Preferred Travel Agency Announcement

From: Gulliver, Deborah
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 8:46 AM
Subject: Preferred Travel Agency Announcement
Dear MSU Travelers and Travel Arrangers:
After campus-wide involvement in the selection process, MSU has hired Conlin Travel and Anthony
Travel for the provision of travel services to Michigan State University. Conlin Travel will replace Altour
as the preferred agency to service the university’s business travel needs. Anthony Travel will directly
service MSU Athletics.
We are working with the agencies to ensure a smooth conversion this fall. More information will be
forthcoming regarding training and other items. Please contact Debbie Gulliver, MSU Travel Manager,
with questions.
Yours in Travel,
Debbie Gulliver
University Travel Manager
Michigan State University
(517) 355-0343