11/809 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CARDIFF UNIVERSITY POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE HELD ON TUESDAY 27 MARCH 2012, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, MAIN BUILDING AT 5.00 PM Present: Mr J Jeans (Chair), Vice-Chancellor, Mr M Coates-Walker, Mrs S Gwyer-Roberts and Mr R N Roberts. In attendance: Mr S Allin, Mr J Dunlop, Mr R Eales, Mrs S Orton and Dr CB Turner. Apologies for absence were received from Mr G Clarke, Rev. G Powell, Ms S Reid, Professor E Treasure and Professor T Wess. 27 PRELIMINARIES NOTED that the Chair had taken executive action to appoint Mr RN Roberts to membership of the Committee [vice Sir Jon Shortridge]. 28 MINUTES NOTED that the Minutes of the meeting of Policy and Resources Committee held on 29 November 2011 (11/523) were signed as a correct record by the Chair. 29 MATTERS ARISING 29.1 Pensions [vide Minute 20.13] NOTED 29.2 .1 that officers had been in touch with the LG Pension Fund actuary to obtain more information on the valuation of the Fund, its assets and liabilities; .2 that a letter would be sent to the Pension Fund trustees, suggesting possible courses of action, following an analysis of the information received from the actuary. Value for Money and Risk Management Annual Report [vide Minute 21.2] NOTED 29.3 .1 the view that it would be helpful to assess the risks on the register both before and after mitigating factors are applied as this would help to better identify the impact of mitigation; .2 that a further break-down of where responsibility lay for risk ownership/ management would be helpful. Students’ Union Building [vide Minute 24.1] NOTED that work on identifying long-term maintenance and possible improvements to the building had begun, including a survey of trees in the vicinity of the building. 1 11/809 30 FINANCIAL MATTERS 30.1 HEFCW Remit Letter Received and considered paper 11/742, ‘Higher Education Funding Council for Wales Remit Letter 2012-13’. NOTED .1 that the HEFCW Remit letter for 2012-13 provided a reasonable steer as to the direction of Assembly priorities and did not contain anything that would change significantly the direction of policy or strategy at the University; .2 that there was no mention of the regional agenda; .3 that the commitment to HE reconfiguration was re-stated; .4 that there would be a pre-legislative consultation exercise on a proposed Further and Higher Education (Wales) Bill that would include consultation on governance matters, including the McCormick Review; .5 that the Minister would be proposing the introduction of a code of governance for HEI governing bodies and that HEFCW had been directed to develop a more “direct line of sight” into institutional governance; .6 that there were no amendments to the full-time fee planning guidance and the remit letter reiterated that no full-time undergraduate student ordinarily resident in Wales would pay higher fees during the lifetime of the Assembly; .7 that there had been a delay in issuing guidance in respect of part-time students and that the University’s Fee Plan Group would take forward the necessary work as appropriate; .8 that the cap on full-time undergraduate student numbers remained, with the possibility that any over-recruitment might result in grant reduction in order to cover the increased student support costs; .9 that HEFCW would be monitoring bursary levels to Welshdomiciled students compared to others and that the University was also benchmarking against main comparators; .10 that the Remit Letters also covered evidence of embedding employability skills into the curriculum and actions to improve research quality and income, including assisting with the implementation of the new Science Policy for Wales and the selective allocation of QR funding to promote collaboration both within and outside Wales; .11 that the Recurrent Grant [Public Investment Fund] Letter should be published by the end of March 2012. 2 11/809 30.2 Finance Group and Finance Report Received and considered papers 11/53B, Finance Group Minutes, 12 March 2012 and 11/47BR, ‘Finance Report – January 2012’. NOTED .1 that, in future the Finance Group would consider the Finance Report in detail and Policy and Resources Committee would consider the headline outcomes, approving items within its remit and making recommendations to Council on other matters requiring approval; .2 that consideration of the University’s finances was a continuous, iterative process; .3 that there were underlying assumptions about School balances and financial estimates and that there sometimes appeared to be differences between the forecasts prepared by central administration and those produced by Schools; .4 that loss of funding from the HEFCW teaching grant could impact on