NAME Click on Learn the Basics. 1. Why do they believe the Earth’s climate is changing? Because the earth is getting warmer n people are adding heat trapping gases to the atmosphere. 2. How long can carbon dioxide stay in the atmosphere?\ Some where between 100-500 years, but the average duration was around 200-300 years. Learn more about the climate. 3. What is climate? Climate is the average temperature and weather in the certain place for many years. Example, the weather in Hawaii was warm n humid all year long. 4. Describe global warming. Global warming is the average temperature of the earth that increase every year. 5. What are some changes caused by rising global temperatures? Countries will get hurricanes, melting glaciers, and the animal extinction. Next 6. What is released when you burn fossil fuels? The green house gas was released when we burn fossil fuels. 7. What are green house gases? Green house gases is a type of gas which traps heat in the atmosphere, which makes the earth warmer. 8. How do green house gases help Earth? Green house gases traps the heat in the atmosphere so that the earth can be warm. The Greenhouse Effect 9. Describe the greenhouse effect. Green house affect is a process which traps heat in the atmosphere. The earth’s surface absorbs some of the energy from the sunlight and heats up and the earth cools down by giving off a different form of energy that was called infrared radiation. Before the radiations escape to outer space, the green house gases absorb some of it and keeps the atmosphere. Greenhouse Gases 10. Which greenhouse gas do humans produce large amounts of? Carbon dioxide. 11. How much heat does methane trap compared to carbon dioxide? Methane traps 30% if the heat and Carbon dioxide traps 54.7% of the heat. 12. Tell me more about each of the major greenhouse gases. (carbon dioxide, methane, other gases, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases) Carbon dioxide is the most important green house gas produced by humans. Methane is a natural gas which makes attractive fuel but because it is a gas at normal conditions, methane is difficult to transport from its source. 13. How does water vapor affect global warming? Water vapor has a strong affect on weather and climate and fi there is more water vapor in the atmosphere, the earth will get warmer. All About Carbon Dioxide 14. Describe the carbon cycle. Carbon Cycle is a process which all the carbon atoms rotate. When the wood decades ago could provide carbon dioxide through photosynthesis became a part of plant. Then when we eat the plant, the carbon that was in the plant will become a part of us. The Earth’s Climate in the Past 15. How long ago was the Earth formed? The earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. 16. What clues tell us about Earth’s climate in the past? The rocks, fossils, ice, trees, corals that remain from the past. 17. What is happening to the Earth’s carbon dioxide levels and temperatures? The earth’s climate had been changed for many times and the temperatures and carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increase and decrease in a cyclical pattern. Changes in the Earth’s orbit 18. How does the Earth’s orbit change? The earth orbit around the sun and changes over time, and it tilts toward the sun. 19. What effect does this have? It affects how much of the sun’s energy the earth absorbs, which turns to affect the temperature of the earth. Changes in the Sun’s energy 20. Describe how the Sun’s energy changes? When there are sun spots move across the surface of the sun. When it happens, the sun gives more slightly more energy which makes the earth a bit warmer. Photosynthesis 21. How did photosynthesis change the atmosphere? Plants take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and replace it with oxygen. Photosynthesis will changed the atmosphere by adding more oxygen to the air while reducing the amount o green house gases. Volcanic Eruptions 22. How do volcanic eruptions affect the Earth’s atmosphere and temperature? When the volcano erupt, they spew hot lava. SO they add carbon dioxide into the atmosphere along with the dust, ash, and aerosols. When there is more carbon dioxide, the green house gases won’t trap all those carbon dioxide and the earth will becomes warmer.