bilbao, September 2000
Saugstad OD: Immature lung – what problems should be anticipated?
International meeting in neonatology, Prague November 2000
Saugstad OD: Reanimation and treatment of newborn who suffered birth
asphyxia". Firenze December 2000
Saugstad OD: Hypoxia- reoxygenation in the newborn infant. Department of
Neurobiology, Department of Neurobiology, University of Alabama, January
Saugstad OD: Significance of oxidative stress for health and disease in the
newborn period, Neonatal Society of Israel, Beer- Sheva, March 2001
Saugstad OD: Birth asphyxia and neonatal resuscitation – new aspects,
Neonatal Society of Israel, Beer Sheva, March 2001
Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the asphyxic newborn infant: New insight leads
to new therapeutic possibilities. 1st. EURAIBI (Europe Against Infant Brain
Injury) meeting, Siena, April 2001
Saugstad OD: reanimation in the Delivery Room. Symposium on Neonatal
Reanimation and Neonatal Transport. Verona, April 2001
Saugstad OD: NO in preterm infants. XVI International Workshop on
Surfactant Replacement, Edinburgh, June 2001
Saugstad OD: Perinatal Health in Europe. Neonatologic aspects. Plenary
lecture 5th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Barcelona, September
149: Saugstad OD: How much oxygen is enough? 5th World Congress of Perinatal
Medicine, Barcelona, September 2001
Saugstad OD: Surfactant therapy in the newborn. Report from the EURAIL
study. 5th World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Barcelona, September 2001
Saugstad, OD: Surfactant therapy in the newborn . Satellite symposium, XXIII
International Congress of Pediatrics, Bejing. 2001-09-10.
153. Saugstad, OD: How much oxygen is enough for newborn infants. Hot Topics
in Neonatology, 2001 Washington DC. 2001-12
Saugstad OD: Follow up of newborns resuscitated with room air or oxygen -National Neonatology Forum New Delhi, India. 2001-12
155. Saugstad, OD: Survival and prognosis of the preterm and growth-retarded
neonate -- The Fetal Medicine Foundation Cervical Assessment in Pregnancy
Placental and Fetal Doppler London. 2002-01-26
156. Saugstad, OD: Oxidative stress and lung injury in the newborn – Fifth
International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology (ISBN 2- 84254-067-0) Nice,
France. 2002-02-18:149
Saugstad, OD: Resuscitation of extremely premature infants -- Fifth
International Congress on Pediatric Pulmonology (ISBN 2- 84254-067-0) Nice.
Saugstad, OD: Reanimacão com ar ambiente/O2 -- 2a Conferencia de
Psicologia Clinica Amadora, Lisboa, Portugal. 2002-03-06.
Saugstad, OD: Resuscitation of newborn babies - from the biochemistry bench
to international clinical practice -- Hosted by: The Norwegian Research and
Technology Forum, Royal Norwegian Embassy Presenting Norway: Front-Line
Medical & Health Research and technology Partner Washington DC. 2002-0516
160. Saugstad, OD: Resuscitation of the newly born infant, room air or 100% oxygen
-- Reunion Scientifique Pediatric Medical Grand Rounds The Montreal Children's
Hospital. 2002-05
161. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation and oxygenation of newborn infants. How much
oxygen is enough? Quebec Neonatal Society, Montreal, May 1 st 2002
162. Saugstad OD: What is the optimal oxyen saturation. !0th Annual Neonatal
Conference, Middlesborough, May 2002
163 Saugstad, OD: Presidential opening address. 18th European Congress of
Perinatal Medicine 2002-06.
164. Saugstad, OD: Oxygen and oxygen toxicity. 18th European Congress of
Perinatal Medicine 2002-06.
165. Saugstad OD: Outcome of premature infants. First World congress in Fetal
Medicine, Athens, June 2002
166. Saugstad OD: When the newborn does not breath. International consensus
recommendation on newborn resuscitation. John Lind Symposium and Nordic
Neonatal CME, Mariehamn, September 2002
167. Saugstad, OD: Enhanced Co-operation in medical/biotech research and
technology. The Norwegian Research and Technology Forum in the US/Canada,
Royal Norwegian Embassay, Washington DC. 2002-09.