both the end of year surplus and cash balances though the position was likely to improve by 2015 when most home/EC undergraduates would be paying £9K fees; .5 that cash balances would need to be used to fund capital expenditure and that careful stewardship of the University’s finances over the last several years had produced a relatively healthy position with regard to cash balances and this will be helpful in sustaining the University through the financial challenges of the next 2-3 years; .6 that the forecast surplus for 2011-12 remained at M£5.4. RESOLVED 31 .7 that the Secretary to Policy and Resources Committee should clarify the relative responsibilities of the Finance Group and the Policy and Resources Committee as part of the interim review of committees at the end of year; .8 that in future a short covering paper to the Finance Group Minutes and Report would be helpful. IMPLEMENTING AND RESOURCING THE RESEARCH STRATEGY Received and considered paper 11/151, ‘Implementing and Resourcing the Research Strategy’. NOTED 31.1 that University Management Board had considered a range of proposals at its meeting on 21 March 2012 and that four proposals had been brought forward for approval by Policy and Resources Committee; 3 11/809 31.2 that the four proposals, together worth a maximum investment of M£9.5, would place a severe strain on the Strategic Investment Fund, resulting in a projected deficit of c.M£30 by 2015/16; 31.3 Serious Brain Power initiative .1 that the funding for this initiative would affect the baseline staff costs for the University and thus be a recurrent, rather than a one-off cost; .2 that work has been done to ensure that the additional staff costs can be absorbed by the Schools when the initiative funding comes to an end; .3 that candidates would be expected to bring in research income and that previous experience of a similar exercise indicated that cost recovery would occur within 3-5 years of appointment; .4 that most staff recruited through the initiative would be expected to teach as well as conduct research, though there may be some research-only contracts; .5 that the proposal, following the interview process, was to recruit up to 27 staff in two categories [professors and fellows] but at different grades and salary costs; .6 that there would be central and School support for each post, moving to School funded in due course; .7 that it was important that, alongside this initiative, the University took steps to deal with under performance of staff and identify and tackle pockets of poor teaching in Schools; .8 that the PCUTL programme was being extended to include more long-serving members of staff with a view to helping staff to improve teaching performance; .9 that addressing poor teaching performance was a concern for students, alongside the issue of relevant and timely feedback; .10 that the University’s Assessment Matters project was seeking to address the quality and timeliness of feedback and improving the consistency of assessment methods and criteria. RESOLVED .11 that provision of up to an additional M£2 be approved for the Serious Brain Power initiative, subject to the following caveats: improving performance management across the University; that the initiative should be self-sustaining over a reasonable period of time; a recognition that the approval would add a fixed-cost to the University’s finances; 4 11/809 31.4 that there was a need to move quickly to secure recruitment and that a plan to deal with a failure to recruit should be developed; a commitment to enhance teaching as well as research standards across the University. Equipment for University Research Institutes NOTED .1 that a change in external funding had resulted in a shortfall of funding for equipment for the two Research Institutes to be housed in the Hadyn Ellis Building; .2 that the request was for a one-off investment and that, should additional funding be secured, the need to call on the funding from SIF would reduce or disappear. RESOLVED .3 to approve University support of up to M£2 to fund equipment for the University Research Institutes in the Hadyn Ellis Building, M£1 from the Strategic Investment Fund and M£1 from endowment funds; .4 that a further update on this investment should be brought to the Committee at a later date. FURTHER RESOLVED 31.5 that a decision on the remaining two proposals for funding for the Large Research Equipment Fund and the President’s Research Scholarships Scheme be postponed until the next meeting of the Committee; 31.6 that a revised paper should be presented to the May meeting, to include assumptions for expenditure and income, and the impact on the Strategic Investment Fund over the period up to 2015/6. 