ENGINEERING HONORS CONTRACT GRADUATION WITH HONORS IN ENGINEERING CHECK ONE: Initial Submission Plan Revision Submission INSTRUCTIONS – INITIAL/REVISION SUBMISSIONS Final Submission INSTRUCTIONS – FINAL SUBMISSION During your second or third year, complete the Application. Save form, submit an electronic copy to College Honors Advisor (Barry You will be notified via email about the status of your application from the College Honors Advisor. Upon approval, this form becomes your official Honors Contract. Maintain application in your personal records, collecting verification items as you complete components. Significant revisions should be submitted via a plan revision submission. REMEMBER: you must complete the final submission of your application during the quarter prior to your graduation term This form is used to certify your Honors Contract and the designation on your diploma and transcript. Complete the Application. Attach verification items for completed components. Submit an electronic copy to the College Honors Advisor (Barry You will be notified via email about the status of your certification from the College Honors Advisor. Deadline: the quarter prior to your final quarter of enrollment, NO LATER than the First Friday of your Final Semester of Enrollment. APPLICANT INFORMATION Full Name: Last First OSU Email Address Middle Student ID Phone Found on your Advising Report, below your name Current Term/Year: Graduation Term/Year: First Term/Year at OSU:* *exclude quarters enrolled within the Academy program First Term/Year as Honors student: Engineering Degree (Major): College Honors Advisor Honors Contract Points Grid Points Earned Schedule A Honors & Graduate Coursework (Min. 18 pts) B Investigational Studies (Min. 20 pts) C Leadership & Service (Min. 10 pts) Points Planned Subtotal E TOTAL (MINIUMUM 50 PTS) TOTAL SIGNATURE: Student Applicant (if sent electronically: type name above and send via OSU email account to “sign” application P Date ST ENGINEERING HONORS CONTRACT SCHEDULE A. HONORS & GRADUATE COURSEWORK COMPONENT Applicant 1 Point per Unit of Coursework FEH & First Year Honors Courses Department Course Engineering 1281.0XH Engineering 1282.0XH FEH Physics 1260 FEH Physics 1261 Mechanical Engineering 2010H Mathematics 1161.02 Mathematics 2162.02 Honors or Graduate Courses Units 4 4 5 5 2 5 5 If also applying for graduation with distinction, exclude undergraduate research course hours. Department Course Units Honors Contract Courses 4000 and 5000 level courses, NOT counting toward major requirements Department Course Units Points Subtotal. SCHEDULE A. GRAND TOTAL (Earned and Planned) Minimum = 18 points Earned Planned Enter if completed Enter if not completed Pts Pts Term/Yr Term/Yr (estimated) GHIE Review SCHEDULE B. INVESTIGATIONAL STUDIES COMPONENT Applicant Points Per Item Item Senior Honors Thesis 20 Second Major Major: 20 Minor in a non-engineering field Minor: 15 Minor in an engineering field (including CIS) Minor: 10 Semester-long study abroad experience Attach Description Short-Term Study Abroad Experience (7 days or more of international experience) Research-focused internship or co-op-type experience Attach Description Presentation of research study at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum or meeting of professional society Publication of research paper in a refereed journal, (research related to Honors Thesis) Publication of research paper in a refereed journal, (research NOT related to Honors Thesis) Other, as approved by the College of Engineering Undergraduate Honors Committee 15 5 10 5 10-15 15-20 TBD (20 max) Points Subtotal. SCHEDULE B. GRAND TOTAL (Earned and Planned) Minimum = 20 points Earned Planned Enter if completed Enter if not completed Pts Term/Yr Pts Term/Yr (estimated) GHIE Review SCHEDULE C. LEADERSHIP & SERVICE COMPONENT Add information as requested for items you have completed or are planning to complete. Points Per Item Item Application Earned Planned Enter if completed Pts Term/Yr Enter if not completed Pts Term/Yr (estimated) Leadership on Engineering Student Project Team Year Project Team Role 5 pts/yr (max 10) Officer of Student Organization (Non-Honorary) Year Student Organization Role 5 pts/yr (max 10) Officer of Student Organization (Honorary) Year Student Organization Role 5 pts/yr (max 10) Member of Department, College, University Committee Year Committee 5 pts/yr (max 10) Volunteer Service (1 pt for every 10 hours service, must submit verification) Year Organization Hours 1 – 10 pts Other, as Approved by the College of Engineering Honors Committee (Attach Description) Item / Activity / Description 1 – 10 pts Points Subtotal. SCHEDULE C. GRAND TOTAL (Earned and Planned) Minimum = 10, Maximum = 30 SUBMISSION: Save a personal copy and submit/email to: Barry, 244 Hitchcock Hall, 2070 Neil Avenue (614-292-7923) GHIE Review