CMPS 1033 – Introductory Topics in Computing – Web Design (Honors) Assignment # 1: Email Email to Dr. Halverson: Due – Monday, August 30 – 11:59 p.m. Email me using my MSU address – ALWAYS put 1033 in the subject line of your emails to me. In the body of the email, write a short paragraph (using correct punctuation and grammar) telling me about yourself. Include your major and minor, where you live, and at least 2 other interesting facts about yourself. In the body of the message include 3 hyperlinks to web sites that have computer related current events and/or news. I will click on the links to guarantee they work and go to an actual site with the required information, so check them before sending. (Do not just put in general sites like The page that comes up when I access the link must have computer information on it.) Attach a picture of yourself. It must be a separate attachment, not in the body of the email. If there are 2 or more people in the photo, your email must tell me which one is you! (Please save the photo as .jpeg or .jpg before attaching to save storage space.) The email you use to send this assignment is the email address I will use to send course information to you, so please send it from the address you will check most often. Students are encouraged (but not required) to use the MSU account that is provided to all students. Information is available on the MSU homepage.