32 INFRASTRUCTURE 32.1 Projects and Campus Developments Update Received and noted paper 11/737, ‘Projects and Campus Developments Update’. NOTED the excellent progress being made on the Hadyn Ellis Building. 32.2 IT Infrastructure Received and noted paper 11/744, ‘IT Infrastructure’. NOTED the University’s investment in ARCCA, including funding to replace the Merlin supercomputer which was now at an advanced stage in the procurement process. 5 11/809 33 ALCOHOL AND DRUG MISUSE POLICY Received and considered paper 11/736, ‘Alcohol and Drug Misuse Policy’. NOTED 33.1 that it was important to find an appropriate balance between actively supporting staff with an alcohol or drugs misuse problem and the need to deal with performance issues; 33.2 that it was important that a Policy be approved and implemented prior to the University’s submission for the Corporate Health Standard assessment; 33.3 that there had been extensive consultation with trade unions and management prior to being published for consultation to the wider University community; 33.4 that, inter alia, the following issues were discussed: the issue of including prescription drug abuse in the Policy’s definition of drug misuse; that paragraphs 5.6 and 11.1 should be amended to read ‘may’ rather than ‘will’; that there was concern among staff on how to deal with line manager/senior staff members who might have an alcohol or drug dependency problem; potential issues arising from the confidentiality clause in the Policy and circumstances, for example health and safety reasons, under which it might prove necessary to inform colleagues of a potential problem; that independent medical advice would be sought before a decision in respect of paragraph 11.1 would be made; that, alongside the Policy, specific guidance on the occasions when alcohol may be provided in a University context would be developed. RESOLVED 33.5 to approve the draft Alcohol and Drugs Misuse Policy for implementation in advance of 27 April 2012, subject to the comments above; 33.6 to recommend that authority be delegated to the Chair of Council to approve the final text of the Policy. 34 CARDIFF PEOPLE Received and considered paper 11/748, ‘Cardiff People’. NOTED 34.1 that the replacement of the current HR system [Compel] would be in two stages, the first being the implementation of the e-recruitment system 6 11/809 (now in place) and the second involving the core HR and Payroll package; 34.2 that the e-recruitment system had recently gone live and the only major problem so far had been in relation to drawing down information from the English to the Welsh pages, for which a “work around” had been developed as a temporary measure; 34.3 that the second phase involved mapping the organisational structure of the University and that, so far, 40% had been achieved; 34.4 that a parallel payroll would run for at least 2 months and would continue until the University was satisfied that the new system was functioning correctly; 34.5 that it was hoped to run the first payroll on the new system in July; 34.6 that implementation of the first tranche of the core programme remained on course for October 2012, subsequent programme tranches would have staged implementation dates in the following months; 34.7 that consultation was on going on proposals to restructure staff support for the new systems, particularly when employee and manager selfservice was implemented; 34.8 that a number of staff have already gained alternative employment in the University through the redeployment process and that, should Grade 5 and above staff be affected, a business case would be brought to Council in line with redundancy procedures. 35 ANY OTHER BUSINESS NOTED 35.1 continued support from the Welsh Government for the Welsh Optometric Postgraduate Education Centre [WOPEC] in OPTOM; 35.2 that the Students’ Union was congratulated on two successes at the recent Welsh NUS conference: 36 CU Students’ Union winning the Students Union of the Year award; Sam Reid winning the Student Unionist of the Year award. UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT BOARD MINUTES Received and noted papers 11/493, 11/560, 11/632 and 11/685 being the Minutes of the University Management Board of 23 November, 21 December, 25 January and 22 February respectively. Arising therefrom 36.1 Student Report [vide UMB Minute 54.8, 21 December] NOTED that the Vice-Chancellor would discuss the feasibility and options for the provision of transport between Newport Road, Heath 7 11/809 Park and Cathays Campuses with the Director of Physical and Financial Resources. 37 FOR INFORMATION NOTED that the following papers were received by the Committee: 38 Chair’s Action Report Vice-Chancellor’s Fund – Expenditure Approvals DATE OF NEXT MEETING 11/740 11/739 NOTED that the next meeting would be on Tuesday 8 May 2012 at 5.00pm. 8X