168. Saugstad, OD: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Role of Oxidative stress
Barcelona Guest lecture, Department of Pediatrics, University of Barcelona. 2002-09.
169. Saugstad, OD: Optimal oxygenation of the newborn. 2nd World Congress of
Perinatal Medicine for Developing Countries, Antalya, Tyrkia. 2002-10.
170.Saugstad, OD: Oxidative stress in the newborn period. 2nd World Congress of
Perinatal Medicine for Developing Countries, Antalya, Tyrkia. 2002-10.
171.Saugstad, OD: Oxygen therapy. 1st Course. Respiratory options for neonates,
Stockholm. October, 2002.
172.Saugstad, OD: Optimal oxygenation of the newborn. Nycomed local Neonatal
meeting, Stirling, Skotland. 29. nov. 2002.
173.Saugstad, OD: What is the optimal oxygenation in newborn infants? National
Neonatology Conference, Department of Neonatology, University of Gottingen,
Tyskland. 23. nov. 2002
174 Saugstad OD: Oxygen radical disease in neonatology. Annual meeting of the
Korean Society of Perinatology, Seoul, Nov 2002
175. Saugstad OD: Optimal oxygenation of the newborn. Annual Meeting of the
Korean Society of Perinatology, Seoul, Nov 2002
176. Saugstad OD: Oxygenation of the newborn infant. Do we know the optimal
levels? Univ Southern California, February 2003
177. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation and optimal oxygenation of the newborn infant.
Univ Southern California, February 2003
178. Saugstad OD: The role of oxygen in the resuscitation of the newborn.
Controversies in obstetrics, gynecology and infertility, Berlin April 2003
179. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newborn infant- what is the optimal oxygen
concentration? Guest lecture, Department of Neonatology, Washington University,
School of Medicine, St Louis May 2003
180. Saugstad OD: Preimplantation diagnosis. Seminar by CISIS and Norwegian
Embassay, Washington DC May 16th, 2003
181. Saugstad OD: Neonatal outcome after C- section. Nordic Perinatal Congress
Bergen, June 6th 2003
182 . Saugstad OD: Fighting infant mortality - different challenges in East and West?
European Society for Prevention of Infant Death, Oslo May 27th 2003
183. Saugstad OD: Oxygen in delivery room today. 8th Italian Neonatology
conference, Cruiseship, July 2003
184. Saugstad OD: Oxidative Stress in the Newborn Period: Short and long Term
Effects. 1st US Conference on Surfactant Replacement Therapy. Ashville NC,
August 15-16th, 2003
185. Saugstad OD, Neonatal Asphyxia. Appropriate Technology for Diagnoses and
Management. International Course on: Evidenced based perinatal care with limited
resources, Gotland, August 2003-11-23
186. Saugstad OD: Oxygen or room air for resuscitation, myths or facts.
Scandinavian HLR congress, Stavanger, September 2003
187. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of the newly born infant. Room air or oxygen? 6 th
World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Osaka September 2003
188. Saugstad OD: Oxidative stress and disease in the newborn. 6th World Congress
of Perinatal Medicine, Osaka, September 2003
189. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation- facts or myths. Key note lecture, European
Society for Paediatric Research, Bilbao September 2003
190. Saugstad OD: Immature perinatal brain and free radicals. 2nd International
Symposium on perinatal and neonatal development medicine. Prague, October, 2003
191. Saugstad OD: Oxygen therapy. 2nd Course. Respiratory options for neonates,
Stockholm, October 2003
192. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation of newborn infants: increased survival using
ambient air. New trends in neonatology, Brindisi, Italy, November 2003
193. Saugstad OD: Resuscitation and optimal oxygenation of Newborn Infants.
Japanese Neonatal Society, Gumna, November 2003
194. Saugstad OD: Oxygen toxicity revisited, Hot topics in Neonatology, Washington
DC, December 2003
195. Saugstad OD.Significance of Oxidative Stress for Newborn Health and Disease.
13th Scientific meeting of the Egyptian Society for Neonatal and Preterm Care
Sharm El Sheikh, March 4-6 2004
196. Saugstad OD.Optimal Oxygen Therapy in the Newborn Period. 13th Scientific
meeting of the Egyptian Society for Neonatal and Preterm Care
Sharm El Sheikh, March 4-6 2004
197. Saugstad OD. Oxidative Stress - Significance for Health and Disease in the
Newborn Infant. Trends in Pediatrics – from clinical research to patient care
Jerring Symposium 2004, Stockholm May 12th
198. Saugstad, OD. Resuscitation of the newborn [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. Third
World Congress of Perinatal Medicine for Developing Countries; Beirut 20.05.2004 22.05.2004
199. Saugstad, OD. The oxidative stress [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. Third World
Congress of Perinatal Medicine for Developing Countries; Beirut 20.05.2004 22.05.2004
200. Saugstad OD. Global studies of birth asphyxia . European Society for Pediatric
Research, Stockholm, September 2004
201.Saugstad OD: Oxygen or Air at Resuscitation? UK Hot Topics, London
September 2004
202. Saugstad OD. Surfactante Exogeno E Estresse Oxidativo No Período Neonatal
XVII Congresso Brasileiro De Perinatologia XV Reunião De Enfermagem Perinatal,
Sao Paolo, November 2004
203. Saugstad OD.Resuscitation of newborn infants.100% oxygen or room air? XVII
Congresso Brasileiro De Perinatologia XV Reunião De Enfermagem Perinatal, Sao
Paolo, November 2004
204. Saugstad, OD. Oxygène et air ambiant [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. 10 Journèes
Francophones de Recherche en Nèonatologie; 16.12.2004 - 17.12.2004
205. Saugstad OD: Oxygen for Newborns: How Much is Too Much? Evidence vs
Experiences in Neonatal Practices Chicago, October 7-9, 2004
206. Saugstad OD. Resuscitation of newborn infants 100% oxygen or room air?
”Update di Pneumologia” Rome, November 22, 2004
207. Saugstad OD. Resuscitation of newborn infants with room air or oxygen. 30
years research. Imperial College, London December 2004
208. Saugstad OD. Resuscitation of newborn Infants with room air or oxygen. Guest
Lecute. Department of Paediatrics, University of Bristol, December 2004
209. Saugstad OD. Resuscitation of newborn infants with room air or oxygen. Annual
Guest lecture at meeting of Ulster Neonatal Society, Belfast December 2004
210. Saugstad OD Resuscitation of newborn infants with
room air or pure oxygen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neonatologie und Perinatologie M-V
Jahrestagung Greifswald 21./22. Januar 2005
211. Saugstad OD: Neonatology in the Future. Finnish Perinatal Society, Tampere,
March 31, 2005
212. Saugstad, OD. Air versus 100% oxygen for resuscitation of asphyxiated infants:
time to decide [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. “The McCane lecture”. The Spring Meeting
of The Neonatal Society; 17.03.2005 - 17.03.2005
213. Saugstad, OD. C/S and neonatal outcome 10. Annual Turkish Perinataology
Congress; Istanbul 10.04.2005 - 13.04.2005.
214. Saugstad, OD. Early response and prognostic factors in asphyxiated
newborn infants [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. Recent Advances in neonatal Medicine
& Surgery Symposium; Ryjadh 27.03.2005 - 28.03.2005
215. Saugstad, OD. Global aspects of asphyxia [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. 10.
Annual Perinatology Kongress; Istanbul 10.04.2005 - 13.04.2005.
216. Saugstad, OD. Optimal oxygenation of the newborn [Vitenskapelig foredrag].
Recent Advances in Neonatal Medicine & Surgery Symposium; Ryjadh
27.03.2005 - 28.03.2005
217. Saugstad, OD. Oxygen therapy in the newborn: Elixir of life or nectar of
death [Vitenskapelig foredrag]. “The Lung Club” Pediatric Academic Societies
meeting; Washington DC 16.05.2005 - 16.05.2005
218. Saugstad, OD. Prevention and treatment of birth asphyxia [Vitenskapelig
foredrag]. Global perspectives on birth asphyxia; Pediatric Academic Societies
Washington DC 17.05.2005 - 17.05.2005
219. Saugstad, OD. Oxygen and oxidative stress in the newborn period
[Vitenskapelig foredrag]. Fellow's Conference; UCSD, San Diego 22.06.2005 22.06.2005
220. Saugstad OD: Oxygen and ROP. Key note lecture: Evidence vs Experiences
in Neonatal Practices, San Diego, June 22-24, 2005